Chapter 3 Music In Popular Culture MUSC-2150 PDF

Title Chapter 3 Music In Popular Culture MUSC-2150
Author Tyler Lightheart
Course Music and Popular Culture FW
Institution University of Guelph
Pages 12
File Size 90.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Download Chapter 3 Music In Popular Culture MUSC-2150 PDF


Chapt er2:TheBi r t handFi r stFl our i shi ngofRock andRol l September-16-12 7:13 PM

Chapt erSt udyOut l i ne[ 19551960] 1.TheRi seofYout hCul t ur ei nt he1950s 1.Popcul t ur edevot edexcl usi v e l yt ot eenag er s o begi nni ngaf t erwor l dwar2, o unl i kepr evi ousgene r at i onswher et eenager sbecameandl i vedas adul t satt heendofhi ghschoolt het eenag er si nt he1950' sav oi ded adul tr es ponsi bi l i t yf ormuchl ongert hananyot hergener at i onhad pr evi ousl y 1.Pol i t i cals t abi l i t yandaffluenc e  Re l at i vet ol i f epr ewar ,t het eenager soft he1950' shad moneyt os pendonl e i sur ei t ems 2.Nor mal c y  Thewhi t emi ddl ec l asssoci e t ywasat t empt i ngt o r e t ur nt onor mall i f eaf t e rhavi ngt hemassi vedi sr upt i ont hat t hewarcr eat e d  Fami l i est hathadt obesof ocusedont hewart ur ned t hei rat t ent i ont ot hei rchi l dr en,r egai ni ngf ocusont hei r educat i onandt hei rgener alhappi ness 3.Rebe l l i onag ai ns tc onser vat i sm 4.Wor r i esaboutj uveni l ede l i nquency  Thi swasheavi l ypor t r ayedi nmovi e s[ t hewi l done, r e be lwi t houtacause]  Thesoundt r ac kst ot hesefil mswer eor ches t r at edand v er yt r adi t i onal 5." RockAr oundt heCl oc k"  Feat ur edi nBl ac kboar dJungl e  Thi sfil m wasi ncr edi bl ysucc essf ulandl eadt oyout h r i ot si nsomet heat er s,andasar esul tt hi ssong( byBi l l Hal ey)s hott ot het opoft hepopchar t s  Thenat ur eoft hefil m( cent er edar oundt eenr e be l l i on) i ncr easedt heassoci at i ont hatr ockmusi chadwi t hr ebel s andr owdi ness  Thesuccessoft hi sal bum al soencour agedmanymor e ar t i s t st or el easemusi cwi t hasi mi l arR&B f eel 2.Radi oandRec or ds 1.Ri seoft hedi scj ockey  Mos twhi t et eenager shear dR&B f ort hefir s tt i meont he r adi o  Radi osbecamei nexpensi v e

