Chapter 1- Leadership and Management Principles- Student PDF

Title Chapter 1- Leadership and Management Principles- Student
Course Leadership
Institution Duquesne University
Pages 10
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Chapter 1- Leadership and Management Principles

Definitions o Leadership process of influencing people to accomplish goals Individualized!!  Focus on influence, vision, communication, group process, goal attainment, and motivation  Leadership focuses on people, whereas management focuses on systems and structures  Cost is a big influence o Management focuses of systems and structures  Coordination and integration of resources through planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, and controlling to accomplish specific institutional goals and objectives Leadership and Care Management Differentiated o Leadership and management are not identical ideas but sometimes do occur together  Each has their own focus: leadership focuses on people, whereas management focuses on systems and structures  Management focuses on accomplishing a task, while leadership focuses on human relationships Leadership Overview o A nurse leader combines clinical, administrative, financial, and operational skills to solve problems in the care environment so nurses can provide cost-effective care

o The IOM focuses on 5 areas of management practice:  Implementing evidence-based management bed side shift report example  Balancing tensions between efficiency and reliability  Creating and sustaining trust  Actively managing the change process through communication, feedback, training, sustained effort and attention, and worker involvement  Creating a learning environment o ANCC’s Magnet program

 Acknowledges excellence in nursing services and leadership based on 5 components:  Transformational leadership  Structural Empowerment  New knowledge  Exemplary professional practice  Empirical outcomes o The 2 Roles of a Nurse  Care providers  The act of “doing” to provide care

 Care coordinators/integrators  The act of “thinking” implement your clinical knowledge o The Leadership Role  Effectiveness is a key outcome of leadership efforts in healthcare; promotes innovation o Leadership Skills  Getting a RN license implies certain leadership attributes and the ability to delegate

 Must possess 2 skills: achieving interpersonal relationships and applying problem solving processes  Good leaders must have emotional intelligence, which consist of: selfawareness, self-regulation, motivation, social awareness, and relationship management Background related to leadership o Bedside nurses: concentrate on coordinating care of patients and is the leader and manager of his/her patients o Nurse managers: focus on day-to-day administration and coordination of services provided by a group of nurses o Nurse executives: focus on long-term administration of an institution or program that delivers nursing services, focusing on integrating the system, and building a culture; not really at bedside Leadership: 5 Interwoven Aspects

o Process Part 1: The Leader o Process Part 2: The Follower

o Process Part 3: The Situation  Elements like work demands, control systems, amount of task structure, degree of interaction, amount of time available to make decision, and external environment o Process Part 4: Communication o Process part 5: Goals Leadership Theories

o Trait Theories: Characteristics of Leadership  Leaders are made not born; leadership skills can be taught and learned  Leadership is founded on trust and goes both ways- it must be nurtured  Knowledge, motivating people to work harder, vision, courage, ability to see the big pic, and take risks o Leadership Styles Theories  The leadership theories moved towards the exploration of leadership styles  3 leadership styles

Authoritarian o Primarily uses directive behaviors o Decisions are only made by the leader, who will dictate tasks and techniques to followers, may cause some dependency and some hostility. Used mostly during a crisis Democratic

o Implies a relationship and person orientation o Policies are a group discussion and decision o The leader encourages and assists discussion and group decision making o Human relationships and team work; different backgrounds of people o Works more slowly and takes longer to make decisions  Laissez-Faire o Promotes complete freedom for group or individual decisions  Nurses need to be flexible and know that sometimes they may need to switch their leadership style during certain situations o Feminist Leadership Perspective  Female leadership is generally defined as a concern for family, community, and culture  Male leadership is generally influenced by the military and participating in team sports o Situational Leadership Theories  Focus that organizational behavior is contingent on the situation or environment  Choosing which theory or style depends on each situation  The Situational Leadership Model  Focuses of the 3 elements: o The amount of guidance and direction the leader gives o The amount of socioemotional support the leader provides

o The performance readiness level that followers exhibit when performing specific activities Leaders choose appropriate leadership style: S1, S2, S3, or S4

Transformational: - Motivates followers to reach full potential over time - Stronger organizational culture and clearer vision - Lower staff turnover and high job satisfaction

o Transactional and Transformational Leadership

Transactional: -better suited for professionals - More common - Focuses on maintenance and management of ongoing and routine work

Contemporary Leadership: Interactional and Relationship-based o Complexity Leadership 1. Gives a context for organizational operations whereby the behaviors of leadership foster interaction, increase network strength, and generate stability in order to create the energy for constant change, growth, and adaptation o Servant Leadership 1. Puts others first 2. Focuses on ensuring others’ needs are being met so that they achieve personal growth o Authentic Leadership 1. Focus on the importance of employees thriving in organizations for organizational performance 2. These leaders are deeply aware of how the think and behave and how they are perceived by others Self-awareness, bounce processing, relation transparency o Clinical Leadership 1. All nurses exhibit leadership!  Bedside sides use informal leadership to influence high quality care Effective Leadership o An integrated blend of leadership principles and characteristics with management principles and techniques; adapt to complex environments Followership o Leaders do not operate in isolation, it involves cooperation and collaboration o Followership is a process of participation, in which the leader engages the follower o Styles of Followers: Types of Followers: 1. Alienated - Isolate (not engaged) 2. Exemplary - Bystander (observe, engaged to some degree) 3. Conformist - Participant (engage to some degree) 4. Passive - Activist (feel strongly, engaged to some degree) 5. Pragmatist - Diehard (prepared to die for cause, engaged to some degree) Leadership and Management Roles o Leadership: influencing ind. and groups and actives of change management

o Management: managing the recourses and operations of an org 1. Manage people and organizations 2. Focus on getting the work done 3. Nurse managers are balancing 2 things: the needs of the staff related to growth, morale, efficiency, and motivation and the outcome of staff satisfaction and the needs of the employer for productivity, quality, and cost effectiveness Background: The Management Process o 4 steps:

1. Planning  Involves selecting priorities, results, and methods to achieve results  Setting the direction for a system  then guiding the system  Strategic planning- broad ranged and determines overall purpose and direction of organization  Tactical planning- short ranged and determines the specific details of implementing broader goals 2. Organizing  A management function related to allocating and configuring resources to accomplish preferred goals and objectives 3. Directing  Establishing direction and influencing people to follow the direction 4. Controlling  Monitoring and adjusting the plan, processes, and resources to effectively achieve goals  Focus on comparing results of work toward pre-determined standards and making adjustments if they don’t meet standards

Management in Organizations o Contemporary Management Theories 1. Contingency Theory  Managers need to consider the situation and all its elements when making decisions 2. Systems Theory  A manager’s work within the system, inevitably affects the whole system 3. Complexity Theory  A general umbrella theory that encompasses chaos theory  This explains the behavior of the entire system  Encompasses networks of people exchanging information and are self-organizing

4. Chaos Theory  This is a concept of the complexity theory  Suggests that simple systems may give rise to complex behaviors and complex systems may exhibit simple behavior Current Issues and Trends o There will be increased needs for leadership in nursing 1. The percentage of Americans over 65 had tripled since 1900 2. Persons 85 years of age and older may spend up to half of their remaining lives inactive or dependent 3. In 2030 baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) will be between 66 to 84 years old our pop will increase from 13% to 20%  we need more nurses and good nursing leadership!!...

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