Chapter 10 pdf - Lecture notes 8 PDF

Title Chapter 10 pdf - Lecture notes 8
Course Psych
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Multiple-Choice Questions

A) B) C) D)

1. According to Erikson, adolescents are in the stage of: identity versus role confusion. intimacy versus isolation. independence versus neediness. integration versus separation.

A) B) C) D)

2. According to Erikson, the goal of adolescence is to: abandon parental goals. find one's own identity. attain independence from one's peer group. form an intimate relationship with a member of the opposite sex.

A) B) C) D)

3. Psychosocial development during adolescence is often seen as a quest to answer the question: “What am I going to do with my life?” “Will I ever find someone to love?” “Who am I?” “Why don't my parents understand me?”

A) B) C) D)

4. Psychosocial development during adolescence involves the search for a(n): soul mate. career. set of behaviors to please others. understanding of oneself.

5. According to Erikson, the ultimate adolescent psychosocial goal is identity: A) diffusion. B) achievement. C) foreclosure. D) moratorium.

A) B) C) D)

6. Mary is an adolescent. According to Erikson, her new identity will be established by choosing: an appropriate adult “hero figure.” values and goals opposite to the destructive identities of media stars. to embrace some parental and societal values while abandoning others. one sexual role and sticking with it, regardless of the consequences.

7. Following Erikson's lead, _____ distinguished four specific ways young people cope with this life stage. A) Baumrind B) Freud C) Marcia D) Skinner 8.


Seventeen-year-old Andrew failed several classes, lost his job, and spends most of his time sleeping on the couch. When his parents voice their disapproval, he replies, “Whatever.” Andrew's response indicates: role confusion.

B) C) D)

identity achievement. identity foreclosure. moratorium.

9. When a person adopts parents' or society's roles and values without questioning and exploring a personal identity, it is referred to as identity: A) moratorium. B) foreclosure. C) diffusion. D) achievement. 10. A) B) C) D)

An example of a behavior that demonstrates identity foreclosure is: dropping out of high school. choosing a different career path than what parents wanted. being eager to vote. working in the family business because it is expected.

11. Without any thoughtful consideration, Sean took on an identity that is the opposite of what his parents want for him. Sean has adopted a(n): A) negative identity. B) positive identity. C) non-identity. D) over identity.

12. Angel's parents wanted him to be part of the family business—and Angel planned to do so. Then, at age 21, he decided to leave the business to study to be a priest. Angel resisted: A) identity foreclosure. B) forced conversion. C) role repudiation. D) negative identity.

13. According to Erikson, the identity status characterized by not questioning and making no commitment is: A) achievement. B) foreclosure. C) diffusion. D) moratorium.

14. A) B) C) D)

Identity diffusion refers to the identity status in which adolescents: pause during their identity formation to explore alternatives. form their identity prematurely. do not commit to goals and fail to take on any role. understand who they are as connected to everything they have learned.

15. Identity diffusion is typically characterized by:

B) C) D)

apathy. foreclosure. following one's heart. commitment to a cause.

16. A) B) C) D)

Which adolescent appears to be experiencing identity diffusion? Jeannine, who runs away from a pressured home environment and joins a commune Fred, who is pressured by his parents to become a doctor Barbara, a college student who frequently changes majors Zachary, who spends most of his time hanging out and seems apathetic

17. The term for a pause in identity formation, when alternatives are explored before final choices are made, is known as: A) identity diffusion. B) role confusion. C) negative identity. D) moratorium. 18. A) B) C) D)

In the United States, one way for some to legitimatize an identity moratorium is to: go to college. get married. have a baby. smoke marijuana.

19. A) B) C) D)

During an identity moratorium, adolescents typically: ignore their future roles and responsibilities. take on a temporary role and postpone making career decisions. change their identity from that of their youth. adopt their parents' views after having tested them on their own.

20. Barrett is serving a 2-year mission for his church at the age of 19. When he returns home from his mission assignment, he will decide whether or not to attend college and will make decisions about career and family. Barrett's current status is identity: A) foreclosure. B) moratorium. C) diffusion. D) achievement.