Mos tmi ddl ec l asswhi t e( andbl ack)f ami l i e shada t abl et opr adi oi nt heear l y1950' s  Thet r ansi s t ormadei tsot hatr adi oswer ebasi cal l y affor dabl et oev er yone  Rockor i e nt edr adi oshows  TheMoondogShow  Sponsor edbyLeoMi nt z ,whonot i c est hat t eenager swer epur chasi ngl ar genumber sofR&B r ecor ds  Fi r s tai r edi n1951  Cl ev e l and  Thest at i onpl ayi ngt heMoondogshow wasWJW,wi t ha wi der anget hate xt endedbeyondt heOhi ost at el i nes  Al anFr eed  Or i gi nal l yr e l uc t antt oDJt heMoondogshow, Al anFr eedbecameoneoft hefir stDJ' st odeve l opan R&B pr ogr am  Hei sof t enr e f er r edt oast hemos ti nfluent i alDJ wi t hr egar dst ot hegr owt handpopul ar i t yofRoc knr ol l  Red,HotandBl ue  Me mphi s  Dewe yPhi l l i ps  R&B DJpr i ort oAl anFr eed,l ocat edi nMe mphi s  Bl ackDJsbecamemor enumer ousdur i ngt he1950s  Manypeopl et houghtt hatt heDJ' spr omot i ngR&B musi c wer ebl ack,however ,t heDJ' st hati nfluencedAl anFr eed' s showswer ewhi t e  Pr i ort o1950,16outoft heappr oxi mat e3000DJ' swer e bl ac k,i nt hel at e40' sandear l y50' sbl ackDJsbegant o maket hei rmar kont her adi o 1. Expansi onofFr eed' seffor t s  Fr eedmovedt heMoondogshow t oNew Yor ki n1954  TheRoc kandRol lPar t y  Fr eedal sot ookcr edi tf orcoi ni ngt het er m Roc k andRol l  Becauseofi s sueswi t ht henami ngr i ght soft he Moondogshow,Fr eed' sNe w Yor kshow wasnamedt he r ockandr ol lpar t y  Ne w Yor k  Nat i onal l ysyndi cat ed  Ther ockandr ol lpar t ywasai r ednat i onal l y ,as we l lasi nEur ope,al l owi ngFr eedt ocr eat eal ar ge amountofbuz zf orR&B musi cwi t hwhi t et eenager s  Concer tt our  TheBi gBeatc oncer tshow i n1958 

I nc l udedJer r yLeeLewi sandBuddyHol l y Of t enpor t r ayedbyt hepr essast eenr i ot s Fi l ms Fi l msl i keRockar oundt hec l ockandDon’ tknockt he r ockwer epr oducedqui ckl y ,hadv er yt hi npl ot s,andwer e basi cal l yanexcuset ohaveal otofr ockar t i st si nonepl ace  Te l evi s i ondanceshow  Ai r edf r om 19581960 1.Aggr essi v eMar ke t i ng  I ndependentr ecor dcompani e susedr adi ot omar ke t r ecor ds  Becausei ndependentl abel sdi dnothav et hei rown di s t r i but or s,t heyhadt omakear r angement swi t hot heri ndi e l abel s,andmar ke t i ngbecamecr uci ali nbei ngabl et omakeback t hemoneyt heyhadt os pendt omakear ecor d  Par t i ci pat i onofDJswascr uci al  Theyhadt odev el opr el at i onshi pswi t ht heDJs t oge tt hei rsongspl ay edont her adi o,andi twasc ommon pr act i cet opayDJsi ncashorgi f t st ohav et hei rsongs pl ayed[ t hi swascal l edpayol a]  Juke boxes  Juke boxeswer ef oundi nbar sandr es t aur ant s , andwer eawayt oi nt r oducel i s t ener st oasong( si mi l ar l yt o how t her adi owor ked>t hemor epeopl ehear di t ,t hemor e woul dbuyi t )  Payol ausedt oov er comedomi nanc ebymaj or s  Payol awasusedbyBOTH maj orandi ndependentl abe l s  I thadt hegr eat e stbenefitt oi ndi el abe l st hough,because t heyusedi tmor eof t e n[ t he yhadaf argr eat e rr i s kpr oduci ngan ar t i s tt hant hemaj orl abe l swhohadl ar gecapi t ol s] 3.Cr ossoverandCov er s 1.Char t sdeve l opedt oshow t r endst obusi nesspeopl e o I fat r endwasvi si bl ei nt hemusi ct hatpeopl ewer el i s t eni ngt o, t heycoul densur et heyhadt her i ghtamountoft hatpr oductt o maxi mum t hei rpr ofit s o Cashboxandbi l l boar dwe r et hemos ti mpor t antmagaz i nest hat di s pl ayedt heset r endsi nt hehi st or yofUSr oc k' n' r ol l 1.Cashbox  Usedbyj ukeboxdi s t r i but or st odeci dewhi chr ec or dst o add/r emoveont hei rser vi cevi si t s 2.Bi l l boar d  Usedbys t or eowner st odeci dewhi c hpr oduct st oor der[ and i nwhatv ol umet oor dert hem] ,aswe l laswhi c hpr oduc t st o r e t ur nt ot hedi s t r i but or s    

