Chapter 03 Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis PDF

Title Chapter 03 Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis
Course Psychology
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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 1. The systematic evaluation and measurement of psychological, biological, and social factors in a person with a possible mental disorder is known as clinical ________________. a. assessment b. interpretation c. validation

d. standardization


a 1

DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders TYPE: Factual


2. The process of determining whether an individual's symptoms meet the criteria for a specific psychological disorder is called _____________. a. prognosis b. diagnosis c. classification ANSWER: POINTS:

d. analysis b 1

DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Factual

3. The process of clinical assessment is psychopathology has been equated to using a _________ to determine the source of the problem. a. funnel b. hose c. bucket ANSWER: POINTS:

d. plow a 1

DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Conceptual

4. In order to be useful, assessment techniques should be based on _______________. a. beliefs b. attitudes c. evidence d. assumptions ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Conceptual Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 5. In the first interview with Frank, a patient described in the textbook, he stated that he had been having intrusive thoughts that he tried to prevent by performing certain movements. Based on this information, you might predict that Frank would be diagnosed with _____________. a. major depressive disorder b. obsessive-compulsive disorder c. a personality disorder d. schizophrenia ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Applied 6. A measurement which is consistent is considered to be _____________. a. valid b. reliable c. standardized ANSWER: POINTS:

d. accurate b 1

DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Factual

7. If the short version of a test yields the same results as a longer version, then you could conclude that the brief version had _________ validity. a. concurrent b. divergent c. predictive d. excessive ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Conceptual

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 8. Clifton had been experiencing a number of psychological issues, so he decided to go to a psychiatrist to see what was wrong. Dr. A told him he had major depressive disorder. He decided to seek a second opinion. Dr. B diagnosed him with generalized anxiety disorder. Wanting yet another opinion, he went to Dr. C who told him he was obsessive-compulsive. This demonstrate poor _______________. a. test-retest reliability b. concurrent validity c. descriptive validity ANSWER: POINTS:

d. inter-rater reliability

d 1

DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Applied

9. The process of clinical assessment results in narrowing the focus to a. concentrate on problem areas that seem most relevant. b. consider a broad range of problems. c. cover all possible problems. d. concentrate on all problem areas equally. ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Conceptual 10. In order to develop useful standards for a test, it is important to use a normative group that consists of a a. small group of people who are very similar to each other. b. large group of people who all share a key characteristic. c. large group of very diverse people. d. small group that differs from the population at large. ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Conceptual

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 11. Which of the following is NOT one of the three basic concepts that help determine the value of a psychological assessment procedure? a. Reliability b. Subjectivity c. Validity d. Standardization ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Conceptual 12. Treminitia, who had recurrent headaches, fatigue, and loss of appetite, received different diagnoses from several psychologists. In terms of assessment, this indicates a problem with _______. a. reliability b. subjectivity c. validity ANSWER: POINTS:

d. standardization a 1

DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Applied

13. In terms of psychological assessment, which of the following describes the concept of validity? a. Two or more "raters" get the same answers b. An assessment technique is consistent across different measures c. Scores are used as a norm for comparison purposes d. An assessment technique measures what it is designed to measure ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: YPE: Conceptual

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 14. Mr. J., a 40-year-old recent immigrant to the United States, comes from a working-class background and is just learning to speak English. He applies for a job and is given a test. His score is compared to others who have taken the test, mostly young college graduates whose native language is English. Mr. J. thinks this is unfair. In fact, this is an issue of __________. a. reliability b. classification c. validity ANSWER: POINTS:

d. standardization d 1

DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Applied

15. Aclinicalinterviewshouldbebasedoninformationfromtheclient’s___________. a. past behaviors, attitudes, and emotions b. interpersonal and social history c. present behaviors, attitudes, and emotions d. all of the above ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Conceptual 16. In trying to understand and help an individual with a psychological problem, the psychologist will obtain detailed information about the person's life as part of a _____________. a. physical exam b. clinical interview c. mental status exam ANSWER: POINTS:

d. brain scan

b 1

DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

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TYPE: Conceptual

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 17. As part of a psychological assessment, a mental status exam is used to find out how a person thinks, feels, and behaves; its primary purpose, however, is to determine a. if a psychological disorder might be present. b. what type of treatment should be used. c. which medication would be most effective. d. whether the individual also has a medical condition. ANSWER: POINTS:

a 1

DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Conceptual

18. Observing appearance and behavior during a mental status exam a. is simply done to give the appearance that the clinician is paying attention. b. rarely yields useful information. c. can yield clues regarding the presence of certain disorders. d. may just confuse the diagnostic process. ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Conceptual 19. In a mental status exam, a psychologist evaluates an individual's thought processes by a. asking the person to read aloud. b. listening to what the person says. c. reading what the person has written. d. evaluating the person's dreams. ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Factual

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 20. When Abernathy went to a psychologist for the first time, the clinician asked him what the date was, what time it was, what year was it, and where they were. Which category of a mental status exam do these questions cover? a. Thought processes b. Appearance and behavior c. Sensorium ANSWER: POINTS:

d. Intellectual functioning c 1

DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Applied

21. Determining mood and affect is an important part of the mental status exam. Although both of these terms refer to feeling states of the individual, it would be correct to say that affect is more _____________ than mood. a. immediate b. severe c. problematic

d. stable


a 1

DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Conceptual

22. A mental status exam covers all of the following categories EXCEPT ___________. a. intellectual functioning b. appearance c. behavior ANSWER: POINTS:

d. physical symptoms d 1

DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Factual

23. In regard to a mental status exam, which of the following questions is NOT related to the concept of sensorium? a. What is today's date? b. Where are you? c. Who are you? d. How old are you? ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Conceptual

