Chapter 5—Talking About the Present PDF

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Vocabulary Worksheets by Rachel Spack Koch

Beginning Level

Azar Grammar Series: Basic English Grammar, 3rd edition Vocabulary Worksheets help students learn new vocabulary in the context of the grammar covered in the tables of contents of the Azar textbooks or any comparable syllabus. An Answer Key and Word List for target vocabulary are provided for each chapter. You may download, reproduce and adapt the material to suit your classroom needs. Vocabulary Worksheets are

Chapter 5—Talking About the Present

1. Time words 2. Time and food words 3. Time words 4. Prepositions of time 5. It is (weather) 6. Weather words 7. Prepositions of place 8. There is / are 9. There is / are 10.Vocabulary review 11.Scrambled letters 12.Vocabulary review 13.Which word doesn’t belong? 14.Crossword Answer Key Word List

Vocabulary Worksheets Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

apter 5: Talking About the Present

Worksheet 1. Time words Complete the sentences. Write the correct word in the blank space. date day midnight noon P.M. ten

month night time year

1. What

is it? It’s September.

2. What

is it? It’s 2007.

3. What________________is it? It’s Wednesday. 4. What’s the

? It’s September 9 or

the 9th of September.

5. What

is it? It’s 10:10.

6. It’s ten after


7. Is it 10:10 A.M. or 10:10


8. We don’t know. Maybe it’s morning, or maybe it’s


1 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Worksheet 2. Time and food words Complete the sentences. Write the correct word from the word pool. breakfast donut lunch midnight night noon o’clock pasta sandwich dinner snack

1. People have

in the morning.

2. Sometimes people have a coffee break in the middle of the morning. They drink coffee, and they often eat something, maybe a , or maybe a bagel.

3. In North America, people have they eat a

around noon. Maybe , or maybe a salad.

4. Some people have their big meal in the daytime, around 1or 2 meal at

, and other people have their big .

5. Sometimes people have a little

between meals.

Maybe it’s candy, or yogurt, or an apple. 6. People have

in the evening, around 6:00

or 7:00 P.M. Maybe they eat meat, or fish, or


7. Some people like to eat at night, around midnight. They have a“


Vocabulary Worksheets Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

Chapter 5: Talking About the Present

Worksheet 3. Time words Complete the sentences. Check all possible completions. 1. I have an appointment with a lawyer on □


the morning

□ February 6 □ noon

2. Her birthday is in □




□ May 5 □ night

3. The committee meeting is on □


March 6



□ 3:00 P.M. □ March

4. The plane leaves at

□ 5:45 P.M.



□ noon □ the afternoon

5. Every Tuesday, we have chemistry lab from 10:10 A.M. to .

□ noon □


□ 11:30 A.M. □ the morning

6. The contest closes at □


6:00 P.M.


□ noon □ the evening

7. The yoga class meets in □

the morning

the evening


□ the afternoon □ noon

8. Rosa and Luis are getting married on □

February 14

□ February



Valentine’s Day

1 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Vocabulary Worksheets Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

apter 5: Talking About the Present

Worksheet 4. Prepositions of time Complete the sentences. Write at, from, in, on, or to in each blank space. 1. The stores downtown open _

10:00 A.M. They close

_ 6:00 P.M. They are open and

the morning

the afternoon, but they are not open

2. The new year starts ____



My little niece was born _

January 1.

the first day of the new

century,______________January 1, 2000.

3. A new semester starts _

September 5. It ends

December 15. The semester lasts September



4. In the northern hemisphere, summer begins______________June 21 and ends

_ September 21. Summer lasts

June 21

September 21.

5. Jeremy is a pharmacist at a 24-hour pharmacy. He works the night shift. He starts work

11:00 P.M. and finishes

8:00 A.M. the next day. He doesn’t work


night shift = a period of time at night when people regularly work, instead of during normal daytime working hours.

1 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Vocabulary Worksheets Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

apter 5: Talking About the Present

Worksheet 5. It is (weather) Cross out the word that is incorrect in each set of parentheses.

1. It’s January 12 in Oslo, Norway. It’s -2 degrees C (24 F). It’s (cool / freezing) in Oslo. It’s (raining / snowing).

2. It’s July 21 in Wuhan, China. It’s 97 degrees F (36 C). It’s (hot / warm) in Wuhan. It often rains in July. It’s (humid / dry).

3. It’s March 4 in Phoenix, Arizona in the southwestern United States. It never rains in March in Phoenix. It’s (damp / dry). The temperature is 70 degrees F (21 C). It’s (pleasant / rainy) today.

4. It’s May 24 in Santiago, Chile. It’s 14 degrees C (58 F). It’s (cool / warm). The wind is blowing. It’s (calm / windy).

