Chapter 14 15 16 MGT300 - Smartbook assignments PDF

Title Chapter 14 15 16 MGT300 - Smartbook assignments
Author shaylea murray
Course Organization and Management Leadership
Institution Arizona State University
Pages 13
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CHAPTER 14: The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is referred to as ______. Leadership An organization's vision and strategic plan is created by ______ and then implemented by ______. leaders; managers The leadership aspect of managerial leaders is to ______, while the management part is to ______. influence; facilitate According to Kotter, leadership is primarily about coping with what? Change What is the term for power directed at helping yourself and furthering your own ends rather than those of others or the organization? Personalized power True or false: Leadership is a narrow term that only refers to formal positions such as CEO and CFO. FALSE Which characteristics are associated with leaders rather than with managers? ● Providing emotional support ● Inspiring others ● Being a visionary What is defined as the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done while facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives? Managerial leadership Which of the following are among the nine most common influence tactics? ● Consultation ● Rational persuasion ● Inspirational appeals Kotter suggests that leadership and management do not compete; rather, they are ______ systems of action. COMPLEMENTARY Richard's use of power is directed toward helping himself rather than helping others. This is an example of ______ power. PERSONALIZED To be effective, a person employing influence tactics should do which of the following? ● Be subtle. ● Be authentic. ● Rely on the core.

The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is referred to as ______. LEADERSHIP In the integrated model of leadership, leadership behavior is task-oriented, relationshiporiented, passive, or ______. TRANSFORMATIONAL Conscious efforts to affect and change behaviors in others are known as ______ tactics. INFLUENCE Trait approaches to leadership propose that leadership ability arises from distinctive personal characteristics According to Kotter, leadership is primarily about coping with what? CHANGE Which of the following are common task-oriented traits of leaders? ● Conscientiousness ● Emotional stability ● Intelligence Which core influence tactic tends to work better than a legitimating tactic? CONSULTATION True or false: Women executives score lower than men on producing high-quality work. FALSE (Reason: Most studies show women executives score higher than men executives on producing high-quality work, goal setting, and mentoring employees.) An integrated model of leadership considers which of the following to create leadership effectiveness? ● Power and influence ● Traits, gender, and skills ● Situational factors Which of the following have been identified as the four basic skills needed by leaders? ● Cognitive abilities ● Business skills ● Interpersonal skills ● Conceptual skills Which of the following are four conclusions we can draw from trait theory? ● A global mindset is an increasingly valued task-oriented trait. ● Organizations may want to consider personality and trait assessments in their selection and evaluation processes. ● The implications of leadership traits cannot be ignored. ● The positive and "dark triad" traits suggest the qualities you should cultivate and avoid. Attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders are called the ______ approaches to leadership.

Trait Behavioral approaches to leadership have identified which categories of leader behavior? ● Relationship-oriented ● Passive ● Transformational ● Task-oriented In addition to emotional intelligence and agreeableness, what is a common positive interpersonal attribute of leaders? Extraversion Which of the following are forms of task-oriented leadership behaviors? ● Transactional leadership ● Initiating-structure leadership What are accurate statements concerning the traits of women who excel as executives? ● Women generally use a more participative style than men. ● Women are highly collaborative. In which ways do interpersonal skills help leaders in being effective? ● Influencing others ● Working with diverse groups of people What type of leadership is primarily concerned with leaders' interactions with their subordinates and is aimed at enhancing the creation of a positive, nurturing work environment? Relationship-oriented Your belief in your ability to influence people who are unlike you in a global context is called a ______. global mind-set Alexis chooses to manage her team through a management-by-exception approach. She only becomes involved if there is a problem. Which of the following would best describe Alexis's leadership approach? Passive leadership Which approach to leadership attempts to determine the actions and behaviors that effective leaders engage in when interacting with others? BEHAVIORAL True or false: Task-oriented leaders are best suited to handle all situations. FALSE

Leaders who focus on ______ leadership behaviors attempt to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used efficiently and effectively to accomplish the organization's mission. task-oriented

The situational approach to leadership is also known as the _____ approach. contingency True or false: Women executives score lower than men on producing high-quality work. False Which of the following would be categorized as relationship-oriented leadership behaviors? ● Consideration behavior ● Ethical leadership ● Empowering leadership ● Servant leadership Which approach to leadership asserts that a leader's effectiveness depends on the situation at hand? Contingency Leadership behavior that is characterized by a lack of leadership skills, such as the management-by-exception style, is referred to as ______ leadership. Passive Which leadership model holds that an effective leader makes desirable rewards available to workers and increases workers' motivation by clearly outlining the behavior that will help them achieve those goals and rewards? Path-goal leadership To create effective managers, companies should do what? Train them on task and relationship management. Which of the following are implications that are offered by House's revised path-goal theory? ● Leaders should modify their style to fit the employee characteristics and situational factors in the leadership situation. ● Leaders should help employees to achieve their goals by helping to clarify the path to those goals and removing obstacles to achieving them. ● Effective leaders will possess and likely use more than one style of leadership. Which of the following leadership models are categorized as situational approaches to leadership? ● Fiedler's contingency model ● House's path-goal model Which leadership approach suggests that leadership behaviors vary along a continuum of leadership styles, from passive through transactional to transformational? Full-range Which type of leader transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over selfinterest? Transformational According to Fiedler's contingency leadership model, which two of the following are seen as leader orientations or styles? ● Relationship-oriented ● Task-oriented What type of leader excites passion, inspiring and empowering people to look beyond

