Chapter 2 Test Questions PDF

Title Chapter 2 Test Questions
Course Introduction to Psychology: Applications
Institution University of Ottawa
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This document aids students with questions that would show up on their Ch 2 test...


1. Phrenology highlighted the presumed functions of: A) specific brain regions. B) neurotransmitters. C) hormones. D) the right brain.

2. The person most likely to suggest that the shape of a person's skull indicates the extent to which that individual is argumentative and aggressive would be a: A) neurologist. B) behavior geneticist. C) psychoanalyst. D) phrenologist.

3. Dr. Wolski does research on the potential relationship between neurotransmitter deficiencies and mood states. Which psychological specialty does Dr. Wolski's research best represent? A) phrenology B) biological psychology C) psychoanalysis D) clinical psychology

4. A biological psychologist would be most interested in the relationship between: A) body chemistry and violent behavior. B) skull shape and character traits. C) self-esteem and popularity. D) brain size and cell structure.

5. Dendrites are branching extensions of: A) neurotransmitters. B) endorphins. C) neurons. D) glial cells. E) endocrine glands.

6. The function of dendrites is to: A) receive incoming signals from other neurons. B) release neurotransmitters into the spatial junctions between neurons. C) coordinate the activation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. D) control pain through the release of opiatelike chemicals into the brain.

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7. An axon is: A) a cell that serves as the basic building block of the nervous system. B) a layer of fatty tissue that encases the fibers of many neurons. C) an antagonist molecule that blocks neurotransmitter receptor sites. D) the extension of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body. E) a junction between a sending and receiving neuron.

8. The longest part of a motor neuron is likely to be the: A) dendrite. B) axon. C) cell body. D) synapse.

9. In transmitting sensory information to the brain, an electrical signal within a single neuron travels from the: A) cell body to the axon to the dendrites. B) dendrites to the axon to the cell body. C) axon to the cell body to the dendrites. D) dendrites to the cell body to the axon. E) axon to the dendrites to the cell body.

10. The speed at which a neural impulse travels is increased when the axon is encased by a(n): A) association area. B) myelin sheath. C) endocrine gland. D) glial cell. E) synaptic vesicle.

11. Neural impulses may travel as rapidly as: A) sound waves. B) light waves. C) 200 miles per hour. D) electricity through a wire.

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12. A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron is called the: A) synapse. B) agonist. C) action potential. D) myelin sheath. E) refractory period.

13. The depolarization of a neural membrane creates a(n): A) action potential. B) myelin sheath. C) lesion. D) neural network. E) interneuron.

14. An action potential is generated by the movement of: A) glial cells. B) hormones. C) vesicles. D) ions.

15. The resting potential of an axon results from the fact that an axon membrane is: A) encased by a myelin sheath. B) selectively permeable. C) sensitive to neurotransmitter molecules. D) part of a larger neural network.

16. Resting potential is to action potential as ________ is to ________. A) parasympathetic nervous system; sympathetic nervous system B) sensory neuron; motor neuron C) association area; neural network D) polarization; depolarization E) PET scan; MRI

17. With regard to the process of neural transmission, a refractory period refers to a time interval in which: A) chemical messengers traverse the synaptic gaps between neurons. B) a brief electrical charge travels down an axon. C) positively charged atoms are pumped back outside a neural membrane. D) an individual reflexively withdraws from a pain stimulus.

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18. The minimum level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse is called the: A) reflex. B) threshold. C) synapse. D) action potential.

19. Increasing excitatory signals above the threshold for neural activation will not affect the intensity of an action potential. This indicates that a neuron's reaction is: A) inhibited by the myelin sheath. B) delayed by the refractory period. C) an all-or-none response. D) dependent on neurotransmitter molecules.

20. A slap on the back is more painful than a pat on the back because a slap triggers: A) faster neural impulses. B) more intense neural impulses. C) more frequent neural impulses. D) all the above.

21. Sir Charles Sherrington observed that impulses took more time to travel a neural pathway than he might have anticipated. His observation provided evidence for the existence of: A) association areas. B) glial cells. C) synaptic gaps. D) interneurons. E) neural networks.

22. A synapse is a(n): A) chemical messenger that triggers muscle contractions. B) automatic response to sensory input. C) neural network. D) junction between a sending neuron and a receiving neuron. E) neural cable containing many axons.

