Chap017 - Test bank PDF

Title Chap017 - Test bank
Author boali Bo Ali
Course Principle of Management
Institution جامعة الملك فهد للبترول و المعادن‎
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Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

Chapter 17 Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation TEST PLANNING TABLE FOR CHAPTER 17

Learning Goal


1. Explain why conflict arises, and identify the types and sources of conflict in organizations.

3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 31, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 47, 48

1, 2, 11, 12, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 52, 53, 54, 101, 102

5, 49, 50, 51, 55

2. Describe conflict management strategies that managers can use to resolve conflict effectively.

13, 14, 15, 16, 56, 57, 58, 62, 72

17, 59, 61, 64, 65, 67,70, 106

3. Understand the nature of negotiation and why integrative bargaining is more effective than distributive negotiation.

19, 20, 73, 74, 75

21, 76, 77, 107

18, 60, 63, 66, 68, 69, 71, 103, 104, 105 78

4. Describe ways in which managers can promote integrative bargaining in organizations.

22, 24, 80, 81, 88

23, 79, 83, 109, 110

82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 108

5. Explain why managers need to be attuned to organizational politics, and describe the political strategies that managers can use to become more politically skilled.

25, 26, 30, 89, 90, 93, 95, 96

27, 92, 98, 99, 100

28, 29, 91, 94, 97, 111, 112

Total number of test items: 112 True/false questions are in plain text. Multiple choice questions are in bold text. Short answer questions are in bold underlined text.




Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

True / False Questions 1. Conflict is an inevitable part of organizational activity. True False

2. Organizational conflict can occur between departments of the same organization. True False

3. Organizational conflict can occur between managers at the same organization who are hoping for promotion to the next higher level of management. True False

4. Discord that arises when the goals of different groups are incompatible is known as organizational conflict. True False

5. Managers should strive to eliminate all conflict within the organization. True False

6. Intragroup conflict is conflict that occurs between individual managers. True False

7. Intergroup conflict occurs between the members of the same department of the organization. True False


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

8. Intragroup conflict occurs between members of different departments of the organization. True False

9. Interorganizational conflict occurs between different organizations. True False

10. When members of a team need other members of the team to perform various tasks in order for the team to complete its project successfully, this is known as task interdependency. True False

11. When production managers are rewarded for lowering costs, and marketing managers are evaluated on the basis of providing customer satisfaction, an incompatible evaluation system can exist when satisfying the customer requires the use of overtime workers. True False

12. Organizational members may be in conflict over who receives raises in pay. True False

13. Functional conflict resolution means that the conflict has been resolved by compromise or by collaboration between the parties who were in conflict. True False

14. Collaboration involves giving and taking, and making concessions. True False

15. When each party in conflict is willing to engage in agreeing to concessions until a reasonable resolution of the conflict occurs, this is known as compromise. True False


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

16. When parties in conflict attempt to resolve their differences without making concessions but try to resolve their differences in ways that leave the parties in conflict better off, this is known as collaboration. True False

17. Sometimes it is possible to resolve conflict by changing the organization's structure. True False

18. To resolve conflict effectively, managers should decrease the levels of integration in their organization. True False

19. In negotiation, the parties in conflict attempt to develop a solution by allocating resources to one another. True False

20. In distributive negotiation, the parties in conflict believe that they need to divide up a fixed set of resources among themselves. True False

21. In integrative bargaining, the parties in conflict attempt to set up a win-lose situation. True False

22. Superordinate goals are goals that all parties in conflict can agree to support. True False

23. While demands are why a person wants something, interests are what a person wants. True False


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

24. The principle of distributive justice focuses on what is fair to the parties in conflict. True False

25. The activities that managers perform in order to increase their power within the organization are known as organizational politics. True False

26. The tactics that managers use to increase their power within the organization are known as political strategies. True False

27. Organizational politics always have a negative effect on organizational effectiveness. True False

28. Uncertainty provides an opportunity for organizations to be more effective. Rationale: True False

29. Controlling uncertainty means being directly connected to the goals and sources of competitive advantage for the organization. True False

30. Alliances between managers can increase the levels of power for the managers. True False


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

Multiple Choice Questions 31. Discord that arises when the goals of different individuals are incompatible and these individuals attempt to block each other's attempts to accomplish their objectives, is known as: A. Organizational politics B. Integrative conflict C. Organizational conflict D. Benchmarking E. Distributive conflict

32. The managers of different departments compete for scarce resources within their organization. This is an example of: A. Distributive justice B. Equity conflict C. Organizational conflict D. Integrative conflict E. Distributive conflict

33. Two managers within the same department compete for the position of department head, this is an example of: A. Distributive justice B. Equity conflict C. Organizational conflict D. Integrative conflict E. Distributive conflict.

