Chap014 - Test bank PDF

Title Chap014 - Test bank
Author boali Bo Ali
Course Principle of Management
Institution جامعة الملك فهد للبترول و المعادن‎
Pages 61
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Test bank...


Chapter 14 - Leadership


Learning Goal




1. Explain what leadership is, when leaders are effective and ineffective, and the sources of power that enable managers to be effective leaders.

1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 54, 55

2, 4, 5, 6, 36, 37, 48, 97, 98, 99

41, 42, 43, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 96

2. Identify the traits that show the strongest relationship to leadership, the behaviors leaders engage in, and the limitations of the trait and behavior models of leadership.

59, 61

11, 12, 13, 14, 60, 63, 64

62, 65, 66, 67, 100

3. Explain how contingency models of leadership enhance our understanding of effective leadership and management in organizations.

15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 26, 28, 69, 72, 73, 83

19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 68, 70, 71, 74, 79, 80, 81, 84 101

27, 29, 75, 76, 77, 78, 82, 102, 103

4. Describe what transformational leadership is, and explain how managers can engage in it.

30, 85, 87, 90 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 104

105, 106

5. Characterize the relationship between gender and leadership and explain how emotional intelligence may contribute to leadership effectiveness.

31, 32


Total number of test items: 108 True/false questions are in plain text. Multiple choice questions are in bold text. Short answer questions are in bold underlined text.


93, 94, 95, 108

Chapter 14 - Leadership

True / False Questions 1. When leaders are effective, their influence often detracts from goal attainment. True False

2. So-called "servant leaders" actually want others to serve themselves. True False

3. Research suggests that European managers tend to be more people-oriented than American managers are. True False

4. In general, U.S. organizations tend to have a long-run profit orientation. True False

5. In general, Japanese organizations tend to have a short-run profit orientation. True False

6. The authority that a manager has based on the manager's position in the organization's hierarchy is known as expert power. True False

7. The ability of a manager to give or to withhold outcomes is known as reward power. True False


Chapter 14 - Leadership

8. The ability of a manager to punish subordinates is known as negative reinforcement. True False

9. The power of a manager that is based on that manager's specialized knowledge or skills is known as referent power. True False

10. The power that comes from a manager's admiration and loyalty from subordinates and coworkers is known as transformational power. True False

11. Traits by themselves are the key to understanding leader effectiveness. True False

12. When leaders show their subordinates that they trust and respect them, this is known as consideration. True False

13. When leaders take steps to ensure that subordinates perform their tasks in an acceptable fashion, this is known as coercive leadership. True False

14. The research evidence clearly shows that a manager's performance of both consideration and initiating structure behaviors results in effectiveness of the manager. True False


Chapter 14 - Leadership

15. According to contingency models of leadership, the behaviors that make a manager effective in one situation are not necessarily the ones that will make that same manager effective in a different situation. True False

16. According to contingency theory, the same behaviors that help to make a manager an effective leader in one situation may result in this manager being an ineffective leader in another situation. True False

17. Contingency models of leadership take into account the context within which the manager acts. True False

18. Fiedler's contingency model of leadership helps to explain why a manager may be an effective leader in one type of situation and an ineffective leader in another situation. True False

19. According to Fiedler, task-oriented leaders are primarily concerned with developing good working relationships with their subordinates. True False

20. According to Fiedler, relationship-oriented leaders are primarily concerned with insuring that subordinates perform their work activities at a high quality level. True False

21. According to Fiedler, task-oriented leaders tend to describe their LPC in positive terms. True False


Chapter 14 - Leadership

22. According to Fiedler, the extent to which subordinates trust and are loyal to a leader is known as task structure. True False

23. According to Fiedler, the extent to which the work is clear-cut so that subordinates know what is expected of them is known as positive power. True False

24. The amount of legitimate power a leader has from her position in the organization's hierarchy is known as position power. True False

25. According to Fiedler, leader style is an enduring characteristic that mangers cannot change. True False

26. Path-goal theory focuses on what a leader can do to motivate subordinates to achieve organizational goals. True False

27. Path-goal theory is one of the contingency models of leadership. True False

28. Anything that acts in place of a leader so that leadership is unnecessary is known as a leadership substitute. True False

29. The leader substitutes model is not a contingency model of leadership. True False


Chapter 14 - Leadership

30. Transformational managers are charismatic leaders. True False

31. Research indicates that women are more participative as leaders than men. True False

32. A key finding in the research literature is that male and female managers do not differ significantly in their propensity to perform leader behaviors. True False

Multiple Choice Questions 33. The process by which one person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates, and directs their activities is known as: A. Empowerment B. Initiating structure C. Leadership D. Management E. Legitimate power

34. The person who inspires, motivates, and directs the activities of others so that they work toward organizational goals is known as a(n): A. Follower B. Leadership substitute C. Coercive leader D. Leader E. Manager


Chapter 14 - Leadership

35. The specific ways in which a manager chooses to influence others is known as that manager's: A. Legitimate power B. Coercive power C. Reward power D. Expert power E. Personal leadership style

