Chapter 2 Current Trends and Issues in Language PDF

Title Chapter 2 Current Trends and Issues in Language
Author Joevyva Mae Torre
Course Secondary Education
Institution University of Antique
Pages 26
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Recognize the effects of contemporary language development and language issues ____________________________________________________


Current Trends and Issues in Language

LANGUAGE TRENDS & ISSUES IN LANGUAGE This chapter presents the different trends and occurring issues in language and their uses and impacts in our daily interactions. This was divided into two (2) topics/lessons with their corresponding subtopics. Lesson 1: Social Media Language (Impact, Usage) o Chat Slang o Hash Tags o Abbreviation o Coding o Errors Lesson 2: Usage) o o o



Languages (Impact,

Filipinism Gay lingo Other social group languages or colloquial

Lesson 3: Languages Issues (Impact) o Kinaray-a vs Filipino vs English dilemma





Current Trends and Issues in Language

Social Media Language Social media has grown in size and popularity. Over the past few years, online social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter,

YouTube, Flickr, MySpace, LinkedIn, Metacafe, Vimeo, etc.) have revolutionized the way we communicate with individuals, groups, and communities, and have altered everyday practices (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). Since its advent, social media has made communication easier and convenient. Communication with our distant loved ones is not hindered and made possible wherever they are around the globe. With the continuous use of social, a new language has been created which the millennials are really familiar with. Let us understand how the social media phenomenon influence our language, how it has managed to alter and created vocabularies and left us feeling a newfound responsibility to remain connected with the world at large. Now, at the end of this lesson, you should be able to: 1. Identify how the social media influenced language use by making an internet meme; and 2. Create your own slang terms and abbreviations.

MOTIVATION L1.Activity 1: Look at the pictures below. Analyze how they communicate with one

another. What words seem unusual/incorrect for you? What do you think is the reason why they communicate that way?

Hi, Jonas. BTW, Tina 2ld me it’s ur bday. HBD! MBTC! So, wer shall we go? Haha

Yeah, thx 4 d gr8ngs! Just gonna spend my celebration @ home. Pls come.



Current Trends and Issues in Language


What is social media? Social media is any media communication that allo users to create or share con with other people in the network. Social media is also a phenomenon that has recently expanded throughout the world and quickly attracted billions of users.

This form of electronic communication through social networking platforms allows users to generate its content and share it in various forms of information, personal words, pictures, audio, and

Meanwhile, Filipino netizens now use online messaging applications like Facebook Messenger and Google Hangouts sending emojis and Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), upload photos with cute stickers and filters on Facebook and Instagram,

Social media statistics for January 2014 have shown that Facebook has grown to more than 1 billion active users, adding more than 200 million users in a single yea Other challenges are inherent to Twit These are mainly due to the shortness of the messages: the frequent use of (dynamically evolving) informal, irregular, and abbreviated words, the large number of spelling and grammatical errors, and the use of improper sentence structure and mixed languages ( ).

Many Americans speak in the English language but with social media, it is a whole ifferent story. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have created a new language of their own.

transform themselves into their gender counterpart, and update status using terms like “ATM”, “OTW”, “TBH”, “TGIF”. Consequently, meanings were later attached to them which changed how people around the globe communicate in the modern age.

Some terms used on social media have entirely different meanings. Terms such as bio, avatar, and follower can never be interpreted the same like they used to. Continuous usage of online platforms also resulted in the creation of new words which adds communication gap between age groups. Words like blog, hashtag, selfie, and tweet have never existed before the invention of social media, but now with the introduction of social media, these words are more prominent than ever.

Our communication is affected depending on what social media platform is being used. For instance, Twitter limits their status updates or tweets to 140 text characters so users do not have a lot of space to convey what they want to. Unlike Facebook, which allows users to uses up to 60,000 characters. That means that Facebook’s statuses allow over 430 times the amount of content that Twitter’s tweets allow. That shows that twitter users are probably more likely to use shortened versions of their language to fit their needs for their form of social media (Farzindar, 2015).

Our continuous use of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter has changed the way we communicate online. Its ever-evolving nature leaves our language in a continuous state of alteration and regeneration (Wilson, 2014). The emergence of chat slangs, hash tags, codes, abbreviations and text speak messages are some of the changes made in the language. Let us try to discuss each one of them later on.