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23. The chemical messengers released into the spatial junctions between neurons are called: A) hormones. B) neurotransmitters. C) synapses. D) genes. E) glial cells.

24. Neurotransmitter is to ion as ________ is to ________. A) agonist; antagonist B) molecule; atom C) hormone; epinephrine D) GABA; ACh

25. Neurotransmitters are released from vesicles located in knoblike terminals on the: A) dendrites. B) cell body. C) axon. D) myelin sheath.

26. Reuptake refers to the: A) movement of neurotransmitter molecules across a synaptic gap. B) binding of neurotransmitter molecules to dendritic receptor sites. C) inflow of partially charged ions through an axon membrane. D) reabsorption of excess neurotransmitter molecules by a sending neuron.

27. Research on neurotransmitters indicates that: A) a single synapse generally uses several dozen neurotransmitters. B) neurotransmitters can inhibit neural impulse transmission. C) less than a dozen neurotransmitters are involved in all neural transmission. D) the release of endorphins causes paralysis of the muscles.

28. Alzheimer's disease is most closely linked to the loss of neurons that produce: A) dopamine. B) acetylcholine. C) epinephrine. D) endorphins.

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29. Epinephrine is to hormone as acetylcholine is to: A) synapse. B) action potential. C) endorphin. D) neurotransmitter.

30. Schizophrenia is most closely linked with excess receptor activity for the neurotransmitter: A) dopamine. B) epinephrine. C) acetylcholine. D) serotonin.

31. An undersupply of serotonin is most closely linked to: A) Alzheimer's disease. B) schizophrenia. C) Parkinson's disease. D) depression.

32. GABA is to glutamate as ________ is to ________. A) inhibitory hormone; excitatory hormone B) inhibitory neurotransmitter; excitatory neurotransmitter C) excitatory hormone; inhibitory hormone D) excitatory neurotransmitter; inhibitory neurotransmitter

33. Migraine headaches are most closely linked with an _______ of _______. A) oversupply; GABA B) undersupply; serotonin C) oversupply; glutamate D) undersupply; acetylcholine

34. Transferring messages from a motor neuron to a leg muscle requires the neurotransmitter known as: A) dopamine. B) epinephrine. C) acetylcholine. D) insulin.

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35. Botulin poisoning from improperly canned food causes paralysis by blocking the release of: A) endorphins. B) epinephrine. C) acetylcholine. D) dopamine.

36. Endorphins are: A) neurotransmitters. B) sex hormones. C) endocrine glands. D) morphine antagonists.

37. Opiate drugs occupy the same receptor sites as: A) acetylcholine. B) serotonin. C) endorphins. D) dopamine. E) epinephrine.

38. José has just played a long, bruising football game but feels little fatigue or discomfort. His lack of pain is most likely caused by the release of: A) glutamate. B) dopamine. C) acetylcholine. D) endorphins.

39. Hormone is to neurotransmitter as epinephrine is to: A) glucose. B) estrogen. C) steroids. D) insulin. E) endorphins.

40. The body's natural production of endorphins is likely to be ________ by heroin use and ________ by acupuncture. A) increased; increased B) decreased; decreased C) increased; decreased D) decreased; increased

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41. Jason's painful withdrawal symptoms following heroin use were probably due in part to a reduction in his body's normal production of: A) dopamine. B) epinephrine. C) acetylcholine. D) endorphins.

42. A drug that mimics the effects of a particular neurotransmitter or blocks its reuptake is called a(n): A) glutimate. B) steroid. C) agonist. D) opiate.

43. Endorphin agonists are likely to _______ one's immediate pain and endorphin antagonists are likely to _______ one's immediate pain. A) decrease; increase B) increase; decrease C) increase; increase D) decrease; decrease

44. Curare is a paralyzing poison that functions as an: A) ACh agonist. B) GABA agonist. C) ACh antagonist. D) GABA antagonist.

45. Dopamine injections have proven ineffective in the treatment of Parkinson's disease because dopamine: A) fails to pass through the bloodstream into the brain. B) suppresses the brain's natural capacity to produce endorphins. C) blocks the capacity of neurons to absorb ACh. D) produces uncontrollable muscle spasms.

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46. The two major divisions of the nervous system are the central and the ________ nervous systems. A) autonomic B) sympathetic C) parasympathetic D) peripheral

47. The central nervous system consists of: A) sensory and motor neurons. B) somatic and autonomic subsystems. C) the brain and the spinal cord. D) sympathetic and parasympathetic branches.

