Chapter 5 system software Complete - Texidium PDF

Title Chapter 5 system software Complete - Texidium
Course Business Technology Management
Institution Concordia University
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5 System Software: The Operating System, Utility Programs, and File Management

Understanding System Software Learning Outcome 5.1 You will be able to explain the types and functions of an operating system and explain the steps in the boot process.

Operating System Fundamentals 162

Objective 5.1 Discuss the functions of the operating system. Objective 5.2 Explain the different kinds of operating systems for machines, networks, and business. Objective 5.3 Explain the most common operating systems for personal use. Sound Byte: Customizing Windows

What the Operating System Does 167

Objective 5.4 Explain how the operating system provides a means for users to interact with the computer. Objective 5.5 Explain how the operating system helps manage hardware such as the processor, memory, storage, and peripheral devices. Objective 5.6 Explain how the operating system interacts with application software.

Starting Your Computer 172

Objective 5.7 Discuss the process the operating system uses to start up the computer and how errors in the boot process are handled. Active Helpdesk: Starting the Computer: The Boot Process

Using System Software Learning Outcome 5.2 You will be able to describe how system software is used, including managing the user interface, file management, and utility programs.

The Windows Interface 178

Objective 5.8 Describe the main features of the Windows interface.

File Management 181

Objective 5.9 Summarize how the operating system helps keep your computer organized. Sound Byte: File Management Objective 5.10 Summarize how to view, sort, name, and manage files and folders. Active Helpdesk: Organizing Your Computer: File Management Objective 5.11 Summarize how file compression works. Sound Byte: File Compression

Utility Programs 189

Active Helpdesk: Using Utility Programs Objective 5.12 Outline the tools used to enhance system productivity. Sound Byte: Letting Your Computer Clean Up After Itself Objective 5.13 Summarize the utilities used to backup and restore files and the computer system. Sound Byte: Hard Disk Anatomy Objective 5.14 Describe the assistive technology utilities used to make using the computer system easier.

Make This: MAKE: A Notification Alert on page 177 All media accompanying this chapter can be found in MyITLab. For an overview of the chapter, watch the Preview Video.




Tony Stark built the Iron Man suit using a hologram. Princess Leia delivered her message to Obi-Wan Kenobi as a hologram. Now, thanks to Microsoft, you might be able to use holograms in your own home. What’s a hologram? Holograms are three-dimensional photographic images that appear to be freestanding images. They are created using two two-dimensional images of the same object taken from different angles and superimposed to display what appears to the brain to be one image. Microsoft is incorporating this holographic technology with HoloLens. HoloLens are wireless lenses that will enable you to interact freely with holograms. What can you do with holograms? The possibilities are still being explored, but think of how you might interact with a touch-screen device, and then remove the need to physically touch the device. Instead, you’ll interact with a holographic image. It might not be long before you’re using holographic technology for your next project.


Understanding System Software

Learning Outcome 5.1 You will be able to explain the types and functions of an operating system and explain the steps in the boot process. As discussed in the previous chapter, your computer uses two basic types of software: application software and system software. Application software is the software you use to do everyday tasks at home and at work. System software is the set of programs that helps run the computer and coordinates instructions between application software and the computer’s hardware devices. From the moment you turn on your computer to the time you shut it down, you’re interacting with system software.

operating system: FUNDAMENTALS Every computer, from the smallest laptop to the largest supercomputer, has an operating system. Even cell phones, game consoles, cars, and some appliances have operating systems. The role of the operating system is critical; a computer can’t operate without it.

FIGURE 5.1 Common Operating Systems

(Top Photo Group/Alamy, Aleksey Boldin/Alamy, David Paul Morris/Bloomberg/Getty Images, YAY Media AS/Alamy, Tibbbb/Fotolia)

Operating System Basics

Objective 5.1 Discuss the functions of the operating system.

What does the operating system do? System software consists of two primary types of programs: the operating system and utility programs. The operating system (OS) is a group of programs that controls how your computer functions. The operating system has three primary functions: • It manages the computer’s hardware, including the processor, memory, and storage devices, as well as peripheral devices such as the printer. • It provides a consistent means for application software to work with the central processing unit (CPU). • It is responsible for the management, scheduling, and coordination of tasks. You interact with your OS through the user interface—the desktop, icons, and menus that let you communicate with your computer. A utility program is a small program that performs many of the general housekeeping tasks for your computer, such as system maintenance and file compression. A set of utility programs is bundled with each OS, but you can also buy standalone utility programs that often provide more features. We’ll discuss utility programs in more detail later in the chapter. Are all operating systems alike? You’re probably familiar with Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, and perhaps the Android operating system if it’s on your phone, but many other operating systems exist. Laptops, tablet computers, and smartphones all need specific operating systems designed to take advantage of their unique characteristics. However, as devices begin to converge in terms of functionality, and operating systems continue to become more powerful, developers such as Microsoft and Apple are making operating systems that have similar functionality (such as OS X and iOS) or single operating systems (such as Windows 10) that can run on a variety of devices. Figure 5.1 lists a number of common operating systems. 163

When operating systems were originally developed, they were designed for a single user performing one task at a time (that is, they were single-user, single-task operating systems). However, modern operating systems allow a single user to multitask—to perform more than one process at a time. And operating systems such as Windows and OS X provide networking capabilities as well, essentially making them multiuser, multitasking operating systems. Operating systems can be categorized by the type of device in which they’re installed, such as robots and specialized equipment with built-in computers, mainframes and network computers, mobile devices, and personal computers. Next, we’ll look at these different types of operating systems.