Thr eepar al l e lc har t saccor di ngt omar ke t i ng Thet hr eemar ke t schar t swer eR&B [ bl ack,ur banaudi e nces] , Count r yandwe st er n[ l owi nc ome,whi t eaudi e nces] ,andpopc har t s [ whi t e ,mi ddl ecl ass] o Thi sar r angementofchar t s[ al t houghi tcanl eadt oaf ew assumpt i onsasf araswhowoul dandwoul dnotenj oyt hedi ffer ent t ypesofmusi c ]wasmor eorl essusedt opr edi c twhi c haudi e nc eswer e mos tl i ke l yt opur c haset het ypesofmusi c ,andt her e f or ewhi c h audi e nc est heyshoul ds pendt hei rmoneymar ke t i ngt o o Cr ossover o Asof t eni ngoft heboundar i esbe t weent hechar tcl assi ficat i ons begani nt heear l y' 50' s  Recor dorsongappear i ngonmor et hanonechar t  I napr omi nentposi t i on[ ex.Top40]  Rhyt hm andbl uescr ossover sf r om 1954  Fr om 5053:10% ofR&B hi t scr ossedover  I n54:25% cr ossedov er  By58:94% cr ossedover  Coverver si onsbywhi t ear t i s t s  R&B hi t s[ usual l yper f or medbybl ackar t i s t s]wer ecover ed bywhi t ear t i s t s  Thewhi t ecover susual l yout per f or medt heor i gi nal sonpop c har t s  Thi swasasour ceofr esent mentamongs tbl ackar t i s t s[ r ace pl ayedamaj orr ol ei nt het as t eofpopl i st ener s] 4.TheFi r s tRoc kandRol l er sCr ossOv er 1.Fat sDomi no o Ant oi ne" f at s"Domi no 1.I mper i alRecor ds 2.Amongt hefir s tr ocker st oconsi s t ent l ycr ossov er  " Ai n' ti tashame"washi sfir s tcr ossov er( i n1955)  Thi r t ysev enTop40si ngl e s,1955– –– 1963 1. War m,f r i e ndl yi mage  Pl ay edt r i pl e tc hor dsont hepi ano,andper f or medi nav er y r e l axedmanner  Di dn' tt r i ggert heanxi e t yi nwhi t el i s t ener s( unl i keJoe Tur ner ) o Chuc kBer r y o Char l e sEdwar dAnder sonBer r y'  ChessRecor ds  I nt r oducedbyMuddyWat er s  Vocalde l i ver yi nfluencedbycount r ymusi c  " Maybel l e ne"( acoverofacount r ysong)hi t#1ont heR&B c har t s ,andcr ossedovert opopc har t si n1955 o o

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o o o        

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Becauseofhi sv oi ceandst yl e,manyl i s t ener sassumedhe waswhi t e Songwr i t i ng 1. Of t ent ar ge t e dt eens 1. Manyofhi ssongshaddi gsatconser vat i v ec ul t ur e, butwasdonei napl ayf ulandnonassaul t i ngmanner 1. St or ysongs  Theki ndofsongsheusual l yper f or med Musi cals t yl e  Si mpl ev er se,si mpl ev er sechor us  12barbl ues  Hi sc hor ds t r uct ur et hatheusedi nhi ssongswas i nfluenc edbyt he12barbl uess t yl e  Di s t i nct i vegui t ars t yl e  Bot hwer et r ademar ksofBer r y 1. Twos t r i ngboogi e woogi e 1. Doubl es t ops  " JohnnyB Goode"i st hebes te xampl eoft he doubl es t op Li t t l eRi c har d Ri c har dWaynePenni man Mos tflamboyantper f or meri nt heear l yyear sofr ock Speci al t yRecor ds I ndependentl abe lbasedi nHol l ywood " Tut t iFr ut t i "cr ossedovert opopchar t si n55 Fi r s tt oadopt" wi l dman"per sonai nr oc kandr ol l Mani acals i ngi ng,pi anopoundi ng,s t r ongr hyt hm sect i on Massi v econt r astt oFat sDomi no Tar ge tf orcoverar t i st s Becauseofhi sper f or mances t yl e[ al t houghat t r act i v et o whi t et eens,hedi dnotdowe l li nt hepopmar ke t ] ,andsexual l yr i cs[ deemedi nappr opr i at ef orpopaudi ences]hewasc ov er edA LOT Thewhi t ear t i st scover i nghi smusi cr emovedmostoft he sexuali nnuendosf r om hi sl yr i cs ,andev ent hought hecov er s wer en' tasexci t i ngast heor i gi nal s ,t he yusual l youtper f or med t hem Whi t eni ngr hyt hm andbl ues Repl aci ngr e f e r encest osexual i t ywi t hr e f er encest odanci ng Bi l lHal e y Repr esent edawhi t erR&B,butal s ohadpopul ar i t ywi t h bl ackaudi ences Repr esent edbyDecca  " RockAr oundt heCl oc k"