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 24. In a mental status exam, it is important to determine if the individual's sensorium is clear and if he/she is "oriented times three." This refers to a. person, place, and time. b. day, month, and year of birth. c. ability to follow directions. ANSWER: POINTS:

d. spatial orientation.

a 1

DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Factual

25. The initial assessment of the patient in your textbook named Frank, who was anxious about his job and his marriage, revealed that he a. had intrusive thoughts. b. was disoriented. c. showed inappropriate affect. ANSWER: POINTS:

d. had a low intelligence level.

a 1

DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Applied

26. All of the following describe how a psychologist conducts a clinical interview EXCEPT a. attempts to facilitate communication. b. uses non-threatening ways of seeking information. c. keeps patient information confidential in all circumstances. d. applies appropriate listening skills. ANSWER: POINTS:

c 1

DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

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TYPE: Factual

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 27. In a clinical interview, the law regarding "privileged communication" does NOT apply if the patient a. threatens self-harm or harm to another person. b. relates a history of sexual abuse. c. has been mentally ill for more than five years. d. is hospitalized in a psychiatric facility. ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Factual 28. The Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-5 (ADIS-5) is an example of a a. personality inventory. b. semistructured clinical interview. c. projective test. ANSWER: POINTS:

d. behavioral intervention. b 1

DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Applied

29. Behavioralassessmentsareusedtoformallyassessanindividual’sthoughts,feelings,andbehaviorin ____________. a. general b. context c. the abstract d. theory ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Factual

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 30. Four-year-old Roberto is very aggressive toward his peers, which results in poor peer relationships. A psychologist hasbeenaskedtoassessRoberto’saggressivenessanddetermineifheneedsintervention.Thepsychologistwould probably do what type of assessment? a. General b. Projective c. Cognitive d. Behavioral ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Applied 31. As part of a behavioral assessment, psychologists sometimes use ___________ settings when it is not possible to do direct observation in a naturalistic setting. a. imaginary b. empirical c. analogue d. virtual ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Factual 32. Which of the following people would make a good candidate for a behavioral assessment? a. A very verbal adult b. A young child c. A person with a cognitive deficit d. Both b and c ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Applied 33. The ABCs of observation refer to the ___________ sequence. a. affect-behavior-cognition b. antecedent-behavior-cognition c. antecedent-behavior-consequence ANSWER: POINTS:

d. affect-behavior-consequence

c 1

DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

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TYPE: Factual

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 34. An operational definition refers to identifying specific behaviors that are ________. a. abnormal b. harmful c. long-standing d. measurable ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Factual 35. An observation that involves identifying specific behaviors that are observable and measurable is called a(n) _______________. a. informal observation b. formal observation c. unstructured observation d. self-observation ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Factual 36. A clinician who wished to assess the effects of treatment over a period of time would be most likely to do so by repeatedly administering a(n) ____________. a. neuropsychological test battery b. projective test c. intelligence test ANSWER: POINTS:

d. behavior rating scale

d 1

DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Applied

37. The reactivity phenomenon of self-monitoring procedures has been shown to a. increase desired behaviors. b. decrease undesired behaviors. c. both increase desired behaviors and decrease undesired behaviors. d. neither increase desired behaviors nor decrease undesired behaviors. ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Factual Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 38. Which of the following is an example of the reactivity phenomenon? a. A man joins a weight-loss center, but quits after he feels he is not getting the desired results. b. After joining a fitness club, a woman stops exercising in her home and instead walks 2 miles a day by herself. c. A man changes his brand of cigarettes after his father dies of lung cancer. d. On parents' visiting day in a classroom, the children who often misbehave in class are unusually compliant and well-behaved. ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Applied 39. Mostofthe“psychologicaltests”inpopularmagazinesare_____________________. a. reliable b. valid c. for entertainment only ANSWER: POINTS:

d. informative and educational

c 1

DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

TYPE: Conceptual

40. Hannibal is presented with a series of cards that are blots of ink. He is asked to state what he sees on these cards. Hannibal is probably taking a(n) a. personality inventory. b. response inventory. c. projective test. d. intelligence test. ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Applied

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 41. The projective type of psychological tests is based on _____________ theory. a. behavioral b. cognitive c. humanistic d. psychoanalytic ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Factual 42. When an individual describes what he/she sees in the ambiguous stimuli of the Rorschach test, it is assumed that the person's _____________ thoughts are revealed. a. unconscious b. conscious c. preconscious d. subconscious ANSWER:


POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER: TYPE: Conceptual 43. A psychoanalytic therapist who wants to assess the unconscious thoughts and feelings of a patient would be most likely to use the __________ test. a. MMPI b. Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test c. Rorschach inkblot test d. Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery ANSWER: POINTS:

c 1

DIFFICULTY: Difficult REFERENCES: Assessing Psychological Disorders OTHER:

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TYPE: Conceptual

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Chapter 03: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 44. The Rorschach test is considered controversial because of all of the following concerns EXCEPT that a. for some time there was no standardized way of administering the test. b. there is little or no data regarding its reliability or validity. c. the inkblots have been changed many times since the test was developed. d. until recently there were no standardized procedures for administering the test. ANSWER: POINTS:

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