Chapter 3 i RAT (eAssigned Reading & Videos from Chapter 3: Culture) PDF

Title Chapter 3 i RAT (eAssigned Reading & Videos from Chapter 3: Culture)
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution Glendale Community College
Pages 5
File Size 90.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 53
Total Views 121


iRAT (individual Readiness Assurance Test). Introduction to Culture
3.1 What is Culture?
3.2 Elements of Culture
3.3 High, Low, Pop, Sub, Counterculture and Cultural Change
3.4 Theoretical Perspectives on Culture...


Chapt er3i RAT Quest i on1 1/1pt s Thet er ms__________and__________ar eof t enusedi nt er changeabl y ,buthave nuancest hatdi ffer ent i at et hem. et hnocent r i sm andx enocent r i sm

i mper i al i sm andr el at i vi sm

soci et yandent hnocent r i sm

cul t ur eandsoci et y

Quest i on2 1/1pt s Thebel i eft hatone' scul t ur ei si nf er i ort oanot hercul t ur ei scal l ed: et hnocent r i sm

i mper i al i sm

x enocent r i sm

nat i onal i sm

Quest i on3

1/1pt s Mostcul t ur eshavebeenf oundt oi dent i f yl aught erasasi gnofhumor ,j oy ,orpl easur e. Li k ewi se,mostcul t ur esr ecogni z emusi ci nsomef or m.Musi candl aught erar eex ampl es of : uni ver sal i sm

r el at i vi sm

x enocent r i sm

et hnocent r i sm

Quest i on4 1/1pt s Theexi st enceofsoci alnor ms,bot hf or malandi nf or mal ,i soneoft hemai nt hi ngst hat i nf or m __________,ot her wi seknownasawayt oencour agesoci alconf or mi t y . v al ues

soci alcont r ol

sanct i ons

mor es

Quest i on5 1/1pt s

Thenot i ont hatpeopl ecannotf eel orexper i encesomet hi ngt hatt heydonothavea wor df orcanbeexpl ai nedby : Et hnogr aphi ci mager y

bi l i ngual i sm

Sapi r Whor f

l i ngui st i cs

Quest i on6 1/1pt s Anex ampl eofhi ghcul t ur ei s__________,wher easanex ampl eofpopul arcul t ur ei s __________. count r ymusi c;popmusi c

pol i t i calt heor y;soci ol ogi calt heor y

medi calmar i j uana;fil m noi r

Dost oevskyst yl ei nfil m;" Amer i canI dol "wi nner s

Quest i on7 1/1pt s Moder ndayhi pst er sar eanex ampl eof : et hnocent r i ci t y

subcul t ur e

hi ghcul t ur e

count er cul t ur e

Quest i on8 1/1pt s Somej obst odayadver t i sei nmul t i nat i onalmar ket sandper mi tt el ecommut i ngi nl i euof wor ki ngf r om apr i mar yl ocat i on.Thi sbr oadeni ngoft hej obmar k etandt hewayt hatj obs ar eper f or medcanbeat t r i but edt o: i nnovat i on

di scov er y

gl obal i zat i on

cul t ur all ag

Quest i on9 1/1pt s ThatMcDonal d' si sf oundi nal mostev er ycount r yar oundt hewor l di sanexampl eof : gl obal i zat i on

x enocent r i sm

cul t ur el ag

di ffusi on

Quest i on10 1/1pt s TheOccupyWal lSt r eetmovementof2011gr ewt obeani nt er nat i onalmovement . Suppor t er sbel i evet hatt heeconomi cdi spar i t ybet weent hehi ghesteconomi ccl assand t hemi dt ol owereconomi ccl assesi sgr owi ngatanexponent i al l yal ar mi ngr at e.A soci ol ogi stwhost udi est hatmovementbyex ami ni ngt hei nt er act i onsbet weenmember s atOccupycampswoul dmostl i kel yusewhatt heor et i calappr oach? Symbol i ci nt er act i oni sm

Et hnocent r i sm

Confli ctTheor y

Funct i onal i sm...

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