Chap006 - chapter 6 answer & question PDF

Title Chap006 - chapter 6 answer & question
Author Anh Tuấn
Course Orgranizational Behaviour
Institution Centennial College
Pages 84
File Size 761.8 KB
File Type PDF
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chapter 6 answer & question...


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

Chapter 06 Applied Performance Practices True / False Questions

1. People with a high power distance give money a low priority in their lives. True False

2. Research suggests that men and women differ in their attitudes towards money. True False

3. Compared with women, men give money a lower priority in their lives. True False

4. The largest portion of most pay checks is based on the person's membership and seniority. True False

5. One problem with seniority-based rewards is that they cause higher turnover. True False

6. Job evaluations systematically evaluate the worth of each job within the organization by measuring its required skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions. True False

7. Job evaluation mainly supports the competency approach to rewards. True False


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

8. Executive dining rooms represent a form of job status reward. True False

9. Job status-based rewards potentially motivate employees to compete with each other. True False

10. Job status-based rewards discourage employees from hoarding resources. True False

11. Competency-based rewards pay employees based on their performance results. True False

12. Skill-based pay plans give an employee a higher pay rate for those days that he or she performs two or more jobs at the same time. True False

13. Competency-based rewards tend to improve levels of product and service quality. True False

14. Competency-based rewards are consistent with the concept of employability. True False

15. One advantage of competency-based rewards is that measuring employee competencies is mostly done through objective measurement methods. True False


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

16. Gainsharing plans focus on cost reductions and increased labor efficiency. True False

17. Employee share ownership plans and share options are two types of organizational-level performance-based rewards. True False

18. Gainsharing plans apply to production jobs, not to services such as medical operations. True False

19. Employee share ownership plans and share options tend to create an "ownership culture" in which employees feel aligned with the organization's success. True False

20. Gainsharing and share-ownership reward plans create an "ownership culture" that is good for owners, but bad for employees. True False

21. Some critics argue that financial rewards discourage creativity and distract employees from the meaningfulness of the work itself. True False

22. One problem with linking rewards to job performance is that managers rely on different criteria when estimating employee performance levels. True False


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

23. The more employees see a direct connection between their daily actions and a reward, the more they are motivated to improve performance. True False

24. Companies should use individual-level performance-based pay when jobs are highly interdependent. True False

25. Team rewards increase employee preferences for team-based work arrangements. True False

26. Job specialization increases training costs and makes it more difficult for companies to match employee aptitudes to jobs for which they are best suited. True False

27. The economic benefits of job specialization were discovered in the 1950s. True False

28. Job specialization usually reduces the employee's work efficiency. True False

29. Job specialization increases work efficiency, but it tends to reduce employee motivation. True False

30. When Adam Smith reported on how 10 pin makers working together could produce many times more pins than if they worked alone, Smith was describing the benefits of job enrichment. True False


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

31. Scientific Management is the process of systematically dividing work into its smallest possible elements and standardizing work activities to achieve maximum efficiency. True False

32. The philosophy behind Scientific Management is to increase job enrichment and decrease job specialization. True False

33. Adam Smith introduced the principles of Scientific Management. True False

34. Frederick Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory casts more of a spotlight on the job itself (rather than the work environment) as an important source of employee motivation. True False

35. Motivator-Hygiene Theory suggests that people are mainly motivated by characteristics of the job itself, not by working conditions and other factors external to the job. True False

36. Motivator-Hygiene Theory highlights the idea that job content is an important source of employee motivation. True False

37. Jobs with a high level of task significance provide freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling the work and determining the procedures to be used to complete the work. True False


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

38. The Job Characteristics Model identifies five core job characteristics and three psychological states. True False

39. Task identity is the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the organization and/or larger society. True False

40. Employees assembling complete computer modems would have higher task identity than those assembling only one component and passing it along to others for further assembly. True False

41. Task identity is the main job characteristic related to job enrichment. True False

42. According to the Job Characteristics Model, experienced meaningfulness increases with the level of job feedback. True False

43. Increasing the core job characteristics will not increase employee motivation for those who lack the required skills. True False

44. All employees feel more motivated to perform their jobs when the core job characteristics are increased. True False


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

45. Companies sometimes introduce job rotation for reasons other than reducing job boredom. True False

46. Job enlargement increases skill variety. True False

47. Job enlargement increases an employee's growth needs. True False

48. A video journalist is someone who performs all jobs previously done by a traditional news team — from operating the camera to reporting the story. Thus, a video journalist is an example of job enlargement and job enrichment. True False

49. Research suggests that increasing job enlargement increases employee motivation almost as much as job enrichment. True False

