Chapter 17 PDF

Title Chapter 17
Course Mammalian Physiology
Institution Rutgers University
Pages 15
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Exam Name___________________________________

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes eac

Figure 17.1 Using Figure 17.1, match the following:

1) Monocyte. Answer: B 2) Lymphocyte. Answer: D 3) Eosinophil.

MATCHING. Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each i Match the following:

10) Nucleus has two lobes; contains granules of lysosomal enzymes; functions in attacking parasitic worms and plays complex roles in inflammatory diseases like allergies and asthma. Answer: B 11) Nucleus is multilobed; functions as a phagocyte; contains fine indistinct granules. Answer: D 12) Transports CO2 and oxygen. Answer: C 13) Contains a U- or an S- shaped nucleus; granules stain very dark; releases histamine and heparin. Answer: E 14) Largest of the WBCs become macrophages associated with chronic infections. Answer: A

A) Monocy B) Eosinop C) Erythro D) Neutro E) Basoph

18) Makes up most of plasma protein.

A) Organi

Answer: C B) Electro 19) Material absorbed from the digestive tract, including simple sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids.

C) Album

Answer: A 20) Ions in the plasmalike sodium, potassium, and chloride ions. Answer: B Match the following:

21) Main contributor to osmotic pressure.

A) Gamma

Answer: D B) Fibrino 22) Antibodies released by plasma cells during immune response.

C) Alpha a

Answer: A D) Album 23) Necessary for coagulation. Answer: B 24) Transport proteins like transferrin (that carries iron ions) or others that bind to lipids or fat- soluble vitamins. Answer: C

Match the following:

30) Produced by platelets.

A) Erythro

Answer: D B) Interleu 31) A fibrous protein that gives shape to an RBC plasma membrane.

C) Hepari

Answer: E 32) Hormone that stimulates production of RBCs. Answer: A 33) Stimulates WBC production. Answer: B 34) Natural anticoagulant found in basophils. Answer: C

D) Prostag Thromb E) Spectrin

Figure 17.2

Match the following:

41) Cancerous condition involving white blood cells. Answer: A

A) Leukem B) Anemia

42) Condition in which blood has abnormally low oxygen- carrying capacity.

C) Emboli D) Polycyt

Answer: B 43) Abnormal excess of erythrocytes resulting in an increase in blood viscosity.

E) Thromb

Answer: D 44) Free- floating thrombus in the bloodstream. Answer: C 45) Platelet deficiency resulting in spontaneous bleeding from small blood vessels seen as petechiae on the skin. Answer: E TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the stateme

46) The primary source of RBCs in the adult human being is the A


F l

53) When erythrocytes are destroyed, some of the heme is conv Answer:



54) Hemoglobin is made up of the protein heme and the red pig Answer:



55) Myeloid stem cells give rise to all leukocytes. Answer:



56) Each hemoglobin molecule can transport two molecules of Answer:



57) Diapedesis is the process by which red blood cells move int Answer:



58) Positive chemotaxis is a feedback system that signals leukoc Answer:



59) Clotting factor activation turns clotting factors into enzyme Answer:



60) Basophils increase in number when parasitic invasion occur Answer:



61) Leukopenia is an abnormally low number of leukocytes. Answer:



62) A person with type B blood could receive blood from a pers

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best complete

68) A person with an extremely high count of neutrophils is lik A) anemia C) polycythemia Answer: B 69) A person exhibiting suppression of immunity and clotting d likely suffering from which of the following? A) iron deficiency anemia C) aplastic anemia Answer: C 70) Which body activity would be most affected if a patient lack A) oxygen transport B) hormone transport Answer: A 71) Which blood component primarily contributes to plasma os A) blood borne nutrients C) electrolytes Answer: D 72) Loss of fibrinogen within the plasma would most likely cau A) pallor (pale skin) C) fever with pain Answer: D 73) A patient's hematocrit shows an unusually large buffy coat A) thrombocytopenia B) lipidemia A


77) Which of the following would you expect to have the least e A) injection with erythropoietin (EPO) C) dehydration Answer: B 78) People that have a single allele (gene copy) for sickle cell an said to be carriers of sickle cell trait. These people will more The most likely explanation for this is ________. A) sickle cell trait is passed on to the biting mosquitoes as B) malaria is a cause of sickle cell trait C) people with sickle cell trait have a better chance of sur D) the tropical climate attracts people with sickle cell trai Answer: C 79) Lipids (either nutrients or hormones) are insoluble in water Which of the following is the most likely explanation for thi A) lipids are carried in plasma bound to soluble plasma tr B) lipids are carried only in the lymph which is primarily C) enzymes in the plasma convert lipids to soluble forms D) lipids are carried inside blood cells Answer: A 80) A mismatch of blood types during a transfusion is dangerou A) clotting factors in the donor's blood will cause unwan B) preformed antibodies in the recipient's blood will bind C) antibodies in the donor's plasma will attack and kill th D) white blood cells from the donor's blood cause inflam Answer: B 81) If you centrifuge (spin) whole blood you will find the red b

