Chapter 13 Multiple-Choice Questions-TIF PDF

Title Chapter 13 Multiple-Choice Questions-TIF
Course Introduction To Psychology (Part A)
Institution University of Manitoba
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Chapter 13 Multiple Choice Questions...


1) Taking on the behaviours, emotional displays, and facial expressions of others, is known as a. mimicry. b. obedience. c. groupthink. d. social facilitation. Answer: a Page Reference: 534 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence. 2) Wilhelm doesn't follow sports, but he agrees to go to a football game with a friend. Because he is unfamiliar with the rules, Wilhelm watches the other spectators around him carefully to see when they clap, stand, cheer, and boo and then copies their behaviour. Which strategy is Wilhelm using? a. groupthink b. social facilitation c. mimicry d. obedience Answer: c Page Reference: 534 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence. 3) The chameleon effect occurs when individuals a. unconsciously copy the behaviour of those around them. b. intentionally copy the behaviour of others to try to 'fit in.' c. show an improvement in performance in the presence of others. d. unquestioningly follow the demands of an authority figure. Answer: a Page Reference: 534 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence.

4) Ginger's new roommate tends to wink a lot at the end of sentences to indicate that she is joking. After living together for a few weeks, Ginger unconsciously begins to wink when she makes a joke. This is an example of a. cognitive dissonance. b. the chameleon effect. c. social facilitation. d. groupthink. Answer: b Page Reference: 534 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence. 5) According to the textbook, one of the situations that produces more mimicry than others is when an individual a. is hanging out with old friends. b. is performing a familiar task. c. dislikes the person with whom they are interacting. d. wants to make a good impression. Answer: d Page Reference: 534 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence. 6) In general, if an individual mimics aspects of our behaviour, we tend to a. like them less. b. categorize them as belonging to an outgroup. c. like them more. d. become irritated. Answer: c Page Reference: 534 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence.

7) The guidelines for how to behave in social contexts are called a. group dynamics. b. rules of conformity. c. social norms. d. mandates of authority. Answer: c Page Reference: 535 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence. 8) Doni enters an elevator and stands facing the back instead of turning around to face the elevator door. In this example, Doni is violating a. the rules of conformity. b. the mandates of authority. c. a social norm. d. a chameleon effect. Answer: c Page Reference: 535 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence. 9) ________ occurs when an individual, who is part of a larger group, puts forth less effort than other group members. a. Social facilitation b. Social loafing c. Groupthink d. Discrimination Answer: b Page Reference: 535 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours.

10) You and your group have had four weeks to complete a group project for your economics class. You are now four days away from the due date, and you and one other group member have been putting in all of the time and effort. The other two members come occasionally to group meetings and do the minimal work required. This unfortunate situation is known as a. social facilitation. b. groupthink. c. social loafing. d. the chameleon effect. Answer: c Page Reference: 535 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 11) Which of the following is NOT likely to lead to social loafing? a. knowing that the group's performance will be rewarded b. taking on a complex or challenging task c. feeling as though one's contributions will not help the group d. feeling as though others in the group are not pulling their weight Answer: b Page Reference: 535 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 12) What is the term for an improvement in performance caused by the perception that others are watching? a. groupthink b. chameleon effect c. social facilitation d. bystander effect Answer: c Page Reference: 536 Skill: Factual

Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 13) Marco has been running each afternoon trying to beat his college's record for the 400metre sprint. Despite all his practising, he hasn't been able to come in under his usual time. There's a big fan turnout for the track meet on Saturday against the rival school and Marco not only beats the old record, but surpasses it. Marco's behaviour illustrates a. social facilitation. b. groupthink. c. social loafing. d. the bystander effect. Answer: a Page Reference: 536 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 14) Social facilitation is most likely to occur when individuals a. have had relatively little practice. b. are engaging in complex tasks. c. are learning a task for the first time. d. have mastered the task they are performing. Answer: d Page Reference: 536 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 15) Which of the following is a decision-making process in which group members avoid arguments and strive for agreement? a. deindividuation b. social loafing c. obedience d. groupthink Answer: d Page Reference: 536

Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 16) ________ can occur when individuals are more concerned with maintaining group harmony than expressing their true ideas. a. Social facilitation b. Groupthink c. Social loafing d. Bystander effect Answer: b Page Reference: 536 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 17) Imitating the behaviour of one individual is called _____________, whereas changing your behaviour to fit in with a group is called _____________. a. mimicry; conformity b. conformity; mimicry c. obedience; conformity d. conformity; obedience Answer: a Page Reference: 534, 537 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence. 18) Which of the following is true about conformity? a. Conformity is often a conscious decision. b. Conformity is always caused by the desire to be liked by others. c. Conformity cannot be studied in the laboratory. d. People tend to be less likely to conform when responses are made publicly. Answer: a Page Reference: 538 Skill: Factual

Objective: Understand why individuals conform to others' behaviours. 19) People tend to be more likely to conform when a. the group is comprised only of males. b. there are only strangers around. c. the task is clear and simple. d. there are friends of family nearby. Answer: d Page Reference: 538 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand why individuals conform to others' behaviours. 20) In the experiments conducted by Solomon Asch, what was the main task that subjects had to perform? a. pretend they were prison guards b. identify line lengths c. help a stranger in distress d. deliver electric shocks to 'learners' Answer: b Page Reference: 537 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand why individuals conform to others' behaviours. 21) In the famous experiment conducted by Solomon Asch, the concept of _______ was explored. a. diffusion of responsibility b. social loafing c. groupthink d. conformity Answer: d Page Reference: 537 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours.