5. It’s October 10 in Berlin, Germany. It’s 45 degrees F (7 C). It’s (warm/ chilly). It’s (raining / snowing).

1 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Worksheet 6. Weather words A noun in each sentence appears in bold. Write its adjective form in the blank space. 1.

There’s fog in London today. It’s


There’s wind in Chicago today. It’s


There’s rain in Seattle today. It’s



There are clouds in Seoul today. It’s _



There’s sun in Beirut today. It’s



There’s a chill in Mexico City today. It’s



There’s a storm in Montreal today. It’s



There’s ice in Moscow today. It’s



There’s a breeze in the city today. It’s



There’s smog in the valley today. It’s


. .


Worksheet 7. Prepositions of place Complete the sentences. Write the letter of the correct word or phrase in the blank space.

1. On the map of North America, Mexico is the United States. a. on b. next to c. around 2. The main part of the United States is Mexico and Canada. a. behind b. between c. below

3. In this picture, the apple is floating the woman. a. above b. on c. on top of

the head of

4. In this picture, the woman is standing a. beside b. on c. under

5. In this picture, the woman is standing the sofa. a. below b. beside c. behind 1. In this picture, the sofa is a. in front of b. on top of

the woman. c. in back of

7. Saturn is a planet a. at b. in

our solar system. c. on

8. There are rings _ Saturn. a. beside b. inside c. around

the apple.

Worksheet 8. There is / are Read the passages about Hal and Helga. Then circle T for True or F for False for each item.

My name is Hal.

My name is Helga.

My office is not

My office is neat

neat. In fact, it is

now. All my papers

the opposite of

are in a neat pile,

neat: it is messy.

one on top of another. There are 100

There are papers everywhere: there

papers in my out-box and there

are papers on my desk, in the

aren’t any papers in my in-box.

wastebasket, and on the floor. In

There aren’t any papers in the

fact, there are papers all around me.

wastebasket, and there aren’t any papers on the floor.

T/ F

1. Hal’s office is neat.

T/ F

6. Helga’s office is neat.

T/ F

2. There are two lamps on the desk.

T/ F

7. The papers are everywhere.

T/ F

8. The in-box is full.

T/ F

3. There’s a computer under the papers.

T/ F

9. The out-box is full.

T/ F

4. There are papers around the wastebasket.

T/ F 10. The papers are in a neat pile on the desk.

T/ F

5. The papers are in a neat pile on the desk.

T/ F 11. Helga is organized.

Worksheet 9. There is / are Complete the sentences using the street map and the words and phrases in the word pool. blocks away



dry cleaner







Key: A = supermarket B = parking lot C = post office D = Jones’ pharmacy E = florist F = bakery G = dry cleaner







1. A: Is there a post office near here? B: Yes, there is. There’s a post office just around the . 2. A: Is there a pharmacy near here? B: Yes, there is. That’s Jones’ Pharmacy, right across the . 3. A: Is there a supermarket near here? B: Yes, there is. There’s a supermarket two .



4. A: Is there a parking lot near here? B: Yes, there is. There’s a parking lot behind the

. 5. A: Is there a florist near here? B: Yes, very near! It’s right next .

6. A: Is there a bakery near here? B: Yes, there is. There’s a bakery between the florist and the .

Worksheet 10. Vocabulary review Write the letter of the word or phrase that completes each conversation correctly. a. above b. an appointment c. everywhere d. October 22 e. on top of the mountain f. Saturday g. the earth h. to be careful i. warm sweaters j. windy

1. A: What’s that light in the sky? B: It’s a satellite. It’s traveling in orbit around


2. A: When is the date of your wedding? B: It’s


3. A: It’s freezing today! B: Yes, it is! We need _


4. A: When do you clean your house? B: Every


5. A: It’s icy on the street today. B: Yes, it is. We need

. We don’t want to slip

and fall. 6. A: You’re looking out the window. What do you see? B: Snow. It’s snowing hard. There’s snow


7. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. Look out your window on the right side of the plane. Right now we are flying _ Mount Kilimanjaro. That’s the highest mountain in Africa. There’s always snow _

slip and fall = lose your balance on a smooth surface and fall down


Worksheet 11. Game: Scrambled letters Unscramble the letters to form a word. Write the word in the blank space. About the calendar tade


eary nhomt About time dmghtini vnengie ytadmei About weather grainni lcihyl ggfyo About an office skde sapper bkwatsaeste About places in a city vneuae treest recorn