36. In general, European managers tend to be __________ people-oriented than Japanese managers and __________ humanistic than American managers. A. More; less B. Less; less C. More; more D. Less; more E. None of the above

37. In general, U.S. organizations tend to have a __________ profit orientation and Japanese organizations tend to have a __________ profit orientation. A. Short-run; short-run B. Long-term; long-term C. Short-run; long-term D. Long-term; short-run E. None of the above

38. The ability of a leader to get others to act in certain ways is known as that leader's: A. Power B. Initiating structure C. Consideration D. Task-orientation E. Task structure


Chapter 14 - Leadership

39. Which of the following is NOT a type of power that leaders exert over subordinates? A. Reward power B. Referent power C. Legitimate power D. Coercive power E. Absolute power

40. The authority that a manager has because of his position in the organizational hierarchy is known as: A. Coercive power B. Legitimate power C. Reward power D. Referent power E. Expert power

41. When a manager has the power to hire a new manager for her division, we say that she has _________ power. A. Reward power B. Referent power C. Legitimate power D. Coercive power E. Expert power

42. When a manager negotiates with his superior to expand his authority to be allowed to initiate proposals for possible new product launches, we say that he has increased which type of power? A. Reward power B. Referent power C. Coercive power D. Legitimate power E. None of the above


Chapter 14 - Leadership

43. Which of the following is NOT an example of a tangible reward that a manager can give to a subordinate? A. An attractive job assignment B. A cash bonus C. A pay raise D. Praise E. All of the above

44. The ability of a manager to give or to withhold rewards to subordinates is known as: A. Reward power B. Legitimate power C. Expert power D. Referent power E. Coercive power

45. Which of the following is an example of the reward power of a manager? A. A pay raise B. A bonus C. A desirable job assignment D. Verbal praise E. All of the above

46. All of the following are examples of intangible rewards that a manager can give to a subordinate EXCEPT: A. A job assignment B. Verbal praise C. A "pat on the back" D. Respect E. None of the above is intangible


Chapter 14 - Leadership

47. The ability of a manager to punish subordinates is known as: A. Reward power B. Legitimate power C. Referent power D. Expert power E. Coercive power

48. Which of the following is an example of the coercive power of a manager? A. Reducing the working hours of a subordinate B. Dismissing a subordinate C. A verbal reprimand of a subordinate D. A pay reduction of the subordinate E. All of the above

49. Which type of power is based on the specialized knowledge and skills of the leader? A. Legitimate power B. Referent power C. Expert power D. Coercive power E. Reward power

50. Andrew Grove, CEO of Intel, holds a Ph.D. in chemical engineering and is very knowledgeable about the microprocessors that Intel produces. He advises an R&D scientist about a possible new product idea. Which type of power do we say Grove has? A. Expert power B. Empowerment power C. Transformational power D. Legitimate power E. Referent power


Chapter 14 - Leadership

51. Jim, a marketing manager, has had extensive experience as a product line manager. He advises a subordinate on a marketing plan. We say that Jim has which type of power in this situation? A. Coercive power B. Empowerment power C. Expert power D. Consideration power E. Relationship-oriented power

52. Bill Gates, the chairman of Microsoft, has a great deal of experience in software programming design. He advises an R&D manager about how to design a new type of software for personal computers. We say that Bill Gates has which type of power? A. Referent power B. Transformational power C. Delegatory power D. Legitimate power E. Expert power

53. Ford Motor Co. gives assembly-line workers the authority to shut down the production line whenever they believe that there is a quality defect in the production process. This would be an example of what type of transfer of authority to these workers? A. Empowerment B. Consideration C. Transformation D. Servant leadership E. Charismatic

54. The power of a leader that comes from the respect and loyalty of subordinates is known as: A. Reward power B. Legitimate power C. Coercive power D. Referent power E. Position power


Chapter 14 - Leadership

55. The process of giving all employees in the organization, regardless of their level of management, the authority to make decisions and to be responsible for their outcomes is known as: A. Consideration B. Leadership C. Empowerment D. Initiating structure E. Task structure

56. TWA gives its gate supervisor the authority to decide when to give a free ticket for a future flight to a passenger who has volunteered to give up his seat when a flight has been overbooked. This represents which type of transfer of authority to the gate agent? A. Empowerment B. Consideration C. Transformation D. Servant leadership E. Charismatic

57. A factory supervisor gives the responsibility to a production worker to reject any parts that worker feels do not measure up to the required quality standards. This represents which type of transfer of authority to this production worker? A. Empowerment B. Consideration C. Transformation D. Servant leadership E. Charismatic

58. A production supervisor delegates to a production worker the responsibility to schedule his own work activities depending on the job requirements on the daily schedule. What type of transfer of authority has occurred? A. Empowerment B. Consideration C. Transformation D. Servant leadership E. Charismatic


Chapter 14 - Leadership

59. Which model of leadership is based on the premise that effective leaders possess personal qualities that set them apart from ineffective leaders? A. Task-oriented model B. Path-goal model C. Contingency model D. Trait model E. Relationship-oriented model

60. Which of the following personal characteristics are managerial characteristics that are included in the trait model of leadership? A. Skills B. Expertise C. Knowledge D. Personality E. All of the above

