Chap013 - Test Bank PDF

Title Chap013 - Test Bank
Author Fadi Habash
Course Principles of Management
Institution American University of Middle East
Pages 103
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Chapter 13Motivation and PerformanceTrue / False Questions The concept of motivation is only concerned with the level of persistence of the worker. True False Persistence refers to how hard an employee works within the organization. True False Effort refers to how hard people work. True False Persis...


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

Chapter 13 Motivation and Performance True / False Questions

1. The concept of motivation is only concerned with the level of persistence of the worker. True False

2. Persistence refers to how hard an employee works within the organization. True False

3. Effort refers to how hard people work. True False

4. Persistence refers to the many possible behaviors a person could engage in. True False

5. Many managers are extrinsically motivated; they derive a sense of accomplishment and achievement from helping the organization achieve its goals. True False

6. Jobs that score high on the five characteristics of the Job Characteristics Model are more likely to lead to intrinsic motivation than jobs that are low on these characteristics. True False

7. Steve is a broker at a large financial company and gets his motivation from the commission on his sales. Steve is intrinsically motivated. True False


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

8. In extrinsically motivated behavior, the source of motivation is in the consequences of the behavior, and not in the behavior itself. True False

9. Drew knew if he didn't follow the company dress code he would be punished, so he reluctantly wore his tie every day. Drew's motivation is intrinsic. True False

10. People can be intrinsically motivated, extrinsically motivated, but cannot be both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated. True False

11. A person cannot be both prosocial and extrinsically motivated. True False

12. An employee's perception about the extent to which his effort will result in a given level of performance is known as expectancy. True False


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

13. Members of an organization are motivated to put forth a high level of effort only if they think that doing so leads to high performance. True False

14. Employees are motivated to perform at a high level only if they think high performance will lead to outcomes such as pay, job security, interesting job assignments, bonuses, or a feeling of accomplishment. True False

15. The term instrumentality refers to how desirable each of the outcomes available from a job or organization is to a person. True False

16. Providing employees with highly valent outcomes has the potential to reduce turnover. True False

17. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, higher level needs must be satisfied before lower level needs.


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

True False

18. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, the highest level of unmet needs in the hierarchy is the prime motivator of behavior. True False

19. According to the ERG theory, as lower-level needs become satisfied, a person seeks to satisfy higher-level needs. True False

20. According to Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, satisfying hygiene needs results in high levels of motivation and high levels of job satisfaction. True False

21. The need for affiliation is the extent to which an individual is concerned about having the people around him or her get along with each other. True False


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

22. Equity exists when a person perceives his or her own outcome-input ratio to be equal to a referent's outcome-input ratio. True False

23. Overpayment inequity exists when a person perceives that his or her own outcome-input ratio is less than that of a referent. True False

24. Goal-setting theory focuses on motivating workers to contribute their inputs to their jobs and organizations. True False

25. Goal-setting theory suggests that to stimulate high motivation and performance, goals must be specific but not difficult. True False

26. The basic premise of learning theories is that managers can increase employee motivation and performance by how they link the outcomes that employees receive to the performance of desired behaviors and the attainment of goals.


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

True False

27. By linking positive reinforcers to the performance of functional behaviors, managers motivate people to perform the desired behaviors. True False

28. Negative reinforcement is primarily used to present a negative consequence for behavior when functional behaviors are performed. True False

29. Punishment involves removing a negative consequence when dysfunctional behaviors occur. True False

30. Managers who use positive reinforcement can get into trouble if they are not careful to identify the right behaviors to reinforce. True False


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

31. Punishment entails the removal of a negative consequence when functional behaviors are performed; negative reinforcement entails the administration of negative consequences when dysfunctional behaviors are performed. True False

32. Vicarious learning is the same thing as "observational learning." True False

33. Vicarious learning is a strong source of motivation in which people learn by watching others. True False

34. Self-efficacy influences motivation when workers provide their own reinforcement, but not when managers provide reinforcement. True False

35. A compensation plan of an organization that bases pay on performance levels is called a merit pay plan.


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

True False

36. Profit sharing is a financial instrument that entitles the bearer to buy shares of an organization's stock at a certain price during a certain period or under certain conditions. True False

37. When an organization bases a sales representative's pay on the percentage of sales dollars generated by the rep, the organization is using a commission pay program. True False

Multiple Choice Questions

38. How hard an employee works on the job is referred to as: A. Persistence B. Effort C. Instrumentality D. Valence E. Equity


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

39. The degree to which an employee keeps trying when faced with obstacles to the accomplishment of a goal is referred to as: A. Instrumentality B. Equity C. Valence D. Effort E. Persistence

40. As a manager, Michael derives a sense of accomplishment and achievement from assisting his organization achieve its goals. Michael's motivation to perform is: A. Extrinsic B. Intrinsic C. Equity based D. Prosocial E. Monetary

