Chapter 14 - Lecture notes 14 PDF

Title Chapter 14 - Lecture notes 14
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution Sacred Heart University
Pages 5
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Professor Ignagni ...


Chapter 14- Psychological Disorders Myths ● Mental disorders are contagious: because people with mental disorders are dealing with emotions which is to do with things in the brain ● Mental illness is an indication of violence: the news that shows the mass shootings and the person is said to have mental illness ● It is uncommon for someone to have a mental illness: around the world 1 out 5 people survive from it ● It is all in the head: people that have anxiety should just calm down and deal with it ● You can not recover from mental illness: mental illness is not one size fits all ● Mental illness comes from a bad childhood: there are more factors that influence mental disorders ● You can’t help someone who has a mental disorder: loved ones and a social support for someone with a mental illness, has a huge role on someone with mental disorders Basic Concepts of Psychological Disorders ● A psychological disorder is a syndrome marked by a clinically significant disturbance on an individuals cognition, emotions or behavior ● The thoughts, emotions or behaviors are not adaptive, and they interfere with the individuals day to day life ● Comorbidity is that person has more than one diagnosable disorder ● Major depressive disorder and schizophrenia ● People with a mental disorder are stigmatized How do we understand mental disorders ● Medical model assumes that psychological disorders are mental illnesses and there is a need for these psychological disorders to be diagnosed and to end them through treatments ● Taken hold and gain creditable through recent studies ● The genetic component ● Genetically differences in abnormalities in the brain structure or brain chemistry ● Which is why medicine can really help mental disorders ● Psychological factors play an important role in the mental disorders ● Stress can take a toll ● Biopsychosocial approach- disorders are influenced by genetic predisposition, inner psychological dynamics and cultural/ social circumstances Research on epigenetics ( the study of the environment influence ● An environment can affect the development of psychological disorders Classify Disorders ● The aim for classification ● Predict the future course of the disorder ● Suggest which treatment would appropriate ● Promote research into the causes of the disorder ● In order to study you must label it ● DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical,

Manual of Mental Health: current authoritative to diagnosis mental disorders ● The autism spectrum opened up ● The 1970’s- homesexuality stopped being a mental disorder ● 22 major categories of mental disorders ● There are over 200 mental disorders in the DSM ● When we classify we label which starts stigmatized people ● Labels are subjective and they are value judgements ● Labels can be self-fulfilling ● These labels do help healthcare providers deal with the mental disorder Rates of Psychological Disorders ● 1 in 4 American suffer from a mental disorder in one year ● Depressive or bipolar disorders ● Phobia of specific objects or situations ● Social-anxiety disorders ● The WHO did a study about the lowest/ highest report of mental illness- which is China and then the US ● The second generation immigrants suffer from a mental disorders which is called the immigration prodocs ● Poverty ● Depression in women ● Substance abuse in men ● Schizophrenia can lead to poverty

Anxiety disorders ●

Anxiety Disorders- psychological disorders characterized by distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety ● Excessive Irrational fears ● Dread ● Irrational thoughts ● Anxiety disorders can last up to 6 months can will continue if not treated ● Can be tied with depression or alcohol or substance abuse ● These disorders affect about 18% of adult americans ● Symptoms tend to emerge around age 8 ● 8% of teens are affected by this disorder Generalized anxiety disorder- an anxiety disorder in which a person is continually tense, apprehensive and in a state of automatic ● Stressing about little things and making them bigger than they are ● Tied with depression ● To be diagnosed with this, the symptoms have to be present for at least 6 months ● Symptoms must also interfere with daily living Panic Disorder- an anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable minutes- long of extenze

