Chapter 6 Partnership Liquidation PDF

Title Chapter 6 Partnership Liquidation
Author Charles Bausa
Course BS in Management Accounting
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 22
File Size 1.7 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 214
Total Views 286


CHAPTER 6CHAPTER 6 Partnership Liquidation – Lump-sumPartnership Liquidation – Lump-sumExercise 6-1Exercise 6- E2 PartnershipE2 Partnership Statement of LiquidationStatement of Liquidation June 1 - 3! "1#June 1 - 3! "1# NNoonn--ccaassh h CCAAPPIITTAALL CCaassh h AAsssseettss LL...


CHAPTER 6 Partnership Partnership Liquidation Liquidation –– Lump-sum Lump-sum Exercise 6-1

E2 Partnership Statement of Liquidation June 1 - 3! "1# N on- cas h C as h A ss et s Pr of it and los s r a tio #a lan ce s be for e li qui dat io n Sa le o f n o n-c as h a sse ts and d is tr ib uti on of los s #a lan ce s Pa *men t of li abi li ti es #a lan ce s Pa *men t to par tn er s

P 2 5$! !! ' 5! $! !! P'"5$ !!! ( & 2 5$ !! !) P25!$ !!! ( 25!$! !!)

P %!!$!! ! ( %! !$ !!!)

Li abi li ties P&2 5$ ! !! P&25$ ! !! ( &25$ ! !!)

CAP Enc ab o 225 5 !! P22 5$ !!! ( & &2$5 !!) P &&2$5 !! P & &2$5 !! ( &&2$5 !! )

Exercise 6-"

&+ Elias$ Enrico and Ener Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* &  '&$ 2!&5 Non-cas Non-cash h Ca sh A s se ts Li abili ti es Pr of it and los s r a tio #a lan ces be for e li qui dat io n Sa le o f n o n-c as h asse ts and d is tr ib uti on of los s Pa *men t of li qui dat io n e1 p ense s #a lan ce s Pa *men t of li abi li it es #a lan ce s Ad diti onal i ne st men t o f E li as #a lan ce s Pa *me n t to p ar tn ers 2+

P . .! !$ !!! %' 0$ !! ! ( 20$ !!! ) P % /!$ !!! (2" !$ !! ! ) P 0 2!$ !!! &5 $!!! P 0 '5$ !!! ( 0 '5$ !!! )

P. &!$! !! (.& !$! !!)

P2"!$ !!!

P 2"!$ !! ! (2 "!$ !! ! )

E li as '. P% !$! !! (% %$!! !) ( /$! !!) ( P &5$ ! !! ) ( P&5 $! !!) &5 $!! !

C A P I T A En r ico '. P2/!$!! ! ( %% $!! !) ( /$ !! !) P2&5 $ !!! P2& 5$ !!! P2 &5 $ !! ! ( 2&5 $!!!)

Elias$ Enrico  and Ener Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* &  '&$ 2!&5 Ca sh Pr of i t a nd los s ratio # ala nce s bef ore li qui da t io n Sa le of non - ca sh a s set s and distr i butio n o f los s Pa* men t of liquid a it on e1 pen ses # ala nce s Pa* men t of liabi litie s # ala nce s 3ffset 3ffset of of loan loan a4ainst a4ainst debit debit balance balance in in the the capital balance of Elias # ala nce s Pa* men t to pa rtners

Non-c Non-cash ash Ass ets

P .! $!! ! P. &!$ !! ! %' 0 $!!! ( .& !$ !! !) ( 20$ !! ! ) P %/!$ !! ! (2! !$ !!! ) P 0/!$ !! !

P 0/!$ !! ! ( 0/! $! !!)

Note Pa*ab Pa*able le to Elias


El ias


' . P% !$ ! !! (% %$ ! !!) ( /$ ! !!) (P &5$ ! !!)

P2 ( ( P2

P" !$ !!!

(P&5 $ !!! )


( &5$!!!) P5 5$ !!! ( 5 5$ !!! )



P"!$ !!!

P2! !$ !!!

