Ch26 - practice questions for the chapter PDF

Title Ch26 - practice questions for the chapter
Author victoria kabbani
Course Biology
Institution Athabasca University
Pages 58
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practice questions for the chapter...


Package Title: Testbank Course Title: pap15e Chapter Number: 26 Shuffle: Yes Case Sensitive: No

Question type: Multiple Choice

1) Which is not a major function of the kidney? a) regulation of blood ionic composition b) regulation of blood cell size c) regulation of blood volume d) regulation of blood pressure e) regulation of blood pH Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Bloomcode: Knowledge Learning Objective 1: LO 26.1 Describe the major structures and functions of the urinary system. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.1 Overview of the Urinary System

2) This is the formation of a new glucose molecule. a) glycolysis b) gluconeogenesis c) glucosamine d) glucose e) calcitriol Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.1 Describe the major structures and functions of the urinary system. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.1 Overview of the Urinary System

3) Which of the following is a waste product normally excreted by the kidneys?

a) urea b) glucose c) insulin d) cholesterol e) carbon dioxide Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Bloomcode: Knowledge Learning Objective 1: LO 26.1 Describe the major structures and functions of the urinary system.Section Reference 1: Sec 26.1 Overview of the Urinary System

4) This is smooth dense irregular connective tissue that is continuous with the outer coat of the ureter. a) adipose capsule b) renal capsule c) renal hilus d) renal cortex e) renal medulla Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.1 Describe the external and internal gross anatomical features of the kidneys. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys

5) The portion of the kidney that extends between the renal pyramids is called the a) renal columns b) renal medulla c) renal pelvis d) calyces e) renal papilla Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys

Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.1 Describe the external and internal gross anatomical features of the kidneys. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys

6) Which is the correct order of blood flow through the kidneys? a) renal artery > segmental artery > interlobular artery > peritubular capillaries > afferent arterioles b) interlobar arteries > arcuate arteries > glomerular capillaries > arcuate veins c) arcuate veins > arcuate arteries > glomerular capillaries > renal vein d) renal vein > segmental arteries > interlobar arteries > efferent arterioles e) interlobar veins > afferent arterioles > efferent arterioles > glomerular capillaries Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Bloomcode: Synthesis Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.2 Trace the path of blood flow through the kidneys. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys

7) Which is the correct order of filtrate flow? a) glomerular capsule, proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), nephron loop, distal convoluted tubule (DCT), collecting duct b) nephron loop, glomerular capsule, PCT, DCT, collecting duct c) ascending limb of loop, PCT, DCT, collecting duct d) collecting duct, DCT, PCT, collecting duct, glomerular capsule e) PCT, glomerular capsule, DCT, collecting duct, nephron loop Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.3 Explain the structure and histology of the nephron and collecting duct. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.3.1 Describe the parts of a nephron. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.3The Nephron

8) Which structure of the nephron reabsorbs the most substances? a) glomerular capsule b) nephron loop

c) ascending limb d) collecting duct e) proximal convoluted tubule Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.6 Describe tubular reabsorption and secretion. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.6.2 Describe how specific segments of the renal tubule and collecting duct reabsorb water and solutes. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.6 Tubular Reabsorption and Tubular Secretion.

9) This is the structure of the nephron that filters blood. a) glomerulus b) nephron loop c) ascending limb d) collecting duct e) renal tubule Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.4 Identify the three basic functions performed by nephrons and collecting ducts, and indicate where each occurs. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.4 Overview of Renal Physiology

10) This term means the return of substances into the blood stream from the filtrate. a) reabsorption b) filtration c) secretion d) excretion e) none of these choices Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.5 Describe glomerular filtration. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.5.2 Discuss the pressures that promote and oppose glomerular filtration.

Section Reference 1: Sec 26.5 Glomerular Filtration

11) This is a nephron process that results in a substance in blood entering the already formed filtrate. a) reabsorption b) filtration c) secretion d) excretion e) none of these choices Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.4 Identify the three basic functions performed by nephrons and collecting sucts, and indicate where each occurs. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.4 Overview of Renal Physiology

12) Glomerular capillaries and podocytes together form the a) glomerular endothelial cells b) filtration membrane c) pedicels d) filtration slits e) slit membrane Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.5 Describe glomerular filtration. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.5.1 Describe the filtration membrane. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.5Glomerular Filtration

13) This occurs when stretching triggers contraction of smooth muscle walls in afferent arterioles. a) glomerular filtration rate b) tubulomerular feedback c) myogenic mechanism d) renal autoregulation

e) capsular hydrostatic pressure Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.5 Describe glomerular filtration. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.5.1 Describe the filtration membrane. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.5 Glomerular Filtration

14) This occurs when a substance passes from the fluid in the tubular lumen through the apical membrane, across the cytosol, and then into the interstitial fluid. a) paracellular reabsorption b) transcellular reabsorption c) apical reabsorption d) basolateral reabsorption e) active transport Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.6 Describe tubular reabsorption and secretion. Learning Objective 2: LO26.6.1 Describe the routes and mechanisms of tubular reabsorption and secretion. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.6 Tubular Reabsorption and Tubular Secretion.