21. Harold readily adopted his parent's religious faith without question. Happy and secure, he enjoys participating in religious events with his parents. His identity status reflects: A) diffusion. B) achievement. C) foreclosure. D) moratorium.

22. A) B) C) D)

According to Erikson, what is one of the four aspects of identity? physical political familial economic

23. A) B) C) D)

_____ adolescents totally reject the religion in which they've grown up. Few About half of all About three-fourths of all Almost all

24. A) B) C) D)

Identity politics refers to the tendency to: affiliate strongly with one political party. carefully weigh the issues promoted by the major political parties. automatically assume one's parents' political stance. vote for people of one's own race, religion, ethnicity, or gender.

25. A) B) C) D)

Research indicates that adolescents who work 20 hours a week or more: save more money for college. are more likely to love their work in adulthood. create a stronger vocational identity early on. tend to hate their jobs and achieve less in school.

26. People's acceptance of the roles and behaviors that they define as male or female is referred to as their _____ identity. A) gender B) ethnic C) heterosexual D) foreclosed 27. A) B) C) D)

Gender refers to: the cultural or social attributes of being male or female. the biological characteristics of being male or female. homophobia. one's sexual orientation.

28. Enrique believes that males should always be the ones to ask females out on dates. He thinks that if a man accepts an invitation for a date from a girl it makes him a wimp. This is an example of Enrique's: A) sex. B) gender identity. C) sexual orientation. D) gender. 29. A) B) C) D)

Which statement is an example of a gender role? A man should be the primary wage earner. A baby is born with reproductive organs for both sexes. A biological male decides to undergo an operation to become a woman. A woman decides to try dating men and women.

30. In typical relationships, one would expect the MOST bickering between: A) grandparents and teens. B) adolescents and older siblings.

C) D)

fathers and sons.

31. Shortly after Brittany turned 18, she developed a newfound appreciation of her parents. What contributed to her change in attitude? A) less resistance and more placation B) her parents are allowing more independence C) a more developed prefrontal cortex D) self-reflection and humility 32. A) B) C) D)

In the United States, parent-child conflict is most common when children are in: late childhood. early adolescence. late adolescence. emerging adulthood.

33. A) B) C) D)

Bickering between parents and teenagers is most likely to: to be about religious beliefs. signal of pathology in the family. concern personal habits and dress. increase steadily between the ages of 13 and 19.

34. A) B) C) D)

Parent-child arguments during the teen years indicate: a disturbed parent-child relationship. poor parenting skills. teenage depression. children's desire for autonomy.

35. A) B) C) D)

Which type of parenting is most effective during adolescence? authoritative neglectful authoritarian permissive

36. A) B) C) D)

According to the text, which are two of the aspects of family closeness? communication and autonomy support and connectedness connectedness and authority openness and control

37. Eva is about to become a teenage mother. Based on recent research, she and her child will better handle the situation if her parents: A) assume care for Eva and her child. B) adopt Eva's child and raise the child as their own. C) encourage Eva to move out of the house to raise her baby alone. D) are supportive, but do not assume complete care for her child. 38. Identify the accurate statement concerning parental connectedness and control in parentadolescent interactions.

A) B) C) D)

These aspects are always constructive. These aspects are always destructive. Whether these aspects are constructive or destructive depends on the situation. Whether these aspects are constructive or destructive depends on the sex of the child.

39. A) B) C) D)

Parental monitoring is most likely to be effective and healthy when it is: rigid and controlling. part of a warm, supportive relationship. relaxed and permissive. part of authoritarian parenting.

40. A father's awareness of where his teenagers are, what they are doing, and with whom they are doing it is referred to as: A) parental monitoring. B) generational stake. C) overcontrolling. D) connectedness. 41. Abbie is aware of where her son is whenever he goes out, and she requires him to call if there is any change in plans. This is an example of: A) generational stake. B) foreclosure for her son. C) parental monitoring. D) negative control. 42. A) B) C) D)

Restrictive and controlling parenting practices are associated with: a well-behaved adolescent. adolescent depression. adolescent achievement. closeness with parents.