22) If you're like ___ percent of participants in the original Asch study, you would conform to the incorrect norm at least once during testing. a. 45 b. 55 c. 65 d. 75 Answer: d Page Reference: 538 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand why individuals conform to others' behaviours. 23) Talal disagrees with many of the policies of the Conservative Party; however, most of Talal's friends support the party. Talal wants to fit in so he attends rallies in support of the Conservatives and when in public, makes statements that align with their platform. Talal's behaviour demonstrates the effect of _________ on behaviour. a. normative influence b. informational influence c. groupthink d. bystander effect Answer: a Page Reference: 538 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand why individuals conform to others' behaviours. 24) Lyndsey used to consume animal products like meat and cheese. However, after spending time with a local vegan activist group, she felt as though the information she was learning about the impact on the environment was too important to ignore. Eventually, Lyndsey fully adopted a vegan lifestyle. Lyndsey's change in behaviour is an example of a. normative influence. b. informational influence. c. groupthink. d. bystander effect.

Answer: b Page Reference: 538 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand why individuals conform to others' behaviours. 25) ___________ influence results from wanting to fit in, while _________ influence occurs when one feels as though the group is giving them useful guidance. a. Informational; normative b. Normative; groupthink c. Normative; informational d. Authoritarian; insightful Answer: c Page Reference: 538 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand why individuals conform to others' behaviours. 26) ___________ is likely to lead to an actual change in beliefs, rather than simply acting a certain way but maintaining conflicting beliefs. a. Groupthink b. Normative influence c. Social loafing d. Informational influence Answer: d Page Reference: 538 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand why individuals conform to others' behaviours. 27) The Kitty Genovese case is a famous example of a. social loafing. b. groupthink. c. the bystander effect. d. obedience to authority. Answer: c

Page Reference: 541 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviour. 28) The _________ describes the phenomenon that occurs when people are less likely to aid a person in trouble if there are other people around. a. bystander effect b. social loafing effect c. groupthink effect d. apathy effect Answer: a Page Reference: 541 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviour. 29) A car crash woke John from his afternoon nap. When he looked out his apartment window, he saw several people milling around two smashed cars. He decided not to dial 911 because he assumed someone had already called. John's reaction is an example of a. the bystander effect. b. social loafing. c. obedience to authority. d. conformity to social norms. Answer: a Page Reference: 541 Skill: Applied Objective: Apply your knowledge of the bystander effect to ensure that you will be helped if you are in an emergency. 30) At a crowded park, Minera sees an old man clutching his heart and stumbling. Minera assumes that someone else will help the old man and walks past without helping. Minera's behaviour is an example of a. normative influence. b. social loafing. c. diffusion of responsibility.

d. groupthink. Answer: c Page Reference: 542 Skill: Applied Objective: Apply your knowledge of the bystander effect to ensure that you will be helped if you are in an emergency. 31) Nabila was at a busy grocery store when she and many others saw a woman being forced into a car in the parking lot. She stopped to stare, acknowledging that this woman needed to be helped. She assumed that she was not the only one who noticed this happening and that someone had likely already called the police to help the woman. Nabila's decision not to call for help can be best explained by a. groupthink. b. the diffusion of responsibility. c. social facilitation. d. the fundamental attribution error. Answer: b Page Reference: 542 Skill: Applied Objective: Apply your knowledge of the bystander effect to ensure that you will be helped if you are in an emergency. 32) The majority of players on the men's varsity football team consider themselves feminists. However, when they joke around in the locker room many of them make crude or discriminatory comments about women because they think that their teammates find them funny. The players' behaviour in this situation is an example of a. social loafing. b. diffusion of responsibility. c. social facilitation. d. pluralistic ignorance. Answer: d Page Reference: 542 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how individuals and groups influence behaviours.