15) The proximal convoluted tubules reabsorb what percentage of filtered water? a) 25% b) 50% c) 65% d) 80% e) 99% Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.6 Describe tubular reabsorption and secretion. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.6.1 Describe the routes and mechanisms of tubular reabsorption and secretion.

Section Reference 1: Sec 26.6 Tubular Reabsorption and Tubular Secretion.

16) Which of the following is NOT a way angiotensin II affects the kidneys? a) It increases GFR b) It can decrease GFR c) It enhances reabsorption of certain ions d) It stimulates the release of aldosterone e) None of these choices Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Analysis Learning Objective 1: LO 26.5 Describe glomerular filtration. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.5.2 Discuss the pressures that promote and oppose glomerular filtration. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.5 Glomerular Filtration

17) Urea recycling can cause a buildup of urea in the a) renal capsule b) nephron loop c) ascending tubule d) renal medulla e) renal pelvis Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.7 Describe how the renal tubule and collecting ducts produce dilute and concentrated urine. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.7 Production of Dilute and Concentrated Urine

18) Increased secretion of hydrogen ions would result in a(n) ______________ of blood ____________? a) increase, pressure b) decrease, volume c) increase, sodium levels d) decrease, pH e) increase, urea

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Analysis Learning Objective 1: LO 26.6 Describe tubular reabsorption and secretion. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.6.2 Describe how specific segments of the renal tubule and collecting duct reabsorb water and solutes. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.6 Tubular Reabsorption and Tubular Secretion.

19) Increased secretion of aldosterone would result in a(n) [dropdown 1] of blood [dropdown 2]? Dropdown 1 choices: decrease increase Dropdown 2 choices: calcium levels pH potassium sodium volume Answer 1: increase Answer 2: sodium Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Analysis Learning Objective 1: LO 26.6Describe tubular reabsorption and secretion. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.6.2 Describe how specific segments of the renal tubule and collecting duct reabsorb water and solutes. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.6 Tubular Reabsorption and Tubular Secretion.

20) An analysis of the physical, chemical, and microscopic properties of urine is called a) urinalysis b) filtration study c) concentration study d) diuretic e) osmolarity Answer: a Difficulty: Easy

Bloomcode: Knowledge Learning Objective 1: LO 26.8 Explain urinalysis and renal plasma clearance. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.8.1 Define urinalysis and describe its importance. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.8 Evaluation of Kidney Function

21) Water accounts for what percentage of the total volume of urine? a) 25% b) 50% c) 75% d) 80% e) 95% Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Bloomcode: Knowledge Learning Objective 1: LO 26.7 Describe how the renal tubule and collecting ducts produce dilute and concentrated urine. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.7 Production of Dilute and Concentrated Urine

22) This is a test to measure kidney function. a) Plasma creatinine b) Renal study c) Kidney assay d) Dialysis e) Hilus study Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.8 Explain urinalysis and renal plasma clearance. Learning Objective 2: LO26.8.1 Define urinalysis and describe its importance. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.8 Evaluation of Kidney Function

23) This transports urine from the kidney to the bladder. a) Urethra b) Ureter c) Descending nephron loop d) Renal hilus

e) None of these choices Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Bloomcode: Knowledge Learning Objective 1: LO 26.9 Describe the anatomy, histology, and physiology of the ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.9 Urine Transportation, Storage, and Elimination

24) This layer of the ureter is composed of connective tissue, collagen and elastic fibers. a) Mucosa b) Transitional epithelium c) Lamina propria d) Adventitia e) Lamina elastica Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.9 Describe the anatomy, histology, and physiology of the ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.9 Urine Transportation, Storage, and Elimination

25) This lies in the anterior corner of the trigone of the bladder. a) Urethral sphincter b) Adventitia bundle c) Ureter d) Internal urethral orifice e) Muscularis bundle Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.9 Describe the anatomy, histology, and physiology of the ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.9 Urine Transportation, Storage, and Elimination

26) This is composed of dense irregular tissue that runs continuous with the ureter.

a) A b) B c) C Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.1 Describe the external and internal gross anatomical features of the kidneys. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys

27) This layer’s main function is to protect the kidney from trauma and hold it in place within the abdominal cavity.

a) A b) B c) C Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.1 Describe the external and internal gross anatomical features of the kidneys.

Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys

28) This layer runs deep to the peritoneum on the anterior surface of the kidneys.

a) A b) B c) C Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys

Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.1 Describe the external and internal gross anatomical features of the kidneys. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys

29) This can be divided into the cortical zone and the juxtamedullary zone.

a) A b) D c) E d) F e) G Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Analysis Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.1 Describe the external and internal gross anatomical features of the kidneys. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys

30) Each kidney can have anywhere from 8 to 18 of these.

a) I b) J c) K d) L e) H

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.1 Describe the external and internal gross anatomical features of the kidneys. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys

31) This structure is the apex of a renal pyramid.

a) E b) D c) G

d) K e) L Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.1 Describe the external and internal gross anatomical features of the kidneys. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys

32) Urine formed by the nephrons first drains into these.

a) H

b) I c) J d) K e) L Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.1 Describe the external and internal gross anatomical features of the kidneys. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys

33) What two structures comprise the renal corpuscle?

a) A and B b) C and D c) E and F d) K and L e) N and O Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension

Learning Objective 1: LO 26.3 Explain the structure and histology of the nephron and collecting duct. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.3.1 Describe the parts of a nephron. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.3 The Nephron

34) Where is the distal convoluted tubule?

a) D b) E c) J d) K

e) L Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.3 Explain the structure and histology of the nephron and collecting duct. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.3.1 Describe the parts of a nephron. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.3 The Nephron

35) Where is the arcuate vein?

a) E b) F c) G d) H e) I Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension

Learning Objective 1: LO 26.3 Explain the structure and histology of the nephron and collecting duct. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.3.1 Describe the parts of a nephron. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.3 The Nephron

36) Where is the ascending limb of the nephron loop?

a) C b) D c) J

d) K e) L Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.3 Explain the structure and histology of the nephron and collecting duct. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.3.1 Describe the parts of a nephron. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.3 The Nephron

37) Where is the corticomedullary junction?

a) G b) J c) M d) N e) O Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension

Learning Objective 1: LO 26.3 Explain the structure and histology of the nephron and collecting duct. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.3.1 Describe the parts of a nephron. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.3 The Nephron

38) Where is the papillary duct?

a) C b) F c) H d) N

e) O Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.3 Explain the structure and histology of the nephron and collecting duct. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.3.1 Describe the parts of a nephron. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.3 The Nephron

39) What does line “M” point to?

a) Arcuate artery b) Arcuate vein c) Collecting duct d) Descending loop e) Efferent arteriole Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension

Learning Objective 1: LO 26.3 Explain the structure and histology of the nephron and collecting duct. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.3.1 Describe the parts of a nephron. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.3 The Nephron

40) What is line “C” pointing to?

a) Distal convoluted tubule b) Interlobular artery c) Efferent arteriole

d) Arcuate artery e) Corticomedullary junction Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.3 Explain the structure and histology of the nephron and collecting duct. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.3.1 Describe the parts of a nephron. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.3 The Nephron

41) What is line “A” pointing to?

a) Fenestration b) Pedicel c) Filtration slit d) Basal lamina e) Lumen of the glomerulus Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.5 Describe glomerular filtration.

Learning Objective 2: LO 26.5.1 Describe the filtration membrane. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.5 Glomerular Filtration

42) What is line “B” pointing to?

a) Fenestration b) Pedicel c) Filtration slit d) Basal lamina e) Lumen of the glomerulus Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.5 Describe glomerular filtration. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.5.1 Describe the filtration membrane. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.5 Glomerular Filtration

43) What is line “C” pointing to?

a) Fenestration b) Pedicel c) Filtration slit d) Basal lamina e) Lumen of the glomerulus Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.5 Describe glomerular filtration. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.5.1 Describe the filtration membrane. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.5 Glomerular Filtration

44) What is line “D” pointing to?

a) Fenestration b) Pedicel c) Filtration slit d) Basal lamina e) Lumen of the glomerulus Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Bloomcode: Comprehension Learning Objective 1: LO 26.5 Describe glomerular filtration. Learning Objective 2: LO 26.5.1 Describe the filtration membrane. Section Reference 1: Sec 26.5 Glomerular Filtration

Question type: Essay

45) Describe the flow of blood through the kidneys.

Difficulty: Hard Bloomcode: Analysis Learning Objective 1: LO 26.2 Describe the anatomy of the kidneys Learning Objective 2: LO 26.2.2 Trace the path of blood flow through the kidneys.

Section Reference 1: Sec 26.2 Anatomy of the Kidneys Solution: Kidneys receive 20 to 25% of the resting cardiac output via the renal arteries. The renal arteries branch to form segmental arteries, which branch to form interlobar arteries (through renal columns) to arcuate arteries (over bases of pyramids) to interlobular arteries. The interlobular arteries branch to form afferent arterioles to each nephron. Afferent arterioles branch to form glomerular capillaries where...

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