Chapter 1 - Gary Dessler 16th edition PDF

Title Chapter 1 - Gary Dessler 16th edition
Author XinYun Chuah
Course Human Resource Management
Institution Universiti Malaya
Pages 5
File Size 155.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Gary Dessler 16th edition...


NOTES CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Human Resource Management

1.1 What Is Human Resource Management? The Management Process – Planning 确立目标和标准 establish goals and standards, develop rules and procedures, and develop plans and forecast. – Organizing 为每一位下属安排一项具体的工作任务 delegating authority to subordinates and establishing channels of communication. The organizing function also includes establishing departments and coordinating the work of subordinates – Staffing 决定应当雇用何种类型的员工 determines what type of people you should hire, recruiting prospective employees, selecting employees, training and developing employees, setting performance standards, evaluating performance, counselling employees, compensating employees. – Leading 促使他人完成工作;维持士气 激励下属 get others to get the job done; maintaining morale, and motivating subordinates. – Controlling 对照标准 纠正 set standards such as sales quotas, quality, standards, or production levels. compare actual performance with the standards, which often involves the use of metrics. Corrective action is then taken when necessary.

Why Is Human Resource Management Important to All Managers? •

To avoid personnel mistakes Hire wrong person, high turnover, have people not doing their best, waste time for useless interviews, company in court because discriminatory actions, salaries unfair and inequitable, unfair labour practices. 雇用了不合适的人 员工流动率高 歧视做法使公司被诉诸法庭 不安 全的情况 培训不足 不公正劳资关系

To improve profits and performance

You may spend some time as an H R manager

You may end up as your own human resource manager

Line and Staff Aspects Authority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders – Line authority gives you the right to issue orders 上下级关系。 Direct the work, responsible for accomplishing the organization's tasks. – Staff authority gives you the right to advise others in the organization 咨询关 系 Human resource managers are usually staff managers Line Responsibilities**** •

Placing the right person in the right job

Starting new employees in the organization (orientation)

Training employees for jobs that are new to them

Improving the job performance of each person

Gaining creative cooperation and developing smooth working relationships

Interpreting the company policies and procedures

Controlling labor cost

Developing the abilities of each person

Creating and maintaining departmental morale

Protecting employees’ health and physical conditions

New Approaches to Organizing HR [how it is organized and delivers services] – Shared Services (Transactional) HR teams 共享 focus on using centralized call centers and outsourcing arrangements with vendors, such as benefits advisors, to provide specialized support in day-today transactional HR activities to a firm's employees. 集中式呼叫中心 Activities may include changing benefits plans and providing updated appraisal forms. 福利计划 and 更新评估表 Shared service is centralized HR units whose employees are shared by all the companies' departments to obtain advice on matters such as discipline problems.

– Corporate H R teams Corporate HR teams assist top management in top-level issues such as developing the personnel aspects of the company's long-term strategic plan. -

Embedded H R teams 嵌入式

HR generalists, also known as "relationship managers" or "HR business partners" being assigned directly to a department within an organization to provide localized human resource management assistance as needed 直接分配给组织内 的部门提供管理帮助 departments like sales and production. Exp: An HR generalist at Wilson Manufacturing has been assigned to the sales department to provide HR management assistance as needed – Centers of expertise specialized HR consulting firms within the company—for instance, they provide specialized advice in areas such as organizational change. 1.2 Important Trends •

Workforce Demographics and Diversity Trends the aging workforce, there aren't enough younger workers to replace the projected number of baby boom era older-worker retirees.

Trends in Jobs People Do On-demand workers are freelancers and independent contractors who work when they can on what they want to work on, when the company needs them.

Globalization Trends extend their sales, ownership, and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad. Lower cost, to make employees more productive, and to do things better and less expensively

Economic Trends

Technology Trends – Social Media [Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn] – Mobile Applications [monitor employee location and to provide digital photos at – –

the facility clock-in location] Cloud Computing [monitor and report on things like a team's goal attainment and to provide real-time evaluative feedback] Data Analytics [statistical techniques, algorithms, and problem-solving] talent analytics.

– Artificial Intelligence – Augmented Reality

1.3 Six Important Components •

Strategic human resource management – means formulating and executing human resource policies and practices that produce the employee competencies and behaviors that the company needs to achieve its strategic aims. The strategic results level

Evidence-based human resource management – is the use of data, facts, analytics, scientific rigor, critical evaluation, and critically evaluated research/case studies to support human resource management proposals, decisions, practices, and conclusions

Adding value – means helping the firm and its employees improve in a measurable way as a result of the human resources manager’s actions.

Sustainability – measuring companies in terms of maximizing profits but also on their environmental and social performance as well

Employee engagement refers to being psychologically involved in, connected to, and committed to getting one’s job done

Ethics 道德 means the standards someone uses to decide what his or her conduct should be

1.4 Four Important HR Manager Competencies The SHRM Human Resource Manager competencies are leadership & navigation, ethical practice, business acumen, consultation, critical evaluation, global & cultural effectiveness and communication. HR managers need to show how their actions are "adding value" for the organization as a whole. The SHRM human resource manager competencies include ethical practice, business acumen, and relationship management. Human resource managers who complete HRCI professional certification exams can earn PHR and SPHR, GPHR certificates.

1.5 Outline the Plan of This Book Part 1: Introduction •

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Human Resource Management

Chapter 2 – Equal Opportunity and the Law

Chapter 3 – Human Resource Strategy and Analysis

Part 2: Recruitment, Placement, and Talent Management

Chapter 4 – Job Analysis and the Talent Management Process

Chapter 5 – Personnel Planning and Recruiting

Chapter 6 – Employee Testing and Selection

Chapter 7 – Interviewing Candidates

Part 3: Training and Development •

Chapter 8 – Training and Developing Employees

Chapter 9 – Performance Management and Appraisal

Chapter 10 – Managing Careers and Retention

Part 4: Compensation •

Chapter 11 – Establishing Strategic Pay Plans

Chapter 12 – Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives

Chapter 13 – Benefits and Services

Part 5: Enrichment Topics in Human Resource Management •

Chapter 14 – Building Positive Employee Relations

Chapter 15 – Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining

Chapter 16 – Safety, Health, and Risk Management

Chapter 17 – Managing Global Human Resources

Chapter 18 – Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Firms...

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