Chapter 14 quiz PDF

Title Chapter 14 quiz
Course Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Institution Carleton University
Pages 11
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TRUE/FALSE 1 : If a clinician wanted to determine whether a specific treatment causes a change in a clients behavior, a single-case design could be used. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 2 : The goal of single-case designs is to demonstrate that the manipulation of a treatment is responsible for causing changes in behavior. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 3 : Unlike experiments, single-case studies do not manipulate an independent variable. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 4 : Three components help researchers control other variables in a single-case study: baseline measurements, repeated observations, and replication. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 5 : The success of a single-case experiment depends on demonstrating that behavior changes when the treatment is implemented and then repeating the demonstration at least one more time. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 6 : Behavior that shows a consistent increase from one observation to the next during a baseline phase is an example of unstable behavior. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 7 : A baseline phase consists of a series of observations made immediately after a treatment is introduced. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 8 : When high variability exists in the data from a single-case study, additional observations 1 / 11

should be made beyond the minimum of three observations in each phase. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 9 : Single-case designs provide data that can be evaluated with traditional tests of significance. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 10 : In the notation for single-case designs (e.g., ABAB), the letter B represents the baseline phase. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 11 : In single-case studies, researchers often rely on clinical significance rather than statistical significance. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 12 : An ABAB design is preferred to a multiple-baseline design if the treatment is expected to have a permanent or long lasting effect. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 13 : If a researcher is planning an ABAB design but the participant does not respond to the treatment, the researcher can simply switch to a new treatment and begin a more complex phase-change design. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 14 : A multiple-baseline design requires that the targeted behavior return to baseline levels when the treatment is removed. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 15 : In a multiple-baseline design, there is only one phase change, from baseline to treatment. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 2 / 11

16 : A multiple-baseline design requires two groups of participants. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 17 : When a treatment is expected to have long-lasting effects, a multiple-baseline design is the most appropriate single-case design. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 18 : One strategy for a component-analysis study is to begin with a full-treatment phase, then withdraw or remove components one by one. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 19 : The component-analysis design cannot be done with treatments that are permanent or longterm. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 20 : Single-case research (compared to group designs) cannot demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship with only one participant. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B

MULTIPLE CHOICE 21 : Single-case designs ____ A : can be used with small groups of participants B : cannot establish unambiguous causality C : do not allow for manipulation of an independent variable D : have, historically, mostly arisen to evaluate behavioral hypotheses Correct Answer : D 22 : One way in which single-case research is like most other experimental designs is that ____. A : means are compared with traditional tests for significance B : pre- and posttest scores are always compared C : they provide detailed descriptions of single individuals D : they are capable of determining cause-and-effect relationships

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Correct Answer : D 23 : The goal of single-case research is to ____. A : provide a detailed description of a single individual B : describe variables as the exist naturally C : describe the relationship between variables D : determine cause-and-effect relationships between variables Correct Answer : A 24 : What is one way that single-case studies control outside variables? A : Making a series of observations over time B : Waiting to measure behavior until after treatment C : Using statistical tests to determine significance D : Using a no-treatment control group for comparison Correct Answer : A 25 : In single-case research, a group of observations of the same individual under the same conditions is known as a ____. A : time series B : phase C : sequence D : data set Correct Answer : B 26 : A treatment phase is defined as ____. A : a series of observations made when a treatment is being administered B : the first observation made after a treatment is administered C : the amount of change between the final observation before treatment and the first observation after treatment D : the boundary between pretreatment observations and posttreatment observations Correct Answer : A 27 : In a single-case design when no treatment is being administered, the observations are called ____ observations. A : no-treatment B : baseline C : treatment D : random Correct Answer : B 28 : The two phases in a single-case research design are called the _____ and _____ phases A : experimental; descriptive B : treatment; replication C : baseline; treatment D : manipulation; control Correct Answer : C 4 / 11

29 : In a single-case experimental design, if there is low variability from one observation to the next within a phase, the data are ____. A : stable B : unstable C : statistically significant D : visually significant Correct Answer : A 30 : A stable level within a phase is defined as a set of observations that ____. A : cluster around a horizontal line when graphed B : cluster around a line sloping up to the right when graphed C : cluster around a line sloping down to the right when graphed D : are distributed equally along both axes Correct Answer : A 31 : A stable trend within a phase is defined as a set of observations that ____. A : cluster around a horizontal line when graphed B : cluster around a vertical line when graphed C : cluster around a sloping line when graphed D : all have exactly the same magnitude Correct Answer : C 32 : In single-case research, unstable data ____. A : make differences between treatment phases and baseline phases clear B : make it possible to define a pattern within a phase C : make it impossible to determine whether a change in phases produces a change in pattern D : make it easier to prove a causal relationship Correct Answer : C 33 : Averaging over two or three consecutive observations is one method for dealing with ____. A : trends in the data B : phase changes C : unstable data D : a treatment that has a relatively small effect Correct Answer : C 34 : In single-case research, what is the definition of a phase change? A : The point at which the subject begins to show a response to the treatment B : The point at which the treatment begins to lose effectiveness C : The point at which the treatment is switched from one subject to another D : A change from baseline to treatment or from treatment to baseline Correct Answer : D 35 : At what point is a phase change appropriate? A : After the first observation in the current phase B : After at least ten observations in the current phase C : When the participant shows the first response to the treatment 5 / 11