34. Different managers within the organization have different goals that produce conflict between them. This is an example of: A. Intragroup conflict B. Intergroup conflict C. Interpersonal conflict D. Interorganizational conflict E. Top-down conflict


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

35. Two managers are in conflict because they hold very different values about the importance of the organization protecting the environment. This is an example of: A. Interpersonal conflict B. Bottom-up conflict C. Intergroup conflict D. Interorganizational conflict E. Intragroup conflict

36. One manager argues that the organization should only do the minimum amount required by law, while another argues that the organization should act in a responsible manner regarding environmental pollution beyond what the law requires. This is an example of: A. Intrapersonal conflict B. Interorganizational conflict C. Intragroup conflict D. Interpersonal conflict E. Intergroup conflict

37. Which of the following is a type of conflict that can occur in organizations? A. Intergroup conflict B. Intragroup conflict C. Interorganizational conflict D. Interpersonal conflict E. All of the above

38. Conflict that arises between members of the same department is known as: A. Interorganizational conflict B. Top-down conflict C. Interpersonal conflict D. Intragroup conflict E. Intergroup conflict


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

39. Two managers in the marketing department disagree as to whether their organization should spend the bulk of its promotion dollars on consumer advertising or trade promotion. This is an example of: A. Intergroup conflict B. Intrapersonal conflict C. Intragroup conflict D. Interorganizational conflict E. All of the above

40. Conflict that occurs between different departments of the same organization is known as: A. Interpersonal conflict B. Bottom-up conflict C. Interorganizational conflict D. Intragroup conflict E. Intergroup conflict

41. Conflict that arises between different organizations that are competing for sales in the same target markets is known as: A. Interorganizational conflict B. Interpersonal conflict C. Top-down conflict D. Intragroup conflict E. Intergroup conflict

42. Which of the following can be a source of conflict within organizations? A. Incompatible goals B. Overlapping authority between managers C. Task interdependence D. Scarce resources E. All of the above


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

43. A manager in the marketing department feels that it should be possible to manufacture a new product at a low cost per unit, but a production manager feels that the actual costs of production will be much higher. This is an example of: A. Interorganizational conflict B. Intrapersonal conflict C. Intergroup conflict D. Intragroup conflict E. None of the above

44. The managers of an organization feel that the advertising message of one of their major competitors is false and misleading. This is an example of: A. Intragroup conflict B. Intrapersonal conflict C. Intergroup conflict D. Interorganizational conflict E. All of the above

45. A marketing manager prefers shorter production runs of a few hundred units in order to deliver the product more quickly to a key customer, while the production manager prefers longer runs of thousands of units in order to drive the cost per unit down. This is an example of: A. Incompatible goals B. Overlapping authority C. Scarce resources D. Top-down change E. Distributive justice

46. An organization has two "co-presidents" who are jointly responsible for overseeing all of the functional activities of the organization. This is an example of: A. Scarce resources B. Overlapping authority C. Controlling the agenda D. Status inconsistency E. Compromise


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

47. Two managers both claim authority for same tasks. This is known as: A. Task interdependence B. Incompatible goals C. Scarce resources D. Overlapping authority E. Incompatible time horizons

48. Two managers rely on each other in order to accomplish a given task. This is known as: A. Overlapping authority B. Incompatible time horizons C. Scarce resources D. Incompatible goals E. Task interdependence

49. In XYZ Corporation, production managers are evaluated for their success in driving costs down, while marketing managers are evaluated on the basis of customer satisfaction. The conflict that occurs when overtime hours are needed in order to deliver the product at the time promised by the marketing department is based on: A. Scarce resources B. Incompatible reward systems C. Top-down change D. Benchmarking E. Overlapping authority

50. A group of students in a marketing class is assigned to a project team that is responsible for a class presentation, and one of the team members fails to complete his part of the development of the presentation. As a result, the presentation failed. This is an example of: A. Overlapping authority B. Controlling the agenda C. Scarce resources D. Status inconsistency E. Task interdependence


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

51. The marketing department needs the production department to manufacture the goods it attempts to sell, while the production department needs the marketing department to find customers for the goods that it is producing. This is known as: A. Scarce resources B. Controlling the agenda C. Incompatible evaluation systems D. Overlapping authority E. Task interdependence

52. In ABC Company, marketing managers are rewarded for selling products, even when this requires shorter and more expensive production runs, while production managers are rewarded for longer production runs which drive the cost per unit down. This is an example of: A. Controlling the agenda B. Overlapping authority C. Incompatible evaluation systems D. Compromise E. Status inconsistency

53. In XYZ Corporation, managers at different levels of the organization are in conflict because the money set aside for raises for managers for the upcoming year must be divided up among all of the managers in some way. This is an example of: A. Controlling the agenda B. Compromise C. Status inconsistency D. Scarce resources E. All of the above

