Chapter 4 testbank - Professor Greco, midterm exam questions at random PDF

Title Chapter 4 testbank - Professor Greco, midterm exam questions at random
Course Consumer Behavior
Institution Fordham University
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Professor Greco, midterm exam questions at random...


Consumer Behavior Chapter 4

Learning Memory:

1) A relative permanent change of behavior is called ________. A) lifestyles B) personality C) learning D) all of the above Answer: C Diff: 2 Objective: 4.1: It is important to understand how consumers learn about products and services.

2) Much learning takes effort and time, but some learning is so casual as to be unintentional. This type of learning is referred to as ________ learning. A) stage one B) subliminal C) incidental D) evoked Answer: C Diff: 2 Objective: 4.1: It is important to understand how consumers learn about products and services.

3) When Sophie hums a McDonald's jingle, it is an example of ________. A) brain worm B) incidental learning C) behavior D) consumer attention Answer: B Diff: 1 Objective: 4.1: It is important to understand how consumers learn about products and services.

4) Sam Bolton hums the Purina Cat Chow jingle as he drives down the expressway. A thought suddenly occurs to Sam: "Why am I humming this stupid jingle? I don't buy this stuff; in fact, I don't even have a cat." Sam knows this jingle is ________. A) stimulus generalization B) reinforcement modeling C) incidental learning D) operant conditioning Answer: C Diff: 2 Objective: 4.1: It is important to understand how consumers learn about products and services. AACSB: Application of knowledge

5) Differentiate between the terms "learning" and "incidental learning." Answer: Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior caused by experience. The learner need not have the experience directly. We can also learn by observing events that affect others. We learn even when we are not trying. This causal, unintentional acquisition of knowledge is known as incidental learning. Diff: 2 Objective: 4.1: It is important to understand how consumers learn about products and services. 6) Define learning. Answer: Learning is a relatively permanent change of behavior caused by experience. Diff: 1 Objective: 4.1: It is important to understand how consumers learn about products and services.

7) List and explain the three stages of cognitive development. Answer: The three stages of cognitive development are 1. Limited—children younger than age 6 who do not employ storage and retrieval skills. 2. Cued—children between the ages of 6 and 12 employ storage and retrieval skills only when prompted. 3. Strategic—children 12 and older who spontaneously employ storage and retrieval skills. Diff: 2 Objective: 4.1: It is important to understand how consumers learn about products and services. AACSB: Analytical thinking

8) Behavioral learning theorists do not focus on internal thought processes; rather, they look to external evidence to study learning. What aspects of the environment are of most concern to behaviorists in studying learning? A) Energy and work B) Stimulus and response C) Thought and memory D) Sensation and perception Answer: B Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning.

AACSB: Analytical thinking

9) Which theory listed below assumes that learning take place as the result of responses to external events? A) Behavioral learning B) Episodic learning C) Incidental learning D) Gestalt learning Answer: A Diff: 1 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning.

10) Classical conditioning takes place when a(n) ________ is continuously matched with a(n) ________. A) conditioned stimulus; conditioned response B) unconditioned response; conditioned stimulus C) conditioned stimulus; unconditioned stimulus D) unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response Answer: C Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning. AACSB: Analytical thinking 11) If a conditioned stimulus is only occasionally matched with an unconditioned stimulus, the association between the two will become weakened. This is called ________. A) interface B) repetition C) the spacing effect D) extinction Answer: D Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning.

12) Stimulus generalization refers to ________. A) the tendency for stimuli to be similar in nature B) the fact that most conditioned stimuli are similar to unconditioned stimuli C) the tendency of stimuli similar to a conditioned stimulus to evoke similar, conditioned responses D) the tendency for extinction to occur when an unconditioned stimulus does not follow a stimulus similar to a conditioned stimulus Answer: C Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning.

13) Which of the following was first demonstrated by Ivan Pavlov?

A) Classical conditioning B) Instrumental conditioning C) Behavioral conditioning D) Psychological conditioning Answer: A Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning.

14) Family branding, licensing, and look-alike packaging are all marketing strategies based on ________. A) stimulus generalization B) the spacing effect C) stimulus discrimination D) extinction Answer: A Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning. AACSB: Application of knowledge 15) Frank is sitting in his Psychology 101 class listening to his professor attempt to explain the "black box" process and its connection with learning. He suddenly smells the aroma of fresh cinnamon rolls, and his mouth begins to water. He looks around the room and sees a student in the last row bite into a big, juicy roll. "I wish I were sitting next to him," Frank thinks, "because I know I could steal a bite." What Frank just went through in class was similar to the "black box" process being described by his professor. This process is more closely associated with which of the following learning methods? A) Incidental learning B) Gestalt learning C) Cognitive learning D) Behavioral learning Answer: D Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning. AACSB: Application of knowledge

16) Scott thought of himself as a very successful marketer. He created a campaign with a product logo that was very popular and that customers associated with a quality product. It was so popular that in a few months, the logo began to appear almost everywhere. Instead of increasing sales of the product, the customer demand began to decrease as competitors' products became more successful. What characteristic of learning was most likely ruining Scott's apparent success?

