Author Maricar Balansi
Course Accountancy, Business, and Management
Institution Baguio Central University
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MANAGEMENT ASPECTCHAPTER 2INTRODUCTIONThe management aspect discuss the name of the firm, the type of organization, the vision and mission, organizational goals, organizational chart, manpower resources, job description and qualifications, recruitment, selection and hiring of workers, policies and r...


CHAPTER 2 MANAGEMENT ASPECT INTRODUCTION The management aspect discuss the name of the firm, the type of organization, the vision and mission, organizational goals, organizational chart, manpower resources, job description and qualifications, recruitment, selection and hiring of workers, policies and regulations, project schedules and management feasibility. NAME OF THE FIRM Coco Crash Enterprises is an enterprise that promotes eco-friendly by using banana leaf and the coconut shell as one of their materials. The name Coco Crash is formulated because coconut is the main ingredients of their product. Coco Crash means to use the product of coconut tree as productive and delicious. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION The Coco Crash is a partnership type of organization which is owned by six people specifically by Ms. Christine Jane C. Arriaga, Ms. Maricar C. Balansi, Ms. Mary Ann B. Detorio, Ms Krystell Lovely C. Habiling, Mr. King Smith F. Frias and Mr. Godwin S. Manuel. It is specifically a general partnership because the partners will be responsible in management and the financial responsibilities of the partnership. The two owners will share in all the profit of the business. The profit will be equally divided into two. We choose partnership because it is inexpensive to start and less expenses.


VISION “To be a sustainable enterprise and to be the top seller and producer of sticky rice products” MISSION “To make and offer affordable price and good quality food to the customer” ORGANIZATIONAL GOAL The purpose of this project is to be aware of the external and internal environment in the market. The objective of the project is stated below: 1. Determine the supply and demand to the market in Baguio City. 2. To know the demographic profile of the students who has the highest consumption in the product. 3. Identifying the factors consider by the consumer in availing the product.



Christine Jane C. Arriaga Maricar C. Balansi Mary Ann B. Detorio Krystell Lovely C. Habiling King Smith F. Frias Godwin S. Manuel (PARTNERS)

(General Manager)

(Kitchen Chef)

(Enterprise Cashier)


Figure11.Organizational Chart The figure above shows the different position in the organization. It also entails that if something is wrong in the company they would know whom are they going to approach.


MANPOWER RESOURCES Table 23.Manpower Resources POSITION NO. OF EMPLOYEES General Manager 1 Kitchen Chef 1 Enterprise Cashier 1 Helper 1 Total no. Of employees 4 JOB DESCRIPTION AND QUALIFICATIONS The following are the responsibilities and requirement of each member of the company: General Manager Job Description: The general managers often oversee local managers and their employees, as well as a local office of employees. General Manager set policies, operations, create and maintain budgets, and coordinate with local management in the organization to evaluate employees, organization performance and efficiencies.

Job Qualifications:  7-10 plus years of managerial accounting experience 

Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Finance or Business. CPA and/ or CMA preferred but not required

 Have leadership skills to keep employees motivated, resolve conflicts and make hard decisions for your employees.  Time Management  Math and Budgeting 23

 Analytical Skills  Decision Making Skills  Speaking and Writing Kitchen Chef Job Description: They are responsible for the overall operations for the back of house and kitchen area of the enterprise. They also hire staff, purchase food and stock, and make sure everyone is trained on proper food preparation and kitchen safety techniques. Job Qualification:  Thorough manage of customer service  Proficiency on English  Excellent communication and people skills  Good organizational and multitasking abilities  Bachelor’s Degree Enterprise Cashier Job Description: They are responsible of welcoming customers, answering their question, helping them locate items, and providing advice or recommendation. They also operate scanners, scales, cash registers, and other electronics. Job Qualification:  High School Diploma 24

 Customers service or cashier experience  Ability to handle transactions accurately and responsibly  High level of energy with strong customers service skills.  Basic math and computers skills  Helpful, Courteous approach to resolving complaints. Helper Job Description: They provide excellent wait service to ensure satisfaction. They take the customer’s order and deliver food and beverages. They are also making menu recommendations, answering questions and sharing additional information with restaurant patrons. Job Qualification:  Proven work experience as a waiter or waitress  hands-on experience with cash register and ordering information system  Basic math skills  Active listening and effective communication skills  Flexibility to work in shift  High school diploma; Food Safety Training RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND HIRING OF WORKERS


1. Recruitment planning It is where the vacant positions are analyzed and described. It includes job specifications and its nature. The potential employee should be qualified, experienced with capability to take responsibilities required to achieve the objectives of the organization. 2. Strategy development This is on how or which strategy to adopt for recruiting the potential employee for the organization. 3. Searching Once the line manager verifies and permits the existence of the vacancy, the search for potential employee starts. 4. Screening It is where the process of filtering the applications of the potential employee for further selection process. 5. Evaluation and Control The effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods are assessed. Selection/Hiring of workers 1. Preliminary interview There is an initial meeting to gather basic information about how an applicant's goals, skills and qualifications can benefit a company's needs.


