Sociology midterm answers chapter 1-5 PDF

Title Sociology midterm answers chapter 1-5
Author kassandra cando
Course Introduction To Sociology Contemporary Society
Institution LaGuardia Community College
Pages 4
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sociology midterm answers for chapter 1-5 ...


Sociology is the systematic study of human society and social interaction. Functionalist- Emile Durkheim (husband has expertimental task bring money to family) -(Believed the limits of human potential are socially based)(education,religion,politics) Conflict Theory- Karl Marx (competing for limited resources, more power) -(Viewed history as a clash between conflicting ideas and forces)(Believed class conflict produced social change and a better society) Symbolic Interactionist- George Herbert Mead (society, communicating with others, support of family) Continue symbolic interactionist- Herbert Blumer (communication) Founder of Sociology- August Comte Post Modern-rights of the gay/lesbian, women rights society, living in a consumer Max Weber: Believed sociological research should exclude personal values and economic interests. 1st women (Harriet Martineau)- Believed society would improve when women and men were treated equally and enlightened reform occur. W.E.B Du Bois: one of the first to note the identify conflict of being both a black and an American. Research Method: 1.Survey research: interviews 2. Analysis of existing data: reviewing literature 3. field research: study of social life in its natural setting Participant observation (participate in the activity) Ethrography(more in detail, takes a long time) 4. Experiments: research the impact Deductive(observation) Inductive (start the theory) Symbol: anything that meaningfully represents something else (language) Language: Symbols that express ideas enable people to communicate Values: Collective ideas about what is right or wrong and good or bad (Beliefs, culture value, religion belief) Norms: Established rules of behavior or standards of conduct Laws: are the most common type of formal norms Culture: the knowledge, language, values, customs ,and material objects that are passed from person to person and from one generation to the next in a human group or society. Material Culture: Physical or creations of society(attitudes,beliefs and values)that influence peoples behavior. Mores: taboos Folkways: everyday customs that may be violated without serious consequences within particular culture.(using deodorant) Culture lag: is a gap between the technical development of a society and its moral & legal institutions High Culture: Classical music,opera, ballet ASA Code of Ethnics: -disclose research findings in full and include all possible interpretations of the data

-safeguard the participants right to privacy and dignity while protecting them from harm. Functionalist of culture: culture helps people meet biological instrumental and expressive needs Conflict: ideas can be used by the ruling class to affect members of other classes. Socialization: is the process through which we become human. Socialization is important because it teaches us ways to think, talk and act that are necessary for social living. Human Development: Each of us is a product of two forces: 1.Heredity- “nature” determines our physical makeup(eye color, hair color & height) 2.Social Environment- “Nurture” determines how we develop and behave. We know that isolation and maltreatment affect our ability to behave in “normal” ways. Human development happens in 3 stages: -ID,-Ego,-Superego Piaget’s stage of Cognitive Development: Sensorimotor(birth to age 2) children understands the world through sensory contact Preoperational stage(age 2 to 7) children begin to use words as symbols & form mental images Concrete operational stage(7 to 11) Formal operational stage(12 and up) Preconventional level(7 to 10) children perception are based on punishment and obedient Conventional level (10 to adult) people are concerned with how they are perceived by peers. Post conventional level (few adults reach this stage) Preparatory stage(up to age 3) children prepare for role taking by imitating people around them. Functionalist of school: transmit culture & social control and personal development Status (Position): A socially defined position in society characterized by certain expectations, rights,and duties. Ascribed status: social position based on attitudes over which the individual has little or no control, such as race/ethnicity,age,gender Achieved status: social position that a person assumes as a result of personal choice,merit, or direct effort. Master status: the most important status that a personal occupies. Status symbols are material signs that informs others of a persons specific status. Ex: wearing a wedding ring proclaims that the person is married. Roles(Behavior): a group or society’s definition of the way a specific role ought to be played. Role Performance: how a person actually plays a role. Role conflict: occurs when incompatible demands are placed on a person by two or more statuses held at the same time. Role Strain: occurs when incompatible demands are built into a single status that the person holds. Stages of Role Exit: when people leave a role central to their identity Ex. Retirement 1.doubt 2. search for alternatives-separation 3. the turning point-take an action Social group:two or more people who interact frequently Primary groups: family, close friends,school or work-related peer groups Secondary: schools,churches, corporations Formal organization: a highly structured group formed for the purpose of completing