P" !$ !!!

P2 !!$! !! (2 !!$ ! !!)

P2 ( 2

Elias$ Enrico  and Ener


Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* &  '&$ 2!&5 N from Pr of it and los s r a tio #a lan ce s be fore li qui dat io n Sale Saleof ofnon-cash non-cashassets assetsand anddistribution distributionof ofloss loss

Non-cas Non-cash h Assets

NP to Elias


P"! !$ !! ! ("!! $!!!)

P " !$! !!

P2!! $ !! !

P&&! $!! !

P "! $! !!

P2! !$ ! !! ( 2 !! $!!!)

P&&! $!! !

P "! $! !!

P2 %$

P" !$ ! !! ( "!$! !!)

P2 %$ 2 ( 2 %$



P .!$!! ! %'0 $! !! ( 20 $! !!) P% /!$ ! !! (2 !!$!! !) P0 /!$ ! !!

P& &!$ !! !

Pa *me n t of li quid at io n e1 p ense s #a lan ce s Pa *me n t of li abili it es #a lan ce s 3ffset 3ffset of of receiable receiable a4ainst a4ainst credit credit balance balance in in the capital of Enrico #a lan ce s P0 /!$ ! !! Pa *me n t to p ar tn ers (0 / !$ !!! ) Exercise 6-3 Case &

E Ellias ' P%! $ ! (2 0$ " ( /$ P2 %$ 2


Enten4 and Estrel Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* &  '&$ 2!&5 3the r

Lo ans6666666

Cap i

#a lances be fore li qui dat ion Sale of other assets 8 dist+ of loss

#a lances Pa *me nt of li abili ti es #a lances 3ffset of loan a4ainst debit balance in the capital of Enten4

#a lances Additional loss to Estrel for the deficienc* of Enten4 #a lances Pa *me nt to partners &+



P 00$!!!

P 0!$!!!

Ca sh Enten4$ Capital Estre l$ Ca pit al 3ther Asse ts

2%.$!!! && .$.!! & '$2 !!

Liabilit ies Cash

2% 0$!!!

Enten4$ Loan E nten4$ Ca pital


Est rel $ Ca pi tal E nte n4$ Capital


Est rel $ Loa n Es trel $ Capit al  C ash



' %$!!! '%$!!!

Case 2 Enten4 and Estrel Statement of Liquidation


2$.!!) 2$.!!

,anuar* &  '&$ 2!&5 3t her #a lances be fore li qui dat ion Sa le of ot her assets a nd di st ribut ion of l oss #a lances Pa *me nt of li abili ti es #a lances 3ffset of loan a4ainst debit balance in capital account #a lances Pa *me nt to partners



Loans666666 6

P 00$!!!

P '%$!!! (&2$0!!)

Ca sh Enten4$ Capital Estre l$ Capit al 3ther Asse ts

2%.$!!! /2$0!! '/$% !!

Liabilit ies Cash


P 0!$!!! ( &/$%!!)


Enten4$ Loan Es tre l$ Lo an E nte n4$ Capita l E strel$ Capi tal


Ent en4 $ Loan Es trel $ Lo an  C ash



Case ' Enten4 and Estrel Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* &- '&$ 2!&5

(P &2 &2

3the r #a lances be fore li qui dat ion Sale of ot her assets 8 distribut ion of loss #a lances Pa *me nt of li abili ti es #a lances 3ffset of loan a4ainst debit balance in the capit al of Estre l #a lances

Loans66 66 666

P 00$!!!

P '%$! !!

P 0 !$!!! (0 !$ !!!)

Additional loss to Enten4 for the deficienc* of Estrel

#a lances Pa *me nt to partners




Ca sh Enten4$ Capital Estre l$ Capit al 3ther Asse ts

2%.$!!! %%$!!! %%$! !!

Liabilit ies Cash


Est rel$ Loa n E st rel$ Cap ita l


Enten4$ Capi ta l Est re l$ Capital


Ent en4 $ Loan Ent en 4$ Capita l  C ash


2%0$!!! 0!$!!! 0!$!!!

