Chapter 1 i RAT Sociology PDF

Title Chapter 1 i RAT Sociology
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution Glendale Community College
Pages 5
File Size 96.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 63
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iRAT (individual Readiness Assurance Test). Introduction to Sociology
1.1 What is Sociology?
1.2 The History of Sociology
1.3 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
1.4 Why Study Sociology?...


Chapt er1i RAT Quest i on1 1/1pt s Soci ol ogyi sdefinedast he: Quant i t at i veanal y si sofsoci al t r ansgr essi ons.

Sy st emat i cst udyofsoci et yandsoci ali nt er act i on.

Theor et i calex ami nat i onofl i f e’ sor i gi ns.

Qual i t at i veanal ysi sofhumanphenomenon.

Quest i on2 1/1pt s Whi choft hef ol l owi ngmencoi nedt het er m posi t i vi sm,andi swi del yconsi der edt he f at herofsoci ol ogy? August eComt e

Émi l eDur khei m

Kar lMar x


Quest i on3

1/1pt s DefineC.Wr i ghtMi l l ’ ssoci ol ogi cali magi nat i on. Aser i esofi nt er vi ewsaski ngsubj ect saboutt hei rsl eephabi t sanddr eams.

Howi ndi vi dual sunder st andt hei rownandot her s’ past si nr el at i ont ohi st or yandsoci al st r uct ur e.

Thet heor yt hatmanev ol vedsl owl yov ert i me.

Thepr ocessofanal yzi nghumanbehavi orbasedsol el yonst at i st i cs.

Quest i on4 1/1pt s Apar adi gm canbedefinedas: Soci alpat t er nst hathav eundesi r abl econsequencesf ort heoper at i onofsoci et y .

Theconsequencesofasoci al pr ocesst hatar esoughtorant i ci pat ed.

Thesoci alt i est hatbi ndagr oupofpeopl et oget hersuchaski nshi p,shar edl ocat i on, andr el i gi on.

Phi l osophi calandt heor et i calf r amewor ksusedwi t hi nadi sci pl i net of or mul at et heor i es, gener al i zat i ons,andt heexper i ment sper f or medi nsuppor toft hem.

Quest i on5 1/1pt s

Jer emywr ot eanessaycr i t i ci zi ngt hecol l egeadmi ssi onspr ocess,ar gui ngt hatheavy compet i t i onandl i mi t ededucat i onalr esour cesmakeadmi ssi ondi fficul tf ort heav er age st udent .Whi chper spect i v ewoul dJer emy’ sar gumentf al lunder ? Behavi or i sm

Symbol i cI nt er act i oni sm

St r uct ur alFunct i onal i sm

Confli ctTheor y

Quest i on6 1/1pt s Whi cht heor i stcl ai medt hatpeopl er i set ot hei rpr operl eveli nsoci et ybasedsol el yon per sonalmer i t ? Her ber tSpencer

Émi l eDur khei m


Kar lMar x

I ncor r ect Quest i on7 0/1pt s El eanori sr esear chi ngt heeffectsoci almedi ahasonwor l dwi depol i t i calawar enessand r evol ut i on.Fel i xi sex ami ni ngt heeffectWor l dofWar cr af thasont her omant i c

r el at i onshi psofmi ddl eagedmeni nhi smet r oar ea.El eanor ’ sanal ysi si s_____,whi l e Fel i x’ sanal y si si s_____. Theyar ebot hmi cr ol ev el .

Mi cr ol evel ;macr ol evel

Theyar ebot hmacr ol evel .

Macr ol evel ;mi cr ol evel cor r ect

Quest i on8 1/1pt s _____vi ewsoci et yasast r uct ur ewi t hi nt er r el at edpar t sdesi gnedt omeett hebi ol ogi cal andsoci alneedsofi ndi vi dual swhomakeupt hatsoci et y . Confli ctTheor i st s

St r uct ur alFunct i onal i st s

Symbol i cI nt er act i oni st s

Soci alI ndi vi dual i st s

Quest i on9 1/1pt s Pol i t i cal sci encet eacherMr .Jonesaskshi sst udent st ost udyhowsoci almedi acan i nfluencepubl i copi ni onby“ f ol l owi ng”f amousact i vi st s,academi cs ,andpol i t i ci anson Twi t t er .Whi l er eadi ngandex changi ngeachot her ’ sTweet s,somecl assmat esbecame

cl osef r i ends.Thefir sti sanex ampl eoft hepr oj ect ’ s____f unct i on,t hesecondi san ex ampl eoft hepr oj ect ’ s_____f unct i on. l at ent ;mani f est

mani f est ;mani f est

l at ent ;l at ent

mani f est ;l at ent

Quest i on10 1/1pt s Af t erweeksofpr ot esti nZuccot t iPar k,NYC’ s“ OccupyWal lSt r eet ”di vi dedi nt ot wo camps:onecomposedofhi gheri ncomepr ot est or s,andonecomposedofl ower i ncome pr ot est er s.A______woul dbemosti nt er est edi nt her el at i onshi pandnat ur eofday t odayex changesbet weent het wogr oups. Confli ctt heor i st

Symbol i ci nt er act i oni st

Femi ni stconfli ctt heor i st

St r uct ur alf unct i onal i st...

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