Chapter 7 - HDFS 3700; Spring 2016; Practice test PDF

Title Chapter 7 - HDFS 3700; Spring 2016; Practice test
Author Amie Mendes
Course Adol And Young Adult
Institution University of Georgia
Pages 26
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HDFS 3700; Spring 2016; Practice test...


Chapter 7—Work and Leisure Multiplee Choice


Today’s teenagers spend the most hours: A) on schoolwork. B) with members of their families. C) on leisure activities. D) working. Answer: C


All of the following led to an increase in free time for contemporary adolescents, except: A) organized youth movements. B) compulsory schooling. C) improved economics after World War II. D) more adolescent autonomy. Answer: A


Adolescents spend the least amount of time on _____ activities and the most amount of time on _____ activities. A) productive; maintenance B) productive; leisure C) maintenance; productive D) maintenance; leisure Answer: B


Expanding opportunities for adolescents to get involved in community service would be associated with all but which of the following outcomes? A) enhancing their feelings of confidence and responsibility B) helping integrate them into the community C) increasing their contact with adult role models D) increasing the likelihood that they drop out of school Answer: D


American high school students spend fewer than _____ hours per week on homework, while Japanese high school students average closer to _____. A) 10; 20 hours per week B) 20; 20 hours per week

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C) 5; 5 hours per day D) 5; 5 hours per week Answer: C


Which adolescent is least likely to spend leisure time reading? A) Jeanne Marie, who lives in France B) Valheida, who lives in Austria C) Jeannette, who lives in the United States D) Momoko, who lives in Japan Answer: C


Which adolescent is most likely to spend free time with friends? A) Jenny, who lives in the United States B) Genevieve, who lives in France C) Juana, who lives in Span D) Jae, who lives in Korea Answer: A


What percentage of today’s high school students will have worked in an after school job before graduating? A) between 25-35% B) between 50-60% C) between 80-90% D) between 65-75% Answer: C


On average, all of the following are true in regard to high school student employment except: A) 75% of seniors work during the school year B) 40% of sophomores work during the school year C) 50% of adolescents work during the school year D) 80-90% of adolescents will have worked an after school job before graduating Answer: C


According to the textbook, all of the following contributed to the rise of the adolescent workplace in the United States, except: A) industrialization. B) the expansion of the service sector. C) the expansion of the retail sector. TB-7 | 2

D) a relatively short school day compared with other countries. Answer: A 11.

According to the textbook, which of the following is not true? A) today’s high school students are working more than ever before. B) many students work fairly long hours. C) many working adolescents are busy with school or work commitments for close to 50 hours a week (not including time devoted to extracurricular activities or homework). D) many working adolescents are busy with school or work commitments for close to 50 hours a week (including time devoted to extracurricular activities or homework). Answer: D


Which of the following characteristics of the retail and restaurant industries contributed to the rise in adolescent employment? A) need for part-time workers B) abundance of low wage positions C) short shift schedules D) all of the above Answer: D


Older students are more likely to hold _____jobs and working teenagers in rural areas are more likely to be employed in _____jobs. A) formal; agricultural B) formal; informal C) service jobs informal jobs D) service jobs; informal jobs Answer: A


Paid youth employment during the school year is virtually nonexistent in places such as: A) France, Hungary, Russia, and Switzerland B) European countries C) Japan and Taiwan D) paid youth employment during the school year is fairly common in all of the above places. Answer: A


Who is more likely to be employed during the school year? TB-7 | 3

A) B) C) D)

Daryl Theresa Both Daryl and Theresa are equally likely to be employed. Theresa during early adolescence and Daryl during late adolescence

Answer: C 16.

Justin is a typical American working adolescent. He is probably busy with school and work for approximately _____ hours a week. A) 20 B) 35 C) 50 D) 65 Answer: C


According to the textbook, in general, how does employment affect adolescent development? A) working helps adolescents develop a sense of responsibility and prepares them for the transition to adulthood B) working interferes with other activities, such as school C) working promotes the development of undesirable behaviors, such as drug and alcohol use D) the question of how adolescents are affected by working depends on many factors, including the nature of the job, the number of hours worked each week, and the aspect of development studied. Answer: D


Who is more likely to hold a part-time job during high school? A) Gino, a Canadian adolescent B) Cheri, a Swedish adolescent C) Hope, a Japanese adolescent D) Selena, an American adolescent Answer: D


An adolescent who works in a government-sponsored apprenticeship and spends more time outside of school doing homework is most likely from: A) America. B) Europe. C) Africa. D) Any of the above places Answer: B TB-7 | 4


In contrast to adolescents in the United States, adolescents in Europe: A) are more likely to drop out of school early to take on a full-time job. B) are expected to work part-time while they are in school. C) are more likely to have an apprenticeship while in high school. D) have a more difficult time getting a full-time job once they graduate from high school. Answer: C


Ryan did a survey at his middle school of the most common after-school jobs for the eighth grade class. What are his results likely to say? A) movie theater usher and nurses’ aide B) baby-sitting and lawn work C) fast-food worker and clothing store cashier D) receptionist and paper carrier Answer: B