certain tasks Ex.colleges,corporations,the government Functionalist: five tasks of social institutions: 1.replacing members 2.teaching new members 3.producing, distributing, consuming goods and services 4.preserving order 5.providing & maintaining a sense of purpose. Components of Social Structure:-status,-roles,-groups,-social instititions Durkheim’s Typology of Social Solidarity: -social solidarity is based on social structure which is based on division of labor. Ex.loss of community -Mechanical solidarity: people are united by traditions and shared values -Organic solidarity: people are united by mutual dependence on one another. Dramaturgical Analysis: the study of social interaction that compares everyday life to a theatrical presentation. Nonverbal communication: -facial expressions,eye contact,head movements,body positions ,touching Functions of Nonverbal communication: -supplements verbal communication, -regulates social interaction Social Interaction: The microlevel Perspective Dramaturgical Analysis: the study of social interaction that compares everyday life to a theatrical presentation. Sociology of emotions: we are socialized to feel certain emotions,we learn how&when to express them Nonverbal communication: transfer of information without the use of speech. Social interaction & meaning: forms of social interaction have shaired meanings that vary based on race/ethnicity,gender,social class Social construction of reality: how our perception of reality is shaped by the subjective meaning we give an experience. Ethnomethodology: studying the commonsense knowledge people use to understand situations. Social interaction is the process by which people act toward or respond to other people. Being a college professor is achieved status. Being a homeless person is master status. Women who work for less pay, less prestige & more career roadblocks often experience is role strain. Social Groups: a collection of two or more people who: -interact frequently -share a sense of belonging -have a feeling of interdependence Aggregates happen to be in the same place at the same time, Ex. Airline passengers,shoppers, waiting at a traffic light Categories share a similar characteristic; Ex.students,elderly,native Americans Cooley’s primary & secondary groups: Primary group- small,less specialized group which members engage in face to face,emotion-based interaction over an extended period of time. Secondary group- larger,more specialized group which members engage in more

impersonal ,goal-oriented relationships for a limited period of time. Ingroup: group to which a person belongs & feels a sense of identity. Outgroup: group to which a person doesn’t belong & toward which the person may feel a sense of competitiveness or hostility. Reference group: group that strongly influences a persons behavior a social attitudes , regardless of weather that individual is an actual member. Normative: organization that we join voluntarily to pursue some common interest or prestige by joining Coercive: Associations that people are forced to join. Ex. Boot camps & prisons Utilitarian: Organization that we join voluntarily when they can provide us with a material reward that we seek. Group size: -Dyad: group composed of two members -Triad: group composed of three members -formal organization: highly structured secondary group formed for the purpose of achieving specific goals Group leadership functions: -Instrumental leadership: Is most appropriate when the groups purpose is to complete a task -Expressive leadership: is most appropriate when the group is dealing with emotional issues,harmony,solidarity,high morale are needed. Group leadership styles: -Authoritarian leaders: often criticized for fostering intergroup hostility. -Democratic leaders: praised for supportive behavior & blamed for being indecisive in a crisis. -Laissez-Faire leaders: do not provide active leadership. Irving Janis developed an influential theory of group decision making that called Group Think. Group think involves an extreme form of group conesiveness in which group members begin to think alike & do not question each other. Group size: -Small group: a collectivity small enough for all members to be acquainted with another & to interact simultaneously. Group size 2: only one interaction Group Size 3: three interaction Group Size 4:six interaction Group size 5: ten interaction Group size 6: 15 interaction Group size 7: 21 interaction Group Conformity: the process of maintaining or changing behavior to comply with the norms established by a society, subculture,or other groups Asch: examined how group size influences conformity in small groups....

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