Chapter 1-4 Notes (EXAM 1) PDF

Title Chapter 1-4 Notes (EXAM 1)
Course Nutrition For Health
Institution Indiana University Bloomington
Pages 9
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Ali Price SPH N 220 CHAPTER 1-4 NOTES Nutrition, Food Choices, & Health ● Hunger ○ Primarily a physiological (internal) drive to find and eat food, mostly regulated by internal cues to eating ● Appetite ○ Primarily a psychological (external) influence that encourages us to find and eat food, often in the absence of obvious hunger ● Satiety ○ State in which there is no longer a desire to eat; a feeling of satisfaction ● Nutrition ○ The science that links foods to health and disease ● Nutrients Come from food ○ Kilocalorie (kcal) ■ Unit that describes the energy content of food ○ Nutrients ■ The substances obtained from food that are vital for growth and maintenance of a healthy body throughout life ○ Essential nutrient ■ A nutrient that foods must supply and when left out of a diet, lead to signs of poor health ● 3 characteristics of essential nutrients ○ A biological function ○ Omission results in decline of function ○ Replenishing of omitted nutrient restores biological function ● Why study nutrition? ○ Obesity is considered the second leading cause of preventable death in the US ○ Poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are risk factors for chronic disease ● Six classes of nutrients ○ Carbohydrates ○ Lipids ○ Proteins ○ Vitamins ○ Minerals ○ Water ● Macronutrients ○ Provide calories ■ Carbs ■ Proteins ■ Lipids ● Micronutrients ○ Do not provide calories ■ Vitamins ■ Minerals

Ali Price SPH N 220 CHAPTER 1-4 NOTES ●

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Carbohydrates ○ Provide majority of kcals in our diet (~4 kcal/gram) ■ Complex carbohydrates ● Glycogen, starch, fiber ● Fiber are substances in plant foods that are not digested in the stomach or small intestine Proteins ○ Energy yielding (~4 kcal/gram) ■ Not a preferred source of energy ○ Main structural material in the body Lipids (fats) ○ Energy yielding (~9 kcal/gram) ■ The most concentrated source of fuel for the body Vitamins ○ Enable chemical reactions to occur in the body ○ Fat soluble- A, D, E, K ○ Water soluble- B & C ○ Cooking destroys water soluble more readily than fat soluble ○ Do NOT provide structure or energy Minerals ○ Inorganic substances (do not contain carbon atoms) ■ Become part of body structures ○ Not destroyed during cooking ○ Perform electrolyte functions Water ○ 60% of body weight (varies with muscle mass and obesity) Phytochemicals ○ Non-nutrient compounds found in plants that have biological activity in the body and provide significant benefits Functional foods ○ Foods that have potentially benefic effect on health when consumed on a regular basis at effective levels ■ Four types ● Whole foods ○ Nothing altered ● Fortified foods ○ Something is added that wasn't previously there ● Enriched foods ○ Enriching something that was previously existed ● Enhanced ○ Genetically modified foods Assessing the current north american diet ○ Percentages of kcals

Ali Price SPH N 220 CHAPTER 1-4 NOTES ●

Binge Drinking ○ Consuming five or more drinks in a row for men & four or more drinks for women

Designing a Health Dietary Pattern ● Balance ○ Eating more nutrient-dense foods and beverages such as fruit, vegetables, whole-grains, fat-free or low-fat milk products, and less foods high in certain types of fats, sugars, cholesterols, salt and alcohol ● Nutrient density ○ Determined by comparing its protein, vitamin or mineral content with amount of calories it provides ● Healthful diet ○ Principle of moderation ● Energy density ○ Measurement that best describes the kcal content of food ■ High energy density ● A food that is high in kcals but weighs very little is considered energy dense ■ Low energy density foods ● Promotes satiety while contributing few kcals ● Purpose of Dietary and Physical activity guidelines ○ Promote health ○ Prevent chronic disease ○ Help people enrich and maintain a healthy weight ● The 5 foundations of the Dietary Guidelines ○ Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan ○ Focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount ○ Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake ○ Shift to healthier food and beverage choices ○ Support healthy eating patterns for all ● What is not a healthy eating pattern ○ Saturated fats (...

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