50. Two ways to enrich jobs are by clustering jobs into natural groups and by establishing client relationships. True False

51. Forming natural work units tends to increase task identity and task significance. True False

52. Companies are applying job specialization when employees are made directly responsible for specific customers and having them communicate directly with those customers. True False


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

53. Job enrichment tends to increase the quality of products or services. True False

54. Empowerment is the process of putting employees in situations involving job rotation and job enlargement. True False

55. People are empowered when they feel self-determination, meaning, competence, and impact regarding their role in the organization. True False

56. One of the most important characteristics of empowerment is that it is a personality trait. True False

57. Employees are more likely to feel empowered in jobs with a high degree of autonomy, task identity, and task significance. True False

58. Empowerment flourishes in organizations with a learning orientation. True False

59. One problem with empowerment is that it tends to make employees less responsive to the company's needs and objectives. True False

60. Self-leadership involves finding ways to increase job specialization. True False


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

61. Self-leadership borrows ideas from social learning theory and research in sports psychology on constructive thought processes. True False

62. Self-leadership suggests that goals should be set by the employee's supervisor with or without the employee's involvement. True False

63. Positive self-talk motivates employees by increasing their effort-to-performance expectancy. True False

64. Self-leadership calls for employees to engage in negative self-talk to help them recognize their limitations. True False

65. Mental imagery is one of the most beneficial outcomes of job enrichment. True False

66. Mental imagery helps us to anticipate and work out solutions to potential obstacles in our work. True False

67. One element of self-leadership involves keeping track of our progress toward goals. True False

68. Self-leadership includes the practice of self-reinforcement. True False


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

69. People with a high level of conscientiousness have difficulty applying self-leadership strategies. True False

70. Self-leadership is dependant on the person and the situation. True False

71. Employees with a high degree of autonomy are more likely to engage in self-leadership. True False

Multiple Choice Questions

72. Most employee benefits are based on which type of reward system? A. Membership of the organization. B. Job status. C. Individual job performance. D. Competency. E. Corporate performance.

73. Which reward system tends to discourage poor performers from voluntarily leaving the organization? A. Membership and seniority-based pay. B. Skill-based pay. C. Piece-rate rewards. D. Competency-based pay. E. All of the answers are correct.


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

74. The problem with membership and seniority-based rewards is that: A. they discourage people from remaining with the organization. B. they are difficult to use in organizational settings. C. they do not directly motivate job performance. D. All of the answers are correct. E. they discourage people from remaining with the organization and they do not directly motivate job performance.

75. ___________ are often "golden handcuffs" that potentially increase continuance commitment. A. Gainsharing rewards B. Job status rewards C. Team-based rewards D. Competency-based rewards E. Membership/seniority rewards

76. Job status rewards usually offer which of the following benefits to organizations? A. They encourage employees to focus their attention on customer service. B. They discourage organizational politics. C. They make organizations more market responsive. D. They encourage employees to focus their attention on customer service and they make organizations more market responsive. E. None of the answers apply.

77. Job evaluations are used in which type of reward system? A. Competency-based rewards. B. Job status rewards. C. Individual performance rewards. D. Seniority-based rewards. E. None of the answers apply.


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

78. Which of the following systematically evaluates the worth of each job within the organization? A. Job enlargement. B. Job enrichment. C. Job evaluation. D. Job rotation. E. Companies do not use any procedure to systematically evaluate job worth.

79. Job evaluation and skill-based pay plans are both considered: A. competency-based rewards. B. membership/seniority-based rewards. C. performance-based rewards. D. status-based rewards. E. None of the answers apply.

80. Job status-based rewards: A. try to ensure that employees believe their pay is equitable compared to other people in the organization. B. motivate employees to compete for positions further up the organization. C. tend to encourage bureaucratic hierarchy. D. All of the answers are correct. E. motivate employees to compete for positions further up the organization and tend to encourage bureaucratic hierarchy.

81. Steelweld, a car parts manufacturer, pays employees a higher hourly rate as they learn to master more parts of the work process. Employees earn $10 per hour when they are hired and they can earn up to $20 per hour if they master all 12 work units in the production process. Steelweld is applying which of these reward systems? A. Skill-based pay B. Piece-rate pay C. Job evaluation system D. Seniority-based pay E. None of the answers apply.


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

82. Which of the following is most consistent with employability — namely, that employees are expected to continuously learn skills that will keep them employed? A. Competency-based rewards B. Job status rewards C. Job evaluation systems D. Individual performance-based rewards E. Competency-based rewards and job status rewards

83. Skill-based pay plans: A. discourage employees from learning new jobs. B. create a psychological distance between employees and managers. C. discourage poor performers from leaving the organization. D. can be expensive because they motivate employees to spend more time learning new jobs. E. All of the answers are correct.

