Possible test questions chapter 2 Fall 2020 PDF

Title Possible test questions chapter 2 Fall 2020
Course Introduction To Nutrition
Institution University of Scranton
Pages 10
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possible test question for nutrition 110...


Possible Test Questions Chapter 2 1. All of the following are characteristics of an ideal eating pattern except_______.

a. Not one right way to achieve a healthy eating pattern (flexible); there isn’t such things as “good” or “bad” foods

b. Contains food that provides adequate nutrients, fiber and calories without an excess of added saturated/ trans fats, sugars, sodium or alcohol

2. A diet would achieve the planning principle of “adequacy” if it:

a. Provides all of the nutrients (protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and water) and energy in amounts needed to maintain health

b. Avoid nutrient deficiency

3. Which of the following best represents a meal that follows the principle of “nutrient density”?

a. Amount of nutrients in a food relative to the amount of calories

b. Foods with a lot of nutrients and low calories are called “nutrient dense”

c. Nutrient dense foods are generally low in sugar and low in fat

i. Vegetables, no added sugars, fruits, whole grains, low fat dairy

4. How can one achieve the diet planning principle of “balance”?

a. Avoid overemphasis on any food type or nutrient at the expense of another

b. If you eat excess amount of one thing it will result in you not consuming enough of others

c. A large amount of one micronutrient can sometimes inhibit utilization other micronutrients

5. Which of the following best summarizes the diet planning principle of “calorie control”?

a. Supply the amount of energy you need to maintain a healthy weight

b. Energy intake should not exceed energy needs

6. All of the following are inconsistent with the diet planning principle of “moderation” except:

a. There is room in healthy diet for foods that are high in unhealthy substances, but these foods should be consumed less frequently or in small amounts

i. Ex. Unhealthy fats and sugars (dessert, soda, etc.)

7. All of the following are reasons that “variety” is important to achieving a healthy diet except:

a. Incorporate a wide selection of different foods within and among the different food groups

b. Prepare foods a variety of ways

c. Some nutrients are in a lot of different foods and we can easily get enough if we just eat a variety of foods

d. Some foods are better source of nutrients than others

e. Some food constituents improve absorption of other nutrients (vitamin C and non-heme iron)


Some food constituents inhibit absorption of other nutrients so vary combinations (phytates and minerals)

g. A diet based on a small number of foods can supply excess amounts of undesirable substances such as, contaminants and naturally occurring substances that act as “antinutrients”

8. A nutrient requirement is defined as:

a. The minimum amount of a nutrient that will prevent deficiency symptoms

9. Which of the following is NOT true about the nutrient requirements of individuals in a population?

a. Individuals in a population will have different requirements

i. Some people will have requirements on the low side and some will have requirements on the high side, but theoretically, a majority of people will have requirements near the average (we can draw this in a frequency histogram)

ii. When people sick, smokers, environmental= higher requirements

10. The Recommended Dietary Allowance is________.

a. Average daily amount of a nutrient that meets the nutrient needs of 97 to 98 % of healthy individuals of a specific age and gender (use number to compare if nutrient requirement being met)

i. If everyone ate this amount, only 2-3 % of population would be consuming less than their individual requirement

11. The UL is a value that describes ___________.

a. Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)- maximum amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to pose any risk of adverse health effects to most healthy people

i. This value is necessary to determine because of the large number of people taking supplements and the large number of fortified foods such that it is possible to get too much

12. In order to meet nutrient needs within calorie limits, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends____?

a. A variety of vegetables from all of the subgroups- dark green, red and orange, legumes (beans and peas), starchy, and other

b. Fruits, especially whole fruits

c. Grains, at least half of which are whole grains

13. According to the key recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which dietary component should be limited to no more than 10 percent of calories per day?

a. Consume less than 10 percent of calories per day from added sugars

b. Consume less than 10 percent of calories per day from saturated fats

c. Consume less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day of sodium

14. Which of the following is consistent with a key recommendation of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

a. American diets have too many calories and too much fat, added sugars, refined grains, and sodium

b. Too few vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products

15. Which major goal is part of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

a. Provide science-based advice to promote health and reduce risk of chronic diseases through diet and physical activity

16. According to the Dietary Guidelines, what proportion of grain servings should be consumed from whole-grain sources?

a. At least Half

17. What important principle can you best demonstrate to others using the MyPlate graphic?

a. Proportionality (3/4 plant foods- fruits, veggies, grains; ¼ protein; serving of dairy)

18. A sound strategy regarding MyPlate is to__________.


19. According to MyPlate, fat from which source should be limited in the diet?

a. Solid fats (saturated)

i. Empty calories (from solid fats and added sugars)

20. MyPlate suggests that 75% of your plate should come from plant-based foods. (T or F)

a. T

21. The MyPlate visual tool indicates that protein is the most important macronutrient. (T or F)

a. F

22. All of the following information is required to be on a food label except:

a. Name of the food, is also known as the statement of identity

b. Name of the manufacturer, packer or distributor

c. Net contents of the package tells you what quantity of the food product is in the container and helps you compare prices

d. Disclose when they are made with a major food allergen (milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, crustacean shellfish, wheat, soybeans)

e. Nutrition Facts panel (unless the package is small)

23. Which of the following most accurately describes the ingredient list on a food label?

a. The ingredient list is in descending order by weight

i. Tells you the largest proportion of ingredients by weight

ii. Be aware that there may be multiple sugar ingredients but they will be listed separately, so it is difficult to get a sense of total proportion of sugar

iii. Helps identify ingredients that they are avoiding for health, religious or other reasons

24. All of the following except _________ are common food allergens, the presence of which must be disclosed on a food label.

a. milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, crustacean shellfish, wheat, soybeans

25. All of the following are required on a Nutrition Facts panel except:

a. Keep serving sizes in mind

b. Notice the total calories per serving

c. Check out the nutrient information that must appear in the Nutrition Facts panel, e.g., total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, etc.

d. Look for the percent Daily Values

26. Which of the following is true about a Nutrition Facts panel?

a. Serving size: based on the amount of food people eat at one time, the FDA has set forth a list of serving sizes for more than 100 food categories

i. This procedure ensures that consumers can compare one brand of product to another because he portion size will be the same. b. The FDA has chosen the nutrients that must be on the Nutrition Facts Panel because they address health concerns.

i. This has changed over time.

c. The percent daily values is calculated from what experts deem is healthful for adults.

d. Fats

i. Saturated, trans fat, cholesterol

e. Carbohydrates

i. Total sugar



g. Vitamins

27. The Percent Daily Value tells you:

a. how much of what you should consume is supplied by a serving of that food.

28. Which of the following is true about Nutrient Content Claims?

a. By law, foods carrying terms called nutrient content claims must adhere to specific definitions spelled out by the Food and Drug Administration.

i. Ex. “low fat,” “low-calorie,” “light,” etc.

b. If a manufacturer chooses to make a nutrition claim about a food they must put the amount of that nutrient on the label.

c. Calorie-free: less than five calories per serving

d. Good source of fiber: 2.5 g to 4.9 g per serving

e. Low-fat: three grams of fat or less per serving


Reduced Sodium: at least 25 percent lower in sodium than the regular product

29. A health claim on a food label is a statement that _________.

a. A statement linking the nutritional profile of a food to a reduced risk of a particular disease

30. Which of the following is NOT one of the FDA rules regarding the use of health claims.

a. If a food label makes a claim about a certain nutrient then the food must contain a minimum amount of that nutrient

b. If there is a health claim because a food is low in a food component then it must meet that legal definition of “low”

c. Even so, the label can only imply that the food “may” or “might” reduce risk of disease....

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