their own self-interest? Transformational Which leadership model states that successful leaders help followers by tying meaningful rewards to goal accomplishment, reducing barriers to achieving those goals, and providing subordinates with support? Path-goal leadership Creating and enforcing a clearly stated ______ is an important practice for transformational leaders to follow. code of ethics True or false: House's revised path-goal theory has been tested enough to verify its overall conclusions. False True or false: According to the leader-member exchange model (LMX), a leader has different relationships with different subordinates. True Which leadership approach asserts that leadership behavior varies across a wide number of leadership styles, ranging from take-no-responsibility leadership to transformational leadership? Full-range Although some people view ______ as a weakness, it is actually the belief that something greater than oneself exists. Humility Transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things, while ______ leaders attempt to get people to do exceptional things. transformational Jordan enjoys working at his company because it has the philosophy that every employee is making an important contribution. As a result, there is a mutual level of respect among all employees. In this situation, the company is creating a feeling of ______. community What type of leaders use inspirational motivation, idealized influence, individual consideration, and intellectual stimulation to pursue organizational goals? Transformational Leaders who are self-aware tend to lead with which of the following? ● A sense of purpose ● Authenticity ● Trust Which of the following help ensure transformational leaders get positive results from their employees? ● They are committed to diversity. ● They reward high moral conduct. ● They have a code of ethics in place. Which leadership model examines the quality of relationships between managers and subordinates and suggests that leaders have different relationships with different subordinates? Leader-member exchange model

What is the relatively stable trait that is grounded in the belief that something greater than the self exists? Humility According to research findings, followers seek and admire leaders who create which of these feelings? ● Excitement ● Community ● Significance What term describes understanding who you are and what you stand for? Self-awareness CHAPTER 15: The transfer of information and understanding from one person to another is known as _____. Communication Sarah emails Joyce to tell her about a new project opportunity. What is Joyce's role in the communication process? Receiver Rank the following media in terms of media richness, placing the medium with the least richness at the top and the medium with the greatest richness at the bottom. 1. Newsletter 2. Text message 3. Phone call 4. Videoconference 5. Face-to-face meeting An organization's ______ communication channels include official memos, letters, reports, and announcements. Formal What type of communication channels do NOT follow the chain of command and develop outside the formal structure of the organization? Informal Good communicators are _____ and effective. That is, their messages are transmitted in a short time, and people understand them. Efficient Which of the following are types of barriers to communication? ● personal barriers ● Physical barriers ● Cross-cultural barriers In the communication process, the person for whom the message is intended is the Receiver Which of the following is an example of a physical barrier to communication? Jonathan and his team members are located in different time zones around the world, making it difficult to schedule video conferences together. How well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning is called ______.

media richness Which of the following are types of informal communication channels? (Check all that apply.) ● The office grapevine ● Face-to-face communication What is a state of reduced attention that often leads to thoughtless, rigid behavior, and causes people to forget names soon after hearing them? Mindlessness Static over an airline intercom system that causes you to miss your flight is an example of a(n) _______ to communication. Barrier Sound, time, and space are all PHYSICAL barriers to communication. Which elements often become cross-cultural barriers to communication? ● Nonverbal gestures ● Religious beliefs ● Ethnocentrism What are some of the main causes of poor listening in modern times? ● Mindlessness ● Information overload ● Cell phones Which of the following are types of barriers to communication? ● Cross-cultural barriers ● Personal barriers ● Physical barriers Eye contact, facial expressions, and body movements and gestures are forms of _____ communication. Nonverbal How well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning is called ______. media richness Which statements accurately describe the way gender influences communication? ● Men are less likely to admit when they feel uncertain. ● Women tend to provide more information than is needed. Kyle, an American, is giving a presentation in the Middle East. The audience is not laughing at his jokes, and people are even scowling at some of his hand gestures. What is most likely causing Kyle's distress? Cultural differences Cell-phone and Internet-based technologies that generate interactive dialog among members of a network are known as _____. social media What technology has most profoundly changed the principles of management and the nature of how businesses operate? Online social media What type of communication consists of messages sent outside of the written or spoken word? Nonverbal