A) Too much repetition was decreasing the strength of the conditioning effect, thus leading to extinction of the learned relationship between the logo, the quality of the product, and the association with Scott's company. B) Customers confused Scott's logo with the logo of Scott's competitors, making cognitive learning incomplete. C) The logo produced only a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement that did not sustain sales, while Scott's competitor used a variable-ratio schedule. D) Over time, the logo became boring, and customers punished Scott's company by buying competitors' products as a type of revenge for their boredom. Answer: A Diff: 3 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning. AACSB: Reflective thinking

17) Classical conditioning occurs when a stimulus that elicits a response is paired with another stimulus that initially does not elicit a response on its own. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning.

18) Behavioral theorists rely on internal mental states to explain learning. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning.

19) Conditioning effects are more likely to occur after the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli have been paired a number of times. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning. 20) When Pavlov's famous dog responded to a bell signaling feeding time, Pavlov demonstrated classical conditioning.

Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning.

21) Shari Gomez sees the big red heart on the front of a Cheerios box and immediately thinks of an ad she has seen that discusses the heart-healthy benefits of Cheerios. This is an illustration of a stimulus-response connection. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning. AACSB: Application of knowledge

22) Explain the term "extinction." Answer: Extinction occurs when the effects of prior conditioning diminish and finally disappear. Diff: 2 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning.

23) Discuss stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination. Provide an example of each that is relevant to the field of marketing. Answer: Stimulus generalization refers to the tendency of stimuli similar to a conditioned stimulus to evoke similar, conditioned responses. The idea is that people react to other stimuli (similar stimuli) in much the same way they respond to original stimuli. For example, a drug store's bottle of private brand mouthwash might be deliberately packaged so as to resemble a name brand (such as Listerine). The consumer would assume this "me-too" product has the same characteristics as the name brand and but it because of its lower price. Stimulus discrimination occurs when a stimulus similar to conditioned stimulus is not followed by an unconditioned stimulus. In this case, reactions are weakened and will soon disappear. National manufactures remind consumers that if they buy cheaper brands they will not get the same results as they when they buy the national brand. Diff: 3 Objective: 4.2: Conditioning results in learning. AACSB: Reflective thinking

24) ________ refers to the tendency people have to react to stimuli similar to an original stimulus in a classical conditioning situation in much the same way they responded to the original stimulus. A) Extinction B) Repetition C) The cueing effect D) The halo effect Answer: D Diff: 1 Objective: 4.3: Learned associations with brands generalize to other products. 25) When a professor reviews a certain topic many times, he is practicing ________. A) psychological conditioning B) stimulus-response conditioning C) subliminal conditioning D) repetition conditioning Answer: D

Diff: 2 Objective: 4.3: Learned associations with brands generalize to other products.

26) Licensing occurs when a company ________. A) uses family branding B) "rents" a well-known name C) extends a product line D) uses look-alike packaging Answer: B Diff: 2 Objective: 4.3: Learned associations with brands generalize to other products.

27) Herbal companies traditionally sold their products in cylinder-shaped plastic containers that were very characteristic of the herbal supplement market. One company broke with tradition and began to sell its herbal products in bottles that appeared to be straight from the pharmacy's shelf. They were rectangular with white labels that looked very professional. Sales went through the roof. What form of stimulus generalization most likely worked for the herbal company? A) Masked branding B) Halo effect C) Continual reinforcement D) Shaping Answer: B Diff: 2 Objective: 4.3: Learned associations with brands generalize to other products.

28) When Campbell's markets many products under the same brand name it is called family branding. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objective: 4.3: Learned associations with brands generalize to other products.

