Chapter 2- Biology of Mind and Consciousness PDF

Title Chapter 2- Biology of Mind and Consciousness
Course Introductory Psychology
Institution Johnson & Wales University
Pages 4
File Size 94.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Chapter 2- Biology of Mind and Consciousness Subtopics: -

Biology and behavior Neural communication The nervous system The endocrine system The brain Brain states and consciousness

Neurons: -

Function: how to communicate STRUCTURE: o Dendrites: receives messages from other cells o Axon- passes messages away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands (one end to the other) o Terminal branches of axon: form junctions with other cells o Cell body: the cell’s life-support center o Neural impulse: the action potential (from one neuron to the next) o Synapse gap: the slight gap between neurons

Neurotransmitters: -

Serotonin- affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal Dopamine- influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion Norepinephrine- helps control alertness and arousal Endorphins- neurotransmitters that influence the perception of pain and pleasure. Know ACh, G-AA

The Nervous System (Speedy way of communication): -

Body’s speedy way to communicate. Consists of all the nerve cells of the central and peripheral nervous systems o Central Nervous System  Attached to the brain and spinal cord  Somatic  Sensory input and motor output o Peripheral System  All the different types of the neural network  Autonomic  Sympathetic o Arousing  Parasympathetic o Calming

The Endocrine System (Slow way of communication): -

Hypothalamus- important part of the brain & controls the pituitary gland Pituitary gland- controls thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovary Parathyroid- helps regulate the level of calcium Thyroid- affects metabolism (whether someone gains weight easily or not) Adrenal glands- helps trigger the “fight or flight” response

The Brainstem -




Brainstem- oldest and innermost brain region Thalamus o area of the top of the brainstem  Directs sensory messages Reticular formation o Nerve network running through the brainstem and thalamus  Important part to controlling arousal The Cerebellum- controls the judgement of time, sound and texture (agility and control) o Controls the voluntary movement The Limbic System o Amygdala  Responsible for our emotions o Hypothalamus  Directs several maintenance activities (controls pituitary gland) o Hippocampus  Linked to memory

Sensory Functions of Brain -

Visual Cortex Auditory Cortex

Brain Damage -

Plasticity o Brain’s ability to change, by reorganizing after damage Neurogenesis o Formation of new neurons

Brain State and Consciousness Consciousness -

Awareness of self and environment

Inattentional Blindness


Failure to see visible objects when our attention is directed elsewhere

Sleep and Dreams Biological rhythms -

24- biological clock

Circadian rhythm -

Internal biological clock of 24-hour cycle of day and night

Effects of Sleep Loss -

Slow reactions Increases errors on visual attention tasks Reduced concentration

Stages of Sleep REM -

Recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur

REM Rebound -

Tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation

Major Sleep Problems Insomnia -

Recurring problems in falling or staying asleep

Narcolepsy -

Sleep disorder in which a person has uncontrollable sleep attacks

Sleep Apnea -

Sleep disorder in which a sleeping person repeatedly stops breathing until blood oxygen is so low it awakens the person just long enough to draw a breath

Dreams Dream -

Sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a seeping person’s mind

Manifest Content -

According to Freud, the remembered story line of a dream

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According to Freud, the underlying meaning of a dream...

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