Madepopul arbyi t susei nBl ac kboar dJungl e " Shake ,Rat t l eandRol l " Remov edmos toft hesexual i t yf r om JoeTur ner ` s or i gi nalv er si on  PatBoone  Oneoft hemos ts uc cessf ular t i s t si nt heyear sofear l y r ock` n` r ol l  Hadamai nst r eam pops t yl esi mi l art oFr ankSi nat r a buti nc l udedR&B,count r ywes t er nandgos pel  Dependedonandf ue l edbyt her i seofr oc k` n` r ol l  " Ai n' tThataShame"  CoverofFat sDomi no[ r enamed]  " Tut t iFr ut t i "  Coverofl i t t l eRi c har ds,whi c hsur passedt heor i gi nal ont hechar t s  Cont r ov er syov ercov erv er si ons  Cover sr esent e dbysomebl ackper f or mer s  Reducedcr ossov erpot ent i al  Becauset hesongswer ecover edf orapar t i cul ar mar ke t ,t heor i gi nalar t i s t shadahar dert i mebenefit i ngf r om acr ossov er  Benefit edwhi t eper f or mer sandr ecor dcompany empl oyees  R&B ar t i s t swer eusual l ypai daflatf eeandsi gned ov eral lr i ght st ot hesongst he yr ecor ded[ t hi swassaf ert han r e l yi ngonr oyal t i esf r om ani ndependentl abe lwi t hshaky finances]  Cl osel ycopi edar r angement s  Some t i mest heonl ydi ffer encef r om t heor i gi nalwas t hatt hel abelwasbi gger ,andt hear t i stwaswhi t e  Hi s t or i calpr ecedent  Songwasuni toft r ade  Nor msof1955r ecor di ngi ndus t r y  Copyi ngsomeoneel se` sr ec or dwast henor m( andwas donef oral ongt i mepr i ort ot he1950s)  St yl i s t i cdi ffer enceswer et ypi cal  I nt hepas ti twasus ualt ohavemanydi ffer ences,t o he l pi dent i f yasongt oaper f or mer( c over swer emai nl yused t oheart hesongbei ngsungbysomeoneel se,nott omakei t accessi bl et oadi ffer entmar ke t )  Thewhi t eR&B cover soft he50swer eal mostnot ef or not et hesame 5.TheRi seofEl vi sPr esl e y 1.SunRecor ds   

