Chapter 8 B - Kelli Teager PDF

Title Chapter 8 B - Kelli Teager
Author Megan Snider
Course Human Anatomy
Institution University of Iowa
Pages 7
File Size 378 KB
File Type PDF
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Kelli Teager...


the appendicular skeleton: the lower extremities overview - appendicular skeleton: includes bones of the limbs & the girdles of bones that attach limbs to axial skeleton

pelvic girdle - the pelvic girdle consists of the right & left ossa coxae - with sacrum & coccyx = the bony pelvis

os coxae - the “hip bones” - fusion of ilium, ischium & pubis - typically occurs btwn 13-15 years of age - articulations: - anteriorly at pubic symphysis - posteriorly w/ the sacrum - laterally w/ femur at aceetabulum - all 3 bones of os coxa contribute to its acetabulum (socket)

ch 8 B

ilium - largest of thee 3 fused coxal bones - makes up the superior portions of os coxa & acetabulum - iliac fossa - anterior superior iliac spine - anterior inferior iliac spine - arcuate line

- iliac fossa - anterior superior iliac spine - anterior inferior iliac spine - arcuate line - posterior gluteal line - greater sciatic notch

ischium - posterior region of os coxae - ischial spine - lesser sciatic notch - ischial tuberosity - ischial ramus pubis - anterior region of os coxae - superior ramus - inferior ramus - pubic crest - pubic tubercle - pubic symphysis - obturator foramen

- iliac crest - posterior superior iliac spine - posterior inferior iliac spine

- iliac crest - posterior superior iliac spine - posterior inferior iliac spine - anterior gluteal line - inferior gluteal line

true & false pelves - pelvic brim: continuous oval ridge formed by pubic crest, pectineal line, arcuate line & sacral promontory - true pelvis: the portion inferior to the pelvic rim - contains true pelvic organs - false pelvis: the portion superior to the pelvic rim - contains the abdominal organs

sex differences between pelves - most reliable indicator of the sex of a skeleton is the pelvis, due to the requirements of pregnancy & childbirth - major differences: - female - less massive - less prominent bone markings - flared - pubic angle is wider

lower limb overview - femur in the femoral region (thigh) - patella (kneecap) in the patellar region - tibia & fibula in the crural region (leg) - tarsals (7) in ankle & proximal food - metatarsals (5) in arch of foot - phalanges (14) in the toes femur - neck - greater trochanter - intertrochanteric line - patellar surface

- popliteal surface - adductor tubercle - medial epicondyle - medial condyle

patella - “kneecap” within tendon of quadriceps femoris muscle - triangular w/ broad superior base & inferiorly pointed apex - articulates w/ patellar surface of femur

- head - fovea (capitis) - lesser trochanter - intertrochanteric crest - gluteal tuberosity - line aspera

- lateral epicondyle - lateral condyle - intercondylar fossa

tibia & fibula - the 2 bones making up the crural region (leg) are the tibia & fibula - parallel to each other - tibia is medial to fibula - tibia is weight-bearing - connected by an interosseous membrane/ligament

tibia - intercondylar eminence - lateral condyle - anterior border/margin/crest

fibula - head - neck - lateral malleolus

- medial condyle - tibial tuberosity - medial malleolus

tarsals - tarsals: 7 bones - cuboid - cuneiforms (wedges) - medial - intermediate - lateral - navicular - talus: superiormost; weight-bearing; articulates w/ tibia - calcaneus: largest; forms the heel metatarsals - metatarsals - 5 bones in sole of foot - articulations: - proximally w/ tarsals - distally w/ phalanges - identified by roman numerals - I-V from medial to lateral - ex: I base of hallux/big toe phalanges - phalanges - 14 bones per foot - digits I-V (like metatarsals) - 3 phalanges for toes 2-5 - proximal - middle - distal - great toe (hallux) has only 2 phalanges - proximal - distal

arches of the foot - arches of foot help to prevent pinching of muscles, nerves & blood vessels - 3 major arches: - medial longitudinal arch: heel to hallux; highest arch - lateral longitudinal arch: heel to 5th toe; lowest arch - transverse arch: perpendicular to other arches; along distal row of tarsals...

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