P &

Exercise 6-#

E s4uerra Cap ital balances before liq uidati on Lo an from partners Total partners 9 interest Lo ss on r eali:ati on (P0% $! !!  P&2$!!!) #ala nces Add itiona l lo ss to p ar tner s #ala nces Add itiona l lo ss to p ar tner s ;istri buti on of cash to p artn ers


%! !) %!!


P (

&!! '!!)

Estrad a

P %$/ !! ( 2!!)

Pro$%em 6-1

Ester$ Edna$ Emma$ and Ea Statement of Liquidation 3ctober &-'&$2!&0

#alance s befor e li qui dat ion Sale of asset and distribution of loss

#alance s Pa*ment of lia bili tie s #alance s 3ffset of receiable a4ainst credit balance in the ca pit al ac count of E st er #alance s Additional loss to the partners for the deficienc* of Edna s ha red 0=& =& #alance s 3ffset of loan a4ainst debit balance in thecapital ac count of Ea #alance s Pa*ment to part ners #alance s

P '" $5!!

Es ter (0) P'.&$25! ( 225$!!!) P& 5%$25!

C A P Edna ( 2) P /'$"5! ( &&2$5!!) (P &. $"5!)

P'"$ 5!!

P & 5%$25!

(P &. $"5 !)

P &!! $!!!

P'" $5!!

( %2$5!!) P /'$"5!

(P &. $"5!)

P &!! $!!!

P'" $5!!

( &2 $5!!) P .&$2 5!

P &!! $!!! ( &!!$!!!)

( /$'" 5) P2. $&25 (2%$25!) P &$."5

P .&$2 5! ( "'$"5!) P "$5!!

P &$."5 ( &$."5)

P (

C as h P 5!$!!! 5!!$!!! P 55! $!!! ( 0 5! $! !! ) P &!! $!!!

ec< l from Est er P%2 $5!! P%2$5!! P%2$5!!

Li ab ili ti es P 05!$!!! P 05!$!!! ( 05! $!! !)

E a$ Loa n P'"$5!!


Additional inestment b* Emma

#alance s Pa*ment to part ners

3 the r Asse ts P/5!$ !!! ( /5!$!!!)

P (

/$'"5 /$'"5 /$' "5)

"$ 5!! "$5!!)

&.$ "5!

,ournal entries to record the liquidation of the partnership  &+

Cash Ester$ Capital Edna$ C apital Emma$ Ca pi tal Ea$ Capital 3ther Assets

5!! $!!! 225$!!! &&2$ 5! ! 5%$ 25! 5% $25 !


Liabiliti es  C a sh

05!$! ! !


Es ters$ Capit al ecei able from Ester

%2$ 5!!


Es ter$ Capi tal Emma$ Ca pi tal Ea$ Capital Edna$ C api tal

&2$ 5! ! '$ &2 5 ' $&2 5


Ea$ Loan Ea$ C apital

/$ '"5


Ea$ Loan Ester$ Ca pi tal  C ash


Cash Emm a$ Capi ta l

/$'" 5

Ea$ Loan Ester$ Capital Cash

&$ ."5 "$5!!


2% $25 ! "'$ "5!




Esteban$ Capi tal Esteba n$ ;r a>in4 Tota l interest of Est eban Cash recei ed b* E steban

P &00$!!! ( &2$ !!!)



Cas h Eu4e ni o$ Capi tal Ea ri sto$ Capital Este ban$ Capit al 3t her Asset s


Li abilitie s  Cash


Ea risto$ L oan Eu4e nio$ Capi tal Ea ri sto$ Ca pi t al Esteban$ Capital  Cash

Share of Esteban in the loss on liquidation

?ractional share of Esteban Tota l loss on li qui dati on

2+ Eu4enio $ Earisto and Esteban Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* &  '&$ 2!&5

3ther #a lances be fore li qui dat ion Sa le of ot her assets 8 dist ri but ion of lo ss #a lances Pa *ment of li abili ti es #a lances Pa *ment to partners