o o

OwnedbySam Phi l l i ps I ndependentl abe l 1.Fi r s tdemo,1953  I nhi st eens,El vi swentt oSunr ecor dst omakeapr i v at e demo  Phi l l i pssaw pot ent i alandt al enti nEl vi s,andt r i e dhi m out onaf ew songs( noneofwhi c hwer et houghtt obeagoodfitf or hi m) 2.Fi r s tpr opersessi on,Jul y1954 1." That ' sAl lRi ght( Mama) "  Thi ssongl aunc hedEl vi s'car eer ,andmadeanamef or SunRecor ds 1.Rhyt hm andbl uesl i neage  Despi t et heR&B i nfluencet hatwasi nhi s musi c ,El vi swasul t i mat e l ymar ke t edasacount r yand wes t er nar t i s t s( andsobeg anr oc kabi l l y) 2." Bl ueMoonofKent ucky" 1.Bl uegr assl i neage 3.Ear l yr adi o 1.Red,HotandBl ue  Phi l l i psr ushedacopyoft heabov esongst oDewey Phi l l i ps,andi twaspl ayedont heRed,Hot ,andBl ueshow 2.Gr andOl eOpr y  El vi spl ayedatt heOpr y ,butdi dnotdowe l lt her e  Loui si anaHayr i de 1. RCARecor ds  Phi l l i pst akes$35K buyout  El vi s' scont r ac twassol df oranunhear dofamountt o RCA[ Phi l l i psas kedf oranamounthenev ert houghtt hey woul dpay ,andt hent heydi d]  Themai nr easonf orse l l i ngEl vi s'cont r ac twast hati t wasal mos tup,andt hi swayhecoul ds t abi l i t yhi sl abeland t her adi ost at i ont hatheowned( i nt heendi twaspr obabl ya gr eatdeci s i onbecausePhi l l i pspr oduc edmanyot her l egendar yar t i s t saf t erEl vi s)  Fi r s tsi ngl e ,ear l y1956 1. " Hear t br eakHot e l " 1. Fi r s tRCAsi ngl e 1. Thr eewaycr ossoverhi t  #1onpopandcount r yandwe st er nchar t s,and #5ont heR&B c har t  Te l evi s i on  EdSul l i van,Toas toft heTown

Par ker( hi smanager )al s ohadmovi edeal sand suc hi nt hewor kf orEl vi s,f ur t her i nghi sf ame,andby 1957El vi s'suc cesswoul des t abl i shhi m asoneoft he mos ts ucc essf ulent er t ai ner sofal lt i me  I mpor t anceofmaj orl abe li nv ol v ementwi t hr oc k  Pr i ort oRCAbuyi ngEl vi s'cont r act ,maj orl abe l shad s t ayedawayf r om r oc kmusi c( andwer epr oudoft hi s)  BecauseRCAnow r epr esent edEl vi s( ands pentasmal l f or t unet obeabl et odoi t ) ,manyot hermaj orl abel sbegan addi ngr oc kar t i s t s( It hi nkasawayt oc ompe t ewi t hRCA)  Thi swasamaj orst epi nbr i ngi ngr oc kt ot he mai ns t r eam mar ke t 1.El vi s' smat er i al  Songsel ect or ,notwr i t er  El vi shadadi s t i nc tst yl et hatheputonsongs,butdi d notwr i t eanyoft hem ( hewoul dheart hem e l s ewher e,orbe gi venace t at edemosbysongwr i t er s)  Rockabi l l y  Mos twi t houtdr ums  Some t i mesl i ghtper cussi on  Ac oust i cbass,acous t i cgui t ar ,e l ec t r i cgui t ar  Sl apbackecho  Pi oneer edbySam Phi l l i ps( andneverdone near l yaswel lbyRCA)  Br oaderappealt hr oughRCA  El vi swant edt oappealt omor et hanj us tt het eenage audi e nce 1. U. S.Ar my ,1958–– –1960 Wasdr af t ed 1. 2. Tr ansf or medf r om amenacet osoci e t yt oapat r i ot i c GI ,doi nghi spar tt opr ot ec tAmer i canl i f e 1. I magemakeoverf r om 1960  Separ at edEl vi sf r om r oc kandr ol l  Changet opopsongs t yl i st  Hi smusi cpr i ort ot he60' smadehi m al egend,butt he movet opopmusi cwasmadebecauset hegener alpubl i cwas ge t t i ngt i r edofr oc k,andt hi swayhecoul dcont i nuei nt he musi cbusi nesswi t houtfiz z l i ngout 6.Rockabi l l y 1.SunRecor ds o Al lpr oducedbySam Phi l l i psaf t erEl vi sl ef tf orRCA 1.Car lPer ki ns  " Bl ueSuedeShoes"hi t#2ont hepopchar t s,but[ l i keEl vi s be f or ehi m]wasahi tonal lt hr eec har t s![ 1956] 