Current Trends and Issues in Language

If you have been using smartphones for a long time, you might have read and used shortened or misspelled words like 4ever, bf, plz, bc, ok, tom and gr8 in text messages and other messaging applications like Facebook. These terms are examples of chat slang and are not foreign especially to youngsters. Chat slang, also known as internet slang, netspeak, slanguage, and cyber-slang, is the informal language used in online communication. It is a method of typing long words and phrases as short one-to-four letter words. Using chat slang might be convenient, however this makes it hard for other people to understand and get what you mean.

rn – right now thx – thanks bc – because Plz - please dis - this bruh/brah - brother g2go – got to go emo - emotional zzz – sleeping, tired, bored hella - really ratchet - rude scrilla - money tweet – twitter post @ - at msg - message sry - sorry

cyt – see you tomorrow ez – easy gonna – going to fwd – forward rew – group of friends dope/swag - cool fav - favorite poser - pretender epic fail – embarrassing mistake noob - newbie selfie – picture of self totes - totally doing - doin gr8 - great tweet – twitter post l8r – later

troll – people who likes to start an argument on social media

owned - to embarrass, to make a fool of

shook – to be shaken up by something

meme – an idea, image, or text intended for humor

lit - good, intense, fun, or exciting

basic – used to describe something as boring or plain

I can’t even – other way of saying I’m speechless

slay – to do something exceptionally well

stan – an obsessive fan

stoked - excited

bae – other of way of saying baby

look - lewk m2m – many to mention



Current Trends and Issues in Language

I know you have been using hashtags in some of your #FBposts, #IGstories, and #Tweets. But, what exactly is a hashtag and how is it used on social media and in the industry? Here are some details about it. A hashtag is a word, abbreviation, sentence, or phrase without spaces in between words. It always begins with the symbol # and in some countries, it is known as number sign or pound sign. Using hashtags in your posts helps other users access related topics with a similar hashtags. Moreover, including hashtags catches the attention and invites interaction of those who are reading your posts. Last March 2020, the Antique Provincial Tourism Office launched the TikTok challenge with #stayathomeAntique to encourage Antiqueños to remain at home. The said office made use of the hashtag for uniformity and for easy evaluation of entries.

HASH TAGS #hashtags

#UAkasUbAy #onlinelearning #welearnasone #gee3 #currenttrendsandissues



Businesses use hashtags to attract new customers and grow their nline presence. Hashtags help facilitate filtering and discovery of related content. Users searching a hashtag you’ve used can come across your account and engage, becoming new followers and potential customers (

Nowadays, abbreviated words and terms are one of the trends on social media. If you have been observing social media conversations, you might have come across a ton of lingo or abbreviations that take you a while to figure out. I am pretty sure you have encountered words like BTS, RLMSC, DM, TBH, LMAO, TGIF etc. Let us read some of the popular abbreviations used in the digital world and try to use it in conversations.

RT – Retweet, Real Talk

IDK – I don‟t know

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

DIY – Do it yourself

ASAP – As soon as Possible

ATM – At the moment

FYI – For your information

PC – Personal Computer

B2B –Back to business

BTS – Behind the scenes

TBA – To be announced

BRB – Be right back

TBH – To be honest

YOLO – You only live once

IKR – I know, right?

BTW – By the way



Current Trends and Issues in Language

As children, for example, we use codes to write secret messages to our friends. Software programmers also write codes for a living, and we know that every computer program we use, and every webpage we access, is written in some kind of code. What is a code? Code is a system of rules in which one thing (e.g., a word, number, symbol) stands for something else (e.g., another word, symbol, or number; an idea or meme).

In a specific perspective, we will be delving into role that codes play in message processing – it is called communicative codes. Shannon and Weaver (1949) defined communicative codes as systems that pair structurally related stimuli and meme states, such that structurally related stimuli consistently and systematically evoke similar meme states across various media. Codes help us distribute messages, and codes help us interface with messages.

To narrow down the communicative codes as to its usage in social media, let us take the kinesic code as an example. This refers to how we use our physical bodies to activate meme states in others. This code does not necessarily require an actual physical body as a medium. When we look at a comic strip the media system employed is paper and ink. The kinesic code, however, is visible in the faces the comic strip characters make and the way their bodies are position ( One example is a “smiley face” or “”. A smiley face can evoke the same meme state despite its form may be it a pixelated symbol, picture, drawing, or an arrangement of stones. People share the same meaning and recognize the smiley face as a positive affect or mood. Another evolution in the language of social media is the usage of emojis and emoticons. Emoticons have been in use since the early days of the internet, before social media emerged. The usage of emoticons has been tracked back to the 19th century. The first usage of emoticons in the modern, digital age was by Professor Scott Fahlman in 1982 (Heid, 2013) Emojis are the developed versions of emoticons and the most popularly used in messaging and posting. Emojis may just be emoticons in a new form but the recent usage of emoji‟s over social media has developed into a new pseudo-language of their own. They could be used to convey emotions and feelings and is equivalent to someone‟s facial expressions. With the help of emojis, we can easily express our feelings, and recognize if someone is feeling meh, happy, dizzy, sick or even blessed. Some of us even post updates on Facebook in a different level by combining words and emojis. Try to read the selection below.



Current Trends and Issues in Language


Other types of communicative codes: 1. Reverse Code – reversing letters of the word.

