Chapter 18 Positive Punishment Procedures and the Ethics of punishment PDF

Title Chapter 18 Positive Punishment Procedures and the Ethics of punishment
Course Lab in Child Behavior
Institution Binghamton University
Pages 9
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Practice Questions ch18...


1. In ____________ procedures, a reinforcer is removed following the occurrence of the behavior and the behavior decreases in the future, and in ____________ procedures a punisher is applied following the occurrence of the behavior and the behavior decreases in the future. a. negative reinforcement; positive reinforcement b. negative punishment; positive punishment c. positive punishment; negative punishment d. negative punishment; negative reinforcement ANSWER: b 2. Which of the following procedures would be implemented last in an effort to decrease a problem behavior? a. extinction b. differential reinforcement c. punishment d. antecedent manipulations ANSWER: c 3. One form of positive punishment procedures involves the application of ____________ contingent on the occurrence of the problem behavior. a. aversive activities b. reinforcing stimulation c. conditioned stimuli d. negative reinforcement ANSWER: a 4. Requiring an individual to engage in a low probability behavior contingent on the occurrence of a high probability behavior is a form of punishment that is based on: a. differential reinforcement b. the Premack Principle c. response cost d. antecedent manipulation ANSWER: b 5. Which form of positive punishment is based on the Premack Principle? a. exclusionary time-out b. response cost c. application of aversive activities d. application of aversive stimulation ANSWER: c 6. When using the punishment procedure of application of aversive activities, ____________ is used as a punisher for engaging in the problem behavior. a. performance of a behavior b. removal of a positive reinforcer c. aversive stimulation d. removal of an aversive

stimulus ANSWER: a 7. The use of ____________ is often necessary in order to get an individual to engage in the aversive activity when using positive punishment. a. reinforcement b. antecedent manipulation c. physical guidance d. shaping ANSWER: c 8. The application of aversive activities includes all of the following procedures except: a. overcorrection b. response cost c. contingent exercise d. guided compliance ANSWER: b 9. When John shoots a free throw incorrectly in basketball practice, his coach requires him to continue shooting until he has shot the ball correctly a number of times. In which type of punishment does the individual have to engage in the correct behavior contingent on the occurrence of the problem behavior? a. positive practice b. restitution c. contingent exercise d. guided compliance ANSWER: a 10. The positive punishment procedure that requires an individual to engage in an effortful behavior for an extended period of time following the occurrence of the problem behavior is referred to as: a. aversive exercise b. guided compliance c. overcorrection d. response cost ANSWER: c 11. Which of the following is a form of overcorrection? a. negative practice b. restitution c. contingent exercise d. guided compliance ANSWER: b 12. Billy has a tantrum and dumps puzzle pieces on the floor. Billy not only has to pick up the puzzle pieces, but he also has to clean up the entire toy room. Which punishment procedure involves restoring the environment to a condition better than it was prior to the problem behavior? a. positive practice b. response cost

c. guided compliance d. restitution ANSWER: d 13. Greg shows up late for football practice, and has to run five laps around the field. As a result, Greg no longer shows up late for practice. Which punishment procedure requires the individual to engage in physical exercise following the occurrence of the problem behavior? a. guided exercise b. contingent practice c. restitution d. contingent exercise ANSWER: b 14. The punishment procedure of ____________ involves the application of aversive activity related to the problem behavior, and the procedure of ____________ involves aversive activity unrelated to the problem behavior. a. overcorrection; contingent exercise b. contingent exercise; overcorrection c. response cost; positive practice d. negative practice; positive practice ANSWER: a 15. Bobby’s Mom asks him to clean up his room, but he complains that he is too tired and continues to lie on his bed reading comic books. Bobby’s Mom then physically guides him through the activity of picking up his clothes from the floor and placing them in the hamper, until Bobby starts to pick up the clothes on his own. Which punishment procedure is Bobby’s Mom using? a. contingent exercise b. guided compliance c. restitution d. positive practice ANSWER: b 16. Which of the following procedures is NOT involved in the use of guided compliance? a. negative punishment b. positive punishment c. negative reinforcement d. extinction ANSWER: a 17. When Kevin starts hitting his brother, his Dad takes Kevin’s arms and holds them immobile so that Kevin cannot continue to hit his brother. Which punishment procedure is Kevin’s Dad using? a. overcorrection b. guided compliance c. contingent exercise d. physical restraint ANSWER: d

18. Preventing an individual from engaging in a problem behavior by physically blocking the response is referred to as: a. behavioral prevention b. contingent restraint c. response blocking d. response prevention ANSWER: c 19. The delivery of an aversive stimulus contingent on the occurrence of the problem behavior is referred to as: a. negative punishment b. negative reinforcement c. application of aversive stimulation d. application of aversive activities ANSWER: c 20. In behavior modification, ____________ procedures are the least likely to be used to decrease problem behaviors. a. functional, nonaversive b. negative punishment c. positive punishment d. antecedent control ANSWER: c 21. The punishment procedure of time-out is used for problem behaviors that are maintained by ____________, and guided compliance is used for problem behaviors that are maintained by ____________. a. attention; escape b. escape; attention c. positive punishers; negative punishers d. negative reinforcers; positive reinforcers ANSWER: a 22. Which of the following is NOT a consideration in the use of punishment? a. implementing differential reinforcement in conjunction with punishment b. using functional nonaversive procedures prior to the use of punishment c. selecting a punishment procedure that will gradually decrease the problem behavior d. choosing an appropriate aversive stimulus ANSWER: c 23. When an individual understands and willingly agrees to the punishment procedure it is referred to as: a. informed consent b. a behavioral contract c. informed participation

