Chapter 7 - Dr. Gerhardt PDF

Title Chapter 7 - Dr. Gerhardt
Author 宽宽 萧
Course Communication
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 5
File Size 74.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Dr. Gerhardt...


Chapter 7 Nonverbal Communication Definition: ● Nonverbal Communication: Messages expressed by non-linguistic means Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication ● All Behaviour has Communicative Value ○ All nonverbal behaviours convey information ○ Impossible not to communicate ○ Not always conscious of what we are communicating nonverbally ● Nonverbal Communication is primarily relational ○ Allow people to define the kinds of relationships we want to have with others ○ The relational messages sent with nonverbal communication include the degree how people like and want to involve with each other ○ Nonverbal communication is better to expressing attitudes and feelings than ideas ● Nonverbal Communication is Ambiguous ○ More likely to be ambiguous than verbal communication ○ So be careful when you are responding to nonverbal cues ● Nonverbal Communication is more believable ○ Actions speak louder than words ● Nonverbal Communication is Influenced by Culture and Gender ○ Differ by cultures ■ Culture Variations

● FACT: not all members of a culture are identical ● Fact&Inference ○ Emblems: are culturally understood substitutes for verbal expressions ○ Differ by Gender (Women are more expressive than men and better at interpreting nonverbal behaviour) Functions of Nonverbal communication ● Regulating ○ Nonverbal regulators help control verbal interaction (Lower pitch, eye contact...) ● Repeating ○ Nonverbal behaviours may repeat a verbal message ● Substituting ○ We can substitute nonverbal messages for verbal ones that we communicate (Short hands for words) ● Complementing ○ Words complement the actions and actions complement the words ● Accenting ○ Use nonverbal communication to emphasize and drive people’s attention to some of your information ● Contradicting ○ Verbal & Nonverbal communication conflict with each other Deception and Nonverbal Communication ● Hiding Deceit ○ “Benevolent lie”

● Detecting Deceit ○ No reliable nonverbal clues that indicate deception Types of Nonverbal Communication ● Faces and Eyes (Most Noticable) ○ Facial impressions are too complex to used to define people’s emotions ○ Eye contact reflects and increases liking, indicate interests. ● Body Movement ○ Kinesics: The study of how people communicate through bodily movements ■ Must consider the context ■ May sometimes be unintentional ■ Gestures ■ Postures ● Touch ○ Haptics: Communication involving touch ■ Very ambiguous communication so context is critical for interpretation ■ Primitive and long lasting and very context dependent ■ Requires invasion of personal space ■ Usually used together with other nonverbal communication ● Voice ○ Paralanguage: the way a message is spoken. (Vocal pitch, pitch, emphasis word. volume, inflection etc.)

■ Listeners are more attend to the paralanguage than the actual content of the words when asked to determine speakers’ attitudes ○ Disfluencies (Vocal Fillers): Umms, ahhs, like…. ○ Characterizers ■ Laughters, whiners. cryers, the tone ● Distance ○ Proxemics: is the study how people use the space around them ○ Personal Space: the distance between ourselves and others ■ Intimate Distance ➢ skin contact to about 45 cm ■ Personal Distance ➢ 45cm to 1.2m ➢ People are reasonably close but less personal than the ones occur 30 cm or closer ■ Social Distance ➢ 1.2m to 3 m (3-6 feet for people you don’t know) ■ Public Distance ➢ 7.5 m and beyond ● Territoriality ○ Everyone has their personal space bubble ● Time ● Physical Appearances ○ skin colour ○ Height/Weight

○ Attractiveness ■ Cultural and personal component ■ People seek out individuals similar to themselves ■ Judge physically attractive people as more intelligent and friendly ○ Body Artifacts ■ Clothing, accessories which convey meaning, social status, ID ■ Body piercings, tattoos...

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