Chapter 10 notes PDF

Title Chapter 10 notes
Author Acacia Hansen
Course Nursing Assistant
Institution Northland Pioneer College
Pages 2
File Size 80.3 KB
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Chapter 10-Safety Needs 1) Safety is a basic need. See boxes on focus on surveys and promoting safety and comfort 2) What is the goal for safety? To allow the proper care, and to lessen injury 3)Name 5 points on assisting with safety clean spills or messes, help others, be kind about your help, make sure you are performing the proper care in your scope of practice, ask for help when needed, clarify unclear tasks 4)Name at least 5 accident risk factors – age, awareness, aggressive behaviors, hearing loss, impaired ability 5)What is a coma? When a person is not conscious or a long period of time 6)What is dementia? When a person has a missing be=rain function that allows them to remember things 7)Name at least 3 ways to identify a person- wristband, paperwork, pictures 8)Why is calling a person by name not a good idea? They might get confused and misake themselves for someone else 9)Name some common causes of burns in a nursing facility. Uncapped wires, untended fires, unplugged coffee machines 10)Name at least 7 ways to prevent burns. Making sure the area is free of anything that burns, being careful around hot items, do not pour hot liquids around the person, do not let the person sleep with a heating pad or blanket, make sure bath temperatures are not too hot, be careful when carrying hot liquids, only smoke in designated areas 11)What is a poison? Any substance that can harm the body from ingesting, breathing or being injected with it 12)Name at least 3 ways to prevent poisoning. Always give the correct amount of medication, make sure foods aren’t expired, and make sure the person is not taking any kind of harmful drug that they aren’t supposed to take 13)What is suffocation? Not getting enough air into your system and your brain shuts down, killing you 14)Name at least 8 ways to prevent suffocation make sure pillows and blankets are not over the persons face, make sure the person is attended to when around water, make sure the person is not choking, make sure dentures are in place, move people if you smell smoke, report loose teeth or dentures, use bed rails correctly, make sure there are no loose wires the person can wrap around their neck

15)What is a foreign body airway obstruction? Anything that can choke the person because it wasn’t supposed to be in their mouth 16)What do you do for mild airway obstruction? Follow the policies, perform the Heimlich maneuver if necessary 17)What do you do for severe airway obstruction? Perform abdominal thrusts 18)What is being cyanotic ? What is Abdominal thrust and or Heimlich maneuver - being cyanotic is when you turn a bluish color from lack of air flow into your lungs. Abdominal thrusts are when you place your fist under the rib cage of a person and thrust it in and up in attempt to remove a foreign object from their lungs 19)When are abdominal thrusts not used? – when the person is obese or pregnant

20) do you prevent equipment accidents? yes 21)What warning signs are to be noticed with electrical equipment? Too many cords for one outlet, un-intact outlet prongs, electrical equipment near water 22)What a is hazardous chemical? – any chemical that can potentially harm someone 23)What are MSDS and where do you find them? Material safety data sheets are used to label chemicals and make sure they are safe to use 24)What is a disaster, and do you know what to do if they occur? A disaster can be anything from natural to you dropped your patient. For natural disasters, however, follow your safety care plan 25)Name at least 6 fire preventing measures.- follow safety measures, practice smoking and ashtray safety, keep flammable materials away from flames, light matches carefully, don’t leave stoves unattended, don’t light matches or cigarettes by flammable materials 26)What 3 things are needed for a fire? Oxygen, flammable material and fire 27)Name at least 4 safety measures with oxygen. 28)What is RACE? Rescue, alarm, confine, extinguish 29)What is PASS? Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep 30)What is elopement? When a patient leaves without letting anyone know they are leaving 31)What is workplace violence? When violence occurs in the workplace 32)Name ways of dealing with agitated or aggressive persons, weapons, and staff safety measures. Speak calmly, stay calm, call for help if needed 33) ways to keep resident’s personal belongings safe. How do you describe valuables? What is an incident and when and who do you report to? Describe color, type, what shapes it has, gems it has, kind of thing it is. An incident would be losing someone’s personal belongings and you would report it on paper and the to the risk management community...

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