d. voluntary agreement ANSWER: a 24. Which of the following is NOT an ethical issue to be considered in the use of punishment? a. problem severity b. implementation guidelines c. accountability d. covert implementation ANSWER: d 25. In positive practice overcorrection, what must the learner do following the problem behavior? a. correct the environment damaged by the behavior b. comply with the task that was requested prior to the problem behavior c. repeatedly engage in the correct behavior d. engage in an effortful behavior that is not related to the problem behavior. ANSWER: c 26. In restitutional overcorrection, what must the learner do following the problem behavior? a. correct the environment damaged by the behavior b. comply with the task that was requested prior to the problem behavior c. repeatedly engage in the correct behavior d. engage in an effortful behavior that is not related to the problem behavior. ANSWER: a 27. In guided compliance, what must the learner do following the problem behavior? a. correct the environment damaged by the behavior b. comply with the task that was requested prior to the problem behavior c. repeatedly engage in the correct behavior d. engage in an effortful behavior that is not related to the problem behavior. ANSWER: b 28. In contingent exercise, what must the learner do following the problem behavior? a. correct the environment damaged by the behavior b. comply with the task that was requested prior to the problem behavior c. repeatedly engage in the correct behavior d. engage in an effortful behavior that is not related to the problem behavior. ANSWER: d 29. Which category of behavioral intervention is the treatment of last resort? a. negative punishment b. negative reinforcement c. positive punishment d. time-out ANSWER: c

30. Which punishment by the application of aversive activities procedure involves positive punishment for the problem behavior and negative reinforcement for engaging in requested behavior? a. overcorrection b. contingent exercise c. physical restraint d. guided compliance ANSWER: d 31. Two major categories of aversive events used in positive punishment procedures are ___________ and ___________. ANSWER: aversive activities, aversive stimuli 32. A 10 year old boy puts paint on the tile on the kitchen floor. His mom has him clean the two tiles he painted as well as clean the entire kitchen floor. What positive punishment procedure is she using? ___________ ANSWER: restitutio n 33. Application of aversive activities is based on what principle? ___________ ANSWER: positive punishment 34. What is appropriate to do if an individual attempts to avoid or escape from the performance of an aversive activity? ___________ ANSWER: use guided compliance 35. ___________ requires an individual to engage in an effortful behavior for an extended period of time contingent on the occurrence of the problem behavior. ANSWER: Overcorrection; Contingent exercise 36. In the positive practice procedure, the client has to engage in ___________. ANSWER: a correct form of behavior 37. A student with an intellectual disability often engages in finger chewing. As soon has the student brings his hand up to his mouth, the teacher puts her hand in front of the student’s mouth to prevent the finger chewing behavior. This variation of physical restraint is called _________________________. ANSWER: response blocking 38. Punishment by ___________ involves the delivery of an aversive stimulus following the problem behavior. ANSWER: application of aversive stimulation 39. In punishment by application of _________________________ the individual has to engage in aversive behaviors contingent on the occurrence of the problem behavior. ANSWER: aversive

activities 40. Three types of punishment by the application of aversive activities are _________________________, _________________________, and _________________________. ANSWER: overcorrection, contingent exercise, guided compliance 41. For most people, physical guidance in a noncompliance situation is an aversive event. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 42. The person applying physical restraint should always interact with the client while using restraint. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 43. Physical restraint may be a reinforcer for some individuals. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 44. The application of aversive activities should be used only when the change agent has the physical ability to provide physical guidance. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 45. Electric shock has been used as a punisher for self-injurious behaviors. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 46. Positive punishment procedures are being used more and more often. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 47. Positive punishment procedures are often seen as treatments of last resort by professionals. a. True

b. Fals e ANSWER: True 48. Guided compliance involves positive punishment for noncompliance and negative reinforcement for compliance. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 49. Restitution and positive practice are two types of overcorrection. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 50. SIBIS is a type of positive punishment procedure. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 51. Erica tends to rush through her arithmetic problems on her homework assignments and ends up making numerous errors. How could Erica’s teacher implement a positive practice procedure to decrease math errors? ANSWER When Erica rushes through her arithmetic problems and makes numerous errors, the : teacher could have Erica do more arithmetic problems until she had completed a number of them correctly. 52. A 9 year old boy has a behavioral outburst while unloading the dishwasher at home. While putting away a plastic cup, he knocks over a stack of cups already in the cupboard. How could his mom implement a restitution procedure with her son? ANSWER When the boy knocks over the cups, the mother could have him set the cups and any : other cups that have been knocked over up. She could have him straighten more of the dishes contingent on his behavior as well. 53. What is the difference in terms of the aversive activity between contingent exercise and overcorrection? ANSWER Overcorrection and contingent exercise require the individual to engage in effortful : behavior for an extended period of time contingent on the occurrence of the problem behavior. In overcorrection, the effortful behavior is a relevant behavior related to the problem behavior. In contingent exercise, the effortful behavior is unrelated to the problem behavior. 54. How is compliance negatively reinforced in a guided compliance procedure? ANSWER In guided compliance, the individual is physically guided through the requested activity : contingent on the occurrence of the problem behavior. It is used when an individual is engaging in a problem behavior in a compliance situation (the individual is instructed or requested to engage in an activity). Because physical guidance is aversive and physical guidance is terminated contingent on compliance, compliance is negatively reinforced.

55. List 3 different aversive stimuli that have been used in positive punishment procedures. ANSWER: Shock, water mist, lemon juice, reprimands, noise, aromatic ammonia....

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