41. A college professor who does her job well because she enjoys seeing students grow and learn is said to be: A. Extrinsically motivated B. Negatively reinforced C. Positively reinforced D. Intrinsically motivated E. Experiencing equilibrium

42. Behavior that is performed by an employee to acquire a material reward, to acquire a social reward, or to avoid punishment is referred to as: A. Extrinsically motivated B. Negatively reinforced C. Positively reinforced D. Intrinsically motivated E. Prosocially motivated


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

43. Steve is a broker at a large financial company and gets his motivation from the commission on his sales. Steve is: A. Extrinsically motivated B. Negatively reinforced C. Positively reinforced D. Intrinsically motivated E. Prosocially motivated

44. A worker in an automobile assembly line who chooses this type of work because of the job security it entails is said to be: A. Intrinsically motivated B. Experiencing overpayment inequity C. Experiencing underpayment inequity D. Extrinsically motivated E. Positively reinforced

45. All of the following are likely examples of intrinsic motivators EXCEPT: A. Interesting work B. A feeling of accomplishment C. Praise D. Autonomy E. Responsibility


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

46. All of the following are likely examples of extrinsic motivators EXCEPT: A. Praise B. Job security C. Benefits D. Vacation time E. Autonomy

47. Tom, a top manager at ExpressFed, derives a sense of accomplishment and achievement from managing a large corporation and strives to reach year-end targets to obtain his customary bonus. Tom is: A. Extrinsically motivated only B. Intrinsically motivated only C. Prosocially motivated only D. Negatively reinforced E. Extrinsically and intrinsically motivated

48. A surgeon who specializes in organ transplants and enjoys the challenge of performing complex operations, has a strong desire to help her patients regain their health and extend their lives through successful organ transplants, and also is motivated by the relatively high income she earns has high ______ motivation. A. extrinsic only B. intrinsic only


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

C. prosocial only D. intrinsic, extrinsic, and prosocial E. extrinsic and intrinsic only

49. One of the following theories specifically postulates that motivation of employees will be high when employees believe that a high level of effort on their part will lead to high performance on their part, but only when they believe that high performance leads to their attainment of outcomes that they desire (e.g. higher pay, promotion, etc.). Which theory does this? A. Expectancy theory B. Valence theory C. Hierarchy of needs theory D. Motivator-hygiene theory E. Goal-setting theory

50. An employee's perception about the extent to which her effort will result in a given level of her performance is known as: A. Valence B. Expectancy C. Instrumentality D. Equity E. Inequity


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

51. According to the expectancy theory, what is/are the major factor(s) that determine(s) a person's motivation? A. Valence only B. Expectancy only C. Instrumentality only D. Expectancy and instrumentality but not valence E. Expectancy, instrumentality and valence

52. An employee's perception of the extent to which his performance at a given level will result in outcomes he desires is known as: A. Instrumentality B. Inequity C. Valence D. Expectancy E. Punishment

53. Sandy announces at the morning staff meeting, that any sales member that exceeds a 15% increase in sales will receive a 15% commission. Sandy is promoting A. Expectancy B. Instrumentality C. Valence D. Equity


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

E. Hygiene

54. The desirability to an employee of each of the outcomes available from the employee's job or organization is known as: A. Instrumentality B. Expectancy C. Valence D. Equity E. Extinction

55. A manager makes sure the outcomes offered to subordinates for good performance are rewards they value. The manager is working on: A. Valence B. Instrumentality C. Expectancy D. Self-Actualization E. Goals

56. According to expectancy theory, high motivation will occur when: A. Expectancy is high. B. Instrumentality is high. C. Valence is high.


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

D. Any two of three factors—expectancy, instrumentality, or valence are high. E. Expectancy, instrumentality, and valance are all high.

57. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, individuals have ______ kinds of needs. A. seven B. three C. five D. two E. ten

58. Which of the following motivators is the most basic need in Maslow's hierarchy? A. Safety B. Belonging C. Physiological D. Esteem E. Self-actualization

59. RST Consulting hosts a huge holiday party for the entire office. What need is RST Consulting attempting to satisfy? A. Physiological B. Safety


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

C. Esteem D. Belongingness E. Self-actualization

60. According to Alderfer's ERG theory, if an individual becomes frustrated at a certain level of need, the person will then: A. Skip a level B. Continue to pursue the need, despite frustration C. Focus more on satisfying a lower level D. Quit trying to satisfying any need E. Become self-actualizing

61. In Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, needs that are related to the nature of the work itself and the degree of challenge contained in the work are known as: A. Motivator needs B. Expectancy needs C. Instrumentality needs D. Hygiene needs E. Valence needs

62. In Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, all of the following are examples of motivator needs EXCEPT:


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

A. Interesting work B. Responsibility C. Pay D. A sense of accomplishment E. Autonomy

63. In Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, needs that are related to the physical and psychological context in which the work is performed are known as: A. Motivator needs B. Hygiene needs C. Valence needs D. Expectancy needs E. Extinction needs