48. In order for you to experience the pain of a sprained ankle, ________ must first relay messages from your ankle to your central nervous system. A) the limbic system B) interneurons C) the reticular formation D) motor neurons E) sensory neurons

49. Sensory neurons are an important part of the: A) limbic system. B) reticular formation. C) peripheral nervous system. D) central nervous system.

50. The vast majority of cells in the body's information-processing system are: A) interneurons. B) motor neurons. C) sensory neurons. D) neurotransmitters.

51. Information is carried from the central nervous system to the body's tissues by: A) interneurons. B) sensory neurons. C) motor neurons. D) the limbic system.

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52. Motor neurons transmit signals to: A) glands. B) interneurons. C) sensory neurons. D) all the above.

53. Messages are transmitted from your spinal cord to muscles in your hands by the ________ nervous system. A) central B) peripheral C) parasympathetic D) sympathetic E) autonomic

54. The peripheral nervous system is to sensory neurons as the central nervous system is to: A) motor neurons. B) neurotransmitters. C) interneurons. D) the sympathetic nervous system.

55. The somatic nervous system is a component of the ________ nervous system. A) peripheral B) autonomic C) central D) sympathetic E) parasympathetic

56. The part of the peripheral nervous system that controls glandular activity and the muscles of internal organs is called the: A) somatic nervous system. B) reticular formation. C) limbic system. D) autonomic nervous system.

57. Messages are transmitted from your spinal cord to your heart muscles by the: A) limbic system. B) somatic nervous system. C) central nervous system. D) autonomic nervous system.

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58. The parasympathetic nervous system ________ digestion and ________ heartbeat. A) accelerates; decelerates B) decelerates; accelerates C) accelerates; accelerates D) decelerates; decelerates

59. You come home one night to find a burglar in your house. Your heart starts racing and you begin to perspire. These physical reactions are triggered by the: A) somatic nervous system. B) sympathetic nervous system. C) parasympathetic nervous system. D) limbic system.

60. After discovering that the shadows outside his window were only the trees in the yard, Ralph's blood pressure decreased and his heartbeat slowed. These physical reactions were most directly regulated by his: A) parasympathetic nervous system. B) sympathetic nervous system. C) somatic nervous system. D) hippocampus.

61. Heartbeat acceleration is to heartbeat deceleration as the ________ nervous system is to the ________ nervous system. A) somatic; autonomic B) autonomic; somatic C) central; peripheral D) sympathetic; parasympathetic E) parasympathetic; sympathetic

62. A simple, automatic, inborn response to a sensory stimulus is called a: A) neural network. B) resting potential. C) neurotransmitter. D) reflex.

63. The knee-jerk reflex is controlled by interneurons in the: A) limbic system. B) spinal cord. C) brainstem. D) cerebellum.

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64. In a tragic diving accident, Andrew damaged his spinal cord and consequently suffered paralysis of his legs. Andrew's injury was located in his: A) somatic nervous system. B) limbic system. C) sympathetic nervous system. D) central nervous system.

65. Aaron consistently exhibits a knee-jerk response without having any sensations of the taps on his knees. Aaron's experience is most indicative of a: A) split brain. B) severed spinal cord. C) hemispherectomy. D) reward deficiency syndrome.

66. The strengthening of synaptic connections facilitates the formation of: A) interneurons. B) endorphins. C) neural networks. D) glial cells. E) lesions.

67. Neural networks refer to: A) the branching extensions of a neuron. B) functionally interconnected clusters of neurons in the central nervous system. C) neural cables containing many axons. D) junctions between sending and receiving neurons. E) neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body.

68. A football quarterback can simultaneously make calculations of receiver distances, player movements, and gravitational forces. This best illustrates the activity of multiple: A) endocrine glands. B) endorphin agonists. C) neural networks. D) endorphin antagonists. E) reticular formations.

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69. Surgical destruction of brain tissue is called a(n): A) split brain. B) EEG. C) synapse. D) lesion. E) MRI.

70. An amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity that sweep across the surface of the brain is called a(n): A) CT scan. B) EEG. C) PET scan. D) MRI.

71. EEG is to CT scan as: A) amplified recording of brain waves is to x-ray photography. B) x-ray photography is to amplified recording of brain waves. C) radioactive emission is to amplified recording of brain waves. D) amplified recording of brain waves is to radioactive emission.

