Chapter 7-1 - klnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn \'kpppppppnop]jpo i0i\\00000i]-0opjl; pjpjpj PDF

Title Chapter 7-1 - klnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn \'kpppppppnop]jpo i0i\\00000i]-0opjl; pjpjpj
Author Allan Dico
Course Microeconomics
Institution Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Pages 11
File Size 218.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 65
Total Views 172


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Market ng Ch pter 7



Marketing Chapter 7 Terms in this set (60) ________ refer to a form of


product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible.

Which of the following is a


pure tangible good?

Which of the following would be considered part of an augmented product rather than that of an actual product or core customer value?


Marketing Chapter 7


eye makeup. Made from allnatural ingredients, the products are hypoallergenic. Silkskin is selling the products in specially designed tubes that make application easier. Which of the following is a core customer value for Silkskin's line of eye makeup?

Which of the following types of

convenience products

products are generally priced the lowest?

________ products are consumer


products and services that customers usually buy frequently, immediately, and with minimal comparison and buying effort.

A laundry detergent that


consumers purchase frequently, with minimum comparisons, is an example of a(n) ________ product.

Which statement about

They are bought by consumers frequently and with

convenience products is most

minimal comparison.

likely true?

Marketing Chapter 7



________ products are less


frequently purchased consumer products and services that customers compare carefully on suitability, quality, price, and style.

A refrigerator is an example of


a(n) ________ product.

Which of the following is most

Shopping products are purchased less frequently

likely a true statement about

than convenience products.

shopping products?

Which of the following is an


example of a shopping product?

________ products are consumer products and services with unique characteristics or brand identifications for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make more effort than usual to purchase.


Marketing Chapter 7


services that customers generally buy ________.

Consumer products that the


buyer either does not know about or knows about but does not normally consider buying are referred to as ________ products.

Which of the following is an

life insurance

example of an unsought product?

Which of the following

Marketers use aggressive advertising to convince

statements is most likely true

consumers to buy unsought products.

about unsought products?

Which of the following is an


industrial product categorized under materials and parts?

Which of the following is an


example of an industrial product grouped under capital items?

Which of the following is an industrial product categorized under supplies and services?


Marketing Chapter 7


categorized under ________.

Which category of industrial

supplies and services

products includes repair and maintenance?

A&B's Smarter Planet campaign


markets A&B as a company that provides innovative solutions that improve the world's IQ. This activity of A&B is an example of ________ marketing.

The use of traditional business


marketing concepts and tools to create behaviors that will create individual and societal well-being is called ________ marketing

Which of the following


characteristics of a product is defined as "freedom from defects"?

A company adding new features to a product will most likely compare each feature's value to customers with its ________.

cost to the company

Marketing Chapter 7


or a combination of these, that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service.

Which of the following terms


best describes the process of designing and producing a container or wrapper for a product?

Which packaging component


identifies the product or brand?

A product line is most likely

increase profits by adding items

too short if managers can ________.

A product line is most likely

increase profits by dropping items

too long if managers can ________.

Expanding a product line by


adding more items within the present range of the line is known as product line ________.

Lengthening a product line beyond its current range is referred to as product line ________.


Marketing Chapter 7


making inexpensive watches to take advantage of enormous growth rates in low-end market segments. Marque is most likely engaging in ________.

A product mix is also known as


a product ________.

Product mix length refers to

total number of items a company carries within its

the ________.

product lines

Product mix width refers to the

number of different product lines the company



Product mix depth refers to the

number of versions offered for each product in the



Consistency of a product mix

ways in which the various product lines are related

refers to the ________.

Which of the following is most

A service is intangible before it is purchased.

likely a true statement about services?

Service inseparability means

services become a part of their providers, whether

that ________.

the providers are people or machines

Service variability means that

service quality depends on when, where, and how


they are provided

Marketing Chapter 7

Which link in the service chain


internal service quality

emphasizes superior employee selection and training?

Orienting and motivating


customer-contact employees and supporting service people to work as a team to provide customer satisfaction is known as ________ marketing.

The dependence of service


quality on the quality of the buyer—seller communication during the service encounter is referred to as ________ marketing.

Brand ________ is the differential


effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response to the product and its marketing.

Flores Fashions promotes its clothing by emphasizing the durability and quality of the fabrics it uses. The company has positioned its brand based on ________.

product attributes

Marketing Chapter 7



Xenon, a leading consumer-


electronics manufacturing company, markets its products under the company's own brand name. In this case, Xenon has sponsored its products by promoting them as ________ brands.

Store brands are also known as


________ brands.

Berry, a fruit juice company, uses a well-known Which of the following is an example of licensing?

________ occurs when two established brand names of different companies are used on the same product.

cartoon character to promote the company's line of children's products and pays the creator of the cartoon character a fee.


Marketing Chapter 7 sold three varieties of mixed-


BerryBerry SFX.

fruit juices: DazzleBerry, AquaBerry, and GloBerry. The company wants to add more products to its product line. In this case, which of the following is an example of cobranding by BerryBerry?

________ occurs when a company

Line extension

uses its existing brand name for new forms, colors, sizes, ingredients, or flavors of an existing product category.

) Sweet & Cream, a popular frozen yogurt chain, attracts new customers by adding new flavors to its famous frozen yogurt product line. In this case, the company has developed its brand with ________.

line extensions

Marketing Chapter 7


sold three varieties of mixedfruit juices: DazzleBerry, AquaBerry, and GloBerry. The company wants to add more products to its product line. Which of the following is an example of brand extension for BerryBerry?

________ involves using an existing

Brand extension

brand name for a new product category.

Sportware, a leading shoe manufacturer, markets sneakers under the brand name "Athletix" and dress shoes under the brand name "Cameo" in order to target the two different market segments. What branding strategy is most likely being used by Sportware?


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