I twasi ncr edi bl yr ar ef orar ecor dt obeatt het opofal lt hr ee c har t s ,event houghcr ossov er swer ebecomi ngmor ecommon  " Bl ueSuedeShoes"wast hefir s tmi l l i onse l l i ngsi ngl ef r om SunRecor ds,andwasr eassur i ngt oPhi l l i pst hathemadet he r i ghtchoi cei nse l l i ngEl vi s'cont r act( t hemoneygai nedi swhat al l owedhi mt opr oducear t i st sl i kePer ki ns)  Sever alofhi ssongswer ec ov er edbyt heBeat l e s 2.JohnnyCash  Cashhadsongsoutatt hesamet i meas" Bl ueSuedeShoes" and" Hear t br eakHot e l " ,butt heyst ay edont hec ount r ywest er n c har t sanddi dnotc r ossov er  " Iwal kt hel i ne"[ l at e56]di dcr ossov ert ot hepopc har t s  Byt heendof57heandPer ki nshadl ef tSun,andsi gned c ont r act swi t hCol umbi a  Jer r yLeeLewi s  1957  Ener ge t i cper f or mancesf ue l edhi sr ecor dsupal lt hr eec har t s  I n58wasi nv ol vedi naBr i t i shscandalwhi chcauseda sev er edecr easei nhi spopul ar i t y ,andst i nt edhi scar eer Ot herl abel s  GeneVi ncent  Wi t hCapi t ol  Appear edi nThatgi r lcan' the l pi t[ fil m]  Ser i ousl yi nj ur edi nacaracci denti n1960  Eddi eCoc hr an  Wi t hLi ber t y  Appear edi nThatgi r lcan' the l pi t  I nfluencedPaulMcCar t ney  Ki l l e di nt he1960caracci dentt hati nj ur edVi ncent Rockabi l l yl adi e s  Br endaLee  Beganhercar eeri nr oc kabi l l y  WandaJac kson  Cr edi t sEl vi swi t hconvi nci nghert osi ngr oc kabi l l y BuddyHol l y Char l e sHar di nHol l y Bi gges thi t swer eont heR&B mar ke t  I nfluencedbyear l yr oc kandr ol lfigur es  I nfluencedbyr oc ker sf r om 5556  Dec car oc kabi l l ysessi onswentbadl y ,1956  Dec cawassear chi ngf orsomeoneyoungt ocompe t ewi t h RCA[ t heyhadEl vi s]  Ther ecor di ngsdi dnotgowe l landHol l ywasdr oppedf r om t hel abe l  " That ' l lBet heDay , "1957 

