Ch. 35 Notes PDF

Title Ch. 35 Notes
Course AP United States History
Institution High School - USA
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Kevin Hou

Chapter 35 Notes


Yalta: Bargain or Betrayal? 

In February 1945, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met in Yalta to discuss plans for the end of WWII. o Plans were made for the occupation of Germany and that Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania would have free elections; however, Stalin ultimately broke this agreement. o Plans to create the United Nations were also discussed. o Stalin was given control of China’s railroads, which gave Russia control over China’s industrial centers if they helped in Japan.

The United States and the Soviet Union  

The US ignored Russia’s plea for a $6 billion reconstruction plan while we gave Britain a $3.75 billion loan. USSR sought to expand its “sphere of influence” through a series of soviet friendly countries. This directly contradicted FDR’s dream of a demilitarized and democratized world. o Each country believed the unrestrained expansion of its own form of government.

Shaping the Postwar World 

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference by the western allies to promote world trade with regulated currency exchange rates. o World Bank was also founded at that conference to promote economic growth in underdeveloped countries. The US took the lead in creating these international organizations. The UN charter was signed by 50 nations. o Bernard Baruch wanted to create a separate UN-like agency with power over nuclear weapons; however, neither the US nor the USSR wanted to give them up.

The Problem of Germany  

Nazi leaders were tried for war crimes at Nuremberg, Germany. US believed that Europe needed Germany to rebuild after WWII while the Russians feared another German caused war. o Separate views of reconstruction in Germany resulted in splitting up of Germany and Berlin.  West Germany became an independent nation while East Germany was a soviet bound entity. o Berlin was surrounded by Soviet territory. The soviets tried to enforce a blockade of berlin to prevent the allies from entering to deliver resources.  The US flew in many supplies and the blockade was ultimately lifted.

The Cold War Deepens

Kevin Hou

Chapter 35 Notes


George F. Kennan came up with the ‘Containment Doctrine” which stated that the USSR could be contained by being firm and vigilant. o Truman embraced this ideology when Congress passed the Truman doctrine. This gave financial aid to Greece and other countries resisting communism. After WWII, France, Germany, Italy, and other countries were suffering economically and were threatened by communist party takeover. o The US implemented the Marshall Plan which gave $12.5 billion in aid to 16 of these countries. Within a few years, Europe was thriving and communism parties lost support in Europe.

America Begins to Rearm 

The Department of Defense, led by the Secretary of Defense, was created in 1947 with the National Security Act to counter the Soviet threat. o The 3 heads of military (navy, army, air force) were brought together to create the Joint Chiefs of Staff. o National Security Act also created the National Security Council to advice the president on security and the CIA to coordinate international espionage. The US joined NATO in 1948. The pact pledged that each nation regard an attack on another nation in the treaty as an attack on all nations in the pact. o A major departure from US isolationism and led to a unified Europe and heightened militarisms of Cold War.

Reconstruction and Revolution in Asia 

General Douglas MacArthur was given control of democratizing Japan. o Japan cooperated because they recognized that by cooperating, they would speed up the reconstruction to allow the US to de-occupy Japan faster.  A constitution dictated by Douglas MacArthur was imposed in Japan that created a Western Style democracy government. In 1949, Chiang-Kai Shek’s Nationalist government in China fell to Mao’s communist government. o A major loss for the U.S. in the Cold War as ¼ of the world’s population fell to communism. USSR exploded first nuke in 1949, which prompted Truman to order the development of the Hydrogen Bomb. o US detonated H-bomb in 1952, and the USSR followed suite in 1953. This was a dangerous escalation of the arms race.

The Korean Volcano Erupts 

Korea was divided up when Japan collapsed in 1945: the USSR controlled north of the 38th parallel and the US controlled south of that line. Opposing governments were set up.

