Chapter 4 Law Enforcement Today PDF

Title Chapter 4 Law Enforcement Today
Course Intro to Criminal Justice
Institution North Carolina A&T State University
Pages 2
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For Professor Mukombe's CRJS100 Class...


Chapter 4: Law Enforcement Today Basic functions of law enforcement are: ★ Enforce laws ★ Provide services ★ Prevent crimes ★ Preserve peace Intelligence Led Policing deals with using statistics, crime data, and crime patterns to focus their attention on a specific area with crime most likely to occur. Also known as predictive policing. This requires deploying small forces in area where crime most occurs. The challenges of counterterrorism are the scarce resources to prevent and fight terrorism and major domestic terrorist attacks despite several assessments of terrorist suspects. To become an officer you must: ★ Be a US citizen ★ Never been convicted of felony ★ Have drivers license ★ Be 21 years old ★ Meet height and weight requirements ★ Pass background checks ○ Drug tests ○ Review of applicants’ educational, military, and driving records ○ Credit checks ○ Interviews with spouses, acquaintances, previous employees ○ Search to determine any previous convictions for criminal activity Probationary Period is the time at the beginning of a police officer’s career during which he or she may be fired without cause. Recruits are taught the basics of police work and are under constant supervision by superiors. Field Training is when the officer is placed on the beat under the supervision of a senior officer to apply concepts learned at the academy. Challenges Women Face in Law Enforcement ★ Prejudice: Denies them opportunity to prove themselves ★ Tokenism: Belief that one has been hired to satisfy diversity requirements ★ Sexual Harassment: Repeated pattern of unwelcome sexual advances and/or obscene remarks Challenges Minorities Face in Law Enforcement ★ Double Marginality: Double suspicion that minority officers face from their white colleagues and their community ○ White officers believe minorities may or may not prosecute their similar minorities as they should. Their own

community may see them as “sell outs” because they aren’t helping their own kind. Law Enforcement Agencies ★ Municipal Law Enforcement apprehends criminal suspects, maintain order, and provide services to the community ★ Sheriffs are the primary law enforcement officers in a county elected by a popular vote and provide security services in the courthouse. Coroners are medical law examiners of a county elected by a popular vote. These are county law enforcement. ★ State police have jurisdiction over the entire state. Federal Law Enforcement ★ CBP: US Customs and Border Protection ○ Protects US borders and facilitates legal trade and travel across borders ★ ICE: US Immigration and Customs Enforcement ○ Enforces the nation's immigration and customs laws ★ US Secret Service ○ Protects president, president’s family, vice president, and other important political figures ★ FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigations ○ Responsible for investigation violations of federal law ★ DEA: Drug Enforcement Administration ○ Enforces laws and regulations regarding narcotics and other controlled substances ★ ATF: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives ★ US Marshals Services ★ IRS: Internal Revenue Service ○ Investigates violations of tax laws and regulations ○ Criminal division investigates tax evasion, tax fraud, prosecuting identity theft and public corruption Private Security are services provided by private corporations or individuals rather than police officers. ★ IE: Guards and Patrol services This intends to deter crime rather than stop it. Each state had its own rules for private security employment. The growth in this policy came about due to workplace crime, budget cuts in states and municipalities with forced reductions in the number or public police which raised the demand for private ones, and increased awareness of private security products....

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