84) If a person is severely dehydrated you would expect to see A) higher blood viscosity C) lower immunity Answer: C 85) Which of the following is NOT a functional characteristic of A) positive chemotaxis C) granulosis Answer: C 86) What is the average normal pH range of blood? A) 7.75- 7.85 B) 8.35- 8.45 Answer: D 87) The special type of hemoglobin present in fetal red blood ce A) hemoglobin B B) hemoglobin A Answer: D 88) Which of the choices below is the parent cell for all formed A) hemocytoblast C) polymorphonuclear cell Answer: A 89) Which blood type is generally called the universal donor? A) AB positive B) B negative Answer: D 90) If a patient with type B blood received a transfusion of AB b A) The patient's anti- A antibodies (agglutinins) will agglu

93) A patient with type A positive blood can, in theory, safely d A) A positive, A negative, AB positive, or AB negative B) A positive or AB positive C) A positive, A negative, O positive, or O negative D) A positive or O positive Answer: B 94) When neither anti- A serum nor anti- B serum clot on a bloo ________. A) B B) AB Answer: D 95) All of the following can be expected with polycythemia EXC A) high hematocrit C) high blood pressure Answer: D 96) Which is NOT true of leukocytes? A) They account for less than 1% of total blood volume. B) They move by amoeboid motion. C) They all contain easily recognizable membrane- bound D) They are the only formed elements that are true cells. Answer: C 97) Replacing lost blood volume with an isotonic saline solution A) restores the patient's blood glucose levels B) lowers the patient's blood volume C) lowers the patient's hematocrit D) restores the oxygen- carrying capacity of the circulatio

101) Leukocytes displaying red cytoplasmic granules when treat A) monocytes B) basophils Answer: C 102) Fred's blood was determined to be AB positive. What does t A) He can only receive blood from a donor who is AB po B) His blood lacks Rh factor. C) There are no antibodies to A, to B, or to Rh antigens in D) Antibodies to A and B are present in the red cells. Answer: C 103) Which of the following would NOT be a possible cause of s anemia? A) travel at high altitude C) vigorous exercise Answer: B 104) The cells responsible for producing platelets are called ____ A) lymphoid stem cells C) monoblasts Answer: B 105) Hemolytic disease of the newborn will NOT be possible in w A) if the father is Rh+ C) if the father is RhAnswer: C 106) What organ in the body regulates erythrocyte production? A) liver B) pancreas

111) The group of blood disorders in which blood oxygen levels called ________. Answer: anemia 112) How many polypeptide chains make up hemoglobin? Answer: Four 113) List the two general factors that limit normal clot growth to Answer: Rapid removal of coagulation factors and inhibitio 114) List the most common causes of bleeding disorders. Answer: Platelet deficiency (thrombocytopenia); deficiency genetic conditions (hemophilias). 115) List the granulocytes and describe the appearance of their g Answer: Neutrophils: pale, indistinct; eosinophils: red; baso 116) Why is iron not stored or transported in its free form? In wh Answer: Because free iron is toxic to body cells, iron is store ferritin and hemosiderin. It is transported loosely b 117) Explain why blood is classified as a connective tissue. Answer: Blood develops from mesenchyme which is the sa types of connective tissue: Therefore, it has both so formed elements (cells) are suspended in a nonlivi 118) What determines whether blood is bright red or a dull, dark Answer: In bright red blood, oxygen is bound to hemoglobi has been released from the hemoglobin (deoxygen

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sh

123) Why would there be cause for concern if a young pregnant second child? Answer: If the mother was given RhoGAM before and shor little concern, because the RhoGAM prevented the the second child is RH+ and she did not take RhoG erythroblastosis fetalis and die before birth. 124) A total WBC count and a differential WBC count have been obtained from the differential count that the total count doe Answer: The differential count determines the relative prop absolute value of each type of WBC (a valuable di increase or decrease in number of WBCs. 125) List three blood tests that might be ordered if anemia is susp Answer: The three tests for anemia include hemoglobin, he 126) A patient complains of no energy, a chronic sore throat, a lo notes an enlarged spleen upon examination. What diagnosi you request? Answer: The test would be a differential white blood cell co atypical lymphocytes. The diagnosis would be pos Order a Mono spot test! 127) A man of Mediterranean ancestry goes to his doctor with th time. He has difficulty catching his breath after even mild ex hematocrit, differential WBC count, and hemoglobin electro fragile erythrocytes, and less than 2 million RBCs per cubic suggested treatment?

130) A 17- year- old black male is admitted to the hospital in sick patients in sickle- cell crisis. Explain why. Answer: Sickle- cell anemia results from a defective hemog roughen and become sickle shaped. Such sickling in capillaries and smaller blood vessels, making th and the oxygen-deprived tissues are forced to swit which causes severe pain and swelling. 131) A 52- year- old woman was diagnosed with leukemia and h She tells the RN that she hasn't been feeling well. The patien low- grade fever of 100.2°F. The neutrophil blood count is l possibility of infection because of the neutropenia and lowAnswer: A low- grade fever in someone who has neutropen concern because of the neutrophil's role in phagoc infection and cannot respond by quickly developin would. Patient is susceptible to opportunistic infec protective isolation....

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