Chap 4-PMC - Questions used for Quiz, Mid-term, Final exam PDF

Title Chap 4-PMC - Questions used for Quiz, Mid-term, Final exam
Course Integrated Marketing Communications
Institution Langara College
Pages 10
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Questions used for Quiz, Mid-term, Final exam...


1) When a network airs an ad placed by an advertiser on television, this reflect the __________ step of the communication process. a. escalating b. transmitting c. encoding d. submitting e. decoding Answer: b 2) After a communication message is developed, an organization has to transform the message into some attention getting form, such as print advertising or television advertising. This step in the communication process is called a. development. b. noise. c. transmission. d. encoding. e. decoding. Answer: d 3) Communication is defined as transmitting, receiving, and __________ information. a. remembering b. processing c. preparing d. discerning e. keeping Answer: b 4) When a marketer delivers a message, the message is sometimes not in line with customer attitudes or customers don't believe the message because the message delivered by the competition was more convincing. In the communication process this is referred to as a. encoding. b. decoding. c. transmission. d. noise. e. a bad message. Answer: d 5) The acronym ACCA stands for a. attitude, comprehension, conviction, action. b. attitude, comprehensiveness, conviction, action. c. awareness, comprehension, conviction, attitude. d. awareness, composition, conviction, action. e. awareness, comprehension, conviction, action. Answer: e 6) In this stage of the communication process, the customer learns something for the first time. a. action

b. transmission c. encoding d. decoding e. awareness Answer: e 7) Sue just finished watching a commercial for Tide laundry detergent and decided to add Tide to her shopping list for the week. This step in the communication process is referred to as a. comprehension. b. action. c. trial. d. conviction. e. awareness. Answer: d 8) At this stage in the communication process, the consumer is expressing interest and the message is seen as relevant. a. comprehension b. conviction c. purchase d. action e. awareness Answer: a 9) According to the FCB grid, long-copy, informative advertising plays an important role for products in which quadrant? a. Quadrant 4 - emotional and low importance b. Quadrant 3 - rational and low importance c. Quadrant 5 - logical and inexpensive d. Quadrant 2 - emotional and high importance e. Quadrant 1 - rational and high importance Answer: e 10) The theory of communications that revolves around the degree of involvement the consumer has with a product in the purchase decision-making process is called a. the involvement theory. b. the FCB Grid. c. DAGMAR. d. ACCA. e. DMP. Answer: b 11) High involvement products such as designer clothing, which are bought on emotion to make the consumer feel good or show status, fall under this quadrant according to the FCB grid. a. Quadrant 1 b. Quadrant 5 c. Quadrant 4

d. Quadrant 3 e. Quadrant 2 Answer: e 12) According to the FCB grid, advertisers of low involvement products that require rational decisions, like furniture polish, should focus on a. long, rational messages. b. lifestyle advertising. c. short, catchy slogans. d. "feel-good" messages. e. technical advertising. Answer: c 13) According to the FCB grid, advertisers of low involvement products purchased on an emotional basis, such as beer, should focus on a. emotional advertising. b. informative advertising. c. lifestyle messages. d. short, catchy slogans. e. demographics messages. Answer: c 14) "Motivating distributors to carry a product" and "encouraging trial purchase" are examples of a. strategic objectives. b. marketing communication objectives. c. advertising objectives. d. marketing objectives. e. corporate objectives. Answer: b 15) A document developed by a client organization that contains vital information about the advertising task at hand, such as marketing background information and communication objectives, is called a a. background brief. b. creative brief. c. communication plan. d. strategic plan. e. marketing plan. Answer: b 16) __________ is a paid-for message communicated through the media by an identified sponsor. a. Advertising b. Sales Promotion c. Marketing Communications d. Personal selling e. Publicity

Answer: a 17) Essential information that provides direction for creative development is provided in a document known as the creative brief. This is provided by the a. agency. b. industry. c. sales team. d. market place. e. client. Answer: e 18) The statement "to create or increase brand awareness" would fall under which section of a creative brief? a. creative objectives b. marketing information c. advertising objectives d. problem identification e. creative strategy Answer: d 19) Typically, advertising campaigns are designed to resolve a specific problem or a. increase market share. b. to increase overall sales. c. attack the competition. d. pursue an opportunity. e. modify pricing. Answer: d 20) Which of the following would NOT be an appropriate advertising objective? a. sales b. interest c. preference d. awareness e. new targets Answer: a 21) The statement: "To achieve an awareness of 75% for Brand X in the defined target market within 6 months of product launch" is an example of a(n) a. advertising objective. b. communication objective. c. problem. d. corporate objective. e. marketing objective. Answer: a 22) A campaign for a new product launch will usually have the following as an advertising objective. a. interest

b. action c. awareness d. new image e. new targets Answer: c 23) For an established brand in growth or mature markets, the objective is to stand out from competing brands. In this case, the advertising objective would focus on a. encouraging trial purchase. b. attracting new target markets. c. creating interest. d. creating awareness. e. encouraging preference. Answer: e 24) The market for cell phones is very competitive and several brands are strong. Many companies in this market probably focus on quantifying an advertising objective in the following area. a. awareness b. action c. preference d. interest e. new targets Answer: c 25) A statement that clearly indicates the information to be communicated to the target audience is called a(n) a. advertising objective. b. creative objective. c. marketing objective. d. corporate objective. e. problem statement. Answer: b 26) The basic selling idea and primary benefit of Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion is that it leaves a person's skin feeling very soft. This would be that product's a. key benefit statement. b. slogan. c. creative objective. d. advertising objective. e. positioning. Answer: a 27) When determining what to say about a brand and how to say it, creative planners refer to the _____________ for context. a. creative objective. b. client evaluation.