29) John Deere established a reputation for building dependable farm tractors. When the company began to build small yard tractors, it insisted on using the same logo on its small mowers as on its large tractors. John Deere was applying stimulus generalization through lookalike packaging. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Objective: 4.3: Learned associations with brands generalize to other products. AACSB: Application of knowledge

30) Define brand equity. Answer: Brand equity has a strong positive association in a consumer's memory and commands a lot of loyalty as a result. Diff: 2

Objective: 4.3: Learned associations with brands generalize to other products. 31) Instrumental conditioning is also called ________. A) learning B) classical conditioning C) operant conditioning D) shaping Answer: C Diff: 2 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

32) If a woman receives compliments after wearing Obsession perfume, she is more likely to keep buying the product and wearing it. What type of instrumental conditioning has occurred in the situation? A) Neutral reinforcement B) Positive reinforcement C) Negative reinforcement D) Symbolic reinforcement Answer: B Diff: 2 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products. AACSB: Application of knowledge

33) In instrumental conditioning, what is the distinction between negative reinforcement and punishment? A) There is no difference. They are two words for the same concept. B) Negative reinforcement can occur when a stimulus is positive, and punishment only occurs when a stimulus is painful. C) Negative reinforcement occurs when a negative outcome is avoided, while punishment occurs when an action causes a negative outcome. D) Negative reinforcement creates a preference for negative results, while punishment teaches people to avoid negative results. Answer: C Diff: 3 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products. AACSB: Analytical thinking

34) When a consumer learns a desired behavior over a period of time, it is called ________. A) shaping B) conditioning C) repetition

D) extinction Answer: A Diff: 2 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

35) A woman no longer receives compliments on the perfume she wears. In learning terms, the stimulus-response connection has weakened. Which of the following terms best describes the situation? A) Negative reinforcement B) Extinction C) Discrimination D) Generalization Answer: B Diff: 2 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

36) Instrumental conditioning occurs with ________. A) positive reinforcement B) negative reinforcement C) punishment D) all of the above Answer: D Diff: 2 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

37) A department store decides to use "secret shoppers" at unannounced times to test for service quality among its personnel. Store personnel are rewarded for providing excellent customer service. Which reinforcement schedule has been used in this situation? A) Fixed-ratio reinforcement B) Fixed-interval reinforcement C) Variable-frequency reinforcement D) Variable-interval reinforcement Answer: D Diff: 3 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both

processes help consumers learn about products. AACSB: Application of knowledge

38) The popular marketing technique known as ________ marketing applies the principles of instrumental conditioning by reinforcing regular purchases, with value. A) rebate B) discount C) social marketing D) frequency Answer: D Diff: 1 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

39) What type of learning theory emphasizes that people are problem solvers who actively use information from the world around them to master the environment? A) Instrumental conditioning B) Classical conditioning C) Cognitive learning theory D) Operant conditioning Answer: C Diff: 1 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

40) Which theory stresses the importance of internal mental processes? A) Stimulus-response theory B) Cognitive learning theory C) Fixed-interval reinforcement theory D) Variable interval reinforcement theory Answer: B Diff: 3 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

41) Claudia Norman, a marketing consultant, recommended that brand equity for a new environmentally-friendly product could be established by giving initial customers free memberships in the Sierra Club organization. Claudia used which of the following in her recommendation? A) Promotional consideration B) Emotional learning C) Classical conditioning D) Instrumental conditioning Answer: D Diff: 2 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both

processes help consumers learn about products. AACSB: Application of knowledge

42) A sales manager pays a bonus to new trainees when they develop a good sales prospectus. Later, after the trainees have completed two months of training, the manager pays a bonus only for an actual sale. Which of the following is the manager using to improve the productivity of sales trainees? A) Shaping B) Modeling C) Negative reinforcement D) Variable-ratio reinforcement Answer: A Diff: 2 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products. AACSB: Application of knowledge 43) According to the definition of learning, how could a researcher ever show that cognitive learning had taken place in a subject? A) By removing the conditioned stimulus B) By measuring a behavioral change that could directly be tied to a previous experience C) By measuring the brainwave pattern of the subject D) By relying upon intuitive feel for the amount of leaning the subject had experienced Answer: B Diff: 3 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products. AACSB: Reflective thinking

44) Which type of reinforcement best characterizes what an individual would typically experience while fishing? A) Fixed-interval reinforcement B) Variable-interval reinforcement C) Fixed-ratio reinforcement D) Mixed-ratio reinforcement Answer: B

Diff: 3 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products. AACSB: Application of knowledge

45) Instrumental conditioning is also called classical conditioning. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

46) Punishment is one way that instrumental conditioning occurs. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

47) Secret shoppers are used by marketers to test the effectiveness of the customer service skills quality among employees. This is a form of variable-interval reinforcement. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

48) Consumers' attraction to slot machines can be explained by the variable-ratio reinforcement schedule the machines use. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products. 49) Cognitive learning theory approaches tend to stress the importance of internal mental processes. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objective: 4.4: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers learn about products.

50) When Shira was a young girl, her teacher gave her a sticker every time she earned above 90% on a test. Shira's teacher was using classical conditionin...

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