2. Receiving applications Once the individual qualifies the preliminary interview he is required to fill in the application form in the prescribed format. This application contains the candidate data such as age, qualification, experience, etc. This information helps the interviewer to get the fair idea about the candidate and formulate questions to get more information about him. 3. Screening applications Once the applications are received, these are screened by the screening committee, who then prepare a list of those applicants whom they find suitable for the interviews. The shortlisting criteria could be the age, sex, qualification, experience of an individual. Once the list is prepared, the qualified candidates are called for the interview either through a registered mail or e-mails. 4. Employment tests In order to check the mental ability and skill set of an individual, several tests are conducted. Such as intelligence tests, aptitude tests, interest tests, psychological tests, personality tests, etc. These tests are conducted to judge the suitability of the candidate for the job. 5. Employment interview The one on one session with the candidate is conducted to gain more insights about him. Here, the interviewer asks questions from the applicant to discover more about him and to give him the accurate picture of the kind of a job he is required to perform. 6. Checking references


The firms usually ask for the references from the candidate to cross check the authenticity of the information provided by him. These references could be from the education institute from where the candidate has completed his studies or from his previous employment where he was formerly engaged. These references are checked to know the conduct and behavior of an individual and also his potential of learning new jobs. 7. Medical examination Here the physical and mental fitness of the candidate are checked to ensure that he is capable of performing the job. Thus, this stage is not rigid and can take place anywhere in the process. The medical examination is an important step in the selection process as it helps in ascertaining the applicant’s physical ability to fulfill the job requirements. 8. Final selection The candidate who qualifies all the rounds of a selection process is given the appointment letter to join the firm. Thus, the selection is complex and a lengthy process as it involves several stages than an individual has to qualify before getting finally selected for the job.

Hiring of Workers 1. Make sure they have an EIN (Employees Identification Number) 2. Set up record for withholding taxes 28

3. Define the role the enterprise is hiring for 4. Find your candidate 5. Report the new hire to the state employment agency 6. Obtain workers’ compensation insurance 7. Choose payroll method Policies and Regulations 1. Recruitment policy On the recruitment policy the potential employee must meet the requirements and passed the step by step process of the recruitment. 2. Time periods policy Employees must follow established work schedules the usual work schedule is 48 hours per week, Monday through Friday. Normal work hours at Coco Crash are 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. /rest periods are an employment privilege. Rest periods may not be “saved” to shorten the employee’s workday, and to extend lunch break. Abuse of rest period may result in loss of the privilege. 3. Employee compensation and benefits policy



OF Rate of employees Rate of employees

General Manager


monthly (in Peso) 30,000

annually (in Peso) 360,000 29

Kitchen Chef Enterprise Cashier Helper Total Wages Annually

1 1 1

20,000 13,000 8,000

240,000 156,000 96,000 852,000

Table 24.Salary Scale 4. Routine work policy The employee’s working time starts from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. 5. Termination policy It is beneficial for all parties that the employment separation process is as clear as possible so misunderstandings and distrust between the employee and the organization can be avoided. This termination of employment policy applies to all prospective or current employees of the organization in regards to possible separation of employment. 6. Resignation policy Process on Resignation a. The employee who would like to resign should write to their line manager stating clearly the date on which they wish their resignation to become effective. It is also helpful if the employees are prepared to give their reasons for resigning from the organization. Periods of notice longer than those contractually required will be accepted. b. When a letter of resignation is received, the Line Manager should arrange a leaving discussion with the employee in order to discuss handover arrangements and gather the information needed to trigger the Human Resources process.


c. The Line Manager should complete the online leavers form to inform Human Resources that the employee is leaving. The written notification should be attached. d. Upon receiving the resignation details, Human Resources will issue a letter to the individual confirming their resignation and the date on which their employment with the organization will cease. e. Staff in any doubt about the effective date of resignation, having regard to their contractual notice period, should contact Human Resources for advice.

7. Complaints and grievances Employees’ Grievances Disagreement of the wages Inequitable work schedules Disagreement over hours of work Unfair


Disciplinary Action 1st warning 2nd Warning 1st warning 2nd Warning st 1 warning 2nd Warning

of 1st warning

2nd Warning

3rd warning 3rd warning 3rd warning 3rd warning

employment 31

Discrimination against a worker 1st warning Harassment of a worker 1st warning Inconsistency performance 1st warning

2nd Warning 2nd Warning 2nd Warning

3rd warning 3rd warning 3rd warning

standards Table 25.Disciplinary Action Legend: 1st warning- talks to the employees in private 2nd Warning- writes a note that the employee will not do it again 3rd warning- there will be a suspension depending on how severe the action. 8. Code of ethics a.

Laws and Regulation  Employees must follow the laws set in place by the government for restaurants and may not abide by any other set of rules outside of those.


Fairness and Corporate Opportunities  Employees must nit share things concerning the business to others, and especially no other business. This includes recipes as well as job opportunities.


The customers  Employees, most importantly waiters and waitress, must pay close attention to how they treat the customers. Being fair and equal when attending to them is most important but also employees must keep on mind the different backgrounds of these customers, and most certainly cannot be rude or crude in any way.


9. Hygiene and sanitation a) Clean- keep yourself and work areas clean b) Separate- Keep raw meat and other raw animal product away from other foods c)

Cook- always properly cook and prepare foods

d) Chill- store foods appropriately both and after cooking PROJECT SCHEDULE The operation of the organization will be starting at 8:00 am and end at 8:00 pm. Work schedules POSITION General Manager Kitchen Chef Enterprise Cashier Helper

Work Start Time 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am Table 26.Work Schedules

Work End Time 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm




MANAGEMENT FEASIBILITY This organization is a partnership form of business, specifically a general form of partnership. The management aspect shows the rules and regulations of the company. Also it explains in detain on how the organization work.


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