2. Reflect Method – reflect the alphabet in half to encipher message

3. Pig Latin Method Rule 1: If a word begins with a vowel sound, add an "ay" sound to the end of the word. Rule 2: If a word begins with a consonant sound, move it to the end of the word, and then add an "ay" sound to the end of the word and also when the word begins with 2 consonants, move both to the end of the word and add an "ay"



Current Trends and Issues in Language

Negative Effects Of Social Media On Language Though social media brought about an evolution to language creating new words, improving communicating and making online conversation convenient, it has also affected students‟ way of writing from misspellings, poor grammar to abbreviations especially when they are exposed to and interact on social media at an early age ( Since posts on social media are acceptable among students‟ peers regardless of attention to detail, social media effects on student writing can be negative. Here are the common errors that students‟ make in f l iti 1. Grammar and spelling errors – The most common errors social media brings are grammar and spelling. Grammar and spelling are most important in school, but mistakes are acceptable on social media. 2. Writing too fast – Social media has increased the need for fast information. Writing too fast increases errors and gives less time to think. Students are quick to post without revising or thinking about what they wrote. So, make sure you review what you have written before clicking that post/send button. 3. Using text language – Abbreviations that are common in social media are frowned upon in formal writing. Students must spell words completely and not use “text speak” or slang.

me people argue that the effects of social media such as of slang or text-speak caused illiteracy among young But, Patterson (2013) contended that even with the ration of a foreign language, our native language of rd English and its correct grammatical uses would not be n by children beyond at the ages of six or seven, since ive language, linguistic sounds and patterns, and atical uses are hardwired by then and text speak would ect our already developed patterns in linguistics. hough we are constantly using text-speak, we learned how to use grammar properly in our younger days. As what Patterson believes, using text speak would not just erase everything that we have learned in our younger years.



Current Trends and Issues in Language

APPLICATION L1. ACTIVITY 2: This activity can be done with an adult family member at home. There are slang terms and abbreviations inside the table below. All you have to do with any family members is to decode what the words mean in the social media language. Your family member‟s answers should be written in the second column while your answers will be written in the third. To make things more exciting, let your family member answer first. Look for the answers online and compare your answers after this activity. WORDS



1. TTYL 2. convo 3. MBTC 4. photobomb 5. nvm 6. kyah (local slang) 7. SKL (local slang) 8. hubby 9. flex 10. JGH

ASSESSMENT A. Create at least five (5) slang terms or abbreviations of your own with their meanings, and try to use them in a sentence. WORDS INVENTED



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. Based on your own standpoint, how do social media affect the way we use language in our day-to-day communication? Express your views by making an internet meme. (10pts) *You may post it on the Facebook group of your subject with #SocMedEffectsOnLanguage





Current Trends and Issues in Language

Socially Developed Languages

Language has been changing over the years. New words were added, existing words no longer mean the same, and language grew to include phrases, sentence and constructions that are different from those of the older generation. Language is always changing, evolving, and adapting to the needs of its users. It changes depending on the need of its users. The fact that language is always changing doesn't mean it's getting worse; it's just becoming different (Birner, 2020).

Our language will never stop changing; it will continue to respond to our needs. So the next time you hear a new phrase that grates on your ears, remember that like everything else in nature, the English language is a

work in progress.

Now, at the end of this lesson, you should be able to: 1. Use socially developed languages in a conversation; and 2. Identify meanings of terms that exist in socially developed languages.

MOTIVATION Have you had any gay friends in your neighbourhood or in your school? What do you notice in the terms or phrases they say when you interact with them? Are they foreign to you? Do you know what they mean? List down some terms or phrases you have heard from them and try to identify what they mean. Word/Phrases 1.____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________ 5.____________________________

Meaning _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________



Current Trends and Issues in Language

The words you wrote here are examples that exist in the gay language or gay lingo. The language of the gays is one of the languages that socially developed over time especially in the Philippines. This lesson will introduce you to the words and phrases that only Filipinos commonly use in conversations in which foreigners find it confusing or difficult to understand.

INPUT Terms like lafang, kebs, yesterday once more, shakira, gorabels, and haggardo versoza are the things you might hear from your gay friends and those who are well-versed in speaking swardspeak or gay language. I‟m pretty sure you‟ll be lost in confusion if you do not have any idea what they mean. What exactly is the gay language? How are words formed or created? Gay lingo is actually an argot that is derived from Tagalog, English, Spanish, and some from Japanese, as well as celebrities' names and trademark brands, giving them new meanings in different contexts. Tuting Hernandez, an Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of the Philippines, described gay speak as a social dialect created by a certain group to exclusively communicate in their own terms.

Speaking in gay term is a way of avoiding cultural violence. Members of the gay community can talk about so many different things without society eavesdropping on them. It is colorful, witty, and humorous, with vocabularies derived from popular culture and regional variatio...

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