Chapter 3- Health Wellness and Health Disparities Environmental Dimension study guide PDF

Title Chapter 3- Health Wellness and Health Disparities Environmental Dimension study guide
Author matt jenvent
Course Adult Nursing I
Institution University of Arkansas
Pages 8
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Question 8 A teenaged client reports having diarrhea before every test in school. The nurse recognizes that this client needs to focus on which dimension of health? Correct response: Emotional dimension Question 9 Which nursing activity reflects secondary prevention? Correct response: Making a referral for a mammogram Question 10 A client is admitted to the mental health center with attempted suicide. Which of the client’s problems is the priority for the nurse to manage? Correct response: Risk of self-harm Question 1 A client has been admitted to the hospital for the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis, with a random blood glucose reading of 575 mg/dL (31.91 mmol/L), vomiting, and shortness of breath. This client has experienced which phenomenon? Correct response: Exacerbation Question 2 A nurse is caring for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The nurse explains to the client that COPD is a chronic disease. Why is COPD considered a chronic disease? Correct response: It has a gradual onset and lasts for a long time. Question 3 When providing care to a client, the nurse integrates knowledge that a client's beliefs and actions are related and influenced by the client's personal expectations in relation to health and illness. The nurse is demonstrating an understanding of which health model? Correct response: Health belief model Question 4 A client, who has just been diagnosed with a chronic condition, asks the nurse what a“chronic condition” means. What would be the nurse’s best response? Correct response: “Chronic conditions usually come on slowly and may have periods of remission and exacerbation.” Question 5 Which are factors that impact how a client defines health? Select all that apply. Correct response: Family Culture Community Society Question 6 The nurse should identify the need for further teaching when the client with diabetes who is taking daily insulin and follows a strict diet makes which statement? Correct response: "I cannot possibly ever be considered as healthy." Question 7 Why are health promotion and illness prevention a key responsibility of nurses? Correct response: Chronic illnesses are the leading health problem in the world. Question 8 Which needs are being met when a nurse recommends a senior citizen community center for an older client who is living alone? Correct response: Sociocultural needs Question 9 A nurse is planning a health fair in the community to highlight promotion and prevention of the leading cause of death in the United States. Which disease process should the nurse address? Correct response: Coronary artery disease Question 10 The nurse is caring for a client admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and associated pleuritic chest pain. Which would be a priority when creating the nursing care plan? Correct response: Monitoring airway clearance. Question 1 An older adult patient has been recently diagnosed with vascular dementia. Because the client lives alone and has poorly controlled hypertension, the client has begun to receive home healthcare. This new aspect of the client's care is characteristic of which stage of illness? Correct response: Assuming a dependent role Question 2 A client has a Staphylococcus infection in a decubitus ulcer. In this case, Staphylococcus is the: Correct response: agent. Question 3 When admitting an adolescent to the hospital, the nurse anticipates that the client will respond to questions about the client's health beliefs based primarily on the client's: Correct response: age and developmental stage. Question 4 What is a misconception about chronic disease? Correct response: Chronic illnesses cannot be prevented. Question 5 The nurse is holding a cholesterol screening at a local pharmacy this Saturday morning. What level(s) of health promotion is this screening an example of?

Correct response: Secondary Question 6 A 13-year-old client with cystic fibrosis who is being discharged confides in the nurse that her parents argue a lot. Sometimes, her mother has too much to drink and starts throwing things at people. At times she gets scared her mom will hurt someone. She feels as if she is causing her parents to fight and her mom to drink because she is always in the hospital. She also worries about getting a bad grade in school due to her many absences and not getting into a good college. According to Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, which issue should take priority when caring for this client? Correct response: The client feels scared that her mother will hurt someone. Question 7 A nurse is caring for a client with end-stage liver failure. Which healthcare agency should the nurse recommend for continuity of care? Correct response: Extended care Question 8 The nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of heart failure. This admission is the client's third admission within 90 days. The nurse educates the client with the goal of preventing readmission. Which nursing activity for this client would represent tertiary-level prevention? Correct response: Teaching about adhering to a low-sodium diet Question 9 A client comes to the health center for a routine visit. During the visit, the client tells the nurse, "I'm motivated to do things now to make sure I'm the healthiest I can be." When planning this client's care, the nurse should focus on which area? Correct response: Health promotion Question 10 The nurse is caring for a very active, athletic adolescent recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The client appears to be withdrawn and depressed when the nurse asks how he or she is doing today. Using the health belief model, what steps can the nurse take to create a plan of care for this client? Select all that apply. Correct response: Conduct an in-depth interview of the client’s previous health issues, how the client reacted to the illness, and what support system the client has. Assure the client that there is nothing to be worried about because many people are diagnosed with this disease, and alert the family to the possibility of depression. Question 1 Which model is most useful in examining the cause of disease in an individual, based upon external factors? Correct response: The Agent-Host-Environment Model Question 2 Which nursing intervention is an example of tertiary preventive care? Correct response: Assisting with speech therapy a client with a traumatic brain injury Question 3 A nurse is caring for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The nurse explains to the client that COPD is a chronic disease. Why is COPD considered a chronic disease? Correct response: It has a gradual onset and lasts for a long time. Question 4 The recognition of health as an ongoing process toward a person's highest potential of functioning is defined as: Correct response: high-level wellness. Question 5 Which are characteristics of chronic conditions? (Select all that apply.) Correct response: Are rarely curable Require lifelong management • Have a prolonged course Question 6 What have the models of health promotion and illness prevention been used for? Correct response: To help health care providers understand health-related behaviors. Question 7 The client is admitted with a gastrointestinal bleed. The physician ordered a colonoscopy. Which level of care encompasses this procedure? Correct response: Secondary Question 8 A client is admitted to the mental health center with attempted suicide. Which of the client’s problems is the priority for the nurse to manage? Correct response: Risk of self-harm Question 9 The nurse is working in an acute care setting and performs primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Which activity performed by the nurse is classified as tertiary prevention?