61. When a leader shows trust for a subordinate, this is known as which type of behavior? A. Initiating structure B. Consideration C. Empowerment D. Leadership substitute E. Transformational

62. When Meg Whitman, CEO of Embay, treats her managers with respect, we say that she has engaged in which type of behavior? A. Initiating structure B. Consideration C. Empowerment D. Task-structure E. Referent power


Chapter 14 - Leadership

63. When a leader assigns work to a subordinate, this is an example of which type of behavior? A. Empowerment B. Initiating structure C. Transformational D. Leadership substitute E. Contingent

64. When a leader motivates subordinates to do a good job, this is an example of which type of behavior? A. Consideration B. Directive C. Supportive D. Empowerment E. Initiating structure

65. When Michael Teckel, manager of an upscale shoe store, trains his subordinates, we say that he is engaged in which type of behavior? A. Initiating structure B. Empowerment C. Task-structure D. Expert power E. Consideration

66. A supermarket manager schedules the workers in the supermarket to ensure that enough cash register clerks are available at different times during the day depending on the expected demand from customers. This manager has engaged in which type of behavior? A. Empowerment B. Initiating structure C. Transformational D. Leadership substitute E. Contingent


Chapter 14 - Leadership

67. A store manager at an electronics store encourages the sales staff to avoid the "hard-sell approach" and to focus on attempting to satisfy each customer's personal needs. This is an example of which type of behavior? A. Empowerment B. Initiating structure C. Transformational D. Leadership substitute E. Contingent

68. Which type of leader is primarily concerned with insuring that subordinates perform their work at an acceptable level? A. Considerate B. Structure-initiating C. LPC D. Relationship-oriented E. None of the above

69. Leadership theories that propose that the effectiveness of a leader depends on the situation in which the leader finds herself are known as: A. Trait models B. Contingency models C. Empowerment models D. Path-goal models E. Leadership substitute models

70. According to Fiedler, relationship-oriented leaders tend to describe their LPC in __________ terms and task-oriented leaders tend to describe their LPC in __________ terms. A. Negative; positive B. Negative; negative C. Positive; positive D. Positive; negative E. None of the above


Chapter 14 - Leadership

71. According to Fiedler, relationship-oriented leaders are referred to as __________ LPC leaders and task-oriented leaders are referred to as __________ LPC leaders. A. Low; low B. High; low C. Low; high D. High; high E. None of the above

72. According to Fiedler, the extent to which subordinates trust and are loyal to their superior is known as: A. Empowerment B. Task-orientation C. Leader-member relations D. Initiating structure E. Position power

73. According to Fiedler, the extent to which the work of subordinates is clear so that they know what to do and how to do it is known as: A. Consideration structure B. Task structure C. Empowerment structure D. Leader-member relations E. Position power

74. According to Fiedler, when task structure is ________, the situation is favorable for leading and when task structure is ________, the situation is unfavorable for leading. A. High; low B. High; high C. Low; low D. Low; high E. None of the above


Chapter 14 - Leadership

75. According to Fiedler's model, when a situation is very unfavorable for a leader, a manager will be more effective if she is: A. Task-oriented B. Relationship-oriented C. Participative D. Autocratic E. Balanced between task- and relationship-orientation

76. According to Fiedler's model, when a situation is very favorable for a manager, the best manager is: A. Task-oriented B. Relationship-oriented C. Participative D. Autocratic E. Balanced between task- and relationship-orientation

77. According to Fiedler's model, when a situation is moderately favorable for a manger, the best manger is: A. Task-oriented B. Relationship-oriented C. Participative D. Autocratic E. Balanced between task- and relationship-orientation

78. Chris manages the deliver drivers for Jersey Office Supplies Company. His boss doesn't give him much authority, but his crew of drivers really like him. Delivering office supplies is a fairly routine job. This situation is ____________ for the leader, and the most effective leader will have a ____________ style. A. Very favorable; task oriented B. Very unfavorable; task oriented C. Very favorable; relationship-oriented D. Very unfavorable; relationship oriented E. Moderately favorable; relationship oriented


Chapter 14 - Leadership

79. Path-goal theory is based on: A. Expectancy theory B. Maslow's hierarchy C. Equity theory D. Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory E. McClelland's needs theory

80. The contingency model that focuses on how managers motivate subordinates through understanding subordinates' desired outcomes, rewards, and clarification is: A. Transformational leadership B. House's path-goal theory C. Leader substitutes model D. Fiedler's model E. Transactional leadership

81. Which of the following is NOT a kind of leader behavior described in the path-goal model? A. Achievement-oriented B. Participative C. Supportive D. Directive E. Initiating structure

82. According to path-goal theory, when leading highly skilled creative workers, a manager should be: A. Directive B. Supportive C. Participative D. Achievement-oriented E. Relationship-oriented


Chapter 14 - Leadership

83. Anything that acts in place of a leader so that leadership is unnecessary is known as: A. Empowerment B. Initiating structure C. Consideration D. A leadership substitute E. Referent power

84. Which of the following is NOT a potential leadership substitute? A. Subordinates' skill levels B. Interesting work C. Sel...

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