Businesses can increase productivity by encouraging managers and employees to use social media to ______. enhance their individual performance The digital era and social media have caused major problems for businesses, including security breaches and ______. reduced productivity due to handling large volumes of e-mail In communication, women are more likely than men to use "I" statements. FALSE, MEN DO Social media is used to generate ______ dialogue with members of a network. Interactive Except in unusual circumstances, which employees are usually NOT allowed to text at work? ● Customer service representatives ● Sales associates ● Cashiers Why do businesses establish a presence on social media platforms? 1. To interact with customers 2. To increase brand awareness 3. To increase sales What is typically specified in a social media policy for a business? ● What consequences will be imposed on employees who fail to comply ● Who is allowed to participate in social media at work ● When employees are allowed to use social media How does access to social media tend to increase an organization's productivity? ● Better communication among employees ● Less employee turnover ● Greater job satisfaction Identify the disadvantages brought about by the digital age. (Check all that apply.) ● Decreased privacy ● Security breaches ● Too many emails Match each description with the type of communication it exemplifies. ● Defensive Communication: Aggressive, attacking, angry, passive, or withdrawing communication ● Non Defensive Communication: Assertive, direct, and powerful communication Which statements accurately describe the way gender influences communication? ● Men are less likely to admit when they feel uncertain. ● Women tend to provide more information than is needed Why can it be beneficial for a company to allow employees some use of personal texting on the job? ● to improve work-life balance ● To relieve stress What is the ability to recognize and understand another person's feelings and thoughts? Empathy How does having a social media policy benefit a business?

It helps prevent employees from posting inappropriate online comments that damage the company's reputation. Active listening is the process of ______. decoding and interpreting verbal messages Businesses can increase productivity by encouraging managers and employees to use social media to ______. enhance their individual performance True or false: Writing is NOT important for a career in management, because managers have administrative assistants who edit and correct their business correspondence. FALSE _____ communication typically involves hostility, anger, or passivity, whereas _____ communication is assertive and direct. Defensive; nondefensive According to Dale Carnegie, what are the three rules of an effective speech? 1. Say it 2. Tell them what you are going to say 3. Tell them what you said Which personal attributes are important for a career in business communication? ● Self-efficacy ● Self-awareness ● Self-motivation If you are able to empathize, you can ________ another person's feelings and thoughts. Understand What tips are recommended for building a professional network of contacts? ● Build networks that serve your professional purposes. ● Identify your career goals, and target contacts who will help you achieve them. The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages is known as _____ listening. Active Because emails and texting have replaced the telephone in much business communication, ______ has become an increasingly important management skill. Writing True or false: The classic advice given by Dale Carnegie for public speaking is to say what you have to say only once. False: His advice was to tell your audience what you are going to say, say it, and then tell them what you said. To prepare for a career in business communication, you need to become competent in which areas? ● Teamwork and collaboration ● Social intelligence ● New media literacy Building and maintaining a wide array of professional contacts is called ______. Networking CHAPTER 16:

The purpose of ______ is to monitor performance and take corrective action as needed to ensure that objectives are met. Controlling A web retailer has received several negative social media reviews over the past few weeks due to missed shipments of product. Which reason for why control is needed does this best demonstrate? Discover irregularities and errors Place the four steps of the control process in their typical order, from first (at the top) to last (at the bottom). ● Establish standards ● Measure performance ● Compare performance to standards ● Take corrective action, if necessary Match the type of control (on the left) with its definition (on the right). ● Feedforward: Focuses on preventing future problems ● Concurrent:, Focuses on collecting performance information in real time ● Feedback: Focuses on collecting performance information after a task or project is complete Which level of management is typically responsible for strategic control? Top managers An office park installs security cameras in the parking lot to better ensure the safety of tenants and visitors. This is an example of the ______ area of control. Physical Which of the following are reasons why control is needed in an organization? ● To adapt to change and uncertainty ● To reduce costs and increase productivity ● To discover errors and irregularities ● To detect opportunities Which of the following statements about the supply chain are true? ● It is a significant cost for companies. ● It is an important component of business and can impact company finances. Match the step in the control process with its description. 1. The desired performance level for a given goal is established. 2. Actual performance is measured. 3. Measured performance is compared to established standards. 4. Corrective action is taken, if necessary. Sonja is a barista. Her manager has been hearing reports that Sonja's lattes taste like the milk is burned. Her manager talks to Sonja about these reports and shows her some tricks for steaming the milk to the correct temperature. This is an example of which type of control? Feedback The level of control in which top managers monitor performance to ensure that plans are being implemented and take necessary corrective action is known as ______ control. Strategic

Which of the following is an example of a physical area of control? Monitoring the use of the conference room Like an instrument panel in a vehicle, a(n) ______ is a managerial report that displays easy-to-read graphics on critical information, such as sales, orders, costs, and shipments. Dashboard The sequence of suppliers that contribute to creating and delivering a product is known as the ______. supply chain What are the indicators that make up the balanced scorecard? ● Financial measures ● Innovation and improvement activities ● Internal processes ● Customer satisfaction A(n) ______ in business management is a display of information, such as sales, orders, and costs, in easy-to-read graphics. Dashboard A visual representation of the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard that enables managers to communicate their goals so that everyo...

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