Chapter 6 PDF

Title Chapter 6
Author Tata Tata
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Consumer Behavior (11th Edition) Test bank Chapter 6...


Consumer Behavior, 11e (Schiffman/Kanuk) Chapter 6 Consumer Attitude Formation and Change 1) In a consumer behavior context, ________ are learned predispositions to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way with respect to a given object. A) attitudes B) beliefs C) values D) feelings E) intentions Answer: A Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.1: To understand what attitudes are, how they are formed, and their role in consumer behavior. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking 2) John is conducting research on American attitudes toward European car brands, particularly Volkswagen, Volvo, Mercedes, and BMW. The car brands he is researching are ________. A) experiences B) attitudes C) objects D) attributions E) cognitions Answer: C Diff: 2 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.1: To understand what attitudes are, how they are formed, and their role in consumer behavior. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge 3) The shift from no attitude to an attitude is a result of ________. A) biological pressures B) environment C) learning D) genetic predisposition E) self defense Answer: C Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.1: To understand what attitudes are, how they are formed, and their role in consumer behavior. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking 1 Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

4) Attitudes stemming from ________ are more confidently held, more enduring, and more resistant to competitors' messages than attitudes originating from promotional messages only. A) print advertisements B) product usage C) websites D) television advertisements E) endorsers Answer: B Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.1: To understand what attitudes are, how they are formed, and their role in consumer behavior. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking 5) Which of the following is true of attitudes and their relationship with behavior? A) Attitudes are permanent, but the behaviors they reflect change over time. B) Consumers always demonstrate consistency between their attitudes and their behaviors. C) There is no demonstrable link between attitudes and behavior. D) When consumers are free to act as they wish, we anticipate that their actions will be consistent with their attitudes. E) Attitude change is always followed by behavior change. Answer: D Diff: 3 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.1: To understand what attitudes are, how they are formed, and their role in consumer behavior. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge 6) Marketers that offer coupons and free samples of new products to entice consumers to try them understand the importance of ________ in attitude formation. A) subjective norms B) indirect experience C) ego defense D) attribution E) direct experience Answer: E Diff: 2 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.1: To understand what attitudes are, how they are formed, and their role in consumer behavior. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge

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7) Attitudes that develop through ________ tend to be more confidently held, more enduring, and more resistant to attack than those developed via ________. A) direct experience; indirect experience B) internal attribution; external attribution C) utilitarian function; knowledge function D) cognition; emotions E) direct marketing; niche marketing Answer: A Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.1: To understand what attitudes are, how they are formed, and their role in consumer behavior. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Analytical thinking 8) Consumers who have a high need for cognition are likely to ________. A) form positive attitudes in response to ads that feature an attractive model or a celebrity B) form a positive attitude in response to ads or direct mail that are rich in product-related information C) form negative attitudes toward ads that are rich in product information D) feel neutral toward ads that feature attractive models or product information E) feel neutral toward ads that are rich in product-related information Answer: B Diff: 2 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.1: To understand what attitudes are, how they are formed, and their role in consumer behavior. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge 9) According to the ________, attitudes consist of three major components: a cognitive component, an effective component, and a conative component. A) dual mediation model B) tricomponent attitude model C) self-perception theory D) multiattribute attitude model E) functional approach Answer: B Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.2: To understand the tri-component attitude model and its applications. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking

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10) ________ include the knowledge and perceptions that are acquired by a combination of direct experience with the attitude object and related information from varied sources. A) Affectations B) Emotions C) Cognitions D) Objectives E) Conations Answer: C Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.2: To understand the tri-component attitude model and its applications. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking 11) The ________ component of the tricomponent attitude model includes a consumer's emotions or feelings about a particular product or brand. A) conative B) objective C) cognitive D) affective E) situational Answer: D Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.2: To understand the tri-component attitude model and its applications. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Analytical thinking 12) Roy is looking to buy a new HDTV set. He knows from friends that LCD set screens reflect less light than plasma set screens, but that LCD sets are also more subject to blurring than plasma sets. This is an example of the ________ component of his attitude toward HDTVs. A) conative B) objective C) cognitive D) affective E) situational Answer: C Diff: 3 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.2: To understand the tri-component attitude model and its applications. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge

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13) Paula is a regular at Gino's Italian Bistro. She likes going there because the staff always recognizes her, greets her by name, and makes her feel welcome at the restaurant, so she feels an emotional connection with the staff and the restaurant. This is an example of the ________ component of her attitude toward Gino's. A) cognitive B) conative C) situational D) perspective E) affective Answer: E Diff: 2 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.2: To understand the tri-component attitude model and its applications. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge 14) ________ is concerned with the likelihood or tendency than an individual will undertake a specific action or behave in a particular way with regard to the attitude object. A) Cognition B) Affectation C) Situation D) Perspective E) Conation Answer: E Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.2: To understand the tri-component attitude model and its applications. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking 15) In marketing and consumer research, the conative component of the tricomponent attitude model is frequently treated as an expression of the consumer's ________. A) attitude B) level of familiarity C) intention to buy D) attitude toward the object E) ego-defensive function Answer: C Diff: 3 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.2: To understand the tri-component attitude model and its applications. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge

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16) ________ assess(es) the likelihood of a consumer purchasing a product or behaving in a certain way. A) Cognitive dissonance theory B) Buyer intention scales C) Attitude-change strategies D) Emotionally charged states E) Self-perception theory Answer: B Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.2: To understand the tri-component attitude model and its applications. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking 17) ________ portray consumers' attitudes with regard to an attitude object as a function of consumers' perceptions and assessment of the key attributes or beliefs of that object. A) Multiattribute attitude models B) Functional models C) Dual mediation models D) Cognitive dissonance theories E) Tricomponent attitude models Answer: A Diff: 3 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking 18) Attitude-toward-object, attitude-toward-behavior, and theory-of-reasoned-action models are examples of ________. A) tricomponent attitude models B) buyer intention scales C) attitude-change strategies D) self-perception theories E) multiattribute attitude models Answer: E Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking

