Chap 6, 21-26 quiz - study guides PDF

Title Chap 6, 21-26 quiz - study guides
Course Problems In Management
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Chapter 6 quiz Creutzfeld-Jacob disease is also called "mad cow disease." -a spongiform encephalopathy of humans. caused by a viroid. caused by a chronic latent virus. initiated by an oncogenic virus. Glycoprotein spikes protruding from the outer surface of viral envelopes function as factors needed for site specific recombination. toxins. cell lysis factors. -factors that bind to host cells. Which of the following is not true of viroids? Viroids have no protein capsids. -Extracellular viroids have a lipid bilayer envelope. Viroid RNA does not serve as mRNA nor does it direct the synthesis of mRNA. Viroids are small circular ssRNA molecules. Viruses acquire envelopes around their nucleocapsids during adsorption. penetration. assembly. -release. replication. The mechanism of pathogenesis by prions may involve a conformational change in the prion protein (PrP) to an abnormal form. - True False Viral capsids are generally constructed without any outside aid once the subunits have been synthesized. This process is called spontaneous maturation. -self-assembly. self-maturation. facilitated assembly. Nonenveloped viruses most often gain access to eukaryotic host cells by -endocytosis. fusion with the host cell plasma membrane followed by entrance of the nucleocapsid into the cytoplasm. nucleic acid injection through the plasma membrane. pinocytosis. Viral envelopes are composed of proteins. carbohydrates. lipids. -All of the choices are correct.


One of the principal capsid shapes is a 20-sided figure with 12 evenly spaced corners referred to as a(n) ________ capsid. -icosahedral spiked buckeyball complex Helical Reverse transcriptase synthesizes -DNA from RNA. RNA from DNA. a negative RNA strand from a positive RNA strand. the positive RNA strand from a negative RNA strand. None of the choices is correct. Prions consist of proteins and have no apparent nucleic acid genome. - True False Viruses have all the following except definite shape. ultramicroscopic size. the ability to infect host cells. genes. -metabolism. The function of the viral protein coat is to protect the viral genetic material. -protect the viral genetic material and aid in the transfer of the viral genetic material between host cells. aid in the transfer of the viral genetic material between host cells. elicit the production of protective antibodies. Viruses are simple, noncellular, and lack mRNA. -True False Many of the enzymes found in virus particles are required for viral attachment to host cells. -involved in the replication of viral nucleic acid. involved in viral entry into host cells. All of the choices are correct. Viral tissue specificities are called receptacles. uncoating. -tropisms. ranges. virions.


Infectious naked strands of RNA that affect plants are called phages. spikes. -viroids. oncogenic viruses. prions. Most enveloped viruses use the host ________ membrane as their envelope source. nuclear -plasma mitochondrial none of these The nucleic acids carried by viruses usually consist of RNA. DNA. -either DNA or RNA. both DNA and RNA simultaneously

Chapter 21 & 22 quiz

Influenza is predominantly transmitted by the fecal-oral route. True -False Varicella zoster virus (human herpesvirus-3) has humans as its reservoir. uses the respiratory epithelium as its portal of entry. becomes latent in dorsal root ganglia that serve specific dermatomes. causes chickenpox and shingles. -All of the choices are correct. Rubella is -associated with congenital transmission causing miscarriage, deafness, and cardiac and mental defects. a very contagious disease. seen as high fever, severe sore throat, severe cough, and myalgia. caused by the measles virus (Morbillivirus). All of the choices are correct. Oral lesions called Koplik's spots are seen in patients with influenza. -measles (rubeola).