64. In Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, all of the following are examples of hygiene needs EXCEPT: A. Pay B. Responsibility C. Job security D. Good relationships with coworkers E. Effective supervision


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

65. Which theory helped to focus researchers' and managers' attention on the important distinction between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation? A. Maslow's Hierarchy Theory B. Alderfer's ERG Theory C. Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory D. McClelland's Needs Theory E. Equity Theory

66. The extent to which an individual has a strong desire to perform challenging tasks well and to meet personal standards for excellence is referred to as: A. The need for power B. The need for self-actualization C. The need for achievement D. The need for affiliation E. The need for actualization

67. What need(s) has (have) research found to be assets for first-line and middle managers to possess? A. Power B. Affiliation C. Achievement D. Both power and achievement


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

E. Power, affiliation, and achievement are all assets

68. What need(s) has (have) research found to be especially important for upper managers to possess? A. Power B. Affiliation C. Achievement D. Both power and achievement E. Power, affiliation, and achievement are all assets

69. A high ______ may not always be desirable in managers and other leaders because it might lead them to try too hard to be liked by others. A. need for affiliation B. need for esteem C. need for power D. need for self-actualization E. need for achievement

70. The theory of motivation that focuses on the people's perceptions of the fairness of their work outcomes relative to their work inputs is known as: A. Equity theory B. Valence theory


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

C. Instrumentality theory D. The needs hierarchy theory E. Motivator-hygiene theory

71. Lacy, an employee at Nationwide Cellular, perceives that her outcome/input ratio is higher than that of his coworker Julia. This is known as: A. Overpayment inequity B. Underpayment inequity C. The valence effect D. Positive reinforcement E. Extinction

72. What exists when a person's own outcome-input ratio is perceived to be less than that of a referent? A. The valence effect B. Extinction C. Negative reinforcement D. Underpayment inequity E. Overpayment inequity

73. Julia perceives that she is working harder and being paid less than a number of her coworkers. Julia is likely to:


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

A. Raise their perceptions of their own inputs B. Increase her working hours C. Be absent more D. Ask for more work

74. People experiencing overpayment inequity are most likely to: A. Raise their perceptions of their own inputs B. Ask for a raise C. Work slower D. Be absent more E. Raise their perceptions of others' inputs

75. The most motivating goals are: A. Specific and easy B. General and easy C. Specific and difficult D. General and difficult E. Specific and out of reach

76. Which theory focuses on motivating workers to contribute their inputs to their jobs and organizations in a way similar to expectancy theory and equity theory? A. Goal-setting theory


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

B. ERG theory C. Equity theory D. Operant conditioning theory E. Motivator-hygiene theory

77. Specific, difficult goals motivate people to: A. Contribute fewer inputs to their jobs B. Reduce their outputs C. Contribute more inputs to their jobs D. Contribute fewer outputs from their jobs E. Reduce their effort

78. Specific, difficult goals can detract from performance when: A. The employee is learning simple, easy tasks B. The employee is learning complex, difficult tasks C. The employee is performing routine tasks D. The employee has been on the job a significant amount of time E. The employee provides his own feedback

79. Which of the following theories describes how employees learn to perform behaviors that lead to desired consequences, and to avoid behaviors that lead to undesired consequences? A. Needs hierarchy theory


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

B. ERG theory C. Equity theory D. Operant conditioning theory E. Motivator-hygiene theory

80. When Alice makes it to work on time for an entire quarter, her manager, Dan, takes her off of probation. This is known as: A. Positive reinforcement B. Extinction C. Negative reinforcement D. Inequity E. Instrumentality

81. For most people, pay is considered to be: A. A negative reinforcer B. A positive reinforcer C. A negative valence D. Vicarious learning E. Self-efficacy

82. For most people, a promotion is considered to be: A. A negative valence


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

B. Self-efficacy C. Vicarious learning D. A positive reinforcer E. A negative reinforcer

83. For most people, praise from their superior is considered to be: A. A positive reinforcer B. A negative reinforcer C. Extinction D. Self-efficacy E. A negative valence

84. A manager removes a positive reinforcement in order to change the behavior of a subordinate. This is called: A. Extinction B. Positive reinforcement C. Negative reinforcement D. Instrumentality E. Valence

85. Negative reinforcement involves __________ negative consequences when functional behaviors are performed and punishment involves __________ negative consequences when


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

dysfunctional behaviors are performed. A. removing; removing B. administering; administering C. removing; administering D. administering; removing E. administering; implementing

86. When John violated the company's sexual harassment policy, Kyle had to suspend John for two weeks without pay. This is known as: A. Extinction B. Positive reinforcement C. Negative reinforcement D. Equity E. Punishment

87. OB Modification is based on the principles of: A. Learning Theory B. Maslow's Hierarchy C. Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory D. Equity Theory E. Operant Conditioning


Chapter 13 - Motivation and Performance

88. Which theory proposes that motivation re...

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