Pro$%em 6-3




Case &


Estrella$ Espino and Espiritu Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* &- '&$ 2!&5 3the r L 3 Assets Liabil itie s E sp ino

A N E spiritu

C A Es trell a (2)

#a lances be fore li qui dat ion Sale of assets 8 distribution of loss

#a lances Pa *ment of li abili ti es #a lances Pa *ment to partners Case 2 Estrella$ Espino and Espiritu Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* & - '&$ 2!&5

Cash #a lances be fore li qui dat ion Sa le of a sset s 8 dis tri bution of loss #a lances Pa *ment of li abili ti es #a lances P /'$!!! 3ffset of loan a4ainst debit balance in t he capital of Espino #a lances Pa *ment to partners

3 the r Assets

Liabili ti es

L 3 A N Espi no E spi ritu

P 5$!!! ( 2$!!!)

Case ' Estrella$ Espino and Espiritu Statement of Liquidation

P .$! !!

C Estrella (2)

P ''$ !!!


,anuar* & -'&$ 2!&5


3t he r As se ts

Lia bi li ti es

L 3 E spino


N Es pir itu

C A P Estre lla (2) Espi n

#al ances before l iquidat ion Sale of assets 8 distribution of loss

#al ances P a*ment of l iabil it ies #al ances 3ffset of loan a4ainst debit balance in the capital of Espino #al ances P a*ment t o pa rtner s #al ances Additional inestment b* Espino #al ances P a*ment t o pa rtner s

P 2$!!! '$!!!

(P '$! '$!

Estrella$ Espino and Espiritu Schedule to Accompan* Statement of Liquidation Amounts to be Paid to Partners

Capi ta l b al ance s be fore c ash di stribution Add lo an b al anc e Tot al partners9 intere st estricted interest - possible loss to Estrella and Espiritu in the ratio of 2=& i f Es pino fai ls to p a* his defi ci enc* ?r ee interest s - amount s t o be pa id to p artne rs Pa*ment to appl* on= Loan Capit al Cash distributio n

E strel la (2) P 2"$! !!

Espino (2) (P '$!!!)

P 2"$ !!!

(P '$!!!)

( 2$!! !) P 25$!!!

P 25$ !!! P 25$! !!

Case 0 Estrella$ Espino and Espiritu Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* &  '&$ 2!&5


Espir P 0%$!! .$! P 50 $! ( &$!! P 5' $! P .$!! 05$!! P 5' $!!


3ther Assets

Lia bil it ie s

L 3A N Espino

Espiri tu

CAPTI AL Estrella (2)

#a lances be fore li qui dat ion Sale of assets 8 distribution of loss

#a lances Pa *ment of li abili ti es #a lances 3ffset of loan a4ainst debit balance in t he capital of Espin o #a lances Pa*ment to partners #a lances Additional i ne st ment b* Espin o #a lances Pa*ment to partners

P ''$!!!

P 5$ !!! ( 5$!!!)

P .$!! !

P /$!!!


Estrella$ Espino and Espiritu Schedule to Accompan* Statement of Liquidation Amount to be Paid to Partners Es trella (2) Cap ital balances before cash di st ributi on Add loan balance Total partners 9 interest estricted interest - possible loss to Estrella and Espiritu in t he r at io of 2=& if Espino fails to pa* his deficienc* #ala nces estricted interest - possible loss to Espiritu if Estrella fails to pa* his deficienc* ?r ee i nterests - amounts to be paid to partners Pa*ment to appl* on= Loan C apit al Cash dist ribution

(P 5$ !! !) 5$!!!

Espino (2)

Case 5

Cas h #alances be fo re liqui dati on S al e of ass ets 8 distri buti on o f loss #alances P a*ment of li abili ties #alances 3ffset of loan a4ainst debit balance i n the cap ita l of Espi no #alances Additional inestment b* Estrella and Espino #alances Pa*ment of liabilities and pa*ment to partners

Estrella$ Espino and Espiritu Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* & - '&$ 2!&5 3th er 3the r L3A N Assets L iabi li ties E spi no Espiri tu

P 0!$!!!