mumps. croup. rubella. The most likely mode of transmission of the common cold is by hand-to-hand contact between a rhinovirus donor and a susceptible recipient. -True False Which is incorrect about the MMR immunization? protects against three different viral diseases -contains toxoids contains attenuated virus is given in early childhood None of the choices is correct. Respiratory syncytial virus is a major cause of global respiratory infection outbreaks in infants 6 months of age or younger. -True False Which of the following drugs is (are) effective against cold sores? AZT and ddC Amantadine Protease inhibitors such as ritonavir -Valcyclovir and acyclovir Herpes keratitis is an infection of the eye. - True False In influenza virus, antigenic shift can result in major epidemics or pandemics. results from the accumulation of mutations in HA and NA in a single strain of flu virus. -results from reassortment of genomes when two different strains of flu viruses infect the same cell and can result in major epidemics or pandemics. results from reassortment of genomes when two different strains of flu viruses infect the same cell. Herpesviruses are double-stranded, nonenveloped DNA viruses. True -False (enveloped) Which of the following can stimulate a reactivation of the virus that causes cold sores? Emotional stress Ultraviolet light -hysical stress (fever, cold winds, trauma, hormonal changes) -All of the choices are correct. Respiratory syncytial virus is highly contagious. causes serious disease in infants 6 months old or younger.


cannot be prevented by vaccination at this time. is transmitted through droplet contact and fomite contamination. -All of the choices are correct. Smallpox is a disease that can only be transmitted by direct skin contact with skin crusts. in which recurrent episodes are called shingles. in which the virus becomes latent in ganglia of sensory neurons. -in which fever, prostration, rash, and possible toxemia and shock occur. All of the choices are correct. Influenza virus can exhibit constant mutation of viral glycoproteins called ________, or ________, a more serious phenomenon caused by the exchange of a viral gene with that of another influenza virus strain. antigenic shift, antigenic drift -antigenic drift, antigenic shift None of these is correct. Congenital rubella syndrome usually occurs in the time frame of the second trimester of pregnancy. -first trimester of pregnancy. third trimester of pregnancy. entire pregnancy. What critical role is often played by pigs in the epidemiology of influenza virus? -Pigs can become infected simultaneously with both human, avian, and swine varieties of influenza viruses, providing an opportunity for genetic recombination resulting in antigenic drift. Pigs are the reservoir for influenza virus and most humans become infected by contact with respiratory secretions of pigs. Pigs harbor influenza viruses that are much more virulent than avian strains and human strains. Pigs are the reservoir for influenza viruses and disease can be transmitted to humans by consuming undercooked pork. The most serious teratogenic effects of intrauterine rubella infection occur if it is acquired during the third trimester. True - False Respiratory syncytial virus is a major cause of global respiratory infection outbreaks in infants 6 months of age or younger. - True False

Chapter 23 & 24 quiz

Which is incorrect about hepatitis A infection? I-t predisposes a person for liver cancer. Immunoglobulin therapy helps decrease the severity. It is transmitted by the oral-fecal route.


It has flulike symptoms with discomfort near the liver and darkened urine. HAVRAX is an inactivated vaccine for prevention. All of the following pertain to genital warts except -are not common in the United States. certain strains strongly predispose a person to cancer of the cervix or penis. often occur on the penis, vagina, and cervix. are sexually transmitted. includes large cauliflower-like masses called condylomata acuminate. Most cases of viral gastroenteritis are accompanied by high fevers. True -False Acute viral gastroenteritis can be caused by the varicella zoster virus and rubeola virus. -norovirus and the rotavirus group. cytomegalovirus and hepatitis E. the Delta agent. Which of the following is the most notable symptom of infection with Norovirus? Headache Skin rash Fever -Vomiting Constipation The causative organism for mumps is Vibrio. Corynebacterium. Streptococcus pyogenes. Morbillivirus. -Paramyxovirus. Which of the following drugs is (are) effective against cold sores? -Valcyclovir and acyclovir Amantadine Protease inhibitors such as ritonavir AZT and ddC Acute viral gastroenteritis is the leading cause of death in -children in developing countries. children in the United.States. children in day care centers. children worldwide. The most common cause of liver cancer in the United States is HEV. HAV. -HBV. HCV.


HDV. Hepatitis B virus is principally transmitted by blood. has many chronic carriers. is transmitted to the newborn from chronic carrier mothers. transmission risks include shared needles, anal intercourse, and heterosexual intercourse. -All of the choices are correct.