Operating Systems for Machinery, Networks, and Business Objective 5.2 Explain the different kinds of operating systems for machines, networks, and business.

Why do machines with built-in computers need an OS? Machinery that performs a repetitive series of specific tasks in an exact amount of time requires a real-time operating system (RTOS). Also referred to as embedded systems, RTOSs require minimal user interaction. This type of OS is a program with a specific purpose, and it must guarantee certain response times for particular computing tasks; otherwise, the machine is useless. The programs are written specifically for the needs of the devices and their functions. Therefore, there are no commercially available standard RTOS software programs. Devices that must perform regimented tasks or record precise results—such as measurement instruments found in the scientific, defense, and aerospace industries—require RTOSs. Examples include digital storage oscilloscopes and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

FIGURE 5.2 Devices such as TV sky cameras, cars, and medical equipment use RTOSs.

(John Pyle/Cal Sport Media/Newscom, Mark Gail/The Washington Post via Getty Images, Elfstrom/Getty Images)

You also encounter RTOSs every day in devices such as fuel-injection systems in car engines, automobile “infotainment” systems, and some common appliances. RTOSs are also found in many types of robotic equipment. Television stations use robotic cameras with RTOSs that glide across a suspended cable system to record sports events from many angles (see Figure 5.2). What kind of operating systems do networks use? A multiuser operating system (or network operating system) lets more than one user access the computer system at a time by handling and prioritizing requests from multiple users. Networks (groups of computers connected to each other so that they can communicate and share resources) need a multiuser OS because many users simultaneously access the server (the computer that manages network resources such as printing and communications). The latest versions of Windows and OS X can be considered network operating systems: They enable users to set up basic networks in their homes and small businesses. In larger networks, a more robust network OS is installed on servers and manages all user requests. For example, on a network where users share a printer, the network OS ensures that the printer prints only one document at a time in the order the requests were made. Examples of network operating systems include Windows Server, Linux, and UNIX.

What is UNIX? UNIX is a multiuser, multitasking OS that is used as a network OS, although it can also be found on PCs. Developed in 1969 by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie of AT&T’s Bell Labs, the UNIX code was initially not proprietary—in other words, no company owned it. Rather, any programmer was allowed to use the code and modify it to meet his or her needs. UNIX is now a brand that belongs to the company The Open Group, but any vendor that meets the testing requirements and pays a fee can use the UNIX name. Individual vendors then modify the UNIX code to run specifically on their hardware. What other kinds of computers require a multiuser OS? Mainframes and supercomputers also require multiuser operating systems. Mainframes routinely support hundreds 164

or thousands of users at time, and supercomputers are often accessed by multiple people working on complex calculations. Examples of mainframe operating systems include UNIX, Linux on System z, and IBM’s z/OS, whereas the vast majority of supercomputers use Linux.

Operating Systems for Personal Use Objective 5.3 Explain the most common operating systems for personal use.

What kind of OS does a smartphone use? Figure 5.3 shows the market share for the most common operating systems found on smartphones. The two major players in this arena are Android and Apple with its iOS operating system. Microsoft, with its newest cross-platform operating system, is gaining market share, leaving Blackberry, once the leader in the field, and others such as Symbian to barely have an impact on the market. Today’s smartphone operating systems offer personal assistants with predictive search capabilities, the ability to use a wide variety of apps, a search engine, a camera, and of course a phone, as well as texting and e-mail capabilities. Some even enable note taking on their touch-screen displays. Most smartphones support Bluetooth and WiFi as standard, and some are introducing near field communication (NFC) for wireless transfers and mobile payments. What OS do tablets use? Popular tablet operating systems include iOS, Android, and Windows. iPads use iOS, whereas a number of different tablets (such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab and the Google Nexus) use versions of Android. The Kindle Fire also runs a customized version of Android. Until the release of Windows 8 in 2012, Microsoft didn’t have a popular tablet OS, but the company is expected to have a 10% market share by 2017. Such growth was spurred on by the introduction of Windows 8, which was optimized for tablet devices like Microsoft’s Surface tablet, as well as by the latest release of Windows 10. Do gaming consoles and iPods use an OS? Gaming systems such as Microsoft’s Xbox 360, the Nintendo Wii, and the Sony PlayStation, as well as personal media players such as the iPod, all require system software developed specifically for the particular device. The system software controls the physical aspects of the device (such as game controllers) as well as other application programs that come with the device. For example, the operating systems on gaming consoles control web browsing and file storage of media and photos as well as playing of DVDs and games. What are the most popular operating systems for personal computers? Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, and Linux (an open source OS) are the top three operating systems for personal computers. Although they share similar features, each is unique.