P .$!!!

Estre lla (2)

(P 5$!!!) 5 $!!!



Problem 6 – 4

&+ Asset

#o o@ al ue

Accounts ecei abl e erchandise I nento r* P repaid Ad e rtisin4 achiner* an d Eq uipment

P %!$ !!! 5! $! !! 2 $!!! 0! $!!! P&52$! !!

C ash eali:ed P%0$!! ! 25$!! ! .! ! 20$ !! ! P& &'$. !!

(Ba (

2+ Easco-Ellor Partnership Statement of Liquidation ,anuar* &  '&$ 2!&5 Cash #alances before liq uidation Sale of assets and distribution o f loss #al ances Dnrecor ded liabilities #al ances Pa*men tof liabiliti es #al ances Additional inestment of Ell or #al ances Additional loss to Easco for the deficienc* of Ell or #al ances Pa*men tto Easco

3ther Assets

P &$!!!

P& 52$! !!

& &'$.!! P& &0$.!!

(&52$! !!)

P& &0$.!! (&!/ $!!!) P 5$.!!

Accounts Pa*able

Notes Pa*able

P2!$! !!

P . %$!!!

P2 !$! !! 2$!!! P2 2$! !! (22$!!!)

P .% $!!! &$! !! P ." $!!! (."$! !!)

CAPI Easco ( 0) P '! $!! ! ( &5 $2. !) P &0$" 2! ( & $2 !!) P &'$5 2! P &'$52 !

0$ !!! P /$.!!

P &'$5 2!

P /$.!! ( /$.!! )

( '$"2 !) P /$. !! ( /$.!!)

'+ a+

Cash E asco$ Capit al El lor $ C apital All o> ance for D ncolle ctible Acc ount s Accum ul ated ;eprecia tion A ccou nts ecei ab le  erchand ise In ento r* P repaid Ad erti sin 4 achiner* and Equ ipm ent

&& '$ .!! &5$ 2.! 22 $ /2! 2 !$!! ! % !$ !!!


Cash E llo r$ Capital

0$ !! !


E as co $ Capit al E llo r$ Capital

'$ "2!


E as co $ Capit al  Cash

/$ .!!




To tal assets  Total capital F To tal liabil ities  P% !$!!! F P '$!!! Less Cash  P' $!! ! F P2 2$2 !! - P2 '$ 2! ! #oo@ alue of n oncash asset s



P%& $ !!! - P2' $2 !!  P' "$.!! 1 02 &


# Cap i tal bal+ befo re liq uidation Lo ss on reali:at i on #alances Add9l l oss to Es pinosa and Esteb an Cash pa*ments to p artners





To tal capi tal Less Cash l eft for dist ributi on Loss on reali:ation

Capi tal bal+ bef or e l iquida tio n Loss on reali:ation #alances Addl loss to E& 8 E2 fo r the de ficienc * o f E' Cash p a* men t t o E& %+



E& P 0!$ !!! ( 2 &$!! !)

E2 P 25$!! ! (& 0$! !!)

To tal capi tal (P'% !$!!! F P "2$! !!) Total li abi lities Total loss on liqui dation

A Capi tal b alances ;r a>in4 ; ist ribu tion of net income Loss on liqu id ation #alances Additi onal loss to Elor and Este

Espera P &!!$!!! ( % !$! !!) 20 $!! ! (& "2$! !! )

Elor P .!$!!! ( 0!$ !!! ) 20 $!!! ( &" 2$! !! )



Escano P& !$! !! ( &. $!!!)

#alances befo re liq uid atio n L oss o n liq uidation - P05$ !!! #alances Additional loss for deficienc* of Escano (P. $!!! - P5$ !!!  P'$!!! ) P a*ment to E elo & !+


& &+


& 2+


Cash t o be r ecei ed b* Escano E scano ca pital b ef or e li quidat ion E scano9 s share in the 4ain on r eali:at ion Escano ith liquidatin4 the bus sellin4 the other assets for P'!!$!!! incurrin4 loss on reali:ation of P&55$5!!+...

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