Hillary is a high school senior. Which of the following jobs is she most likely to have? A) food server at a restaurant B) baby-sitter C) gardener D) housekeeper Answer: A


Which of the following jobs would be least likely to be held by an adolescent girl? A) fast-food worker B) baby-sitter C) housecleaner D) newspaper carrier Answer: D


Overall, the greatest number of working high school students are employed in: A) construction and manual labor. B) restaurants and retail establishments. C) offices and other clerical settings. D) factories and manufacturing plants. Answer: B


Parker, a senior in high school, is looking for a job. What type of job is he least likely to

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take? A) stock boy in a retail store B) cashier at a minimart C) pizza delivery driver D) nurses’ aide Answer: D 26.

Stan’s parents both work long hours. They are concerned that he doesn’t have enough interaction with adults. If they want him to be exposed to more adult interaction, which of the following activities should they not encourage him to do? A) join the wrestling team B) run for student council C) get a job at the local music store D) try out for the school play Answer: C


Research assessing adolescent work experiences found: A) adolescents have little opportunity to interact with other adolescents on the job. B) adolescents often form close relationships with adults with whom they work. C) adolescents are unlikely to see their coworkers outside of work. D) adolescents find it easier to talk about their personal problems with adults at work than with their parents. Answer: C


Robert, a 15-year-old, works for a fast-food restaurant. How old is Robert’s supervisor most likely to be? A) the same age as Robert B) not much older than Robert C) in his early 30s D) middle-aged Answer: B


Jamie works at McDonald’s. She had a bad day at work. Who is she least likely to talk to about her bad day? A) other adolescents at work B) her friends at school C) her adult supervisor at work D) her parents Answer: C

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Which of the following is true of most adolescents’ jobs? A) They encourage adolescents to behave independently. B) They require challenging decision making. C) Adolescents are rarely required to use skills taught in school. D) Adolescents receive strict instruction from supervisors. Answer: C


Overall, teenagers are least likely to comment that their jobs: A) are dreary. B) offer good learning experiences. C) provide opportunities to exercise responsibility. D) pay well. Answer: A


Which of the following statements is not supported by research with regard to adolescent employment? A) Working builds character, teaches adolescents about the “real world,” and helps them prepare for adult responsibilities. B) The benefits of working during adolescents have been overstated. C) Intensive employment during the school year may be detrimental to adolescent development. D) Intensive employment during the school year may be detrimental to adolescents’ preparation for adult work. Answer: A

33. A U-shaped or inverted-U pattern of results, as seen in studies that have examined how adolescents’ moods change over time when with their families, is called what? A) a curvy line pattern B) a linear pattern C) a quadratic pattern D) a curvilinear pattern Answer: D 34.

Ruben works over 20 hours a week during the school year and Marianne does not work at all. Ruben, compared to Marianne, is more likely to: A) become more socially responsible. B) know how to manage his money better. C) endorse unethical business practices. D) not engage in drug and alcohol use.

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Answer: C 35.

The average working high school student earns _____ per month in wages. A) $150 B) $200 C) $300 D) $400 Answer: D


Lisa earns approximately $300 a month from her part-time job. She is most likely to spend the money on: A) family necessities. B) personal luxuries. C) household expenses. D) college expenses. Answer: B


Having more income than one can manage during early adolescence has been called: A) precocious income. B) displacement abundance. C) occupational disparity. D) premature affluence. Answer: D


Which of the following is not an effect of premature affluence? A) decreased satisfaction with their financial situations as young adults B) increased social belongingness C) increased drug and alcohol use D) increased materialistic attitudes Answer: B


Which of the following is an adolescent the least likely to spend their job earnings on? A) drugs and alcohol B) designer clothing C) higher education D) stereo equipment Answer: C

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What makes adolescents attractive targets for a variety of businesses? A) the size of the adolescent population B) the prevalence of student employment C) the fact that adolescents save less than any other age group D) all of the above Answer: D


As discussed in the textbook, adolescents who work more than 20 hours weekly are more likely than their peers to: A) be absent from school. B) graduate from high school. C) spend more time on their homework. D) be less cynical about the workplace. Answer: A


Which of the following is not associated with adolescents who work? A) greater absences from school B) greater enjoyment of school C) less time spent on homework D) earn lower grades Answer: B


Much of adolescents’ money is spent on discretionary purchases related to leisure activities. Additionally, many adolescents spend money on ____, which accounts for one-sixth of the amount of dollars spent each year on _____. A) alcohol and cigarettes; alcohol B) computer software; computer software C) drugs such as marijuana and cocaine; illegal drugs D) health-related injuries; emergency visits Answer: A


Which of the following has not been found to be a characteristic of adolescents who work more than 20 hours per week? A) lowered school achievement B) copying homework from friends or other forms of cheating C) more involvement in extracurricular activities D) taking less demanding classes Answer: C