43. Nate's parents are restrictive and controlling. Compared with Nate's peers whose parents engage in less psychological control, Nate is more likely to be: A) addicted to drugs or alcohol. B) involved with weapons. C) depressed. D) a delinquent.

44. A) B) C) D)

_____ expressed the belief that adolescents must rebel in order to become healthy adults. Sigmund Freud Jean Piaget B. F. Skinner Anna Freud

45. In Western cultures the idea that a certain amount of adolescent rebellion is normal and perhaps even healthy reflects a: A) cultural mandate. B) social construction. C) culturally dependent contrivance. D) social fallacy.

46. Miko is a 16-year-old girl who lives in Japan with her family. If she is typical, she will MOST likely seek her parents' advice on: A) music. B) clothes. C) friends. D) romance. 47. A) B) C) D)

The urge to conform to one's peers in behavior, dress, and attitude is referred to as: conformation. adolescent burden. generation gap. peer pressure.

48. A) B) C) D)

Peer pressure usually leads to: law-breaking behaviors. use of drugs and alcohol. pressure to have sex. socially desirable behaviors.

49. Chris typically can be found with the same group of close friends on the gym steps at lunchtime. He and his friends do not ask others to sit with them. Psychologists call Chris's group a: A) clique. B) cluster. C) crowd. D) crew.

50. A) B) C) D)

Adolescent romantic partners: are likely to be same-sex. usually become lifelong life partners. have more in common with each other than in adult couples. have less in common with each other than in adult couples.

51. Isaac and Derek persuaded Robert to cut school and steal alcohol from a store. Isaac and Derek provided _____ to Robert. A) criminal coaching B) deviancy training C) delinquent apprenticeship D) offender initiation 52. Several of Jamel's friends agree to gather Thursday evening and study for their physics exam, and they invite him to come along. Jamel's friends are: A) selecting destructive behaviors. B) facilitating constructive behaviors. C) providing deviancy training. D) being monitored by parents. 53.

A) B) C) D)

At age 17, Gage aspired to become a serious musician. His group of friends began to change as he grew closer to students with deep musical interests, and he drifted away from other friends who were more engaged in sports. This illustrates peer: exclusion. facilitation. selection. focus.

54. Mr. and Mrs. Cortina have discovered that their son has been skipping classes and cutting school with a group of boys. Which conclusion is MOST likely true? A) The group has led their innocent son astray. B) The behavior is nothing to worry about. C) The group is more rebellious than the individuals are alone. D) Their son chose this group because he shares their interests. 55. A) B) C) D)

Which statement is false? Teen births have decreased in every nation. Teen use of contraception has risen. Teen abortions are less common than they were 20 years ago. Youth continue to report sexual activity at younger and younger ages.

56. Data indicates a marked decline in _____ rates among immigrant women in the U.S., at least in part because these women expect to attend post-secondary education. A) teenage pregnancy B) graduation rates C) housework D) contraception use

57. A study of adult women in the United States found that those who voluntarily had sex before the age of 16 were: A) likely to have a successful marriage as an adult. B) likely to birth control. C) not likely to use birth control. D) likely to get a divorce as an adult.

58. The term that describes one having erotic desires about the same sex, the opposite sex or both sexes is: A) sexual identity. B) sexual orientation. C) sexuality. D) gender identity.

59. Hector is 15 years old and does not identify with his biological sex. He feels he is in the wrong body, but does not have the support he needs to transition into another gender easily. According to the DSM-5, Hector may suffer from: A) gender dysphoria. B) gender-role disorder. C) sexual disorientation. D) bisexuality.

60. A recent study of teens in New York City found the teens MOST at risk for sexual violence and STIs had: A) exclusively same-sex partners. B) exclusively opposite-sex partners. C) gender-identity disorder. D) both same-sex and opposite-sex partners. 61. A) B) C) D)

Which developed nation has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy? Canada Sweden the United States Holland

62. Which statement is true? A) Children of young parents have more medical, educational, and social problems than children of older parents. B) Children of older parents have more medical, educational, and social problems than children of young parents. C) Children of young and older parents have the same rate of medical, educational, and social problems. D) Children's rate of medical, educational, and social problems is completely unrelated to their parents' age.

