Chapter 6 Punishment - Practice Questions ch6 PDF

Title Chapter 6 Punishment - Practice Questions ch6
Course Lab in Child Behavior
Institution Binghamton University
Pages 9
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Practice Questions ch6...


True / False 1. Punishment can be defined by whether the consequence appears unfavorable or unpleasant. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 2. The behavior modification definition of punishment can be quite different than a nonprofessional definition of punishment. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 3. Punishment can sometimes increase behavior in the future. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 4. Punishment does not involve an extinction burst. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 5. For punishment to be most effective, the consequences must follow the behavior immediately. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 6. For punishment to be most effective, the behavior should be followed by a punisher every time it occurs. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 7. Punishment is a process that decreases or weakens a behavior. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 8. Positive punishment involves the removal of a positive stimulus following the behavior.

a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 9. Negative punishment involves the delivery of a negative stimulus following the behavior. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 10. The word “no” is an unconditioned punisher for most people. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 11. A more intense punisher will be less effective. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e Multiple Choice 12. If a behavior occurs and it is immediately followed by a consequence that makes the behavior less likely to occur in the future it is called: a. negative reinforcement b. extinction c. punishment d. none of these ANSWER: c 13. Bill spits on an umpire during a baseball game and is suspended for ten games. As a result of being suspended, Bill never spits on an umpire again. Being suspended for his behavior of spitting is referred to as a: a. reinforcer b. punisher c. punishment d. conditioned response ANSWER: b 14. In behavior modification, a punisher is defined by its:

a. effect on the behavior it follows b. intended purpose c. effect on the behavior it precedes d. severity ANSWER: a 15. A consequence can be considered a punisher if the: a. consequence appears unfavorable b. behavior decreases temporarily c. behavior decreases in the future d. consequence is extreme ANSWER: c 16. In behavior modification, the term punishment is used to refer to a process in which the consequence of a behavior results in: a. retribution for the behavior b. a weakening of the behavior c. retaliation for the behavior d. all of these ANSWER: b 17. Andrew was removed from class because he swore at his teacher. As a result of being removed from class activities, Andrew never swears at his teacher again. This is an example of: a. positive punishment b. extinction c. negative punishment d. negative reinforcement ANSWER: c 18. Which procedure(s) decreases a behavior or makes it less likely to occur? a. positive punishment b. positive reinforcement c. negative reinforcement d. A and C ANSWER: a 19. Andrew was removed from class because he swore at his teacher. As a result of being removed from class activities, Andrew continues to swear at his teacher. This is an example of: a. positive punishment b. negative punishment c. positive reinforcement d. none of the above

ANSWER: d 20. Nicole is caught lying to her parents and loses her driving privileges. As a result, Nicole no longer lies to her parents. This is an example of: a. positive punishment b. negative reinforcement c. negative punishment d. extinction ANSWER: c 21. Nikki interrupts her parents when they are talking and her parents scold her and explain why interrupting is rude. As a result, Nikki continues to interrupt her parents when they are talking. This is an example of: a. positive punishment b. negative reinforcement c. positive reinforcement d. none of these ANSWER: c 22. The difference between punishment and reinforcement is that in punishment: a. a stimulus is removed following behavior b. a stimulus is presented following behavior c. the behavior decreases in the future d. the behavior increases in the future ANSWER: c 23. Sam skips school so that he can play video games at the arcade. Sam’s parents find him there and make him mow the lawn when they get home. As a result of having to mow the lawn, Sam doesn’t skip school to go to the arcade anymore. Having to do something he dislikes as punisher for the problem behavior is an example of: a. extinction b. negative punishment c. negative reinforcement d. the Premack Principle ANSWER: d 24. Which of the following is an example of negative punishment? a. time-out from positive reinforcement b. time-out from negative reinforcement c. response cost d. A and C ANSWER: d 25. Time-out from positive reinforcement and response cost both: a. involve the loss of access to reinforcers

b. strengthen a behavior c. involve the presentation of an aversive stimulus d. are examples of negative reinforcement ANSWER: a 26. In behavior modification, negative punishment involves removal of a reinforcer that: a. was maintaining the behavior b. the client doesn’t like c. the person had already acquired d. none of these ANSWER: c 27. If following the behavior, the reinforcer that was maintaining the behavior is removed and the behavior decreases it is called ____________. If a positive reinforcer the person had already acquired is removed following the behavior and the behavior decreases it is called ____________. a. extinction; negative punishment b. negative punishment; extinction c. negative reinforcement; negative punishment d. extinction; negative reinforcement ANSWER: a 28. Extreme cold and extreme levels of auditory stimulation are examples of: a. conditioned punishers b. conditioned reinforcers c. unconditioned punishers d. unconditioned reinforcers ANSWER: c 29. A conditioned punisher is established by a. pairing a neutral stimulus with a reinforcer b. following the behavior with a punisher c. pairing a neutral stimulus with a punisher d. removing a reinforcer for the behavior ANSWER: c 30. If a stimulus needs to be paired with an established punisher in order to function as a punisher it is referred to as a(n): a. conditioned punisher b. conditioned reinforcer c. unconditioned punisher d. unconditioned reinforcer ANSWER: a

