Ch 8 Answer KEY Articulations PDF

Title Ch 8 Answer KEY Articulations
Author Gabriella Liberti
Course Intro to Chem
Institution Rutgers University
Pages 7
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These are Chem practice notes for first exam. Intro to chemistry...


Joints – Practice Questions – ANSWER KEY

Matching Questions

Figure 8.1 Using Figure 8.1, match the following: 1) Periosteum. Answer: A 2) Articular cartilage. Answer: C 3) Joint (articular) cavity. Answer: B 4) Synovial membrane. Answer: E 5) Fibrous layer. Answer: D




Match the following: A) Flexion B) Circumduction C) Abduction D) Adduction 6) Moving a limb so it describes a cone in a space. 7) Movement of a limb away from the midline of the body. 8) Movement of a limb toward the midline of the body. 9) A bending movement that decreases the angle of the joint. Answers: 18) B 19) C 20) D 21) A

Multiple Choice Questions 10) A situation where the bones are connected exclusively by ligaments, cords, or bands of fibrous tissue is a ________. A) syndesmosis B) suture C) synchondrosis D) gomphosis Answer: A 11) The cruciate ligaments of the knee ________. A) tend to run parallel to one another B) are also called collateral ligaments C) prevent hyperextension of the knee D) attach to each other in their midportions Answer: C 12) Articular cartilage found at the ends of the long bones serves to ________. A) attach tendons B) produce red blood cells (hemopoiesis) C) provide a smooth surface at the ends of synovial joints D) form the synovial membrane Answer: C 13) Synchondroses and symphyses are examples of ________ joints. A) cartilaginous B) fibrous C) synovial D) periodontal Answer: A 14) On the basis of structural classification, which is a fibrous joint? DR. FINIZIO



A) symphysis B) synchondrosis C) pivot D) syndesmosis Answer: D 15) Connective tissue sacs lined with synovial membrane that act as cushions in places where friction develops are called ________. A) menisci B) bursae C) ligaments D) tendons Answer: B 16) Articulations permitting only slight degrees of movement are ________. A) amphiarthroses B) synarthroses C) diarthroses D) synovial joints Answer: A 17) Which of the following are cartilaginous joints? A) syndesmoses B) sutures C) synchondroses D) gomphoses Answer: C 18) Bending your head back until it hurts is an example of ________. A) flexion B) extension C) hyperextension D) circumduction Answer: C 19) Synarthrotic joints ________. A) are found only in adults B) characterize all cartilaginous joints C) are immovable joints D) have large joint cavities Answer: C 20) Fibrous joints are classified as ________. A) pivot, hinge, and ball and socket B) symphysis, sacroiliac, and articular C) hinge, saddle, and ellipsoidal D) sutures, syndesmoses, and gomphoses Answer: D DR. FINIZIO



21) In symphysis joints the articular surfaces of the bones are covered with ________. A) hyaline cartilage B) synovial membranes C) fibrocartilage D) tendon sheaths Answer: A 22) Synovial fluid is present in joint cavities of freely movable joints. Which of the following statements is true about this fluid? A) It contains enzymes only. B) It contains lactic acid. C) It contains hyaluronic acid. D) It contains hydrochloric acid. Answer: C 23) What are menisci (articular discs)? A) cavities lined with cartilage B) small sacs containing synovial fluid C) wedges of fibrocartilage that partially or completely divide the synovial cavity D) tendon sheaths Answer: C 24) What is moving a limb away from the midline of the body along the frontal plane called? A) abduction B) adduction C) flexion D) extension Answer: A 25) The terms inversion and eversion pertain only to the ________. A) hands B) feet C) arms D) hands and the feet Answer: B 26) The hip joint is a good example of a(n) ________ synovial joint. A) nonaxial B) uniaxial C) biaxial D) multiaxial Answer: D




27) Which ligament of the knee initiates the knee-jerk reflex when tapped? A) the patellar ligament B) the medial patellar retinacula C) the lateral patellar retinacula D) the extracapsular ligament Answer: A 28) Football players often sustain lateral blows to the extended knee. Which of the following is (are) damaged as a result? A) oblique popliteal and extracapsular ligaments B) suprapatellar ligament C) arcuate popliteal and the posterior cruciate ligaments D) tibial collateral ligament, medial meniscus, and anterior cruciate ligament Answer: D 29) Pointing the toes is an example of ________. A) circumduction B) plantar flexion C) pronation D) protraction Answer: B 30) Presence of a synovial cavity, articular cartilage, synovial membrane, and ligaments are characteristics of what type of joint? A) suture B) synchondrosis C) symphysis D) hinge joint Answer: D 31) Baseball pitchers often require "Tommy John" surgery to repair damage to their elbow. Which ligament would this surgery target? A) ulnar collateral ligament B) anular ligament C) acetabular labrum D) lateral ligament Answer: A 32) An example of an interosseous fibrous joint is ________. A) the clavicle and the scapula at the distal ends B) the radius and ulna along its length C) between the vertebrae D) between the humerus and the glenoid cavity Answer: B




33) Which of the following is NOT strictly a part of a synovial joint? A) joint (articular) cavity B) tendon sheath C) articular cartilage D) articular (joint) capsule Answer: B 34) Performing "jumping jacks" requires ________. A) flexion and extension B) pronation and supination C) abduction and adduction D) inversion and eversion Answer: C 35) Moving your jaw forward, causing an underbite, is called ________. A) protraction B) pronation C) adduction D) retraction Answer: A 36) Which of the following conditions is joint inflammation or degeneration accompanied by stiffness, pain, and swelling? A) arthritis B) Lyme disease C) rheumatoid arthritis D) osteoarthritis Answer: A 37) An individual with a "double-jointed" thumb can pull it back towards the wrist much farther than normal. What does it mean to be "double-jointed?" A) The joint capsules and ligaments are more stretchy and loose than normal. B) The additional joint present doubles the range of motion. C) Greater than normal production of serous fluid lubricates the joint and extends it. D) Articular cartilage at bone ends is replaced with hyaline cartilage. Answer: A 38) Which joint does NOT belong with the others? A) interphalangeal (toes) B) elbow C) ankle D) wrist Answer: D




39) Which joints are correctly matched? A) interphalangeal; plane B) elbow; pivot C) ankle; hinge D) wrist; saddle Answer: C




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