Chap 2 - Theories of Human Development - Google Docs PDF

Title Chap 2 - Theories of Human Development - Google Docs
Course Lifespan Engagement Development
Institution Pace University
Pages 15
File Size 239 KB
File Type PDF
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Chap 2 - Theories of Human Development...


Lifespan Engagement Chapter 2 - Theories of Human Development Nature v nurture: !nature influences v influences outside of the person Activity-passivity: !the extent to which humans are active in creating and influe environments and in the process producing their own development, or are passi forces beyond their control Continuity-discontinuity: !changes people undergo are gradual or abrupt Developmental stages: !distinct phase of development characterized by a a part abilities, motives, emotions, or behaviors that form a coherent pattern Universality-context specific issue: !extent to which developmental changes ar humans, or are different across cultures, subcultures, task contexts, and individu Freud - !called attention to unconscious processes Psychoanalytic theory: !focused on the development and dynamics of the perso revolutionized thinking about human nature and human development- unconsci 1. Freud-( psychosexual theory) instincts from inside, sexual drive occurs stages of human development (5 stages- oral, anal, phallic, latent, genita 2. Erikson- (8 stages throughout life span birth to death) less focused on se more focused on social influences and development after adolescence Theory: Theorist



Activity-Passivity Continuity Discontin

Psychoanalytic Theory: Freud’s Psychsexual Theory

Biologically based sexual instincts motivate behavior & steer development through 5 psychosexual stages, oral to genital

More nature (biology derive developmental; early experience in the family influences it, too)

Passive (humans are influenced by forces beyond their control)

Discontin (stagelike

Psychoanalytic Theory: Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory

Humans progress through 8 psychosocial conflicts, from trust vs. mistrust to integrity vs. despair

Interactionist; nature and nurture equally


Discontin (stagelike

Learning Theory: Skinner’s Behavioral Theory

Development is the product of learning from the consequences of one’s behavior through operant conditioning

Mostly nurture

Passive (humans are shaped by environment)

Continuou (habits gradually increase o decrease i strength)

Learning Theory: Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory

Development is the product of cognition, as illustrated by observational learning and human agency

More nurture

Active (humans influence their environments)


Cognitive Developmental

Developmental Interactionist proceeds (maturation


Discontin (stagelike

Systems Theories: Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Model

Developmental takes many directions depending on transactions between a changing person and a changing environment

Nature and nurture co-acting, influencing one another


Both continuou and discontinu

Instincts: !inborn biological forces that motivate behavior Unconscious motivation: !power of instincts and other inner forces to influence without our awareness ID: impulsive!, irrational, and selfish part of the personality whose mission is to instincts; selfish side Ego: !rational side of the individual that tries to find realistic ways of gratifying Superego: !individuals internalized moral standards; moral side when there is ra Psychosexual stages (5): !oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital Freud Psychosexual Theory (5)

Erikson’s Psychosocial T

Stage (age range)


Stage (age range)


Oral Stage (birth-1 year)

Libido is focuses on the mouth as a source of pleasure obtaining oral gratification !from a mother figure is critical to later development

Trust vs. mistrust (birth - 1 year)

Infan trust to m respo is cri

Autonomy vs. shame and doubt (1-3 years)

Child to be

Anal stage (1-3 years) Libido is focused on the anus and toilet

Latent period (6-12 years)

Libido is !quiet (stops)! - psychic 1energy is invested in schoolwork! and play with same-sex friends- !sexual drive supressed

Genital stage (12 years or older)

Puberty !reawakens the sexual instincts as youths seek to establish mature sexual relationships and pursue the biological goal of reproductionpuberty occurs

Industry vs. inferiority (6-12 years)

Child impo acad keep peers will

Identity vs. role confusion (12-20 years)

Adol they estab voca other rema abou shou

Intimacy vs isolation (20-40 years)

Youn form with but m and e lonel isola

Generativity vs. stagnation (40-65 years)

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