84. Which of the following is an individual incentive? A. Gainsharing plans B. Piece-rate plans C. Share options D. Share ownership E. None of the answers apply

85. Which of the following is considered an individual incentive? A. Gainsharing plans B. Balanced scorecards C. Share options D. Share ownership E. None of the answers apply.


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

86. Which of the following is NOT an individual level performance reward? A. Piece rates B. Commissions C. Awards D. Gainsharing E. Bonuses

87. Which of these performance-based rewards tends to create the strongest psychological connection between the individual employee's work effort and the reward received? A. Profit sharing plan B. Gainsharing plan C. Employee stock ownership plan D. Employee stock option plan E. None of these rewards offer any psychological connection between the individual employee's work effort and the reward received.

88. A mid-sized city introduced a reward system whereby employees would find ways to reduce costs and increase work efficiency. Every employee would receive a portion of the surplus budget resulting from these cost savings. This city is using: A. a gainsharing plan. B. a commission system. C. a piece-rate plan. D. a share option plan. E. None of the answers apply.

89. Gainsharing plans tend to: A. increase efficiency without paying employees any financial reward. B. the employee pay directly to company profits. C. create a reasonably strong effort-to-performance expectancy. D. reward individuals for their own personal performance rather than team or organizational performance. E. increase efficiency without paying employees any financial reward creating a reasonably strong effort-to-performance expectancy.


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

90. Share option plans: A. are illegal in America. B. give employees the right to purchase company shares at a future date at a predetermined price. C. directly award bonuses to employees based on cost savings and increased labor productivity. D. tend to weaken employee commitment to the organization. E. give employees the right to purchase company shares at a future date at a predetermined price and tend to weaken employee commitment to the organization.

91. Which of the following is LEAST likely to create an ownership culture? A. Employee stock ownership plans B. Profit sharing plans C. Stock option plans D. Balanced scorecards E. None of the answers apply.

92. Which of the following tends to create an "ownership culture" and align employee behaviors more closely to organizational objectives? A. Job evaluation B. Commissions C. Share option plans D. Employee share ownership plans E. Stock option plans and employee stock ownership plans

93. Which of these performance-based rewards tends to create the lowest E-to-P expectancy? A. Share options B. Individual piece rates C. Gainsharing D. Individual commissions E. Team bonuses


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

94. When applied to non-management employees, which of these has a relatively WEAK connection between the reward and individual effort? A. Piece rate pay. B. Commissions. C. Profit-sharing bonuses. D. All of the answers are correct. E. Commissions and profit-sharing bonuses.

95. Performance-based rewards have been criticized on the grounds that: A. they undermine the employee's motivation from the work itself. B. they potentially distance employees and management from each other. C. they tend to discourage creativity. D. they are used as quick fixes for problems. E. All of the answers are correct.

96. When jobs are highly interdependent, employers should: A. avoid using any form of performance-based reward system. B. use a team-based reward. C. use an individual-based reward. D. use an organizational-based reward system. E. use a team-based reward and use an organizational-based reward system.

97. In 1436, the waterways of Venice were used to fully load 10 galleons with supplies in just six hours. As each vessel was towed along the narrow waterway, people at each house transferred munitions, cardage and other supplies to the passing vessel. By the end of the street, each vessel was fully loaded and ready for sailing. This event, known as the 'Arsenal of Venice', is an early example of: A. self-leadership. B. gainsharing. C. job specialization. D. constructive thought patterns. E. job rotation.


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

98. Which of the following is an advantage of job specialization? A. The quality of work increases. B. Jobs can be mastered quickly. C. Employees are more involved with their jobs. D. The work is less repetitive. E. Task specialization has no clear advantages to the organization.

99. Which of the following job design strategies tends to increase work efficiency? A. Job enlargement B. Job rotation C. Job enrichment D. Job specialization E. None of these strategies increases work efficiency

100. Scientific management includes which of the following? A. Assigning employees to fixed hourly wages. B. Systematically dividing a job into its smallest possible elements and assigning these divided tasks to employees who are best qualified to perform them. C. Combining tasks so employees perform an entire work process from beginning to end. D. Encouraging employees to set their own goals and have positive thoughts about their work performance. E. All of the answers are correct.

101. Which of these contemporary organizational behavior practices was popularized by Fredrick Taylor in his work on scientific management? A. Goal setting B. Job enrichment C. Membership and seniority-based rewards D. All of the answers are correct. E. None of the answers apply.


Chapter 06 - Applied Performance Practices

102. Which of the fo...

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