31. Which of the following can become a conditioned punisher? a. the word “no” b. threats c. facial expressions d. all of these ANSWER: d 32. The principles of reinforcement and punishment are alike in that: a. behavior is followed by a consequence b. the consequence influences future behavior c. behavior is strengthened d. A and B ANSWER: d 33. Zach comes home past his curfew and is yelled at by his parents. If, as a result of being yelled at, Zach never comes home late again it would be an example of ____________. a. positive punishment b. positive reinforcement c. negative punishment d. negative reinforcement ANSWER: a 34. Which of the following factors influences the effectiveness of punishment? a. immediacy b. contingency c. motivating operations d. all of these ANSWER: d 35. In behavior modification, if a stimulus is presented following the behavior and it influences the future probability of the behavior, the process is either ____________ or ____________. a. negative reinforcement ; negative punishment b. positive reinforcement ; positive punishment c. positive reinforcement ; negative reinforcement d. positive punishment ; negative punishment ANSWER: b 36. The removal of a stimulus following the behavior that influences the future probability of the behavior is a process that is either ____________ or ____________. a. positive punishment ; positive reinforcement b. negative punishment ; negative reinforcement c. positive reinforcement ; negative punishment

d. negative reinforcement ; positive punishment ANSWER: b 37. In order for punishment to be effective, the consequence should follow the behavior closely in time. This factor is referred to as: a. immediacy b. contingency c. characteristics of the consequences d. time delay ANSWER: a 38. Whenever Tommy hits his little brother, he loses his television privileges. Tommy never loses his television privileges for any other behavior. This is an example of a(an) ____________ existing between hitting his little brother and losing his television privileges. a. establishing operation b. contingency c. schedule d. correlation ANSWER: b 39. Which of the following may function as a motivating operation? a. deprivation b. satiation c. instructions d. all of these ANSWER: d 40. Individual differences in the effectiveness of punishment refers to the fact that: a. punishers vary from person to person b. a more intense stimulus will be more effective c. A and B d. none of these ANSWER: a 41. Which of the following is NOT a problem with using punishment in behavior modification? a. it can lead to escape behaviors b. it may evoke emotional reactions c. it may be negatively reinforcing d. it is used to harm individuals ANSWER: d Completion 42. Punishment is defined as


ANSWER: behavior that results in a consequence that weakens the behavior in the future 43. A is a consequence that follows a behavior, making the behavior less likely to occur in the future. ANSWER: punisher or aversive stimulus 44. The difference between positive and negative punishment is whether the consequence of the behavior involves the or of a stimulus. ANSWER: delivery, removal; removal, delivery 45. The Premack principle applied to punishment is defined as _______________. ANSWER: low probability behavior contingent on a high probability behavior 46. Time out is an example of ANSWER: negativ e


47. Nicholas used to come home late for supper until his parents started to take away a dollar of his allowance every time he was late. Nicholas’ behavior of coming home late decreased to zero. This is an example of what form of negative punishment? . ANSWER: response cost 48. An unconditioned punisher is ANSWER: a naturally punishing stimulus


49. A conditioned punisher is . ANSWER: a stimulus that is punishing because it was paired with another punisher 50. When a punisher is delivered following a target behavior, the target behavior will __________ in the future. ANSWER: decreas e 51. _______________ is the process in which a stimulus is delivered following a behavior and the behavior decreases in the future. ANSWER: positive punishment 52. _______________ is the process in which a stimulus is removed following a behavior and the behavior decreases in the future. ANSWER: negative punishment 53. Punishment by application is another name for _______________ punishment. ANSWER: positive 54. Punishment by withdrawal is another name for _______________ punishment. ANSWER: negativ e Subjective Short Answer

55. List 4 factors that influence the effectiveness of punishment. ANSWER Four factors that influence the effectiveness of punishment are immediacy, consistency : of the consequence, motivating operations, and characteristics of the consequence. 56. Describe how the use of punishment can be negatively reinforcing. ANSWER When punishment is used, it results in an immediate decrease in the problem behavior. : If the behavior that is decreased by punishment is aversive to the person using punishment, the use of punishment is negatively reinforced by the termination of the aversive behavior. As a result, the person is more likely to use punishment in the future in similar circumstances. 57. Provide an example of positive punishment and an example of negative punishment. ANSWER An example of positive punishment is Donny pulled Susie’s hair and Susie smacked : Donny. As a result, Donny did not pull Susie’s hair in the future. An example of negative punishment is Taren threw her favorite toy across the room, and her mother took the toy and locked it up. As a result, Taren is less likely to throw her toys in the future. 58. Describe the difference between negative punishment and extinction. ANSWER In negative punishment, the occurrence of a behavior is followed by the removal of a : stimulus, and as a result, the behavior is less likely to occur in the future. Negative punishment involves removal of a reinforcer that was not maintaining the behavior. Extinction occurs when a behavior which has been previously reinforced no longer results in reinforcing consequences and, therefore, the behavior stops occurring in the future. Extinction involves withholding a reinforcer that was maintaining the behavior. 59. Define punishment. ANSWER Punishment is when a particular behavior occurs, a consequence immediately follow : the behavior, and as a result, the behavior is less likely to occur again in the future (behavior is weakened). 60. How does positive punishment differ from negative punishment? ANSWER Positive punishment involves the presentation of a stimulus whereas negative : punishment involves the removal of a stimulus following the behavior. Both result in the weakening of the behavior in the future...

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