63. A) B) C) D)

Child sexual abuse: most often instigated by strangers. is quite rare in all cultures and countries. includes only activities that involve genital contact. is most common when the first signs of puberty occur.

64. A) B) C) D)

Which problem shows no signs of abating? teenage pregnancy STIs sexual abuse abortions

65. Those who have sexual intercourse before the age of 16 are _____ likely to catch a STI than those who begin sexual activity after age 19. A) less B) twice as C) three times more D) four times more

66. A) B) C) D)

In communities and families that forbid adolescent sex, teenagers are: not likely to receive medical care when they contract an STI. likely to use condoms when they have sex. not likely to spread STIs. likely to have access to comprehensive sex education.

67. Teenagers have _____ rate of gonorrhea, genital herpes, and chlamydia when compared to sexually active people of other age groups.

A) B) C) D)

a lower the same a higher an unknown

68. Which statement about child sexual abuse has research shown to be false? A) Long-term consequences can be mitigated if the abuse stops quickly and the child feels protected. B) Most cases are reported to authorities, even if not all abusers are prosecuted. C) The consequences of abuse can impact the offspring of the abuse victims. D) The cognitive and psychosocial effects of sex abuse can be worse than the biological harm it causes.

69. A young boy experienced ongoing sexual abuse until he was 15. Now that he is a grown man, it is likely that he: A) has forgotten the experiences over time. B) suffers from biological harm resulting from the abuse. C) is depressed and has difficulty with sex or other psychosocial problems. D) has outgrown the biological and psychosocial effects of the abuse. 70. One reason that the teenage pregnancy rate in most European nations is less than half of that in the United States may be because: A) most European schools begin offering sex education in elementary school. B) European teenagers live at home longer. C) American parents are too permissive. D) European teens reach puberty later. 71. A) B) C) D)

Research indicates that the sexually active teens MOST apt to have an STI have parents who: tell their children too many details about sex. provide condoms and other contraception options. limit their child's exposure to the media. tell their children about sex and then instruct them to avoid it.

72. The abstinence-only sex-education program that was widely promoted in the United States in 1998 resulted in _____ sexual activity by teenagers. A) a dramatic reduction in B) a reduced incidence of C) no significant impact on D) increased

73. A) B) C) D)

Compared to when they were children, many adolescents are: happier. more carefree. less self-confident. more focused.

74. A) B) C)

In general, as children become adolescents, their self-esteem: rises. declines. rises then declines.


remains stable.

75. Luis was raised to believe that he is intelligent, skilled, and protected by his family. During adolescence, he will most likely exhibit _____ in self-confidence. A) an increase B) a decrease C) no change D) a significant increase

76. A) B) C) D)

The cultural norm of familism often: demands that individual family members take care of themselves at a very early age. fails to provide family members with a cushion during stressful life experiences. requires family members to make sacrifices for the good of the whole. undermines familial solidarity.

77. A) B) C) D)

Approximately 1 in _____ adolescent girls is affected by clinical depression. 2 5 10 100

78. A) B) C) D)

Approximately 1 in _____ adolescent boy is affected by clinical depression. 2 5 10 100

79. One study found that the short allele of the serotonin transporter promoter gene (5-HTTLPR) contributes to increased rates of depression in all girls, but only in boys who: A) ruminate. B) are suicidal. C) come from high-SES backgrounds. D) come from low-SES backgrounds.

80. Elyse broke up with her boyfriend after a fight. She has spent the last week repeatedly going over the fight in her mind, which has caused her to sink into depression. Her continual reliving the fight is known as: A) rumination. B) reminiscence. C) obsession. D) fixation. 81. A) B) C) D)

Suicidal ideation refers to: a deliberate act of self-destruction that does not end in death. thinking about suicide. the belief that suicide is a...

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