72. In order to identify which of Lucy's brain areas was most active when she talked, neuroscientists gave her a temporarily radioactive form of glucose and a(n): A) CT scan. B) PET scan. C) EEG. D) MRI.

73. To identify which specific brain areas are most active during a particular mental task, researchers would be most likely to make use of a(n): A) PET scan. B) hemispherectomy. C) CT scan. D) brain lesions.

74. The best way to detect enlarged fluid-filled brain regions in some patients who have schizophrenia is to use a(n): A) EEG. B) MRI. C) PET scan. D) lobotomy.

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75. The sequence of brain regions from oldest to newest is: A) limbic system; brainstem; cerebral cortex. B) brainstem; cerebral cortex; limbic system. C) limbic system; cerebral cortex; brainstem. D) brainstem; limbic system; cerebral cortex. E) cerebral cortex; brainstem; limbic system.

76. The part of the brainstem that controls heartbeat and breathing is called the: A) cerebellum. B) medulla. C) reticular formation. D) thalamus.

77. If your ________ is destroyed, the left side of your brain could not control the movements of your right hand. A) brainstem B) amygdala C) hippocampus D) angular gyrus E) corpus callosum

78. The reticular formation is located in the: A) brainstem. B) limbic system. C) somatosensory cortex. D) motor cortex. E) cerebellum.

79. Severing a cat's reticular formation from higher brain regions causes the cat to: A) become violently aggressive. B) cower in fear. C) experience convulsive seizures. D) lapse into a coma. E) become sexually preoccupied.

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80. Which region of the brainstem takes you to a state of arousal when someone nearby mentions your name? A) reticular formation B) cerebellum C) hypothalamus D) amygdala E) medulla

81. Which brain structure receives information from all the senses except smell? A) hippocampus B) amygdala C) angular gyrus D) thalamus

82. Which brain structure relays information from the eyes to the visual cortex? A) thalamus B) amygdala C) medulla D) hippocampus E) cerebellum

83. The brain's electrical oscillations, which slow during sleep, are coordinated by the: A) thalamus. B) cerebellum. C) sensory cortex. D) pituitary gland.

84. The “little brain” attached to the rear of the brainstem is called the: A) limbic system. B) corpus callosum. C) cerebellum. D) reticular formation.

85. After Kato's serious motorcycle accident, doctors detected damage to his cerebellum. Kato is most likely to have difficulty: A) experiencing intense emotions. B) reading a book. C) understanding what others are saying. D) tasting the flavors of foods. E) playing his guitar.

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86. A doughnut-shaped system of neural structures at the border of the brainstem and cerebral hemispheres is known as the: A) angular gyrus. B) limbic system. C) reticular formation. D) peripheral nervous system.

87. Which of the following is the component of the limbic system that plays an essential role in the formation of new memories? A) hypothalamus B) thalamus C) hippocampus D) medulla

88. The brainstem is to arousal as the limbic system is to: A) emotion. B) muscular coordination. C) respiration. D) language comprehension.

89. To demonstrate that brain stimulation can make a rat violently aggressive, a neuroscientist should electrically stimulate the rat's: A) reticular formation. B) cerebellum. C) medulla. D) amygdala.

90. A brain tumor caused extensive damage to Mr. Thorndike's hypothalamus. It is most likely that he may suffer a loss of: A) visual perception. B) muscular coordination. C) sexual motivation. D) language comprehension.

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91. The brain structure that provides a major link between the nervous system and the hormone system is the: A) cerebellum. B) amygdala. C) reticular formation. D) hypothalamus. E) medulla.

92. Olds and Milner located “pleasure centers” in the brain structure known as the: A) sensory cortex. B) hypothalamus. C) cerebellum. D) medulla. E) amygdala.

93. Addictive drug cravings are likely to be associated with reward centers in the: A) thalamus. B) cerebellum. C) reticular formation. D) limbic system. E) angular gyrus.

94. Your conscious awareness of your own name and self-identity depends primarily on the normal functioning of your: A) cerebellum. B) amygdala. C) hypothalamus. D) sympathetic nervous system. E) cerebral cortex.

95. One function of glial cells is to: A) control heartbeat and breathing. B) mimic the effects of neurotransmitters. C) provide nutrients to interneurons. D) stimulate the production of hormones.

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96. Which lobes of the brain receive the input that enables you to feel someone scratching...

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