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19) According to the attitude-toward-object model, the consumer's attitude toward a product is a function of ________. A) price B) communication messages the consumer receives C) the presence or absence of certain product-specific beliefs or attitudes D) the consumer's intention to behave in a certain way E) consumers' subjective norms Answer: C Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking 20) Microsoft wants to measure public attitudes toward the default media-playing software included in its Windows operating system. Which of the following types of multiattribute attitude models would be most appropriate for Microsoft to use? A) theory-of-reasoned-action model B) trying-to-consume model C) attitude-toward-object model D) attitude-toward-behavior model E) attitude-toward-the-ad model Answer: C Diff: 3 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge 21) The ________ is designed to capture the individual's attitude toward acting with respect to an object rather than the attitude toward the object itself. A) theory-of-reasoned-action model B) trying-to-consume model C) attitude-toward-object model D) attitude-toward-behavior model E) attitude-toward-the-ad model Answer: D Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking

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22) Jake feels that shopping in thrift shops shows a lack of class and sophistication. This attitude would be captured by which of the following multiattribute attitude models? A) theory-of-reasoned-action model B) trying-to-consume model C) attitude-toward-object model D) attitude-toward-behavior model E) attitude-toward-the-ad model Answer: D Diff: 3 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge 23) According to the ________, to understand consumers' intentions we also need to measure the subjective norms that influence an individual's intention to act. A) theory-of-reasoned-action model B) trying-to-consume model C) attitude-toward-object model D) attitude-toward-behavior model E) attitude-toward-the-ad model Answer: A Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Analytical thinking 24) ________ involve both the beliefs that the consumer attributes to relevant others, such as friends and parents, and the consumer's motivation to comply with the beliefs held by those relevant others. A) Niche markets B) Subjective norms C) Direct experiences D) External attributions E) Foot-in-the-door techniques Answer: B Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking

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25) If an undergraduate student was considering getting a tattoo and stopped to ask herself what her parents would think of such behavior, such a reflection would constitute her ________. A) internal attribution B) subjective norm C) direct experience D) external attribution E) niche Answer: B Diff: 1 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge 26) Which of the following are considered to be underlying factors that are likely to produce a subjective norm? A) conative predispositions and cognitions B) normative beliefs and motivation to comply with relevant others C) affective predispositions toward the behavior and motivation to comply with others D) intrinsic and extrinsic attributions E) intention and normative beliefs Answer: B Diff: 3 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Analytical thinking 27) An extension of the theory-of-reasoned-action model is the ________, which adds the construct of perceived behavioral control, which is a consumer's perception of whether the behavior is or is not within his or her control. A) trying-to-consume model B) theory of planned behavior C) attitude-toward-object model D) attitude-toward-behavior model E) attitude-toward-the-ad model Answer: B Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking

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28) The ________ is designed to account for cases in which the action or outcome is desired but not certain, and reflects the consumer's attempts to consume, whether or not they are successful. A) theory-of-reasoned-action model B) trying-to-consume model C) attitude-toward-object model D) attitude-toward-behavior model E) attitude-toward-the-ad model Answer: B Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking 29) In the theory of trying to consume, the consumer's attempts to consume may be a result of ________ or ________ impediments that prevent the desired action or outcome. A) personal; social B) personal; environmental C) social; environmental D) physical; economic E) economic; environmental Answer: B Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking 30) According to the attitude-toward-the-ad model, the consumer forms various feelings and judgments as a result of exposure to an ad. If the consumer likes the ad, ________. A) he is more likely to buy the product B) he is less likely to buy the product C) he is less likely to encounter environmental impediments to consumption D) his like or dislike has no relevance to his likelihood of purchasing the product E) he is more likely to attribute satisfaction with the product internally Answer: A Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand the structures of multi-attribute models and using them to alter to consumers' attitudes. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Reflective thinking

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31) Chris notices the label for a popular brand of yogurt suggests the yogurt has more potassium than a banana. Chris had not previously associated the yogurt brand, or any other yogurt, with potassium. In this example, the marketer ________. A) changed the relative evaluation of an existing attribute B) changed the importance of an existing attribute C) added a new attribute D) developed a favorable attitude toward the ad E) used priming Answer: C Diff: 2 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand how to alter consumers' attitudes by making particular needs prominent. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge 32) Attitudes toward online shopping are a function of all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) purchase convenience B) information abundance C) service quality D) promotions E) homepage design Answer: D Diff: 3 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.3: To understand how to alter consumers' attitudes by making particular needs prominent. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge 33) The tuna marketers' task in the "" website and related campaign was to ________. A) turn an approach object into an avoidance object B) turn an avoidance object into an approach object C) turn a knowledge object into a utilitarian object D) turn a utilitarian object into a knowledge object E) turn a utilitarian object into an avoidance object Answer: B Diff: 2 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.4: To understand how to alter consumers' attitudes by making particular needs prominent. Learning Outcome: 9: Discuss the techniques marketers use to change consumers' attitudes AACSB: Application of knowledge

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34) The objective of the "" website and related campaign was to ________. A) communicate that tuna is good for your heart B) communicate that tuna is part of a healthy diet C) communicate that tuna is great on the go D) restore consumer confidence in tuna E) all of the above Answer: E Diff: 1 Skill: Application Learning Obj: 6.4: To understand how to alter consumers' attitudes ...

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