Kevin Hou

Chapter 35 Notes


The National Security Council Memorandum Number 68 (NSC-68) outlined US national security strategy. Military spending would be quadrupled and there would be increased use of containment policy. North Korea invades South Korea in 1950. The US overreacts and sends a massive army of air and naval units to support South Korea. o The UN was responsible for sending troops, but the US sent most of the troops.

The Military Seesaw in Korea 

By September of 1950, MacArthur had pushed the North Koreans past the 38th parallel; however, Chinese communist “volunteers” aided the North Korean army, pushing US forces back to the 38th parallel.

The Cold War Home Front 

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Loyalty Review Board was launched in 1947 to investigate possible communist spies in the government. o Dennis v. United States (1951) sent 11 communists to prison for supporting the overthrow of the American government. The Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) was created in the House in 1938 to investigate communist government opposition. o The Smith Act was the first peacetime sedition act. o Congressmen Richard Nixon led the conviction of Alger Hiss.  This jumpstarted an era of communist witch hunting. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death for stealing US nuclear bomb blueprints for the USSR. They were only people ever given death penalty for espionage. Senator Joseph McCarthy accused the Secretary of State for employing communists. o This led to the idea of McCarthyism, the practice of spreading treasonous accusations without evidence. This practice flourished during the Cold War. o McCarthy’s run ended when he went too far and accused the US army. The armed forces were desegregated by Executive Order 9981 because blacks were so helpful in WWII (Tuskegee airmen).

Postwar Economic Anxieties 

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Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947 which outlawed closed (all-union) business. o All union leaders had to take an anti-communism oath. o US economy struggled in the initial post-war years because of wartime inflation. Operation Dixie tried to unionize southern textile and steel workers but failed due to fear of racial mixing. Employment Act of 1946 created a 3-member Council of Economic Advisors to advise the president on economic policies.

Democratic Divisions in 1948

Kevin Hou

Chapter 35 Notes


Republicans chose Thomas E. Dewey as their presidential candidate while the democrats chose Truman. o Truman’s nomination split the democrats because he supported civil rights for blacks and the southern democrats did not like that.  Truman still won the election and was reelected president. Truman supported the Point Four program which lent American money to underdeveloped countries. o He wanted to support these countries before they succumbed to communism. Domestically, Truman supported the Fair Deal program, which called for improved housing, full employment, minimum wage, and improved Social Security. o Congress only passed parts of the program in the Housing Act of 1949: improvements were made in the Social Security Act of 1950.

The Long Economic Boom, 1950-1970  

American accounted for 40% of the world’s wealth in this era. The US economy grew rapidly and the middle class expanded. o The increased economic prosperity was due to increased productivity due to improved technology and education. Women were also able to work in many more jobs. o Rise of sex-segregated service jobs aka pink collar jobs.

The Roots of Postwar Prosperity 

Large increases in military spending helped sustain the economic growth experienced by the US in this era. o Mechanization and fertilizers helped increase agricultural productivity which led to overall US economic boosts.

The Smiling Sunbelt  

The economic prosperity caused people to migrate around the country more than before. The “Sunbelt” refers to a 15-state stretch of land from the southern ends of Virginia to California. o The population in this area grew twice as fast as the northeast (Frostbelt) o This area of land was given a lot more federal money than other parts of the country.  In contrast, the rustbelt was hit especially hard because it received very little federal funds. The rustbelt is the industrial region of the Ohio Valley.

The Rush to the Suburbs 

Home ownership became increasingly popular so many white people fled to the suburbs to buy new homes.

Kevin Hou

Chapter 35 Notes


The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the Veterans Administrations (VA) made home-loan guarantees, which made it more economical to own a home in the suburbs than rent an apartment in the cities. o The “white flight” to the suburbs left many inner cities poverty stricken. o The FHA often refused blacks home mortgages, limiting black mobility out of the city.

The Postwar Baby Boom 

In the 15 years following 1945, the birth rate in the US exploded. o By 1973, birth rates had dropped below rates needed to sustain the population influx....

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