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Re l easedonBr unswi ck[ asubsi di ar yofDecca] Musi cals t yl e 1. Vocalhi c cups 1. Bes thear di nPeggySue 1. Count r y i nfluencedel ect r i cgui t arpl ayi ng  Bes thear di n" Ohboy"  I nfluenceasasongwr i t er  Numer ousf or maldesi gns  Wi des t yl i s t i cr ange  Empl oy ed12barbl ues,AABA,si mpl ev er sechor us , andcont r as t i ngv er sechor ust oensur et hathi ssongsdi dn' t soundl i ket heywer epour edi nt oapr eexi st i ngmol d 7.TheDayt heMusi cDi ed 1.Depar t ur esofl eadi ngfigur es 1.Li t t l eRi c har dcal l edt omi ni s t r y ,1957  Qui tmusi candbecameami ni s t erf ort hesev ent hday Adv ent i s tc hur c h 2.El vi sdr af t e d,1957  Re t ur nedt omusi caf t ert he2yearser vi cet er m,butdi dnot r e t ur nt or oc k' n' r ol l  Jer r yLeeLewi smar r i est hi r t eeny ear ol dcousi n,1958  Massi v eBr i t i s hscandalcanc el l i nghi s58t our  Gothi sbl ac kl i s t edi nt heUS  Hi scar eernev err ec ov er edf r om t hi s  Fat alpl anecr ash,1959  Febr uar y3,1959wasdubbedbyDonMc Leanast heday t hatmusi cdi ed  Hol l y ,BopperandVal enswe r eal lki l l e di nt hi scr ash 1. BuddyHol l y 2. Bi gBopper 3. Ri t c hi eVal ens  Chuc kBer r yc har gedwi t hvi ol at i onoft heMannAct ,1959  MannAct :t r ans por t i ngami noracr ossst at el i neswi t h i mmor ali nt ent i ons  Convi c t edi n1961andgi v ena3y earsent enc e[ ofwhi c hhe ser v edl e sst han2year s]  Payol ai nv es t i gat i ons,1959  Longs t andi ngpr ac t i ce  Payol awasusedf oral ongt i mebybot hmaj orandi ndi el abel s  Usedf orc ent ur i e sbef or et hi sscandal  Ne wc onfli ct 1. Maj orl abe l ssoughtmar ke tshar el os tt oi ndi el abel s 1. becauseoft he58out br eakofr oc k' n' r ol landt he gr owi ngsuccessofi ndi el abel s,t hemaj orl abe l swant edt o t akebac kcont r ol  

 

1. ASCAP( popsongwr i t er s)s t r uggl edwi t hBMI( r ockand r ol l )  ASCAPonl yr epr esent edpop,andBMIr epr esent ed ev er yonet hatASCAPr e j ec t ed  Opponent sar guedt hati ndi esandDJsf or cedr oc kon l i s t ener s  Theol dguar d( Mai npopper f or mer s,l abe l sand songwr i t er s)usedt hepayol ascandalasameanst owi nbac k t hei rmar ke tshar e  Pr esent edt ot hepubl i ct hati ndi el abel spai doffDJst o pl ayr oc k' n' r ol landt hat ' swhyi tbecamepopul arandpeopl e wer ebuyi ngi t[ al t hought hi si ski ndoft r ue,t heywer enot t heonl yonest opayDJsf orai r t i me]  I twaspr esent edasaRECENTi s sue ,scandal ,and c heat i ngsys t em wheni nr eal i t ypayol awasusedf or ever be f or et hen Congr essi onali nv est i gat i onst ar get edr ockandr ol l Af t erwr appi ngupaqui zshow i nv est i gat i on,t heHouse Speci alSubcommi t t eeonLegi s l at i v eOver si ghtbegant aki ng t es t i monyr egar di ngt hepayol ascandali nNov ember,1959  FCC andFTC  Becauset hecommi t t eef ocusedONLYonst at i ons pl ayi ngr ock' n' r ol l ,andnoac knowl edgementwasmade r egar di ngt heexi s t enceofpayol apr i ort ot he50' s,t heFTC andFCC goti nv ol v ed>manyst at i onst ookac t i onaf t ert hi s byfir i ngDJs  DJsdi dn' tacknowl edgeanddecl ar egi f t s  I twasnoti l l eg alt ot akegi f t sasl ongast heywer e ment i onedonai randdec l ar edont heDJ' st axes  Themai npr obl em wast hatt hesegi f t swer eNOTbei ng decl ar ed Hi ghpr ofil esubj ec t s  Al anFr eed 1. Deni edwr ongdoi ng Di dnots eeanyt hi ngwr ongwi t hwhathewas 1. doi ng( f r ee l yadmi t t edt hati fal abe lwant edt ogi vehi ma gi f tf orpl ayi ngasonghel i kedt hathewasOK wi t hi t , butc l ai medt hathewasnev erpai dt opl aymusi che di dn’ tl i ke) 2. He l dafinanci alst akei nsomeoft hesongshe pr omot edonai r( i nc l udi ngChuckBer r y' s" Maybe l l ene" ) whi chwasseenasquest i onabl e 1. Dr i v enoutofmusi cbusi ness

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