Worksheet 12. Vocabulary review Circle the letter of the word or phrase that means the same as the word or phrase in bold. 1. This room is always neat. Tony always picks up the newspapers and puts the magazines in piles on the table. b. dirty c. in good order d. in bad order a. clean 2. My house is across the street from the high school. b. opposite c. far from d. around the corner a. next to 3. Rocks don’t float on water. They sink in water. b. stay under c. freeze d. stay on top of a. stand 4. There’s a spelling contest at the high school every semester. The best speller wins a prize. a. test b. clinic c. group d. game or competition 5. There’s a nice breeze today. It’s a good day to go sailing. a. cloud b. wind c. sun d. weather 6. The man is standing behind the tree. a. in back of b. beside c. in front of

d. next to

7. We always keep the milk in the back of the refrigerator, on the top shelf. b. in back of c. beside d. in the back part of a. behind 8. People often have coffee breaks in their offices. Some people like to have a donut with their coffee. b. small sandwich c. bread a. sugar d. a small, round cake with a hole in the middle

9. A bagel is like a donut, but it is not sweet. a. cake b. candy c. sandwich

d. ring of bread

10. People like to put cheese on top of a bagel. a. over b. above c. next to d. on

Vocabulary Worksheets Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

apter 5: Talking About the Present

Worksheet 13. Which word doesn’t belong? Check the word that does not belong in the group. 1. O party

O breakfast

O lunch

O dinner

2. O midnight

O evening

O night

O daytime

3. O foggy

O smoggy

O sunny

O cloudy

4. O dry

O humid

O damp

O wet

5. O windy

O breezy

O calm

O stormy

6. O warm

O chilly

O cold

O freezing

7. O over

O above

O up

O down

8. O florist

O high school

O bakery

O dry cleaner

9. O in-box

O out-box

O computer O wastebasket

O neat

O dirty

10. O messy

O in bad order

1 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Vocabulary Worksheets Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

apter 5: Talking About the Present

Worksheet 14. Crossword Complete the crossword puzzle. Use the clues to figure out the words. Write the correct words across and down. Write one letter in each space. 1










1 Carl works 9:00 to 5:00 every day. 4 The opposite of above. 5 A combination of smoke and fog. 6 The day between Thursday and Saturday. 8 The first month of the year.

1 You buy these at a florist. 2 The opposite of inside. 3 Water becomes at 32 F (0 C). 4 The wind is . 7 A century has 100 of these.

1 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Answer Key Worksheet 1 1. month 2. year 3. day 4. date 5. time 6. ten 7. P.M. 8. night

Worksheet 2 1. breakfast 2. donut 3. lunch / sandwich 4. o’clock / night 5. snack 6. dinner / pasta 7. midnight

Worksheet 3 1. Monday / February 6 2. May 3. Wednesday / March 6 4. 5:45 P.M. / noon / night 5. noon / 11:30 A.M. 6. midnight / noon / 6 P.M. 7. the morning / the afternoon / the evening 8. February 14 / Saturday /Valentine’s Day

Worksheet 4 1. at / at / in / in / at 2. in / on / on / on 3. on / on / from / to 4. on / on / from / to 5. at / at / on

Worksheet 5 1. freezing / snowing 2. hot / humid 3. dry / pleasant 4. cool / windy 5. chilly / raining

Vocabulary Worksheets Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

apter 5: Talking About the Present

Worksheet 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

foggy windy rainy cloudy sunny chilly stormy icy breezy smoggy

Worksheet 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

b. next to b. between a. above c. under c. behind a. in front of b. in c. around

Worksheet 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


Worksheet 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

corner street blocks away supermarket door dry cleaner


Worksheet 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

g. the earth d. October 22 i. warm sweaters f. Saturday h. to be careful c. everywhere a. above / e. on top of the mountain

Worksheet 11 About the calendar: date year month About time: midnight evening daytime About weather: raining chilly foggy About an office: desk papers wastebasket About places in a city: avenue street corner

Worksheet 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

a. clean b. opposite d. stay on top of d. game or competition b. wind a. in back of d. in the back part of d. a small round cake with a hole in the middle d. ring of bread d. on

Worksheet 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

party daytime sunny dry calm warm down high school computer neat

Worksheet 14 Across: 1. from 4. below 5. smog 6. Friday 8. January Down: 1. flowers 2. outside 3. ice 4. blowing 7. years



Vocabulary Worksheets Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

apter 5: Talking About the Present

Word List about above afternoon around at avenue away careful behind below between block blow bread breakfast breezy cake calendar calm chilly city clean cloudy competition computer cool corner date day daytime desk dinner donut door down dry dry cleaner earth evening everywhere February

flower foggy freezing Friday from game high school hole hot humid ice icy in in back of in front of January lunch March May middle midnight Monday month morning mountain neat next to night noon o’clock October office on on top of opposite outside P.M. papers part party pasta place pleasant

rain rainy ring round sandwich Saturday small smog smoggy snack snowing stay stormy street summery sunny supermarket sweater ten time to under Valentine’s Day warm wastebasket weather Wednesday wind windy wintery with year

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