Correct response: Instructing a client on how to use crutches Question 10 A group of nurses is participating in a community health fair and is engaged in primary prevention activities. Which activities would these nurses be leading? Select all that apply. Correct response: Family planning services Accident prevention education • Heart-healthy nutrition services Question 1 A client has been admitted to the hospital for treatment of pancreatitis secondary to alcoholism. The client states that it is nearly impossible to quit drinking because of the deep entrenchment of alcohol use in the client's circle of friends and line of work. As well, the client claims to have thought that drinking only beer and foregoing hard alcohol would prevent health problems. This client is exhibiting health consequences rooted in which human dimensions? Correct response: Sociocultural and intellectual Question 2 What is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity? Correct response: Health Question 3 What level of prevention is represented by educating a group of clients on breast selfexamination? Correct response: Primary prevention Question 4 A mammogram represents which level of prevention? Correct response: Secondary prevention Question 5 The nurse's community outreach class is giving a presentation on seat belts and child safety seats at the local firehouse every weekend in October. Which level of health promotion is this an example of? Correct response: Primary Question 6 Which are factors that impact how a client defines health? Select all that apply. Correct response: Family Culture Community Society Question 7 An older adult client who has been hospitalized due to a stroke is about to be discharged from a rehabilitation center where the client had to relearn how to perform activities of daily living, including feeding and dressing. The client has often voiced a desire to be as active as possible. The client now expresses a strong desire to go home. The nurse recognizes that these statements made by the client indicate that the client is: Correct response: giving up the dependent role. Question 8 Which behaviors are necessary for a person to successfully adapt to a chronic illness? Select all that apply. Correct response: Learn to live as normally as possible Maintain a positive self-concept • Maintain a sense of hope Question 9 The nurse is giving a talk to a local community group on the harms of smoking. The nurse tells the group that a risk factor is something that increases a person's chances for illness or injury. What type of risk factor is smoking? Correct response: Modifiable Question 10 A community health nurse has noticed a large number of women in the community are not getting regular mammograms. This is a rural community with limited access to health care. Which action would be the most appropriate for the nurse to pursue to promote compliance in getting annual mammograms? Correct response: Arrange for a mobile mammography unit to come to the community several days a month. Question 1 A nurse has chosen to characterize a new initiative as "wellness promotion" rather than "health promotion". Which statement best describes the difference between the concept of wellness and the concept of health? Correct response: Wellness is an active state, whereas health is a more passive state dependent on the absence of disease. Question 2 Consultation and diagnostic tests are included in which level of health care? Correct response: Secondary care Question 3 A client has had a total knee replacement and is receiving care that includes learning to walk with a walker. What level of prevention is most applicable to this client? Correct response: Tertiary prevention Question 4 The concept of holism is based on the belief that:

Correct response: individuals cannot be seen apart from the environment. Question 5 The nurse is ccertified in providing Therapeutic Touch and is preparing to initiate this for a client. What activity should the nurse perform initially? Correct response: Requesting the client's permission to touch the body Question 6 What are common sources of stress in family members due to a hospitalization of a family member? Select all that apply. Correct response: Alterations in roles Economic problems • Alterations in lifestyle Decrease in social interactions Question 7 A nurse who is working in a long-term care facility is talking with a group of health care workers. One of the health care workers asks about current trends in health care. Which trend should the nurse mention? Correct response: An increase in the incidence of chronic illnesses Question 8 A nurse is caring for a client who has breast cancer. The client tells the nurse: “I don’t know why this happened to me, but I’m ready to move on and do whatever I need to do to get healthy again.” This client is in which stage of acute illness? Correct response: Stage 3 Question 9 A nurse observes that a client who has pneumonia is in the recovery and rehabilitation stage of the illness. Which statement describes the client response that the nurse would expect at this stage of the illness? Correct response: The client gives up the dependent role. Question 10 Which nursing activity reflects care given on the tertiary level of healthcare delivery? Correct response: Assisting with transplant surgery Question 1 An older adult patient has been recently diagnosed with vascular dementia. Because the client lives alone and has poorly controlled hypertension, the client has begun to receive home healthcare. This new aspect of the client's care is characteristic of which stage of illness? Correct response: Assuming a dependent role Question 2 A nurse is caring for a 17-year-old client whose left leg was amputated after being crushed in a motor vehicle accident. Which intervention might the nurse perform to address the client's intellectual dimension? Correct response: Teaching her how to care for the stump and explaining the rehabilitation program Question 3 When admitting an adolescent to the hospital, the nurse anticipates that the client will respond to questions about the client's health beliefs based primarily on the client's: Correct response: age and developmental stage. Question 4 How can the nurse best demonstrate being a role model for health promotion? Correct response: Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol Question 5 The nurse recognizes that the client who makes the decision to accept a new diagnosis and follow the prescribed treatment plan is in which stage of an illness? Correct response: Stage 3–Assuming a dependent role Question 6 The nurse is educating a client with diabetes on how to better control blood sugar levels and recognize the symptoms associated with both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. The client is frequently admitted to the hospital due to elevated blood sugars. This education is an example of which level of health promotion? Correct response: Tertiary Question 7 Why do nurses need to care for their own health needs? Select all that apply. Correct response: • To allow them to give effective nursing care to others • To enable them to practice more efficiently • To help them serve as role models for clients Question 8 Which client growth needs are included in the love and belonging level of Maslow's hierarchy? (Select all that apply.) Correct response: Family Intimacy Friendships Question 9 The nurse is working in an acute care setting and performs primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Which activity performed by the nurse is classified as tertiary prevention? Correct response: Instructing a client on how to use crutches

Question 10 Which client would most benefit from the nurse including in the plan of care interventions addressing emotional health? Correct response: A stressed client who is experiencing paranoid delusions Question 1 A client with a lump in the breast calls the healthcare provider to schedule an appointment for an evaluation. Based on the client's actions, what stage of illness is the client demonstrating? Correct response: Assuming the sick role Question 2 What is a dynamic balance among the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of a person's life? Correct response: Wellness Question 3 What is a misconception about chronic disease? Correct response: Chronic illnesses cannot be prevented. Question 4 A nurse provides interventions for clients in a long-term care facility to help them meet their intellectual needs. Which nursing actions promote these needs? Select all that apply. Correct response: • A nurse provides education about foot care to a client with diabetes. • A nurse explains to an obese client the benefits of following a healthy diet. • A nurse shows residents a video discussing modified activities for older adults. Question 5 Which nursing activity provides an example of primary prevention? Correct response: Teaching a family how to recognize and avoid environments containing lead paint Question 6 A nurse is caring for a client with end-stage liver failure. Which healthcare agency should the nurse recommend for continuity of care? Correct response: Extended care Question 7 Which client would most benefit from the nurse including in the plan of care interventions addressing the client's social health? Correct response: A spouse and parent who is angry about no longer being able to work due to a spinal cord injury Question 8 A group of nurses is participating in a community health fair and is engaged in primary prevention activities. Which activities would these nurses be leading? Select all that apply. Correct response: Family planning services Accident prevention education • Heart-healthy nutrition services Question 9 A nurse is assessing a client for potential variables that influence the client's health. When assessing the client's self-concept, which area should the nurse include? Select all that apply. Correct response: The client's feelings about self as a person The client's view of self physically Question 10 When providing holistic care to a client, the nurse recognizes that which behaviors are necessary? Select all that apply. Correct response: • Understand and respect each person's definition of health. • Understand and respect each person's responses to illness. Question 1 Chronic illness may be characterized by periods of remission. Remission is best defined as: Correct response: the presence of a disease with the absence of symptoms. Question 2 A client has been admitted to the hospital for treatment of pancreatitis secondary to alcoholism. The client states that it is nearly impossible to quit drinking because of the deep entrenchment of alcohol use in the client's circle of friends and line of work. As well, the client claims to have thought that drinking only beer and foregoing hard alcohol would prevent health problems. This client is exhibiting health consequences rooted in which human dimensions? Correct response: Sociocultural and intellectual Question 3 What is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity? Correct response: Health Question 4 The concept of holism is based on the belief that: Correct response: individuals cannot be seen apart from the environment. Question 5 A mammogram represents which level of prevention?

Correct response: Secondary prevention Question 6 An older adult client who has been hospitalized due to a stroke is about to be discharged from a rehabilitation center where the client had to relearn how to perform activities of daily living, including feeding and dressing. The client has often voiced a desire to be as active as possible. The client now expresses a strong desire to go home. The nurse recognizes that these statements made by the client indicate that the client is: Correct response: giving up the dependent role. Question 7 Which behaviors are necessary for a person to successfully adapt to a chronic illness? Select all that apply. Correct response: Learn to live as normally as possible Maintain a positive self-concept • Maintain a sense of hope Question 8 The client is admitted with a gastrointestinal bleed. The physician ordered a colonoscopy. Which level of care encompasses this procedure? Correct response:Secondary Question 9 The nurse is planning care for several clients in an outpatient clinic. Which client requires followup care due to a chronic condition? Correct response: A client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who is wheezing and coughing Question 10 The nurse is caring for a client admitted to the hospital with pneu...

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