c. advertising objective. d. creative execution. e. research plan. Answer: c 28) The key benefit statement is a. the primary reason for buying the product instead of a competitive product. b. the main reason for choosing a particular agency. c. main creative idea behind a campaign. d. the reason for using marketing research. e. why certain media is used. Answer: a 29) Good support claims statements provide customers with a. a reason why they should choose an agency. b. a reason why they should buy the product. c. good taste and good nutrition. d. catchy slogans. e. the basic selling idea behind the product. Answer: b 30) In advertisements for Colgate toothpaste, the main promise Colgate makes is that their toothpaste helps fight tooth decay. The fact that Colgate is the only toothpaste to earn the Canadian Dental Association seal of approval is an example of a(n) a. key benefit statement. b. creative strategy statement. c. support claims statement. d. positioning statement. e. big idea . Answer: c 31) Tone and style and central theme or "big idea", fall under which section of the creative brief? a. marketing information b. advertising objective c. creative execution d. creative objectives e. creative strategy Answer: e 32) The three elements of creative strategy are: tone and style, central theme and a. communication objectives. b. media strategy. c. creative objectives. d. appeal techniques. e. positioning statement.

Answer: d 33) The glue that binds the various creative elements of a campaign together is also called the a. central theme. b. big idea. c. creative strategy. d. both A and B are correct e. both A and C are correct Answer: d 34) McDonald's ads usually include music and interactions among family members representing the tagline "I'm lovin' it." These ads use a(n) __________ appeal technique. a. positive b. lifestyle c. emotional d. humorous e. negative Answer: a 35) Which of the following is NOT an appeal technique used to execute creative strategy? a. fear b. negative c. positive d. neutral e. humorous Answer: d 36) For negative appeals, the product promise and benefits are based on a situation that the potential buyer would like to a. increase. b. buy. c. replace with a substitute. d. enjoy. e. avoid. Answer: e 37) One of the risks when advertisers present a(n) ___________________ is that it can wear out prematurely. a. emotional appeal. b. humour appeal. c. lifestyle appeal. d. negative appeal. e. positive appeal. Answer: b 38) The real issue with using a sexual appeal is a. the ads are quickly forgotten.

b. competitors will copy them. c. in the way it is used. d. they do not get a customer's attention. e. most clients dislike this appeal technique. Answer: c 39) Comparative appeal techniques are usually undertaken a. by using a fear technique. b. by a challenger. c. in the least positive manner. d. by all competitors in a small market. e. by the leader. Answer: b 40) The slogan for Buckley's Cough Mixture, "Tastes awful, but it works" is an example of the following appeal technique. a. humorous appeal b. celebrity endorsement c. fear appeal d. negative appeal e. emotional appeal. Answer: d 41) ______________ appeals presented effectively will arouse the feelings of an audience. a. Emotional b. Sexual c. Lifestyle d. Factual e. Comparative Answer: a 42) Advertisements using a lifestyle appeal are based on a. psychographic data. b. family income. c. ethnic data. d. geographic data. e. demographic data. Answer: a 43) When Maytag develops an ad for Maytag dishwashers that states facts on what the dishwasher will do, and is backed up with information for consumers, they are employing a(n) a. emotional appeal b. comparative appeal. c. factual appeal. d. lifestyle appeal. e. negative appeal.

Answer: c 44) Ads that simply state what the product will do and back it up with information that is easy for the consumer to understand are using the __________ appeal technique. a. simple b. factual c. positive d. emotional e. lifestyle Answer: b 45) During which stage of the creative development process do specific decisions have to be made regarding how to present the message? a. marketing tactics b. creative brief c. positioning strategy d. creative execution e. creative evaluation Answer: d 46) For products that want to make claims regarding performance, ___________ works well. a. demonstrations b. testimonials c. torture tests d. endorsements e. comparatives Answer: a 47) In testimonial advertising, the message and the product are usually presented by a. a celebrity. b. actors. c. cartoon characters. d. a prominent athlete. e. a typical user. Answer: e 48) An endorsement of a product or service is usually presented by an Association or a. a demonstration. b. a typical user. c. a doctor. d. actors. e. a celebrity. Answer: e 49) Which of the following is NOT a commonly used execution technique? a. product demonstrations

b. endorsements c. testimonials d. sexual appeals e. taglines Answer: d 50) The line "I Am What I Am" appears in Reebok's advertising campaigns. This is an example of a(n) a. tagline. b. appeal technique. c. headline. d. slogan. e. positioning statement. Answer: d Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Reference: 122-123 Skill: Applied...

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