Chapter 2 Review - Summary Psychology : Themes and Variations PDF

Title Chapter 2 Review - Summary Psychology : Themes and Variations
Author Taylor Ouimette
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution Laurentian University
Pages 2
File Size 23.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 89
Total Views 149


Chapter 2 review. ...


Chapt er#2:TheResear chEnt er pr i sei nPsy chol ogy Res ear chMet hods : -I ndependantandI ndependantVar i abl es :Exper i ment al •I ndependant :Whati nv est i gat ori si nt er es t edi nst udyi ng( Ex .noi se,l ev el ofdr ug) •Dependant :Measur edbyr esear cherandi nfluencedbyi ndependentv ar i abl e( Ex .Lear ni ng,#ofs ympt oms) 3Mai nAppr oaches: 1.Exper i ment alMet hods: -I st her ea“ causeandeffect ”r el at i onshi p? 2.Cor r el at i onalSt udi es : -I st her ear el at i onshi pbet ween/ amongvar i abl es ? 3.Descr i pt i v eResear ch: -Descr i bebehavi ourofor gani smsi nnat ur alset t i ngs -Casest udi es;nat ur al i st i cobser vat i on;sur vey s;i nt er vi ews( notchangi nganyt hi ng) QUI Z:Compar eandcont r act sdi ffer entappr oachesofr esear ch Exper i ment s:Thr eeEssent i al Char act er i s t i cs 1.Resear chermani pul at eonev ar i abl e 4.Resear chermeasur eswhet hert hi sv ar i abl epr oduceschangesi nanot herv ar i abl e 5.Resear cherat t empt st ocont r olf orot herf act or st hatmi ghti nfl uencer esul t s Exper i ment alResear ch: 2Gr oupsofPar t i ci pant s:Exper i ment alGr oup( r ecei v est r eat ment )&Cont r olGr oup( notexposedt ot r eat ment ) -Tr eat ment : •I ndepedantVar i abl e( I V) :Mani pul at ed,exper i ment al f act or •DependantVar i abl e( DV) :Fact ort hati smeasur ed Sampl i ng:Exper i ment al Popul at i on: -Al l i ndi v i dual saboutwhom wear ei nt er est edi ndr awi ngaconcl usi on( Ex .8y earol dboys , peopl ewho' v ebeenbul l i ed) Sampl e: -Subsetofi ndi v i dual sdr awnf r om al ar gerpopul at i onofi nt er es t( i mpossi bl et oi nt er vi ewt he wor l d,t her ef or e,useasmal lgr oupt omakeaconcl usi onf ort heent i r epopul at i on) Repr esent at i v eSampl e: -Reflect st hei mpor t antchar act er i s t i csoft hepopul at i on( et hni c i t y) -Thesameamountofpeopl ef r om eachgr oup Random Sampl e: -Al l i ndi v i dual shaveanequal l i k el i hoodofbei ngassi gnedt ocont r olorexper i ment algr oup Descr i pt i v eResear ch: -Obser v at i on:

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-Par t i ci pantObser v at i on: •Wor kswi t hpar t i ci pant st ounder st andt heact i onsoft hegr oup( r esear cherwi l l become oneoft hem aski ngquest i ons) -Nat ur al i s t i cObser v at i on: •Nat ur alSet t i ng,noti nt er f er i ng •Car ef ul obser v at i onwi t houti nt er f er i ngwi t hpar t i ci pant s •Al l owsr esear chert ost udybehavi ouri naset t i ngi nwhi chi twoul dnor mal l yoccur •Resear cher smayhavedi fficul t ymaki ngt hei robser v at i onsunobt r usi v el y •Di fficul tt ooper at i onal l ydefinesomeconcept s( i nt er r at err el i abi l i t y) ( di ffer entr esear cher s obser vedi ffer entt hi ngs) Cor r el at i on: -Goali st odescr i bet hest r engt hoft her el at i onshi pbet weent woormor eevent sorchar act er i st i cs -El eganti ni t sdesi gn: •Resear chermeasur esonevar i abl e( X) •Resear chermeasur essecondv ar i abl e( Y) •Resear cherst at i st i cal l ydet er mi ni ngi fXandYar er el at ed 3Types : 1.Posi t i v eRel at i onshi p:Ani ncr easei nonev ar i abl ei sassoci at edwi t hani ncr easei nt heot her v ar i abl e 6.NoRel at i onshi p:Changesi nonev ar i abl ear enotassoci at edwi t hchangesi nt heot herv ar i abl e 7.Negat i v eRel at i onshi p:Ani ncr easei nonev ar i abl ei sassoci at edwi t hadecr easei nt heot her v ar i abl e Cor r el at i ons: -St r engt handdi r ect i on -Si z eof#i st hest r engt h -Thesi gn( +or)i st hedi r ect i on( posi t i v e=samedi r ect i on,negat i v e=opposi t edi r ect i ons) -Rangei s1. 00t o+1. 00 -DoesNOTi ndi cat ecause -Cor r el at i ondoesnotcausecausat i on...

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