dread which the person experiences terror and accompanying chest pain ● The person can fear a panic attack which then triggers a panic attack ● This may trigger agoraphobia (of open spaces or public situations) ● Diagnosed by intensity and duration of symptoms including the frequency of panic attack and the patients behavior Phobia- is an anxiety disorder marked by a persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object, activity or situation ● Preparedness theory is we are evolutionary fearful of something ● The level of fear is usually inappropriate ● There are specific phobias that focus on animals, insects, heights, blood or close spaces ● Diagnosed if the persons fear or anxiety when it interferes with someone’s daily life ● Social anxiety is someone’s fear of not wanting to be around people Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder- a disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts, actions or both ● They feel the need ● The thoughts or rituals take over their everyday life ● The thought is the obsession and the compulsive is the behavior ● The thoughts and behaviors interfere with everyday life ● They know that they are doing this ● Twin studies do show that OCD have a strong genetic link ● Symptoms may come and go or they might get worse ● Tied with self-medication also with eating disorders or other anxiety disorders/ depression PTSD- a disorder characterized by haunting memories, nightmare, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety numbness of feeling or insomnia that lingers for 4 weeks ● The flight or fight mode is damaged ● They may feel stress or in danger when they are in a safe environment ● These symptoms can last up to a month or years after the traumatic events ● At one time, it was only believed to happen to people that went to war ● Can happen to victims of bullying, sexual assaults, car accidents ● Have more processing limbic system, ● 1 in 10 women/ 1 in 20 women will get this disorder ● The symptoms can come up within in 3 months or even years after the incident

Major Depressive disorder/ Bipolar disorder ● ● ●

Major depressive disorder is a disorder in which a person experiences, in the absence of drugs or another medical condition two or more weeks with 5 or more symptoms Happens at least when 5 signs of depression occurs 5 of the signs most of the week or the month, 2 or more weeks ● Excessive lethargy ● Feelings of loneliness

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● Loss of pleasure from activities ● Loss of doing activities ● Sleeping An episode may only occur once in their life Some factors that may cause depression ● Moderate level of heritaly ● Neurotransmitters imbalance (serotonin) ● Diminished activity in the left prefrontal cortex ● Activity in the right prefrontal cortex ● Patterns of negative thinking Bipolar disorder is a disorder in which a person alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania ● Mania is the hyperactive, wildly optimistic state in which dangerously poor judgement is common ● Unstable emotional condition ● It is a brain disorder, an unusually shift in mood and energy ● The symptoms are severe, the can result in ● Suicide ● Poor performance in school or work ● Relationships can be ended ● The phases or epidosed are not normal to the person ● Bipolar disorder tends to develop before the age of 25 ● To be diagnosed, the symptoms must be huge change in behavior ● Lots of meds, when they are on their meds they work Symptoms may be seasonal Mania may arrive in the spring for some people Major depressive disorder is more common than bipolar These disorders due run in families Diets, drugs, stress or other life events seem to pinpoint epigenetic genes The way we think matters Women have a higher risk than man ● Because women have the tendency to ruminate (overthink)

Psychotic Disorder ●

Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder that is characterized by delusions, hallucinations and disorganized speech or diminished inappropriate emotional expression ● Split mind, the split from reality ● Brain disorder ● Chief reason people in psychiatric hospital are there ● 2 types of symptoms: positive and negative ● Patients with positive symptoms may experience hallucinations (voices), delusions (false beliefs), word salad (this disorganized speech) and inappropriate emotions- people with the disorder display these symptoms

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Negative symptoms are flat alpha (neutral emotion), impaired theory of mind ● Chronic schizophrenia happens gradually, usually appears at early adulthood ● Acute schizophrenia happens quickly, usually happens after a stressful event like a traumatic event or emotional event ● Lack areas in the frontal lobe ● 1 in 100 of anyone being diagnosed with the disorder ● 1 in 10 if someone in the family has the disorder ● 1 in 2 in identical twins Symptoms usually start between ages 15 and 30 Most people don’t develop after the age of 45

Other disorders ●

Dissociative disorders is the person's conscious awareness separates from bad memories ● Fugue state is the sudden change in identity ● Usually lasts for a few minutes or few hours ● They won’t remember anything in the fugue state ● This is not uncommon ● Dissociative identity disorder is when the person is exhibiting 2 or more distinct personalities ● This highly controversial as being real ● Being popular in the 20th century ● Really in happens in North America Personality disorders are psychological disorders characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning ● Advent personality (anxiety) ● Schizotypal ● Narcissistic (dramatic or impulsive behaviors) ● Antisocial personality disorders- a person usually a man, exhibits a lack of conscious for wrongdoing, even toward friends and families ● Sociopath (appear disturb) and psychopath (normal) Eating disorders ● Anorexia nervosa- diets to become underweight, they feel fat and exercise even more ● Bulimia nervosa- is binge eating and then purging or fasting ● Binge-eating disorder- is binge-eating followed by distress, disgust or guilt but without the compensating purging or fasting ● Challenging family settings and social life ● Low self evaluations and perfectionist standards ●...

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