D : When the participant shows a clear and stable pattern of behavior Correct Answer : D 36 : To establish a pattern within a phase and determine the stability of the data within a phase, researchers must make at least _____ observations within that phase. A : three B : six C : ten D : twelve Correct Answer : A 37 : When the observations in the initial baseline phase show a trend in the direction of improved behavior, the researcher should ____. A : administer the treatment immediately B : manipulate the environment until the change stops C : increase the intensity of the treatment D : refrain from introducing the treatment Correct Answer : D 38 : Typically, the results from a single-case research study are evaluated using ____. A : descriptive statistics such as the mean and standard deviation B : inferential statistics such as a hypothesis test C : visual inspection of a graph D : consensus among at least three researchers Correct Answer : C 39 : In a graph of single-case research data, a clear indication of a treatment effect is a ____. A : delay between the time the phase is changed and the time behavior begins to change B : large, immediate change in pattern C : continuation of the same average level from one phase to the next D : gradual change in behavior Correct Answer : B 40 : What name is given to a single-case design consisting of the following four phases in the order given: baseline, treatment, baseline, treatment? A : BABA design B : ABA design C : ABAB design D : BTBT design Correct Answer : C 41 : The advantage of an ABAB design versus a simple AB phase-change design is that the ABAB design ____. A : can be used when a treatment has a permanent or long-lasting effect B : does not require a stable baseline phase C : reduces the probability that the result is just chance or coincidence D : can be used even if the treatment effect is temporary 6 / 11

Correct Answer : C 42 : In a graph of the results from an ABAB reversal design, which feature justifies a conclusion that the treatment causes changes in behavior? A : The size of the change in behavior when the treatment is first introduced B : The time delay between the introduction of the treatment and the first change in magnitude of change C : A permanent change in behavior that continues even after the treatment is withdrawn D : A demonstration that behavior changes consistently when the treatment is introduced, withdrawn, and introduced again Correct Answer : D 43 : The second AB in the sequence of an ABAB design provides evidence of ____. A : external validity B : internal validity C : reactivity D : experimenter bias Correct Answer : B 44 : The reversal component in an ABAB design ____. A : assists in establishing a causal relationship B : introduces a modified version of the treatment C : introduces a completely different treatment D : administers the treatment immediately after the initial baseline phase Correct Answer : A 45 : What is an ethical concern for the ABAB design? A : Continuing to administer the treatment after it has already been shown to be effective B : Administering the treatment immediately after the initial baseline phase C : Removing the treatment after it has already been shown to be effective D : Reintroducing the treatment after it has already been shown to be effective Correct Answer : C 46 : A researcher has developed a device to prevent snoring. The device works immediately when it is put on, but has no lasting effect when it is removed. The researcher decides to evaluate this device with a single-case design. Which design is most appropriate? A : ABAB design B : Multiple-baseline design C : Alternating treatments design D : Changing criterion design Correct Answer : A 47 : The ABAB design is best-suited for treatments which have ____. A : a permanent effect B : an immediate but temporary effect C : a very delayed effect D : coincidence long-lasting effect 7 / 11

Correct Answer : B 48 : The credibility of any causal conclusions drawn using the ABAB design depends largely on the ____. A : intensity of the treatment B : stability of behavioral change when the treatment is first introduced C : stability of behavioral change when the treatment is reintroduced D : return to baseline component Correct Answer : D 49 : A key feature of the multiple-baseline design is that it _____. A : requires only one phase change B : can show correlation but not causation C : is descriptive rather than experimental D : does not allow for manipulation of an independent variable Correct Answer : A 50 : In a multiple-baseline design using two participants, what should a researcher do to ensure that any change in behavior is due to the treatment and not an outside factor? A : Revert back to the baseline for one of the participants, but not the other B : Introduce the treatment at a different time for each participant C : Introduce the treatment immediately for both participants D : Administer a questionnaire to ask participants about outside influences Correct Answer : B 51 : A multiple-baseline across behaviors design consists of ____ baseline phase(s) and ____ treatment phase(s) for each behavior. A : one; one B : one; two C : two; one D : two; two Correct Answer : A 52 : Ms. Glad, a third-grade teacher, is trying to reduce Josephs and Jacobs out of seat behavior. Which research design is she most likely to use? A : ABAB B : Multiple-baseline across behaviors C : Multiple-baseline across subjects D : Multiple-baseline across situations Correct Answer : C 53 : The different baselines in a multiple-baseline design can be defined by two or more ____. A : different treatments B : different behaviors C : different observers D : assessment instruments 8 / 11