54. At Acme Explosives, two department heads are competing for funding of equipment which each of them feels is necessary for their subordinates to perform their jobs successfully. This is an example of: A. Functional conflict resolution B. Status inconsistency C. Scarce resources D. Task equity E. Incompatible reward systems


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

55. Joe, a manager, works for an organization that has just declared bankruptcy. Joe should expect that conflict among managers: A. Will rise B. Will decline C. Will stay the same D. Will go away completely E. Cannot be predicted from the information provided

56. When conflict is resolved by compromise between the parties in conflict, this is known as: A. Functional conflict resolution B. Top-down change C. Bottom-up change D. Distributive negotiation E. Organizational politics

57. When each of the parties in conflict is willing to "give-and-take" until a reasonable solution to the conflict occurs, this is known as: A. Collaboration B. Distributive negotiation C. Win-lose negotiation D. Lose-lose negotiation E. Compromise

58. When the parties in conflict attempt to resolve the conflict without making concessions but, instead, attempt to resolve their differences in ways that leave all parties better off, this is known as: A. Compromise B. Win-lose negotiation C. Lose-lose negotiation D. Collaboration E. Top-down change


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

59. Which of the following is a conflict management strategy that can work well in attempting to resolve conflict between two employees? A. Using permanent transfers to different departments B. Increasing diversity awareness C. Increasing awareness of the sources of conflict D. Job rotation E. All of the above

60. Organizations are best served by solving conflicts through: A. Competition B. Avoidance C. Accommodation D. Compromise E. None of these

61. Two managers at ABC Company who are in conflict are made to realize that their differences are based on the different meanings that they attach to certain words. This is a conflict management strategy called: A. Increasing awareness of the sources of conflict B. Job rotation C. Benchmarking D. Increasing diversity awareness E. None of the above

62. At Cool Inc., older managers are uncomfortable reporting to a new MBA who is twenty years younger than themselves. This conflict could possibly be reduced by: A. Increasing diversity awareness B. Benchmarking C. Distributive justice D. Integrative bargaining E. Distributive bargaining


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

63. When a man and a woman are in a conflict, the man should realize: A. Women tend to talk less than men in organizational settings B. Women are less interested in organizational problems C. Women are less capable than men D. Men are naturally bossy E. None of the above is true

64. Two managers from Acme Explosives are in conflict because one likes to take risks and the other likes to avoid risks are made to realize this difference in their management styles. This is an example of a conflict management strategy called: A. Benchmarking B. Organizational politics C. Increasing awareness of the sources of conflict D. Job rotation E. Increasing diversity awareness

65. When an African-American feels singled out in a group of white workers, a conflict management strategy that can be used successfully would be: A. Benchmarking B. Increasing diversity awareness C. Top-down management D. Bottom-up management E. None of the above

66. A female manager feels that a certain group of male managers band together against her whenever one of them disagrees with what she is proposing. A conflict management strategy that could be used successfully would be: A. Organizational politics B. Increasing diversity awareness C. Bottom-up change D. Benchmarking E. None of the above


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

67. A manager who is unable to resolve a serious conflict between two of her subordinates decides to move one of these subordinates to a different department in order to reduce the frequency of the conflict. This is a conflict management strategy known as: A. Job rotation B. Job redesign C. Distributive negotiation D. Permanent transfer E. All of the above

68. Tomas managers a group of six workers. Two of them, George and Maria, always seen to disagree, although they both get along well with the rest of the group. Tomas has counseled both of them repeatedly and sent them both to diversity training, but they still quarrel. What should Tomas do? A. Send them to diversity training again B. Transfer one of them C. Rotate their jobs D. Fire them both E. Do nothing

69. Elizabeth manages two workers, Shane and Ernie, who are always arguing with each other. They both get along well with other employees. Elizabeth has tried to get them to understand each other better, but the conflicts keep occurring. Elizabeth should: A. Send them to diversity training B. Have them trade jobs C. Transfer one of them to another part of the organization D. Fire them both E. Ignore the situation

70. Managers at ABC Company are in conflict because of overlapping areas of authority, and senior management attempts to solve this problem by clarifying the chain of command for specific activities. This is an attempt to reduce conflict by: A. Altering the source of conflict B. Controlling the agenda C. Negotiation D. Distributive negotiation E. All of the above


Chapter 17 - Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

71. If the source of a conflict is overlapping authority, a manager should: A. Send all the participants to diversity training B. Clarify the chain of command C. Change to a product structure D. Institute self-managed teams E. Change cultural norms

72. An impartial individual with expertise in handling conflicts who helps parties in conflict reach an acceptable solution is called a: A. Bargainer B. Arbitrator C. Mediator D. Third-party negotiator E. Distributive negotiator

73. Two parties in conflict attempt to resolve it by allocating resources to one another. This is known as: A. Benchmarking B. Accommodation C. Negotiation D. Lose-lose negotiation...

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