Chapter 4 sensation psychology PDF

Title Chapter 4 sensation psychology
Course Social Psychology
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 3
File Size 45.2 KB
File Type PDF
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these notes will cover most material covered on the test from beginning lectures...



Transduction 1.


then sent to the thalamus, which sends them to other parts of the brain


exception: smell

Decreasing responsiveness to stimuli due to constant stimulation

Sensory Habituation 1.



Sensory Adaptation 1.


Sensory messages are transformed into neural impulses

Our perception of sensations is partially due to how focused we are on them

Cockt ai l Par t yPhenomenon 1.

Someoneacr osst her oom s ay sy ourname


Yourat t ent i oni nv ol unt ar i l yswi t c hest ot hem

1. 1.

Sens at i onandPer cept i on 1.

Sens at i on 1.

t heact i v at i onofoursens es


Per cept i on 1.


t hepr oc essofunder st andi ngt hes esensat i ons

Ener gySenses 1.

Vi s i on 1.

St epone:gat her i ngl i ght 1.

l i ghti sr eflect edoffofobj ect sandgat her edbyt heey e


t hecol orweper cei v edependson: 1. i nt ens i t y -howmuc hener gyt hel i ghtcont ai ns. det er mi nesbr i ght nes s 2.

wav el engt h-det er mi neshue


St ept wo:wi t hi nt heey e 1.

cor nea 1.

l i ghtfi r s tent er st heey et hr oughi t


hel pst of ocust hel i ght


apr ot ect i v ecov er i ng


pupi l 1.

l i ghtgoest hr oughi taf t ert hecor nea


i r i s 1. det er mi neshowmuc hl i ghtget si nt heey eby cont r ol l i ngt hesi z eoft hepupi l


l ens 1. t hr oughaccommodat i on,l i ghtt hatent er st he pupi l i sf ocusedbyi t 2.

cur v edandfl exi bl e

3. asl i ghtpas sest hr oughi t ,t hei magei sfli pped upsi dedownandi nv er t ed 5.

r et i na 1.


t hef oc usedi nv er t edi magepr oj ect soni t St ept hr ee:t r ansduct i on


occur swhenl i ghtact i v at esneur onsi nt her et i na


conesandr ods 1.

t hefi r s tl ay erofcel l si nt her et i na


di r ec t l yact i v at edbyl i ght

3. f ov ea

cones -act i v at edbycol or ,cl us t er edar oundt he

4. r ods -per i pher al v i si on,r es pondt obl ackand whi t e,out numbercones


bi pol arandgangl i onc el l s 1. whenenoughconesandr odsfi r e,t heyact i v at e t henextl ay erofbi pol arcel l s 2. i fenoughbi pol arcel l sfir e,t henextl ay erof gangl i oncel l si sact i v at ed


gangl i oncel l s 1. t heax onsofi tf or mt heopt i cner v et hats ends i mpul s est ot heLGN


l at er al geni cul at enucl eus( LGN) 1.

i nt het hal amus


sendsmes sagest ot hev i sualcor t ex


bl i ndspot 1.

wher et heopt i cner v el eav est her et i na


hasnoconesorr ods


opt i cner v e 1. i mpul s esf r om t hel ef tsi deofeachr et i nagot o t hel ef themi s pher eoft hebr ai n,r i ghtr i ght 2. ot her


opt i cchi asm-spotwher et hener v escr os seach

St epf our :i nt hebr ai n 1.

f eat ur edet ect or s 1. i mpul s est r av el f r om t her et i nat ot hevi s ual cor t ext ot hem 2.

Hubel andWei s el


v er t i call i nes ,cur v es ,mot i on,et c.


vi s ual per cept i oni sacombi nat i onofal l f eat ur es...

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