FIGURE 5.3 Popular Smartphone Operating Systems

(Data from Smartphone OS Market Share, 2015 Q2, IDC Corporate USA - available at

What’s special about Windows? Microsoft Windows is an operating environment that incorporates a user-friendly, visual interface like the one that was first introduced with Apple’s OS. Over time, improvements in Windows have 165

concentrated on increasing user functionality and friendliness, improving Internet capabilities, supporting home networks, and enhancing file privacy and security. Microsoft’s newest OS, Windows 10, provides an interface optimized for touchscreen devices and is designed to run across all devices: phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. What’s special about the Mac OS? In 1984, Mac OS became the first commercially available OS to incorporate the ability to interact with the computer with user-friendly point-and-click technology. With the release of the Mountain Lion version, Apple added many of the popular and innovative features loved by iOS users, such as messages, reminders, notes, and a notification center. The latest version, El Capitan, released in the fall of 2015, offers new features such as Split View (similar to Snap in Windows), touch-screen functionality, and natural language capabilities to Spotlight, OS X’s search feature. OS X uses the same desktop metaphors as Windows, including icons for folders and a Trash Can (similar to a Recycle Bin) for deleted files. OS X also includes a window-based interface like the one in Windows. OS X is based on the UNIX operating system, which is exceptionally stable and reliable. However, just as with any other OS, you still need to install updates as they become available and protect yourself from viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. What is Linux? Linux is an open source OS designed for use on personal computers and as a network OS. Open source software is freely available for anyone to use or modify as he or she wishes. Linux began in 1991 as a part-time project of Finnish university student Linus Torvalds. It has since been tweaked by scores of programmers as part of the Free Software Foundation GNU Project ( Linux has a reputation as a stable OS that is not subject to crashes or failures. Because the code is open and available to anyone, Linux can be modified or updated quickly by hundreds of programmers around the world. Where can I get Linux? Linux is available for download in various packages known as distributions or distros. Distros include the underlying Linux kernel (the code that provides Linux’s basic functionality) and special modifications to the OS, and may also include additional open source software (such as OpenOffice). A good place to start researching distros is This site tracks Linux distros and provides helpful tips for beginners on choosing one. Does it matter what OS is on my computer? An OS is designed to run on specific CPUs. CPUs have different designs, which can require modifying the OS software to allow it to communicate properly with each CPU. The combination of an

OS and a specific processor is referred to as a computer’s platform. For user convenience, computers and other devices usually come with an OS already installed. Windows and Linux can run on most of the hardware being sold today. Your choice of an OS in this case is mostly a matter of price and personal preference. However, Apple equipment—computers, iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches—can only work with the Apple operating system made for that device. iOS is the operating system for mobile devices, and OS X is the operating system for desktop and laptop computers.

BITS&BYTES Upgrading Your Operating System Every couple of years or so, Apple and Windows announce plans to upgrade their operating systems. For Apple OS X users, the most recent upgrades have been delivered via a download. For Windows users, upgrades have been released on new devices and were subsequently offered for purchase to install on your current device, should you decide to do so. The decision to upgrade to the newest version of Windows depended on several factors, such as whether Microsoft would still be supporting the OS you were using, whether there were significantly different or enticing features in the new version that you wanted, whether your hardware could support the new version of the OS, or whether your application software was compatible with the new OS. With the release of Windows 10, Microsoft is changing all of that. The company has claimed that this will be “the last version of Windows.” Windows 10 was offered free of charge for the first year to anyone running Windows 7 or 8 (or 8.1). From now on, Microsoft’s “Windows as a Service” model will deliver automatic OS updates, including new features, apps, and patches, as necessary, without any additional notice. That is, we shouldn’t expect there to be a Windows 11, 12, or anything else. The days of deciding whether to upgrade your operating system may be over.

Also, most application software is OS dependent. You need to make sure you get the correct version of the application software for your OS. For example, you would need Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac for Apple devices and Microsoft Office 2016 for Windows for Windows devices.

SOUND BYTE Customizing Windows In this Sound Byte, you’ll find out how to customize your desktop. You’ll learn how to configure the desktop, set up a screen saver, change pointer options, customize the Start menu, and manage user accounts.


Can I have more than one OS on my computer? Many people run more than one OS on their computers because different operating systems offer different features. For example, Windows and Linux both run well on Apple computers. A standard utility included in OS X called Boot Camp lets you boot into either Windows or OS X. And if you want to run both OS X and Windows at the same time, you can create “virtual drives” using virtualization software such as Parallels or VMware Fusion. In Windows, you can create a separate section of your hard drive (called a partition) and install another OS on it while leaving your original Windows installation untouched. After installing the second OS, when your computer starts, you’re offered a choice of which OS to use. How do operating systems use the “cloud”? Now that broadband Internet access and providing computer resources via the Internet (so-called cloud computing) are becoming more commonplace, operating systems have features that are tied to cloud computing. Here are a few examples: • Windows 10 features tighter integration with the cloud. Using your Microsoft account, Windows 10 st...

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