33) On a hot summer afternoon, Jamila and her friends are relaxing on her porch. Although Jamila would like to stay on the porch all afternoon, she thinks her friends might prefer to drive to the local waterpark. All of her friends would actually prefer to spend their afternoon on the porch, but each assumes that the others would prefer to go to the waterpark, so they all agree that they should go. This scenario demonstrates the concept of a. social loafing. b. pluralistic ignorance. c. social facilitation. d. diffusion of responsibility. Answer: b Page Reference: 542 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how individuals and groups influence behaviours. 34) __________ describe the specific set of expectations placed on an individual in a specific position, such as 'doctor,' 'policeman,' or 'politician.' a. Social norms b. Explicit biases c. Social roles d. Implicit biases Answer: c Page Reference: 544 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence. 35) In the Stanford Prison Study, male college students agreed to participate in a twoweek experiment to discover what would happen when they took on the roles of prisoners and guards. The researchers found that a. both prisoners and guards quickly fell into their roles and behaved accordingly. b. the majority of participants who were assigned to be prisoners, rebelled against the guards, refusing to follow their demands. c. the majority of guards engaged in fair and ethical treatment of the prisoners. d. when participants knew they were part of a study with no 'real-world' implications, they had difficulty taking on assigned roles.

Answer: a Page Reference: 544–545 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze whether guards who participate in abuse are inherently bad people, or if their behaviour is the product of social influences. 36) What does the Stanford Prison Study tell us about the relationship between social roles and behaviour? a. People who are naturally aggressive and authoritarian seek out social roles that allow them to behave in this way. b. "Good" people will refuse to behave according to the norms of a social role if they are required to be harsh or abusive to other people. c. When people are placed in social roles with a lot of power, their behaviour often changes to fit their new role. d. Inmates naturally take on different social roles in a prison, with some becoming aggressive and authoritarian, while others become passive and submissive. Answer: c Page Reference: 544–545 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze whether guards who participate in abuse are inherently bad people, or if their behaviour is the product of social influences. 37) The Stanford Prison Study demonstrates how a person's _______________ affect(s) their behaviour. a. social role b. moral values c. implicit beliefs d. explicit beliefs Answer: a Page Reference: 544–545 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze whether guards who participate in abuse are inherently bad people, or if their behaviour is the product of social influences.

38) Complying with instructions or orders from an individual who is in a position of authority is called a. mimicry. b. conformity. c. groupthink. d. obedience. Answer: d Page Reference: 546 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social influence. 39) Stanley Milgram conducted one of the most well-known studies on a. conformity. b. bystander apathy. c. the effects of violent media. d. obedience to authority. Answer: d Page Reference: 546 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 40) _______ found that normal people in normal times will often follow orders to hurt innocent people. a. Solomon Asch b. Kurt Lewin c. Carolyn Sherif d. Stanley Milgram Answer: d Page Reference: 546 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours.

41) Before Stanley Milgram conducted his study on obedience, he asked a number of psychiatrists and psychologists how many people would go all the way to the highest voltage under the instructions of the authority. Milgram found that a. the experts accurately predicted that about 45 percent of the participants would inflict what they thought were dangerous amounts of shock. b. the experts accurately predicted that about 65 percent of the participants would inflict what they thought were dangerous amounts of shock. c. the experts greatly underestimated how many participants would inflict what they thought were dangerous amounts of shock. d. the experts greatly overestimated how many participants would inflict what they thought were dangerous amounts of shock. Answer: c Page Reference: 547 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 42) About ____ of all participants in Milgram's study administered the highest level of shock to the learner. a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 65% Answer: d Page Reference: 547 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 43) When Milgram and his team set up several variations of his original study, they found that people were more likely to disobey when a. the experimenter wore a white lab coat instead of street clothes. b. a confederate acting as another teacher refused to comply. c. a second experimenter agreed the experiment should continue. d. they were only asked to read the word-pairs, but someone else had to deliver the shocks.

Answer: b Page Reference: 547–548 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 44) William, a police officer, is instructed by a superior officer to physically harm a suspect in order to obtain a confession. According to research done on obedience, William is more likely to disobey this order if a. the superior officer is in the room with William and the suspect. b. another senior officer agrees that William should hurt the suspect. c. the suspect asks William to stop. d. William's partner refuses to physically harm the suspect. Answer: d Page Reference: 547–548 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 45) Which statement best describes an important finding of Milgram's classic research? a. Individuals easily conform to group norms. b. The presence of other people makes aggression more likely. c. People will easily obey an authority figure and do harm to others. d. Agreeing to a small request makes it more likely you will agree to a big request. Answer: c Page Reference: 547 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand how individuals and groups can influence behaviours. 46) __________ processes are unconscious, fast, and automatic, whereas_________ processes are slower, intentional and within our conscious awareness. a. Explicit; implicit b. Implicit; explicit c. Conformity; obedience d. Obedience; conformity

Answer: b Page Reference: 552 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social cognition. 47) When interpreting behaviour, if a social psychologist takes both conscious and unconscious processes into account, they are said to be using a(n) a. dual-process model. b. whole-person approach. c. person-centred approach. d. humanistic approach. Answer: a Page Reference: 552 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with social cognition. 48) In social psychology, the term "person perception" refers to a. a set of beliefs about a group of people. b. the emotional concern one individual has for another's well-being. c. the act of attributing an individual's ...

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