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How are nonworking students affected when large numbers of students in their school work? A) They become jealous of their working peers’ affluence. B) They do not get as good an education because many teachers lower classroom expectations. C) They develop similar problem behaviors, such as cheating and losing interest in school. D) They are not generally affected. Answer: B


Abner works long hours on weekends and after school. Research suggests that Abner is: A) likely to develop a strong sense of responsibility. B) less likely to engage in delinquent activities than his nonworking peers. C) likely to engage in minor delinquency D) likely to report his fellow workers for their delinquent behavior. Answer: C


Cory works long hours. According to the research presented in the textbook, Cory might increase in which of the following: A) aggression B) school misconduct C) minor delinquency D) all of the above Answer: D


Pam uses marijuana every weekend. Based on the options below and according to the textbook, it is most likely that: A) Pam is unemployed. B) Pam works long hours. C) Pam is spending too much time with her supervisor. D) Pam’s job is not very stressful. Answer: B


Fewer than ____ of teens are out of school, unemployed, and looking for full-time work. A) 8% B) 15% C) 25% D) 40% Answer: A

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Which of the following statements about unemployed youth is false? A) The majority of unemployed youth are high school dropouts. B) Minority youth are more likely to be unemployed than white youth. C) The majority of unemployed youth are unmotivated to find work. D) The majority of unemployed adolescents stay unemployed only for short periods of time. Answer: C


According to research by Wayne Osgood and colleagues, the combination of several factors is the recipe for delinquency and other problem behaviors among adolescents. This view is called the routine activity theory, and all but which of the following are thought to be major contributing factors to this combination? A) a lack of structure B) lower then average intelligence C) socializing with peers D) the absence of adult supervision Answer: B


Drawing on research that shows that certain extracurricular activities benefit adolescents, and research showing the potential dangers of leaving adolescents unsupervised after school, some experts have argued that well-designed programs will not only deter problem behavior but also encourage youth to develop strengths. This emphasis on developing positive attributes is known as what? A) pro-bono youth development B) preventative youth development C) cultivating decent youths D) positive youth development Answer: D


All of the following are noted to be benefits of service learning, except: A) enhancement of self-esteem and feelings of self-efficacy. B) acquiring academic and career skills. C) improved mental health. D) teaching respect and obedience. Answer: D


The positive effects of service learning are most likely to occur in all of the following circumstances, except when:

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A) B) C) D)

adolescents have good relationships with their supervisors. adolescents are given sufficient autonomy. adolescents are closely supervised. adolescents have adequate time to learn from their experiences.

Answer: C 55.

Based on the success rates of different interventions designed to combat youth unemployment, the textbook suggests that efforts be directed at all of the following ways to reduce youth unemployment except: A) expanding opportunities for community service. B) providing government training programs for adolescents who are not in school. C) improving community services for youth. D) offering apprenticeship programs during high school. Answer: B


Research suggests that the best way to combat the unemployment problem of adolescents who are not attending school is through: A) job training. B) volunteer programs. C) participation in the Armed Forces. D) helping adolescents stay in school. Answer: D


The Experience Sampling Method involves: A) observing individuals in their natural setting. B) witnessing change in the makeup of the population. C) adolescents carrying beepers and reporting their moods when paged. D) researchers becoming participants during their observations. Answer: C


The Experience Sampling Method was created by: A) Greenberger. B) Larson. C) Steinberg. D) Bachman. Answer: B


Emma is dancing to her favorite song on the radio when her electronic pager goes off. Emma proceeds to pull out a notebook and record her current emotional state. This type of

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data collection is called: A) ethnography. B) participant observation. C) Experience Sampling Method. D) demography. Answer: C 60.

When are adolescents usually in the “worst” mood? A) when they are with friends B) when they are working C) when they are with their family D) when they are alone Answer: D


Between grades 5 and 9, adolescents’ moods while with friends become more positive, whereas moods while with their families follow a(n) _____ pattern. A) increasingly positive B) increasingly negative C) neutral D) curvilinear Answer: D


Ivan, a teenager, is most likely to expend high levels of concentration and interest when he is: A) with his friends. B) in school. C) playing sports. D) watching television. Answer: C


Kent has been involved in minor delinquent behavior. In order to curb this type of behavior, Kent’s parents should: A) encourage Kent to get a full-time job. B) encourage Kent to get a part-time job. C) enroll Kent in a larger school. D) enroll Kent in an after-school activity. Answer: D


The most popular type of extracurricular activities are:

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A) B) C) D)

athletics. music. academic clubs. occupational clubs.

Answer: A 65.

Aside from athletics, which types of extracurricular activity are next most popular among adolescents? A) music-related and academic-related B) academic-related and church-related C) occupation-related and music-related D) church-related and occupation-related Answer: A


Jeb has the choice of several after-school activities. Statistically, he is the most likely to choose: A) music. B) science. C) athletics. D) a job. Answer: C


Dr. Eckert wants to learn whether students with high self-esteem are more likely to participate in extracurricular activities, or if participation in extracurricular activities enhances adolescents’ psychological well-being. She is most likely to understand a causeand-effect relationship between psychological well-being and extracurricul...

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