Chapter 33, 35, 38 - Lecture notes 10 PDF

Title Chapter 33, 35, 38 - Lecture notes 10
Course The United States from the Colonial Era to the Civil War
Institution Hunter College CUNY
Pages 4
File Size 52.4 KB
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notes on hoover, roosevelt, wartime, peacetime, impact on war...


APUSH - Chapter 33 - Essential Question 33.1 “EXPLAIN” What the difference between H personally and politically? There were any differences between Hoover personally. Hoover was a Republican and Roosevelt Laissez Faire, small government and no governmen big government, and the government is responsible Hoover was more of an individualist and volunteers to help with citizens needs, but he did want the econ Hoover, Roosevelt wanted to help with the people’s 33.2 “EXPLAIN” What were Roosevelt’s goals of help America get out of the Great Depression? The New Deal was Roosevelt’s goal to get A Acts were put into place to get every kind of Americ farmers, industrialists). The acts included the AAA, Relief Act, and Steagall Banking Reform Act. Presid economic programs with the goals of giving work to and financial practices, and recovery of the econom 33.3 “EXPLAIN” What were the main criticism, Roosevelt’s New Deal program?

Labor gained a lot under the Roosevelt admi 1932, only about 10% of the workforce was unioniz number was 35%. He also instituted reforms like ma created programs to employ excess labor with gover worked as well as he hoped is a different story, but i political support to the working classes and he did h dealing with the business community, he raised taxe of labor. He also used generally hostile rhetoric and business excess and a lack of regulation. 33.5 “EXPLAIN” What were the long and shortDeal? The New Deal was a golden ticket out of a d still had any form of hope, put their faith in the New put into place many acts to protect the people. Short that it created jobs for people to have instead of them were established to help people out, some even wor

APUSH - Chapter 35 - Essential Question 35.1 “EXPLAIN” How was America transformed economy? What were the steps that America took Axis powers? America transformed to a wartime economy the biggest things was the fact that women began w Mexicans also came in as resident workers during th the War Production Board was created to ensure tha things and that the focus was on products for war. B still in a depression. Once the war started, we got ou demand for wartime supplies. And though most men go into the war, women took over their jobs for them nearly almost all the men they could between the ag the boom for all the wartime supplies. 35.2 “EXPLAIN” What the impact of the War ha Americans had to go through forced rationin certain items that could help the war effort. The Of propaganda to keep citizens in good spirits. As in p Americans were willing to come together to help ou up for the war. Even the isolationists stopped what t going to the war. Especially after Pearl Harbor.

APUSH - Chapter 38 - Essential Question 38.1 “EXPLAIN” what was Kennedy’s New Fron played out, both domestically and internationally Kennedy’s administration? Kennedy's New Frontier was the name for th as President. Kennedy wanted equality among all pe rate, and to give aid to the poor. Kennedy's New Fro idea of a space race with the Soviet Union to see wh included in the new frontier was the Civil Rights mo the Peace Corps, a group of people who worked to a However, Kennedy never got to see the conclusion that he was assassinated during his term as presiden 38.2 “EXPLAIN” How did Kennedy and Johnson What were their goals and were these goals actua Kennedy and Johnson dealt with a lot of Civ and Johnson were supporters of civil rights. Their g helped to push this goal along because of things suc Civil Rights Act. These goals were closer to being m equality is a hard thing to achieve. 38.3 “EXPLAIN” What role did each of the presi Nixon) have on the Vietnam conflict?...

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