Chapter 7 Quiz BCIS 4350 PDF

Title Chapter 7 Quiz BCIS 4350
Author Hannah Cupps
Course Managing Information Systems
Institution Tarleton State University
Pages 3
File Size 71.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Chapter 7 Quiz BCIS 4350 1. Which of the following forms of e-commerce is more likely to offer a more customized product offering?

The elimination of organizations that operate between the producer and the consumer is called _____. di si nt er medi at i on


_____ is a subset of e-commerce that involves electronic transactions between consumers using a third party to facilitate the process. Consumer t oconsumer( C2C)ecommer ce


Based on a Supreme Court ruling, an Internet-based merchant needs to charge sales tax only when _____. buy er sl i vei nast at ewher et hemer chanthasaphy si calpr esence


A reason for the growth in business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce is that online B2C shoppers have the ability to design a _____ product. per sonal i z ed


_____ divides the pool of potential customers into subgroups usually defined in terms of demographic characteristics. Mar k etsegment at i on


Which of the following forms of e-commerce has created an opportunity for many people to make a living out of selling items on auction Websites? Consumer t oconsumer( C2C)ecommer ce


Which of the following statements is true of retargeting? I templ oy sper sonal i z edadst odi r ectshopper sbackt oar et ai l er ' sWebs i t et hey pr evi ousl yabandoned. 8.

The number of mobile Websites worldwide is expected to grow rapidly because of ______________. t hedevel opmentofnewandusef ul appl i cat i ons


Which of the following is NOT one of the three basic components of a successful e-commerce model? capi t al


A(n) _____ is an HTML code, not visible on a displayed Web page, that contains keywords representing the Website’s content, which search engines use to build indexes pointing to the Website. met at ag


_____ is an approach used to capture user-provided information, such as information from warranties, surveys, user registrations, and contest-entry forms completed online. Expl i ci tper sonal i z at i ont echni que


The ______ is a security technique associated with the use of credit cards at the time of purchase that checks additional digits printed on the back of the credit cards. Car dVer i ficat i onNumber


_____ is a standard that spells out measures and security procedures to safeguard a card issuer, a cardholder, and a merchant. PaymentCar dI ndust r y( PCI )


A _____ is a credit card issued to selected employees to streamline the traditional purchase order and invoice payment processes. pr ocur ementcar d


Which of the following is NOT one of the key website performance measures commonly used by online retailers? t ot alsal es


Authentication technologies are used by many organizations to _____. confir mt hei dent i t yofauserr equest i ngaccesst oi nf or mat i onorasset s


Conversion to an e-commerce or m-commerce system enables organizations to _________. i mpr ov et hel ev el ofcus t omerser vi ce


If you shop on, _____. dependi ngonwhi chst at ey ouar ei n,y oumayormaynotpayt ax


Through e-government, _____. anygover nmentuni t ,busi nessori ndi vi dualcani nt er actwi t ht hegover nment


Consumers prefer mobile commerce sites ________. t hatar econv eni entandeffici entt ouse


When compared to traditional commerce ________. ecommer cet r ansact i onscansavemoney


Unlike B2C sites, some B2B sites ________. al l owpr i cenegot i at i ons


If consumer data is stolen from a business's computers, ________. t hecust omer scanfil eacl assact i onl awsui tagai nstt hebusi ness


Suppose a retailer who has no technology expertise wishes to set up an online presence for his business. He ________. canuseahost i ngser vi cet os etupt hesi t e



To improve traffic to your e-commerce site, _______.

The information necessary for personalizing web pages for individual customers _________. i spr i mar i l ygat her edbyanal yzi nguser s' pastt r ansact i onsont hewebsi t e


Because of ____ commerce sites, anyone can become a merchant online. C2C


E-commerce sites are able to keep the amount of data entry errors to a minimum ________. Byhavi ngt hebuy er sent erpr oduct si nf or mat i ont hemsel ves


Tom's Art Supplies used to sell art supplies through mail order catalogs, but the company's order takers often had difficulty deciphering their customers' handwriting on the order forms. Since switching to an online e-commerce site, Tom's has been able to enjoy the advantage of ______. i ncr easi ngaccur acy


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