Chapter 39 - Cutsumbis PDF

Title Chapter 39 - Cutsumbis
Author Allie Novey
Course Emergency Medicine Technician
Institution University of Pittsburgh
Pages 2
File Size 73.3 KB
File Type PDF
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39- EMS Response to Terrorism 

Defining Terrorism o Terrsim- unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives o Domestic terrorism- terrorism directed against one’s own government or population without foreign direction o International terrorism- terrorism that is purely foreign-based or directed o Types of Terrorism Incidents -CBRNE  Chemical  Biological  Radiological  Nuclear  Explosive o WMD- weapons of mass destruction- weapons, devices, or agents intended to cause widespread harm and or fear among population Terrorism and EMS o Identify threat posed by event  Multiple devices- destructive devices, such as bombs, including both those used in the initial attack and those placed to be activated after initial attack and times to injure emergency responders and those wh rush in to help care for those targeted by intial attack  Secondary devices- destruction devices, such as bombs, placed to be activated after an intial attack and times to injure emergency responders and others who rush to in to care for those targeted by attack  Occupancy or Location  Historical or symbolic targets  Public building or assembly areas  Controversial businesses  Infrastructure systems  Type of Event  Explosions  Incidents involved firearms  Nontrauma MCI  Timing of event  On-scene warning signs o Recognize Harms Posed by Threats  TRACEM-P  Thermal  Radiological  Asphyxiation  Chemical  Etiological  Mechanical  Psychological Time/Distance/Shielding o Time-minimize time at dangerous scene o Distance- maximize distance from area o Shielding- use appropriate shielding to address specific hazards


Strategy and Tactics o Isolation  Initial considerations  Establish perimeter control o Notification o Identification o Protection o Decontamination Self-Protection at Terrorist Incident o Protect Yourself first  Recognize possible terrorist event  OTTO o Occupancy or location o Type of event o Timing o On scene clues  Don’t rush in  Understand TRACEM-P harms o Chemical incident- chemical harm is primary harm  Keep exposure to minimum o Biological incident- etiological harm is primary harm o Radiological/Nuclear incident- radiological harm is primary harm (thermal and mechanical as well) o Explosive incident- thermal and mechanical harms are primary harm...

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