There are vaccines for immunity to the hepatitis B virus. - True False Hepatitis B virus is principally transmitted by blood. has many chronic carriers. is transmitted to the newborn from chronic carrier mothers. transmission risks include shared needles, anal intercourse, and heterosexual intercourse. -All of the choices are correct. All of the following are true for HSV-2 except is reactivated by bacterial infections. -virus is only shed from active lesions. can infect oral mucosa. becomes latent in sacral ganglion. All of the choices are correct. Control measures for hepatitis B include vaccination of high-risk groups. passive immunotherapy within 7 days of exposure. -xcluding contact with contaminated materials. -All of the choices are correct. The leading reason for liver transplantation in the United States is ________. hepatitis D hepatitis B hepatitis A -hepatitis C The causative organism for mumps is Streptococcus pyogenes. Corynebacterium. Morbillivirus. Paramyxovirus. Vibrio.


Which of the following is the most notable symptom of infection with Norovirus? Constipation Fever -Vomiting Headache Skin rash The only body fluid that can transmit hepatitis B virus is blood. True -False

Chapter 25 & 26 quiz Hepatitis can be caused by cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus as well as by the hepatitis viruses. -True False A traveler returning to the United.States from India reported having a fever and severe joint pain. She mentioned that the mosquitoes had been particularly troublesome during her trip, and that she had taken the appropriate prophylactic antimalarial medications. What is a likely cause of her illness? Yellow fever Lyme disease West Nile virus -Chickungunya fever Malaria Which new class of drugs will interfere with docking onto host cells? -fusion inhibitors reverse transcriptase inhibitors protease inhibitors integrase inhibitors All of the choices are correct. The main route of transmission of the poliovirus is ________. respiratory secretions body contact -food and water Fomites HIV attacks a variety of cell types but the most critical are -T helper cells. red blood cells. platelets. nerve cells. Which drugs interfere with the action of an HIV enzyme needed for final assembly and maturation of the virus? -protease inhibitors reverse transcriptase inhibitors fusion inhibitors


integrase inhibitors All of the choices are correct. Spongiform encephalopathies are caused by prions. chronic, fatal infections of the nervous system. associated with abnormal, transmissible protein in the brain. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, kuru, and Gerstmann-StrausslerScheinker syndrome. =-All of the choices are correct. What is the most likely reason that bats, raccoons, and foxes readily become infected with the rabies virus, whereas opossums are resistant to infection? The rabies virus is unable to replicate once it has entered the opossum cells. Infected opossums do not shed rabies virus in their saliva. Opossums rarely contact other infected animals. -Opossums lack the appropriate receptor for the rabies virus. Which of the following is a hemorrhagic fever? trench fever cat-scratch fever Rocky Mountain spotted fever Q fever -yellow fever Which is true about prions? They are a normal brain protein that has folded differently. They are made of DNA and protein. -They cause a degenerative brain condition AND they are a normal brain protein that has folded differently. They cause a degenerative brain condition. They are naked pieces of RNA. Polio virus initially multiplies in the liver. CNS. nasal mucosa. -oropharynx and intestine. None of the choices is correct.

The Ebola virus causes ________. lassa fever encephalitis pulmonary syndrome -hemorrhagic fever The preferred preventative measure for polio in the United States is inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) developed by Albert Sabin.


oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) developed by Jonas Salk. -inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) developed by Jonas Salk. oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) developed by Albert Sabin. Which of the following is correct about the protease inhibitor drugs designed to treat HIV infection? They prevent entry of the virus into cells They result in lysis of virus particles -They slow the progress of the disease They cure the disease Negri bodies are produced within ________ of rabies-infected humans. the skin skeletal muscle -brain neurons connective tissue

In rabies, spasms of muscles for swallowing leads to a fear of water. -True False The poliomyelitis virus appears to selectively destroy mixed nerve cells. -motor nerve cells. sensory nerve cells. autonomic nerve cells.

Retroviruses have the following characteristics except enveloped. glycoprotein spikes. -DNA genome. reverse transcriptase. viral genes integrate into the host genome.



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