Correct Answer : B 54 : Dr. Mendezis trying to reduce Tamars talk out behaviors, first at school and then at home. Which research design is she most likely to use? A : ABAB B : Multiple-baseline across behaviors C : Multiple-baseline across situations D : Multiple-baseline across subjects Correct Answer : C 55 : A teacher has created a program for improving homework submission. Most children who complete the two-week program permanently improve their frequency of homework submission. Suppose the teacher decided to evaluate the program with a single-case design. Which design would be most appropriate? A : ABAB design B : Multiple-baseline design C : Alternating-treatments design D : Changing-criterion design Correct Answer : B 56 : A healthy-eating program requires participants to eat a large amount of fruits and vegetables. In the first phase, the researcher observes the participants while they eat their normal diet. In the next phase, the researcher adds fruits, then adds vegetables in the following phase. After making the appropriate levels of observations, the researcher returns the participants to the baseline phase and then repeats the process of adding first fruits and then adding vegetables as well. Which research design is this researcher using? A : ABAB design B : Multiple-baseline across subjects design C : Multiple-baseline across situations design D : Component-analysis design Correct Answer : D 57 : A researcher wants to explore the effectiveness of a treatment which has several, welldefined, distinct elements, and she would like to know the extent to which each element contributes to the overall treatment effect. Which research design should she use? A : ABAB design B : Multiple-baseline across situations design C : Multiple-baseline across behaviors design D : Component-analysis design Correct Answer : D 58 : The component-analysis study can be done with ________. A : an ABAB design only B : a multiple-baseline design only C : a reversal design only D : either a reversal design or a multiple-baseline design Correct Answer : B 9 / 11

59 : In comparison to group designs, single-case research ____. A : tends to be inflexible B : is not well-suited for clinical research C : allows for a detailed description of the participants characteristics D : requires more complex statistical analysis Correct Answer : C 60 : Single-cases research studies tend to have ____. A : practical significance even though they do not have statistical significance B : statistical significance even though they do not have practical significance C : both practical and statistical significance D : neither practical nor statistical significance Correct Answer : A

ESSAY 61 : Describe the goal of a single-case research study. Correct Answer : The goal of single-case research, as with other experimental designs, is to identify cause-and-effect relationships between variables. 62 : Describe how single-case designs are similar to descriptive case studies and quasiexperimental time-series designs. Correct Answer : Single-case designs are similar to case studies because they focus on a single individual. Single-case designs are similar to time-series research because they involve a series of observations made over time. 63 : Describe the purpose of a phase within a single-case experiment and the ways to define a pattern within a phase. Correct Answer : The purpose of a phase within a single-case experiment is to establish a clear picture of behavior under the specific condition. The pattern within a phase can be described in terms of level or trend. 64 : The most commonly used single-case designs are the ABAB design and the multiplebaseline design. Describe the different circumstances for which each of these designs is appropriate. Correct Answer : The ABAB design is intended for treatments with an immediate but temporary effect. The multiple-baseline design is intended for treatments with a permanent or long-lasting effect. 65 : Explain how practical or clinical significance differs from statistical significance and why single-case studies typically rely on the former rather than the latter. Correct Answer : Practical significance means that the treatment effect is substantial enough to have a practical application in treating patients. Statistical significance means that the results are very unlikely to have been obtained by chance. Single-case studies usually rely on practical 10 / 11

significance rather than statistical significance because the data generated by a single-case study are not analyzed using statistical techniques. 66 : Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using visual inspection of graphs rather than statistics to evaluate the significance of the results. Correct Answer : The disadvantage of visual inspection is that it is subjective. There are no absolute, objective guidelines to define what is significant and what is not. The advantage of visual inspection is that a treatment must have a very clear and convincing effect that is easy to see in a graph. 67 : Discuss the general advantages and disadvantages of single-case research compared to traditional group designs. Correct Answer : The primary advantage of single-case research is that it makes it possible to demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship with only one participant. This makes single-case designs very compatible with clinical and applied research. In addition, most single-case designs are very flexible in that the study can be changed in mid-course in response to the participant’s behavior. Again, this is compatible with clinical practice. The two major disadvantages of single-case research are that the studies have limited external validity (with only one participant) and there are no objective statistical methods for evaluating results.

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