essay about the cdc PDF

Title essay about the cdc
Author Ashley Snyder
Course Success in Science, Engineering and Technology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
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essay for week 1 about the cdc for class...


Name: Ashley Snyder Class: ENG-105 Date: 11/09/2020 Professor: Jan Wakefield-Darvas

Rhetorical Analysis of the CDC

ADHD is more common than people think and it’s growing more and more every day. The CDC made a site that gives information on ADHD like, the different types of ADHD, possible causes and symptoms, and the steps of diagnosing and the treatments. The CDC uses ethos, pathos, and logos effectively by relaying information and evidence to the people who are interested in learning about ADHD.

The CDC uses pathos in their website by the way they present material in the layout of information. Logos is an argument that appeals to an audience's sense of logic or reason. (Little Charts, 2020). The CDC uses clear, well organized and information that is easily understood that leads from one section to the next. For example the what is ADHD tab on the website goes from signs and symptoms all they way to ADHD in adults (CDC, 2020). Doing this makes it very easy to navigate the website if someone was looking for specific information when it comes to ADHD. The CDC also provides links throughout the website that lead to resources of where they got data from. There is also footnotes in the website that credit other resources where they CDC

based their information from. Logic and reasoning are provided throughout the CDC website which makes it clearly visible to people visiting it.

The CDC website there isn’t much ethos. Ethos is an argument that appeals to the audience by emphasizing the speaker's credibility and authority. The CDC however can rely on their own reputation as an authority with a long history of conducting research and providing information to the public. The CDC has a goal and that goal is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable, or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same (CDC, 2019). Ethos is found on this website by the origin of the data on it. The information found on this website is written by the CDC’s research and reporting from the ADHD Molecular Genetics Network, the American Journal of Medical Genetics, The Division of Human Development and Disability, and the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. The CDC avoids a bias approach by using data from their scientific research and the findings.

The CDC uses logos by using facts and videos. Logos is a way of persuading an audience with reason, using facts and figures. The CDC has links to the places where they found their information that they use on their website. They have videos one about A National Profile of ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment among U.S. Children Aged 2-5 Years, another about Children’s Mental Disorders: A Journey for Parents and Children and last a video about ADHD in ASL. These videos are a great way to get people to feel emotion and make them want to do more research on ADHD. The CDC gives a lot of information about ADHD on their website and they

back it up with facts not opinions which is a good way to get people to listen to what they are saying.

There is still a lot about ADHD that people don’t know about. The CDC has a great website to get information on ADHD. The information they provided could really help a parent or a potential parent of a child with ADHD by helping them understand what them and their child are going to go through. The CDC website is very organized which makes it easy to find what you are looking for and makes it more appealing to its viewers. The CDC does a great job of using ethos, pathos, and logos effectively to relaying information and provide evidence to the people who are interested in learning about ADHD.

Reference Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, May 13). Mission, Role and Pledge | About | CDC. CDC. National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. (2020, October 23). What is ADHD? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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