Chapter 13 Supplementary Questions-TIF PDF

Title Chapter 13 Supplementary Questions-TIF
Author Jennifer Luo
Course Introduction to psychology
Institution University of Manitoba
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1) When a group exerts such strong pressure to conform that it prevents people from expressing critical ideas, the group is suffering from a. groupthink. b. polarization. c. risky shift. d. deindividuation. Answer: a Page Reference: 536 2) Which of the following conditions is conducive to creating a groupthink effect? a. the illusion of disagreement b. a weak leader c. failing to critically evaluate ideas d. members who do not like each other Answer: c Page Reference: 536 3) Groupthink can be avoided by a. having a strong leader. b. inviting outsiders to give their opinions. c. striving for a consensus among members. d. having bright, well-informed members. Answer: b Page Reference: 536 4) Even though he thought the Army Reserve's short hair regulation was silly, Ted really wanted the extra money Reserve duty provided to him, so he kept his hair short. This is an example of a. conformity. b. reactance. c. private acceptance. d. a role.

Answer: a Page Reference: 537 5) Asch (1951) used __________ to study informational conformity. a. the "kinetic effect" b. the latency of response c. social loafing in a tug of war group d. line lengths Answer: d Page Reference: 537 6) Which of the following is an example of conformity? a. A soldier shoots enemy women and children on orders from his commanding officer. b. A policeman beats a prisoner to force a confession on orders of his commanding officer. c. Passengers move to the back of the bus as soon as the driver tells them to. d. Stan has thrown away all of his old ties and bought new ones to "be in style." Answer: d Page Reference: 537–538 7) In which scenario would an individual be most likely to conform by giving the same response as the confederates? a. 12 confederates give the same answer and one confederate provides the correct response. b. 8 confederates give the same answer and one provides a different but also incorrect response. c. 4 confederates give the same answer and all of the responses are the same. d. 2 confederates give the same answer and one provides another answer that is incorrect. Answer: c Page Reference: 537–538 8) To conform is to yield to a. social norms. b. cognitive dissonance.

c. secondary processes. d. response cues. Answer: a Page Reference: 538 9) When 68-year-old Mrs. Blake had a flat tire on a fairly isolated highway, she received help from a passerby in less than 10 minutes. One year later, she had a flat tire on a busy freeway and an hour elapsed before someone finally stopped to offer assistance. Mrs. Blake's experience best illustrates a. the fundamental attribution error. b. the mere exposure effect. c. group polarization. d. the bystander effect. Answer: d Page Reference: 541 10) People won't help when there are many bystanders because a. of diffusion of responsibility. b. people are egoistic. c. people like to see others hurt. d. people are not altruistic. Answer: a Page Reference: 542 11) According to research, the larger the group, the a. safer you are. b. more likely you are to receive help. c. more likely you are to give assistance. d. less likely you are to give or receive help. Answer: d Page Reference: 542 12) The Stanford Prison Study has been criticized on the basis of

a. methodological weaknesses. b. inability to replicate it. c. lack of real-life application. d. ethics. Answer: d Page Reference: 544 13) In the famous Milgram experiment on obedience, who received a shock? a. the "learner" b. no one c. the confederate d. the subject Answer: b Page Reference: 546 14) In the Milgram experiment on obedience, the _______ was a confederate of the experimenter. a. subject b. female subject c. learner d. normal person Answer: c Page Reference: 546 15) In the Milgram experiment on obedience, the dependent variable was the a. learner's incorrect responses. b. intensity of shock delivered. c. learner's screams of pain. d. number of mistakes made by the learner. Answer: b Page Reference: 546

16) Most people are likely to be surprised by the results of Milgram's initial obedience experiment because a. the "learners" made so few learning errors under stressful circumstances. b. the "teachers" actually enjoyed shocking another person. c. the "teachers" were more obedient than most people would have predicted. d. the "learners" obediently accepted painful shocks without any protest. Answer: c Page Reference: 546–547 17) Which scenario best demonstrates the fundamental attribution error? a. Dorothy thinks that a co-worker is late because he overslept. b. Craig thinks that his classmate must have gotten a poor grade on an exam because the exam was too difficult. c. Blanche believes that the driver of the speeding vehicle must be responding to an emergency situation. d. Tom laughs at a friend who trips over a shoe because she falls in such a dramatic way. Answer: a Page Reference: 555 18) Freire did very poorly on his last arithmetic test. The tendency to make the fundamental attribution error might lead his sixth-grade teacher to conclude that Freire did poorly because a. he is unmotivated to do well in school. b. the test covered material that had not been adequately covered in class. c. his parents had an argument that evening before the test. d. he was not given enough time to complete the test. Answer: a Page Reference: 555 19) Colin and Erin are waiting to meet with their caterer so that they can discuss the menu for their wedding. The caterer is thirty minutes late and still hasn't arrived. Colin suggests the caterer is probably delayed because of traffic. Colin's attribution can be characterized as a a. personal attribution. b. situational attribution.

c. counterfactual attribution. d. correspondent attribution. Answer: b Page Reference: 555 20) During a Girl Scout picnic, Lavinia was randomly selected to be on one baseball team and Carla on the opposing team. Before the game started, both Lavinia and Carla were convinced that their own team was the better one. The girls' reactions best illustrate a. the fundamental attribution error. b. deindividuation. c. the reciprocity norm. d. ingroup bias. Answer: d Page Reference: 557 21) Over-simplified generalizations about the characteristics of a group are called a. prejudices. b. stereotypes. c. biases. d. discrimination. Answer: b Page Reference: 558 22) _______ puts people into categories with each category having its own set of characteristics. a. Stereotyping b. Prejudice c. Discrimination d. Bias Answer: a Page Reference: 558

23) Which of the following is a negative, often aggressive behaviour aimed at the target of prejudice? a. stereotypes b. bias c. discrimination d. reactance Answer: c Page Reference: 558 24) Prejudice differs from discrimination in that it is a. unjustified. b. a behaviour. c. an attitude. d. negative. Answer: c Page Reference: 558 25) According to research, prejudice is reduced when people must a. come into contact with one another. b. change their attitudes and behaviours. c. cooperate with one another to achieve a goal. d. live together. Answer: c Page Reference: 562 26) What theory was advanced by Festinger? a. balance b. cognitive heuristic c. cognitive dissonance d. confirmation bias Answer: c Page Reference: 574

27) According to Festinger, the feeling of discomfort that results from the realization that our beliefs and our behaviours are discrepant is called a. attribution. b. balance theory. c. cognitive dissonance. d. confirmation bias. Answer: c Page Reference: 574...

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